* Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"
* Initial Contributors:
* Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
* Contributors:
* Manasij Roy, Nalina Hariharan
* Description:
* The Transport Manager Utility class provides the http/https transaction
* methods for the smf framework
// Include files
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QSettings>
#include <zlib.h>
// For proxy settings on emulator only - REMOVE for device
#include <QNetworkProxy>
#include "smftransportmanagerutil.h"
#include "smfpluginmanager.h"
// Static Global constants
static const char kSmfUserAgent[] = "SmfFrameWork";
static const char kSmfCacheControl[] = "no-cache";
static const char kSmfAcceptEncoding[] = "gzip";
// Static data initialisation
SmfTransportManagerUtil* SmfTransportManagerUtil::m_myInstance = NULL;
* Method to get the instance of SmfTransportManagerUtil class
* @return The instance of SmfTransportManager class
SmfTransportManagerUtil* SmfTransportManagerUtil::getInstance ( )
if(NULL == m_myInstance)
m_myInstance = new SmfTransportManagerUtil( );
return m_myInstance;
* Constructor with default argument
* @param aParent The parent object
SmfTransportManagerUtil::SmfTransportManagerUtil ( )
: m_networkAccessManager ( this )
// Storage of settings (Only data usage as of now)
m_settings = new QSettings("Sasken", "SmfTransportManager");
// Create the settings if no data is stored
if( !m_settings->contains("Sent Data") )
m_settings->setValue("Sent Data", 0);
if( !m_settings->contains("Received Data") )
m_settings->setValue("Received Data", 0);
qDebug()<<"Using PROXY SETTINGS!!!, change for device testing";
// Reading the keys, CSM Stubbed - START
QFile winFile("c:\\data\\DoNotShare.txt");
if (!winFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
qDebug()<<"File to read the windows username and password could not be opened, returning!!!";
QByteArray winArr = winFile.readAll();
QList<QByteArray> winList = winArr.split(' ');
QString httpUser(winList[0]);
QString httpPass(winList[1]);
// For proxy settings on emulator only - REMOVE for device
QString httpProxy = "";
QString httpPort = "3128";
//==Classes used from Network Module==
QNetworkProxy proxy;
* Destructor
SmfTransportManagerUtil::~SmfTransportManagerUtil ( )
delete m_settings;
delete m_myInstance;
* Method that does a http GET request. Returns the unique QNetworkReply
* instance for this transaction to the plugin manager to trace the
* proper response.
* @param aRequest The request formed by the plugin
* @param aUrlList The list of accessible Urls for this plugin
* @param aSOPCompliant [out] Output parameter indicating Same Origin
* Policy Compliance. Contains true if the request complies to the policy,
* else false. If it is false, the network request will not performed
* @return The unique QNetworkReply instance for this transaction
QNetworkReply* SmfTransportManagerUtil::get (
QNetworkRequest &aRequest,
const QList<QUrl> &aUrlList,
bool &aSOPCompliant )
qDebug()<<"Inside SmfTransportManagerUtil::get()";;
bool found = false;
QString hostName = aRequest.url().host();
// Same Origin Policy checking
// Check if the host name of the url in the request created by the
// plugin is among the authorised url host name list
foreach(QUrl url, aUrlList)
if(0 == hostName.compare(url.host()))
found = true;
aSOPCompliant = true;
// Set header to accept gzip encoded data
aRequest.setRawHeader("Accept-encoding", kSmfAcceptEncoding);
// Set the cache control
aRequest.setRawHeader("Cache-Control", kSmfCacheControl);
// Put the same user agent for all requests sent by Smf
aRequest.setRawHeader("User-Agent", kSmfUserAgent);
QNetworkReply* reply = m_networkAccessManager.get(aRequest);
qDebug()<<"QNetworkReply of get() = "<<(long)reply;
connect(&m_networkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply *)),
this, SLOT(networkReplyFinished(QNetworkReply *)));
connect(&m_networkAccessManager, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)),
this, SLOT(networkReplyError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
return reply;
// Error :: SAME ORIGIN POLICY violation!!!
aSOPCompliant = false;
qDebug()<<"SOP violation";
return NULL;
* Method that does a http POST request. Returns the unique QNetworkReply
* instance for this transaction to the plugin manager to trace the
* proper response.
