; fbcontactfetcherplugin_installer.pkg generated by qmake at 2010-07-30T14:11:44
; This file is generated by qmake and should not be modified by the user
; Language
; SIS header: name, uid, version
#{"fbcontactfetcherplugin installer"},(0xA000D7CE),1,0,0
; Localised Vendor name
; Unique Vendor name
; Manual PKG pre-rules from PRO files
; Default HW/platform dependencies
; Default dependency to Qt libraries
; Default dependency to QtMobility libraries
"D:/smf/MissingCode/smfrepo/example/fbcontactfetcherplugin/fbcontactfetcherplugin.sis" - "c:\adm\fbcontactfetcherplugin.sis"