author cgandhi
Tue, 14 Sep 2010 17:23:49 +0530
changeset 21 74572af13dfc
parent 18 013a02bf2bb0
child 25 a180113055cb
permissions -rw-r--r--
changes for fixing armv5 build issues

 * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
 * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL ""
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
 * Contributors:
 * Manasij Roy, Nalina Hariharan
 * Description:
 * Private implementation of music related services


#include <qcontactgeolocation.h>
#include <smfglobal.h>
#include <smfobserver.h>
#include <smfevent.h>
#include <smfsubtitle.h>
#include <smfmusicprofile.h>
#include <smflyrics.h>
#include <smfplaylist.h>
#include <smftrackinfo.h>
#include <smflocation.h>
#include <smfprovider.h>

	class CSmfClientSymbian;	
	class SmfClientQt;
class SmfMusicService;
class SmfMusicSearch;
class SmfPlaylistService;
class SmfMusicEvents;
class SmfLyricsService;
class SmfMusicFingerPrint;
class SmfMusicRating;
class SmfComment;

class SmfMusicServicePrivate : public smfObserver
	 * Constructor
	SmfMusicServicePrivate(SmfMusicService* aMusicService);
	 * Destructor
	 * Gets self profile information asynchronously.
	 * userInfoAvailable() signal is emitted with SmfMusicProfile when the info is arrived
	void userinfo ( );

	 * Asynchronously searches information about other service users for a particular venue
	 * searchInfoAvailable() signal is emitted with SmfMusicProfileList when the info is arrived.
	 * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
	 * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	void searchUser ( SmfLocation venue, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
						int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
	 * Request for a custom operation. The signal customDataAvailable() is emitted 
	 * when the result is available.
	 * @param operationId OperationId
	 * @param customData Custom data to be sent
	 * Note:-Interpretation of operationId and customData is upto the concerned
	 * plugin and client application. service provider should provide some
	 * serializing-deserializing utilities for these custom data
	void customRequest ( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
	 * Posts currently playing track.
	 * Success can be checked by checking the signal postFinished()
	 * @param track Track to post
	void postCurrentPlaying ( SmfTrackInfo track);
	void postRating ( SmfTrackInfo track, SmfMusicRating rate);
	void postComments ( SmfTrackInfo track, SmfComment comment);
public: // from smfObserver
	 * To notify availibility of asynchronous requests.
	 * @param result Requested result, before using must check error param.
	 * @param opcode Requested opcode, for which the result has arrived.
	 * @param error Error 
	void resultsAvailable(QByteArray result,SmfRequestTypeID opcode, SmfError error);
	SmfMusicService* m_musicService;
	//serialized byte array of provider+other info to be sent to the server
	//The order:- SmfProvider then params in order of their appearance in fn
	QByteArray m_serializedDataToServer;
	CSmfClientSymbian* m_SmfClientPrivate;
	friend class CSmfClientSymbian;
	SmfClientQt* m_SmfClientPrivate;
	friend class SmfClientQt;
	int m_argFlag;