* @param aRequest The request formed by the plugin
* @param aPostData The data to be posted via http POST request
* @param aUrlList The list of accessible Urls for this plugin
* @param aSOPCompliant [out] Output parameter indicating Same Origin
* Policy Compliance. Contains true if the request complies to the policy,
* else false. If it is false, the network request will not performed
* @return The unique QNetworkReply instance for this transaction
QNetworkReply* SmfTransportManagerUtil::post (
QNetworkRequest &aRequest,
const QByteArray& aPostData,
const QList<QUrl> &aUrlList,
bool &aSOPCompliant )
qDebug()<<"Inside SmfTransportManagerUtil::post()";
bool found = false;
QString hostName = aRequest.url().host();
// Same Origin Policy checking
// Check if the host name of the url in the request created by the
// plugin is among the authorised url host name list
foreach(QUrl url, aUrlList)
if(0 == hostName.compare(url.host()))
found = true;
aSOPCompliant = true;
// Set header to accept gzip encoded data
aRequest.setRawHeader("Accept-encoding", kSmfAcceptEncoding);
// Set the cache control
aRequest.setRawHeader("Cache-Control", kSmfCacheControl);
// Put the same user agent for all requests sent by Smf
aRequest.setRawHeader("User-Agent", kSmfUserAgent);
qDebug()<<"post data size is = "<<aPostData.size();
qDebug()<<"post data is = "<<QString(aPostData);
QNetworkReply* reply = m_networkAccessManager.post(aRequest, aPostData);
qDebug()<<"QNetworkReply of post() = "<<(long)reply;
connect(&m_networkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply *)),
this, SLOT(networkReplyFinished(QNetworkReply *)));
connect(&m_networkAccessManager, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)),
this, SLOT(networkReplyError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
return reply;
// Error :: SAME ORIGIN POLICY violation!!!
aSOPCompliant = false;
qDebug()<<"SOP violation";
return NULL;
* Method that does a http HEAD request. Returns the unique QNetworkReply
* instance for this transaction to the plugin manager to trace the
* proper response.
* @param aRequest The request formed by the plugin
* @param aUrlList The list of accessible Urls for this plugin
* @param aSOPCompliant [out] Output parameter indicating Same Origin
* Policy Compliance. Contains true if the request complies to the policy,
* else false. If it is false, the network request will not performed
* @return The unique QNetworkReply instance for this transaction
QNetworkReply* SmfTransportManagerUtil::head (
QNetworkRequest& aRequest,
const QList<QUrl> &aUrlList,
bool &aSOPCompliant )
qDebug()<<"Inside SmfTransportManagerUtil::head()";
bool found = false;
QString hostName = aRequest.url().host();
// Same Origin Policy checking
// Check if the host name of the url in the request created by the
// plugin is among the authorised url host name list
foreach(QUrl url, aUrlList)
if(0 == hostName.compare(url.host()))
found = true;
aSOPCompliant = true;
// Set header to accept gzip encoded data
aRequest.setRawHeader("Accept-encoding", kSmfAcceptEncoding);
// Set the cache control
aRequest.setRawHeader("Cache-Control", kSmfCacheControl);
// Put the same user agent for all requests sent by Smf
aRequest.setRawHeader("User-Agent", kSmfUserAgent);
QNetworkReply* reply = m_networkAccessManager.head(aRequest);
qDebug()<<"QNetworkReply of head() = "<<(long)reply;
connect(&m_networkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply *)),
this, SLOT(networkReplyFinished(QNetworkReply *)));
connect(&m_networkAccessManager, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)),
this, SLOT(networkReplyError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
return reply;
// Error :: SAME ORIGIN POLICY violation!!!
aSOPCompliant = false;
qDebug()<<"SOP violation";
return NULL;
* Method that does a http PUT request. Returns the unique QNetworkReply
* instance for this transaction to the plugin manager to trace the
* proper response.
