Submitting following changes -
AuthApps for and Twitter added
API for checking ServiceAuthorization added for SMFCredMgrClient
API added for forcefully removing credential details from SMFCredMgr
Extra argument checks in SMfClient APIs
APIs for service login and logout from SMFClient
Redundant members removed from SmfServerSymbian
DSM bug fixes
Test Apps included
* keys.h
* Created on: Jul 16, 2010
* Author: satishkk
#ifndef KEYS_H_
#define KEYS_H_
static const QString kApiKey = "skvMOZYSO3Smxab1HRfGRg";
static const QString kConsumerKey = "skvMOZYSO3Smxab1HRfGRg";
static const QString kConsumerSecret = "k2rP2TLeFZlUONXCkg6rR9PWdl3YKrE1PFXzHmnZgx4";
static const QString kRequestTokenUrl = "";
static const QString kAccessTokenUrl = "";
static const QString kAuthorizeUrl = "";
static const QString kBase = "";
#endif /* KEYS_H_ */