#include <QDebug>
#include "smfSns.h"
#include <QString>
#include "smfUserProfile.h"
#include "smfSocialProfile.h"
#include "dsm.h"
int main(){
QString sns_name = "facebook";
QString sns_url = "http://www.facebook.com";
SMFSocialNetworkingSite mySns (sns_name, sns_url);
qDebug() << "Name of my SNS: " << mySns.snsName();
qDebug() << "URL of my SNS: " << mySns.snsURL();
qDebug() << "ID of my SNS(should be negative): " << mySns.snsID();
QString user_name = "Test User";
QString user_contact_id = "1234567890";
SMFUserProfile myUser(user_name, user_contact_id);
qDebug() << "Name of my user: " << myUser.name();
qDebug() << "Contact ID of my user: " << myUser.contactID();
qDebug() << "User ID of my user: " << myUser.userID();
DataStoreManager* dsm_p = DataStoreManager::getDataStoreManager();
if(dsm_p != NULL){
// dsm_p->deleteUserProfile(myUser);
qDebug() << "----------------\nState: " << dsm_p->getState();
qDebug() << "Error Message: " << dsm_p->getError() << "\n----------------";
qDebug() << "Error getting database handle";
qDebug() << "Name of my user: " << myUser.name();
qDebug() << "Contact ID of my user: " << myUser.contactID();
qDebug() << "User ID of my user: " << myUser.userID();
qDebug() << "Name of my SNS: " << mySns.snsName();
qDebug() << "URL of my SNS: " << mySns.snsURL();
qDebug() << "ID of my SNS(should be negative): " << mySns.snsID();
QString profile_url = sns_url + "/test_user";
QString screen_alias = "scrnALIAS";
SMFSocialProfile mySocPrfl(mySns,profile_url, screen_alias);
qDebug() << "My Social Profile's associated SNS ID: " << mySocPrfl.associatedSnsID();
qDebug() << "My social Profile's associated User ID: " << mySocPrfl.associatedUserID();
qDebug() << "ProfileURL: " << mySocPrfl.profileURL();
qDebug() << "Screen Alias: " << mySocPrfl.screenAlias();
qDebug() << "My Social Profile's ID: " << mySocPrfl.profileID();
DataStoreManager* dsm2 = DataStoreManager::getDataStoreManager(); // jsut to test that only one object is created.
if (dsm_p == dsm2)
qDebug() << "true";
if(dsm2 != NULL){
dsm2->createRelation(myUser, mySocPrfl);
qDebug() << "My Social Profile's associated SNS ID: " << mySocPrfl.associatedSnsID();
qDebug() << "My social Profile's associated User ID: " << mySocPrfl.associatedUserID();
qDebug() << "ProfileURL: " << mySocPrfl.profileURL();
qDebug() << "Screen Alias: " << mySocPrfl.screenAlias();
qDebug() << "My Social Profile's ID: " << mySocPrfl.profileID();
return 0;