* @param aRequest The request formed by the plugin
* @param aPostData The data to be posted via http PUT request
* @param aUrlList The list of accessible Urls for this plugin
* @param aSOPCompliant [out] Output parameter indicating Same Origin
* Policy Compliance. Contains true if the request complies to the policy,
* else false. If it is false, the network request will not performed
* @return The unique QNetworkReply instance for this transaction
QNetworkReply* SmfTransportManagerUtil::put (
QNetworkRequest &aRequest,
const QByteArray& aPostData,
const QList<QUrl> &aUrlList,
bool &aSOPCompliant )
qDebug()<<"Inside SmfTransportManagerUtil::put()";
bool found = false;
QString hostName = aRequest.url().host();
// Same Origin Policy checking
// Check if the host name of the url in the request created by the
// plugin is among the authorised url host name list
foreach(QUrl url, aUrlList)
if(0 == hostName.compare(url.host()))
found = true;
aSOPCompliant = true;
// Set header to accept gzip encoded data
aRequest.setRawHeader("Accept-encoding", kSmfAcceptEncoding);
// Set the cache control
aRequest.setRawHeader("Cache-Control", kSmfCacheControl);
// Put the same user agent for all requests sent by Smf
aRequest.setRawHeader("User-Agent", kSmfUserAgent);
QNetworkReply* reply = m_networkAccessManager.put(aRequest, aPostData);
qDebug()<<"QNetworkReply of put() = "<<(long)reply;
connect(&m_networkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply *)),
this, SLOT(networkReplyFinished(QNetworkReply *)));
connect(&m_networkAccessManager, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)),
this, SLOT(networkReplyError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
return reply;
// Error :: SAME ORIGIN POLICY violation!!!
aSOPCompliant = false;
qDebug()<<"SOP violation";
return NULL;
* Method that does a http DELETE request. Returns the unique QNetworkReply
* instance for this transaction to the plugin manager to trace the
* proper response.
* @param aRequest The request formed by the plugin
* @param aUrlList The list of accessible Urls for this plugin
* @param aSOPCompliant [out] Output parameter indicating Same Origin
* Policy Compliance. Contains true if the request complies to the policy,
* else false. If it is false, the network request will not performed
* @return The unique QNetworkReply instance for this transaction
QNetworkReply* SmfTransportManagerUtil::deleteResource (
QNetworkRequest &aRequest,
const QList<QUrl> &aUrlList,
bool &aSOPCompliant )
qDebug()<<"Inside SmfTransportManagerUtil::deleteResource()";
bool found = false;
QString hostName = aRequest.url().host();
// Same Origin Policy checking
// Check if the host name of the url in the request created by the
// plugin is among the authorised url host name list
foreach(QUrl url, aUrlList)
if(0 == hostName.compare(url.host()))
found = true;
aSOPCompliant = true;
// Set header to accept gzip encoded data
aRequest.setRawHeader("Accept-encoding", kSmfAcceptEncoding);
// Set the cache control
aRequest.setRawHeader("Cache-Control", kSmfCacheControl);
// Put the same user agent for all requests sent by Smf
aRequest.setRawHeader("User-Agent", kSmfUserAgent);
QNetworkReply* reply = m_networkAccessManager.deleteResource(aRequest);
qDebug()<<"QNetworkReply of deleteResource() = "<<(long)reply;
connect(&m_networkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply *)),
this, SLOT(networkReplyFinished(QNetworkReply *)));
connect(&m_networkAccessManager, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)),
this, SLOT(networkReplyError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
return reply;
// Error :: SAME ORIGIN POLICY violation!!!
aSOPCompliant = false;
qDebug()<<"SOP violation";
return NULL;
* Method that cancels the service request by cancelling the current
* http transaction.
* @param aCancelReply The QNetworkReply instance whose transaction
* has to be cancelled
* @return Returns true for success, else false
bool SmfTransportManagerUtil::cancelRequest (
QNetworkReply *aCancelReply )
qDebug()<<"Inside SmfTransportManagerUtil::cancelRequest()";
// Checks if this transaction is running
if( aCancelReply->isRunning() )
// Aborts the running transaction
// Close the connection
int index = m_activeNetwReplyList.indexOf(aCancelReply);
if( index >= 0 )
return true;
* Method that is called whenever a new network configuration is added to the system.
* @param aResult SmfTransportResult
void SmfTransportManagerUtil::configurationAdded ( const SmfTransportResult &aResult )
// Inform PM and plugins that a new IAP ia added, and hence resend the request
SmfPluginManager::getInstance()->responseAvailable ( aResult, NULL, NULL );
* Method that is called when the state of the network configuration changes.
* @param aResult SmfTransportResult
void SmfTransportManagerUtil::configurationChanged ( const SmfTransportResult &aResult )
// Inform PM and plugins that the IAP is changed, and hence resend the request
SmfPluginManager::getInstance()->responseAvailable ( aResult, NULL, NULL );
* Method that is called when a configuration is about to be removed from the system.
* The removed configuration is invalid but retains name and identifier.
