author cgandhi
Thu, 05 Aug 2010 16:48:48 +0530
changeset 18 013a02bf2bb0
child 25 a180113055cb
permissions -rw-r--r--
pushing changes for common libs and trace messages

 * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
 * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL ""
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
 * Contributors:
 * Manasij Roy, Nalina Hariharan
 * Description:
 * SmfPostProvider


#include <QObject>
#include <qmobilityglobal.h>
#include <qgeopositioninfo.h>
#include <QTextDocument>
#include <smfglobal.h>
#include <smfclientglobal.h>
#include <smfprovider.h>
#include <smfcontact.h>
#include <smflocation.h>
#include <smfpost.h>

class SmfPostProviderPrivate;

 * @ingroup smf_client_group 
 * Interface to post scrap/tweet like info.
 * Note that branding information for the particular service implementation
 * is available from getProvider() API. See also:
 * SmfProvider::serviceName(), SmfProvider::serviceIcon(), SmfProvider::description()
 * Interface name for SmfPostProvider is
class SMFCLIENT_EXPORT SmfPostProvider : public QObject

	 * Constructs SmfPostProvider.
	 * @param baseProvider The base provider info
	 * Seeing as this is a plug-in implementation, these will realistically
	 * be generated by SMF factory of some kind
	SmfPostProvider(SmfProvider* baseProvider);
	 * Destructor

	 * returns maximum no of chars (unicode) that service provider can post without truncation
	 * negative value means no limit
	qint32 maxCharsInPost() const;
	 * returns maximum no of items that can be returned in a single query to getPosts
	 * negative value means feature not supported.
	qint32 maxItems() const;

	 * returns all the formatting of posts that this service provider supports.
	 * May return 0 items to mean only QString is supported.
	QVector<QTextFormat> supportedFormats () const;
	 * returns whether this SP supports Appearence @see SmfAppearenceInfo
	bool supportsAppearence () const;

public slots:
	 * Gets the posts asynchronously. The signal postsAvailable()with SmfPostList is emitted
	 * once the post lists are available
	 * @param user user's contact in this SP, omit for self contact
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
     * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE 
	 * @see postsAvailable()
	void posts(SmfContact* user = 0,int pageNum=SMF_FIRST_PAGE,int perPage=SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
	 * Updates a post to own area, the success of the post can be checked with signal
	 * updatePostFinished() signal
	 * @param postData data to be posted
	 * @param location location data
	void post(SmfPost& postData,SmfLocation& location);
	 * Updates the last post to own area with new data, the success of the post can be checked with signal
	 * updatePostFinished() signal
	 * @param postData edited/new data to be posted
	 * @param location location data
	void updatePost(SmfPost& postData); 
	 * Updates a post to a particular Smf contact. the success of the post can be checked with signal
	 * updatePostFinished() signal.
	 * @param postData data to be posted
	 * @param contact contact to which the post is to be directed
	 * @param location location data
	void postDirected(SmfPost& postData,SmfContact& contact,SmfLocation* location=0);
	 * Method to post a comment on a post.
	 * @param aTarget Post on which comment has to be posted
	 * @param aComment comment to be posted
	 * @param aLocation location data
	void commentOnAPost( SmfPost &aTarget, SmfPost &aComment, SmfLocation *aLocation = NULL);
	 * Posts appearance info of the user.e.g. appear offline, busy, do-not-disturb
	 * @param appearence user appearance
	 * @see SmfPresenceInfo
	 * @return False on Failure/Not supported 
	bool postAppearence(SmfAppearenceInfo appearence, const QString &status); 
	 * Share /a contact's post to user's friends and followers (e.g. retweet in twitter, share on facebook)
	 * emits updatePostFinished() signal when done.
	 * @param postData data to be posted
	 * @param contact contact to which the post belonged
	 * @param bool whether user changed items within the post
	void sharePost(SmfPost& postData,SmfContact& contact,bool edited);
	* Request for a custom operation.
	* @param operationId OperationId
	* @param customData Custom data to be sent
	* Note:-Interpretation of operationId and customData is upto the concerned
	* plugin and client application. service provider should provide some
	* serializing-deserializing utilities for these custom data
   void customRequest(const int& operationId,QByteArray* customData);
	 * Emitted when a request to  getPosts() is finished
	 * Note if number of posts is large, then it can download the list page by page
	 * In that case this signal is emitted multiple times.
	 * @param list list of posts
	 * @param error error string
	 * @param resultPage Page number info
	void postsAvailable(SmfPostList* list, SmfError error, SmfResultPage resultPage);
	 * Emitted when update post is finished.
	 * @param success the success of the update
	void postFinished(SmfError success);
	 * Emitted when custom data is available
	 * @param operationId Requested operation id
	 * @param customData Custom data received, interpretation is not the responsibility of Smf
	void customDataAvailable(int operationId, QByteArray* customData);
	 * Gets the base provider info
	SmfProvider* getProvider() const;
// Friend Class
	//friend so that it can directly emit SmfPostProvider's signal
	friend class SmfPostProviderPrivate;
	SmfProvider* m_baseProvider;
	SmfPostProviderPrivate* m_private;	//private impl wrapper

SMF_SERVICE_NAME(SmfPostProvider, "\0.2")