* Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"
* Initial Contributors:
* Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
* Contributors:
* Manasij Roy, Nalina Hariharan
* Description:
* The playlist class represents an instance of a playlist.
* SmfPlaylist class is in accordance with the XML Shareable Playlist Format (XSPF)
* as mentioned in http://xspf.org/xspf-v1.html
#include <smfplaylist.h>
#include <smfplaylist_p.h>
* Constructor with default argument
SmfPlaylist::SmfPlaylist( )
d = new SmfPlaylistPrivate;
* Copy Constructor
* @param aOther The reference object
SmfPlaylist::SmfPlaylist( const SmfPlaylist &aOther )
: d( aOther.d )
* Overloaded = operator
* @param aOther The reference object
* @return The target reference value
SmfPlaylist& SmfPlaylist::operator=( const SmfPlaylist &aOther )
d->m_version = aOther.d->m_version;
d->m_title = aOther.d->m_title;
d->m_author = aOther.d->m_author;
d->m_comments = aOther.d->m_comments;
d->m_info = aOther.d->m_info;
d->m_location = aOther.d->m_location;
d->m_playlistId = aOther.d->m_playlistId;
d->m_image = aOther.d->m_image;
d->m_creationDate = aOther.d->m_creationDate;
d->m_license = aOther.d->m_license;
d->m_attribution = aOther.d->m_attribution;
d->m_metadata = aOther.d->m_metadata;
d->m_extension = aOther.d->m_extension;
d->m_trackList = aOther.d->m_trackList;
return *this;
* Destructor
SmfPlaylist::~SmfPlaylist( )
* Method to get the version of the playlist
* @return The version of the playlist
QString SmfPlaylist::version( ) const
return d->m_version;
* Method to get the playlist title
* @return The title of the playlist
QString SmfPlaylist::playListTitle( ) const
return d->m_title;
* Method to get the author of the playlist
* @return The author of the playlist
QString SmfPlaylist::author( ) const
return d->m_author;
* Method to get the comments on the playlist
* @return The comments on the playlist
QList<SmfComment> SmfPlaylist::comments( ) const
return d->m_comments;
* Method to get the URI of a web page to find out more about this playlist
* @return The info Url
QUrl SmfPlaylist::info( ) const
return d->m_info;
* Method to get the Source URI for this playlist
* @return The Source URI for this playlist
QUrl SmfPlaylist::location( ) const
return d->m_location;
* Method to get the id of the playlist
* @return The ID value
QString SmfPlaylist::id( ) const
return d->m_playlistId;
* Method to get the URI of an image to display in the absence
* of an image for playlist's tracks
* @return The deafult image Url
QUrl SmfPlaylist::image( ) const
return d->m_image;
* Method to get the creation date of the playlist
* @return The date and time of creation of the playlist
QDateTime SmfPlaylist::creationDate( ) const
return d->m_creationDate;
* Method to get the URI of a resource that describes the license
* under which this playlist was released
* @return The license Url
QUrl SmfPlaylist::license( ) const
return d->m_license;
* Method to get the ordered list of URIs. The purpose is to satisfy
* licenses allowing modification but requiring attribution
* @return The list of license Urls
QList<QUrl> SmfPlaylist::attribution( ) const
return d->m_attribution;
* Method to get the meta element that allows metadata fields to be added to XSPF
* @return The meta elements as a QVarintMap
QVariantMap SmfPlaylist::metadata( ) const
return d->m_metadata;
* Method to get the extension element that allows non-XSPF XML
* to be included in XSPF documents
* @return The extension elements as a QVarintMap
QVariantMap SmfPlaylist::extension( ) const
return d->m_extension;
* Method to get the list of tracks in the playlist
* @return The list of tracks in the playlist
QList<SmfTrackInfo> SmfPlaylist::trackList( ) const
return d->m_trackList;
* Method to set the version of the playlist
* @param aVersion The version of the playlist
void SmfPlaylist::setVersion( const QString& aVersion )
d->m_version = aVersion;
* Method to set the playlist title
* @param aTitle The title of the playlist