* @param aResult SmfTransportResult
void SmfTransportManagerUtil::configurationRemoved ( const SmfTransportResult &aResult )
// Inform PM and plugins that the IAP is to be deleted, and
// hence resend the request
SmfPluginManager::getInstance()->responseAvailable ( aResult, NULL, NULL );
* Method to indicate the http transaction has finished.
* @param aNetworkReply The QNetworkReply instance for which the http
* transaction was made
void SmfTransportManagerUtil::networkReplyFinished ( QNetworkReply *aNetworkReply )
qDebug()<<"Inside SmfTransportManagerUtil::networkReplyFinished()";
qDebug()<<"QNetworkReply = "<<(long)aNetworkReply;
qDebug()<<"QNetworkReply error code = "<<aNetworkReply->error();
// remove the QNetworkReply instance from the list of outstanding transactions
int index = m_activeNetwReplyList.indexOf(aNetworkReply);
if( index >= 0 )
// indicate the result of transaction to the plugin manager
SmfTransportResult trResult;
convertErrorType(aNetworkReply->error(), trResult);
// Read the response from the device
QByteArray response = aNetworkReply->readAll();
qDebug()<<"Response size is = "<<response.size();
qDebug()<<"Response is = "<<QString(response);
// Store the number of bytes of data received
bool converted = false;
quint64 data = m_settings->value("Received Data").toULongLong(&converted);
data += response.size();
m_settings->setValue("Received Data", data);
SmfError error = SmfUnknownError;
QByteArray *arr = NULL;
foreach(QByteArray arr, aNetworkReply->rawHeaderList())
qDebug()<<QString(arr)<<" = "<<QString(aNetworkReply->rawHeader(arr));
// Check if the http response header has the raw header "Content-Encoding:gzip"
bool gzipEncoded = false;
QByteArray headerKey("Content-Encoding");
// If http response header has the raw header "Content-Encoding:gzip"
if( "gzip" == QString(aNetworkReply->rawHeader(headerKey)))
QByteArray firstByte(1, response[0]);
QByteArray secondByte(1, response[1]);
qDebug()<<"first byte : "<<QString(firstByte.toHex());
qDebug()<<"second byte : "<<QString(secondByte.toHex());
// And the header says the response is a valid gzip data.
// If so, inflate the gzip deflated data
if((QString("1f") == QString(firstByte.toHex())) && (QString("8b") == QString(secondByte.toHex())) )
gzipEncoded = true;
qDebug()<<"Response is gzip encoded!!!";
arr = inflateResponse(response, error);
trResult = SmfTransportOpGzipError;
qDebug()<<"Header says gzip encoded, but response is not a valid data, so ignoring the header!!!";
arr = new QByteArray(response);
qDebug()<<"Unsupported encoding format!!! - error";
trResult = SmfTransportOpUnsupportedContentEncodingFormat;
qDebug()<<"Response is not gzip encoded";
arr = new QByteArray(response);
// Write the uncompressed data to a file
QFile file1("c:\\data\\networkResponse.txt");
if (!file1.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly))
qDebug()<<"File to write the network response could not be opened";
SmfPluginManager::getInstance()->responseAvailable ( trResult, aNetworkReply, arr );
* Method to inflate a gzipped network response.
* @param aResponse The QByteArray holding the gzip encoded data
* @param aError Argument indicating error
* @return a QByteArray* containing the inflated data. If inflation fails,
* NULL is returned
QByteArray* SmfTransportManagerUtil::inflateResponse ( QByteArray &aResponse, SmfError& aError )
qDebug()<<"Inside SmfTransportManagerUtil::inflateResponse()";
// Read the response from the device
qDebug()<<"Encoded response content size = "<<aResponse.size();
if(aResponse.size() <= 0)
aError = SmfTMUnknownContentError;
return NULL;
// Get the uncompressed size of the response (last 4 bytes of the compressed data as per GZIP format spec)
QByteArray sizeStr;
for(int count = 1 ; count <= 4 ; count++)
qDebug()<<"Size string as a string = "<<QString(sizeStr.toHex());
bool ok = false;
int uncomSize = sizeStr.toHex().toInt(&ok, 16);
qDebug()<<"Size of uncompressed data = "<<uncomSize;
// Initialize the data required for zlib method call
z_stream stream;
unsigned char *out = new unsigned char[uncomSize];
qDebug()<<"Memory allocated for output buffer";
qDebug()<<"Memory not allocated for output buffer!!!";
aError = SmfMemoryAllocationFailure;
return NULL;
stream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
stream.zfree = Z_NULL;
stream.opaque = Z_NULL;
stream.avail_in = 0;
stream.next_in = Z_NULL;
int ret = inflateInit2(&stream, 16+MAX_WBITS);
qDebug()<<"return value of inflateInit2() = "<<ret;
if(Z_OK != ret)
qDebug()<<"Error in inflateInit2, returning...";
delete[] out;
if(Z_STREAM_ERROR == ret)
aError = SmfTMGzipStreamError;
else if(Z_MEM_ERROR == ret)
aError = SmfTMGzipMemoryError;