class SmfMusicSearchPrivate : public smfObserver
	 * Constructor
	SmfMusicSearchPrivate(SmfMusicSearch* aMusicSearch);
	 * Constructor
	 * Searches for music recommendations similar to a particulartrack asynchronously.
	 * The signal trackSearchAvailable() is emitted with SmfTrackInfoList
	 * once its arrived.
	 * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
	 * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
	 * @param track The track for which similar recommendations need to be fetched.
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	void recommendations ( SmfTrackInfo track, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
			int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
	 * Searches for tracks similar to a given track asynchronously.
	 * The signal trackSearchAvailable() is emitted with SmfTrackInfoList
	 * once its arrived.
	 * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
	 * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
	 * @param track The search criteria, similar tracks are searched
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	void tracks ( SmfTrackInfo track, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
			int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
	 * Searches for a track having similar finger print asynchronously.
	 * The signal trackSearchAvailable() is emitted with SmfTrackInfoList
	 * once its arrived.
	 * @param signature The search criteria,signature to be searched for
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	void trackInfo ( SmfMusicFingerPrint signature, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
			int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
	 * Search information about where to buy this song from asynchronously.
	 * The signal storeSearchAvailable() is emitted with SmfProviderList once its arrived.
	 * @param track The search criteria for stores
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	void stores ( SmfTrackInfo track, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE, 
			int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
	 * Request for a custom operation. The signal customDataAvailable() is emitted 
	 * when the result is available.
	 * @param operationId OperationId
	 * @param customData Custom data to be sent
	 * Note:-Interpretation of operationId and customData is upto the concerned
	 * plugin and client application. service provider should provide some
	 * serializing-deserializing utilities for these custom data
	void customRequest ( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
public: //From smfObserver
	 * To notify availibility of asynchronous requests.
	 * @param result Requested result, before using must check error param.
	 * @param opcode Requested opcode, for which the result has arrived.
	 * @param error Error 
	void resultsAvailable(QByteArray result,SmfRequestTypeID opcode, SmfError error);
	SmfMusicSearch *m_musicSearch;
	//serialized byte array of provider+other info to be sent to the server
	//The order:- SmfProvider then params in order of their appearance in fn
	QByteArray m_serializedDataToServer;
	CSmfClientSymbian* m_SmfClientPrivate;
	friend class CSmfClientSymbian;
	SmfClientQt* m_SmfClientPrivate;
	friend class SmfClientQt;
	int m_argFlag;


class SmfPlaylistServicePrivate : public smfObserver

	 * Constructs SmfPlaylistService with base provider info
	SmfPlaylistServicePrivate(SmfPlaylistService* aPlayLstSrvc);
	 * Destructor

	 * Gets the list playlists for the logged-in user asynchronously.
	 * The signal playlistsListAvailable() signal is emitted with
	 * SmfPlaylistList once its arrived .
	 * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
	 * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	void playlists ( int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
			int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
	 * Gets the list playlists for the given user asynchronously.
	 * The signal playlistsListAvailable() signal is emitted with
	 * SmfPlaylistList once its arrived.
	 * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
	 * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
	 * @param user User for which to get the playlists
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	void playlistsOf ( SmfMusicProfile* user, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
			int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
	 * Upload currently playing track to a playlist. Signal
	 * playlistUpdated() can be checked for success value
	 * @param plst The playlist to be added in
	 * @param tracks The list of tracks to uploaded
	int addToPlaylist ( SmfPlaylist plst, SmfTrackInfoList* tracks );
	 * Upload currently playing playlist . Signal
	 * playlistUpdated() can be checked for success value
	 * @param plst The playlist to be uploaded
	int postCurrentPlayingPlaylist ( SmfPlaylist plst );
	 * Request for a custom operation. The signal customDataAvailable() is emitted 
	 * when the result is available.
	 * @param operationId OperationId
	 * @param customData Custom data to be sent
	 * Note:-Interpretation of operationId and customData is upto the concerned
	 * plugin and client application. service provider should provide some
	 * serializing-deserializing utilities for these custom data
	void customRequest ( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
public: //From smfObserver
	 * To notify availibility of asynchronous requests.
	 * @param result Requested result, before using must check error param.
	 * @param opcode Requested opcode, for which the result has arrived.
	 * @param error Error 
	void resultsAvailable(QByteArray result,SmfRequestTypeID opcode, SmfError error);

	SmfPlaylistService* m_playlstSrvc;
	//serialized byte array of provider+other info to be sent to the server
	//The order:- SmfProvider then params in order of their appearance in fn
	QByteArray m_serializedDataToServer;

	CSmfClientSymbian* m_SmfClientPrivate;
	friend class CSmfClientSymbian;
	SmfClientQt* m_SmfClientPrivate;
	friend class SmfClientQt;
	int m_argFlag;

class SmfMusicEventsPrivate : public smfObserver

	 * Constructs SmfMusicEvents with base provider info
	SmfMusicEventsPrivate(SmfMusicEvents* aMusicEvent);
	 * Destructor