void SmfPlaylist::setPlayListTitle( const QString &aTitle )
d->m_title = aTitle;
* Method to set the author of the playlist
* @param aAuthor The author of the playlist
void SmfPlaylist::setAuthor( const QString& aAuthor )
d->m_author = aAuthor;
* Method to set the comments on the playlist
* @param aComments The comments on the playlist
void SmfPlaylist::setComments( const QList<SmfComment>& aComments )
d->m_comments = aComments;
* Method to set the URI of a web page to find out more about this playlist
* @param aInfoUrl The info Url
void SmfPlaylist::setInfo( const QUrl& aInfoUrl )
d->m_info = aInfoUrl;
* Method to set the Source URI for this playlist
* @param aLocation The Source URI for this playlist
void SmfPlaylist::setLocation( const QUrl& aLocation )
d->m_location = aLocation;
* Method to set the id of the playlist
* @param aId The ID value
void SmfPlaylist::setId( const QString &aId)
d->m_playlistId = aId;
* Method to set the URI of an image to display in the absence
* of an image for playlist's tracks
* @param aImage The default image Url
void SmfPlaylist::setImage( const QUrl& aImage )
d->m_image = aImage;
* Method to set the creation date of the playlist
* @param aDate The date and time of creation of the playlist
void SmfPlaylist::setCreationDate( const QDateTime& aDate )
d->m_creationDate = aDate;
* Method to set the URI of a resource that describes the license
* under which this playlist was released
* @param aLicense The license Url
void SmfPlaylist::setLicense( const QUrl& aLicense )
d->m_license = aLicense;
* Method to set the ordered list of URIs. The purpose is to satisfy
* licenses allowing modification but requiring attribution
* @param aAttribution The list of license Urls
void SmfPlaylist::setAttribution( const QList<QUrl>& aAttribution )
d->m_attribution = aAttribution;
* Method to set the meta element that allows metadata fields to be added to XSPF
* @param aMetaData The meta elements as a QVarintMap
void SmfPlaylist::setMetadata( const QVariantMap& aMetaData )
d->m_metadata = aMetaData;
* Method to set the extension element that allows non-XSPF XML
* to be included in XSPF documents
* @param aExtension The extension elements as a QVarintMap
void SmfPlaylist::setExtension( const QVariantMap& aExtension )
d->m_extension = aExtension;
* Method to set the list of tracks in the playlist
* @param aList The new list of tracks in the playlist
void SmfPlaylist::setTrackList( const QList<SmfTrackInfo> &aList )
d->m_trackList = aList;
* Method for Externalization. Writes the SmfPlaylist object to
* the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
* @param aDataStream Stream to be written
* @param aPlaylist The SmfPlaylist object to be externalized
* @return reference to the written stream
QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &aDataStream,
const SmfPlaylist &aPlaylist )
// Serialize d->m_version
// Serialize d->m_title
// Serialize d->m_author
// Serialize d->m_comments
// Serialize d->m_info
// Serialize d->m_location
// Serialize d->m_playlistId
// Serialize d->m_image
// Serialize d->m_creationDate
// Serialize d->m_license
// Serialize d->m_attribution
// Serialize d->m_metadata
// Serialize d->m_extension
// Serialize d->m_trackList
return aDataStream;
* Method for Internalization. Reads a SmfPlaylist object from
* the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
* @param aDataStream Stream to be read
* @param aPlaylist The SmfPlaylist object to be internalized
* @return reference to the stream
QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &aDataStream,
SmfPlaylist &aPlaylist)
// Deserialize d->m_version
// Deserialize d->m_title
// Deserialize d->m_author
// Deserialize d->m_comments
// Deserialize d->m_info
// Deserialize d->m_location
// Deserialize d->m_playlistId
// Deserialize d->m_image
// Deserialize d->m_creationDate
// Deserialize d->m_license
// Deserialize d->m_attribution
// Deserialize d->m_metadata
// Deserialize d->m_extension
// Deserialize d->m_trackList
return aDataStream;