else if(Z_DATA_ERROR == ret)
aError = SmfTMGzipDataError;
aError = SmfUnknownError;
return NULL;
// Initialize the data required for inflate() method call
stream.avail_in = aResponse.size();
stream.next_in = (unsigned char *)aResponse.data();
stream.avail_out = uncomSize;
stream.next_out = out;
ret = inflate(&stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
qDebug()<<"return value of inflate() = "<<ret;
switch (ret)
// fall through
delete[] out;
aError = SmfTMGzipDataError;
return NULL;
qDebug()<<"total bytes read so far = "<<stream.total_in;
qDebug()<<"total bytes output so far = "<<stream.total_out;
// Write the inflated data to a QByteArray
QByteArray *uncompressedData = new QByteArray((char *)out, stream.total_out);
delete[] out;
// If there is some unwanted data at the end of uncompressed data, chop them
int chopLength = uncompressedData->size() - uncomSize;
qDebug()<<"old size of uncompressed data = "<<uncompressedData->size();
qDebug()<<"new size of uncompressed data = "<<uncompressedData->size();
return uncompressedData;
* Method to deflate a network request to gzip format.
* @param aResponse The QByteArray that has to be gzipped
* @param aError Argument indicating error
* @return a QByteArray* containing the deflated data. If deflation fails,
* NULL is returned
QByteArray* SmfTransportManagerUtil::deflateRequest( QByteArray &aResponse, SmfError& aError )
qDebug()<<"Inside SmfTransportManagerUtil::deflateRequest()";
if(aResponse.size() <= 0)
aError = SmfTMUnknownContentError;
return NULL;
// Initialize the data required for zlib initialize method call
z_stream stream;
stream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
stream.zfree = Z_NULL;
stream.opaque = Z_NULL;
stream.next_in = (unsigned char *)aResponse.data();
stream.avail_in = aResponse.size();
stream.total_out = 0;
int method = Z_DEFLATED;
int windowBits = 16+MAX_WBITS;
int mem_level = 8;
int strategy = Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
// Call deflateInit2 for gzip compression initialization
int initError = deflateInit2(&stream, level, method, windowBits, mem_level, strategy);
qDebug()<<"Return value of deflateInit2() = "<<initError;
qDebug()<<"Error msg if any = "<<QString(zError(initError));
if(Z_OK != initError)
qDebug()<<"deflateInit2() failed, returning error = "<<QString(zError(initError));
if(Z_STREAM_ERROR == initError)
aError = SmfTMGzipStreamError;
else if(Z_MEM_ERROR == initError)
aError = SmfTMGzipMemoryError;
else if(Z_DATA_ERROR == initError)
aError = SmfTMGzipDataError;
aError = SmfUnknownError;
return NULL;
// Initialize the data required for inflate() method call
int out_size = (int)((aResponse.size()*1.01)+17);
unsigned char *out = new unsigned char[out_size];
qDebug()<<"Memory allocated for output buffer with size = "<<out_size;
memset(out, 0, out_size);
qDebug()<<"Memory not allocated for output buffer!!!";
aError = SmfTMGzipDataError;
return NULL;
stream.next_out = out;
stream.avail_out = out_size;
qDebug()<<"Before calling deflate()";
qDebug()<<"next_in = "<<(long)stream.next_in;
qDebug()<<"avail_in = "<<stream.avail_in;
qDebug()<<"next_out = "<<(long)stream.next_out;
qDebug()<<"avail_out = "<<stream.avail_out;
qDebug()<<"total_in = "<<stream.total_in;
qDebug()<<"total_out = "<<stream.total_out;
int deflateStatus;
stream.next_out = out + stream.total_out;
stream.avail_out = out_size - stream.total_out;
deflateStatus = deflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
qDebug()<<"Return value of deflate() is = "<<deflateStatus;
qDebug()<<"Error msg if any = "<<QString(zError(deflateStatus));
qDebug()<<"avail_in = "<<stream.avail_in;
qDebug()<<"avail_out = "<<stream.avail_out;
qDebug()<<"total_in = "<<stream.total_in;
qDebug()<<"total_out = "<<stream.total_out;
}while(Z_OK == deflateStatus);
if (Z_STREAM_END != deflateStatus)
QString errorMsg;
switch (deflateStatus)
case Z_ERRNO:
errorMsg.append("Error occured while reading file.");
aError = SmfUnknownError;
errorMsg.append("The stream state was inconsistent (e.g., next_in or next_out was NULL).");
aError = SmfTMGzipStreamError;
errorMsg.append("The deflate data was invalid or incomplete.");
aError = SmfTMGzipDataError;
errorMsg.append("Memory could not be allocated for processing.");
aError = SmfTMGzipMemoryError;
errorMsg.append("Ran out of output buffer for writing compressed bytes.");
aError = SmfTMGzipMemoryError;
errorMsg.append("The version of zlib.h and the version of the library linked do not match.");
aError = SmfUnknownError;
errorMsg.append("Unknown error code.");
aError = SmfUnknownError;
qDebug()<<"Error string for deflate() is = "<<errorMsg;
// Free data structures that were dynamically created for the stream.