	 * Gets list of events in a particular venue asynchronously.
	 * eventsAvailable() signal is emitted with SmfEventsList once its arrived.
	 * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
	 * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	void events ( SmfLocation venue, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
			int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
	 * Gets list of venues of a particular location asynchronously.
	 * venuesAvailable() signal is emitted with SmfLocationList once its arrived.
	 * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
	 * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	void venues ( SmfLocation location, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
			int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
	 * Updates events. Might not be supported by all service provider.
	 * eventsUpdated() signal can be checked for success value.
	 * @param SmfEventsList List of events to be posted
	void postEvents ( SmfEventList events );
	 * Request for a custom operation. The signal customDataAvailable() is emitted 
	 * when the result is available.
	 * @param operationId OperationId
	 * @param customData Custom data to be sent
	 * Note:-Interpretation of operationId and customData is upto the concerned
	 * plugin and client application. service provider should provide some
	 * serializing-deserializing utilities for these custom data
	void customRequest ( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
public: //From smfObserver
	 * To notify availibility of asynchronous requests.
	 * @param result Requested result, before using must check error param.
	 * @param opcode Requested opcode, for which the result has arrived.
	 * @param error Error 
	void resultsAvailable(QByteArray result,SmfRequestTypeID opcode, SmfError error);

	SmfMusicEvents* m_musicEvent;
	//serialized byte array of provider+other info to be sent to the server
	//The order:- SmfProvider then params in order of their appearance in fn
	QByteArray m_serializedDataToServer;
	CSmfClientSymbian* m_SmfClientPrivate;
	friend class CSmfClientSymbian;
	SmfClientQt* m_SmfClientPrivate;
	friend class SmfClientQt;
	int m_argFlag;

 * provides service ("")
class SmfLyricsServicePrivate : public smfObserver

	 * Constructs SmfLyricsService with base provider info.
	SmfLyricsServicePrivate(SmfLyricsService* aLyricsSrvc);
	 * Destructor

	 * Get the lyrics lists asynchrnously, it fetches texts without time info.
	 * lyricsAvailable() notification comes SmfLyricsList with when the data is available
	 * @param track Track for which lyrics needs to be fetched.
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	void lyrics ( SmfTrackInfo track, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
			int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
	 * Get the lyrics lists asynchrnously, it fetches texts with time info.
	 * Subtitle search filter can be applied
	 * subtitleAvailable() notification comes SmfSubtitleList with when the data is available
	 * @param track Track for which subtitle needs to be fetched.
	 * @param filter Subtitle search filter
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	void subtitles ( SmfTrackInfo track, SmfSubtitleSearchFilter filter,
			int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE, int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
	 * Request for a custom operation. The signal customDataAvailable() is emitted 
	 * when the result is available.
	 * @param operationId OperationId
	 * @param customData Custom data to be sent
	 * Note:-Interpretation of operationId and customData is upto the concerned
	 * plugin and client application. service provider should provide some
	 * serializing-deserializing utilities for these custom data
	void customRequest ( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
public: //From smfObserver
	 * To notify availibility of asynchronous requests.
	 * @param result Requested result, before using must check error param.
	 * @param opcode Requested opcode, for which the result has arrived.
	 * @param error Error 
	void resultsAvailable(QByteArray result,SmfRequestTypeID opcode, SmfError error);
	SmfLyricsService *m_lyricsSrvc;
	//serialized byte array of provider+other info to be sent to the server
	//The order:- SmfProvider then params in order of their appearance in fn
	QByteArray m_serializedDataToServer;
	CSmfClientSymbian* m_SmfClientPrivate;
	friend class CSmfClientSymbian;
	SmfClientQt* m_SmfClientPrivate;
	friend class SmfClientQt;
	int m_argFlag;