return NULL;
int retVal = deflateEnd(&stream);
qDebug()<<"Return value of deflateEnd() = "<<retVal;
qDebug()<<"Error msg if any = "<<QString(zError(retVal));
/*QByteArray byteArray;
for (int i=0; i<stream.total_out;i++)
QString str(out[i]);
qDebug()<<QString("out[%1] = '%2'").arg(i).arg(QString(byteArray.toHex()));
// Write the inflated data to a QByteArray
QByteArray *compressedData = new QByteArray((char*)out, stream.total_out);
delete[] out;
qDebug()<<"Number of bytes of compressed data = "<<compressedData->size();
qDebug()<<"compressed data = "<<QString(compressedData->toHex());
return compressedData;
* Method called when the QNetworkReply detects an error in processing.
* @param aError The QNetworkReply error code
void SmfTransportManagerUtil::networkReplyError ( QNetworkReply::NetworkError aError )
qDebug()<<"Inside SmfTransportManagerUtil::networkReplyError()";
// indicate the error to the plugin manager
SmfTransportResult trResult;
convertErrorType(aError, trResult);
SmfPluginManager::getInstance()->responseAvailable ( trResult, NULL, NULL );
* Method to convert QNetworkReply Error to the type SmfTransportResult
* QNetworkRequest received before executing the web query.
* @param aError The QNetworkReply Error
* @param aResult [out] The SmfTransportResult error
void SmfTransportManagerUtil::convertErrorType( const QNetworkReply::NetworkError &aError,
SmfTransportResult &aResult )
case QNetworkReply::NoError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpNoError;
case QNetworkReply::ConnectionRefusedError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpConnectionRefusedError;
case QNetworkReply::RemoteHostClosedError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpRemoteHostClosedError;
case QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpHostNotFoundError;
case QNetworkReply::TimeoutError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpTimeoutError;
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpOperationCanceledError;
case QNetworkReply::SslHandshakeFailedError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpSslHandshakeFailedError;
case QNetworkReply::ProxyConnectionRefusedError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpProxyConnectionRefusedError;
case QNetworkReply::ProxyConnectionClosedError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpProxyConnectionClosedError;
case QNetworkReply::ProxyNotFoundError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpProxyNotFoundError;
case QNetworkReply::ProxyTimeoutError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpProxyTimeoutError;
case QNetworkReply::ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpProxyAuthenticationRequiredError;
case QNetworkReply::ContentAccessDenied:
aResult = SmfTransportOpContentAccessDenied;
case QNetworkReply::ContentOperationNotPermittedError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpContentOperationNotPermittedError;
case QNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpContentNotFoundError;
case QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpAuthenticationRequiredError;
case QNetworkReply::ContentReSendError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpContentReSendError;
case QNetworkReply::ProtocolUnknownError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpProtocolUnknownError;
case QNetworkReply::ProtocolInvalidOperationError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpProtocolInvalidOperationError;
case QNetworkReply::UnknownNetworkError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpUnknownNetworkError;
case QNetworkReply::UnknownProxyError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpUnknownProxyError;
case QNetworkReply::UnknownContentError:
aResult = SmfTransportOpUnknownContentError;
case QNetworkReply::ProtocolFailure:
aResult = SmfTransportOpProtocolFailure;