Submitting following changes -
AuthApps for and Twitter added
API for checking ServiceAuthorization added for SMFCredMgrClient
API added for forcefully removing credential details from SMFCredMgr
Extra argument checks in SMfClient APIs
APIs for service login and logout from SMFClient
Redundant members removed from SmfServerSymbian
DSM bug fixes
Test Apps included
* Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL ""
* Initial Contributors:
* Pritam Roy Biswas, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
* Description:
* This is the private implementation Class on Symbian OS for Credential Manager Client.
* Derives from CAtive to support asynchronous requests.
// Include Files
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <s32strm.h>
#include <S32MEM.H>
#include <e32des16.h>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <private/qcore_symbian_p.h>
#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <QStringList>
#include <qbytearray.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include "smfcredmgrcommon.h" //client-server common header.
#include "smfcredmgrclientsession.h"
#include "smfcredmgrclientglobal.h"
const TInt KMinBufSize = 128;
const TInt KMaxBufSize = 512;
//forward declarations
class SmfCredMgrClient;
* The private implementation class for the APIs exported by Credential Manager.
* Its a symbian implementation.
class CSmfCredMgrClientSymbian : public CActive
* new methods
* @param aPublicImpl The Qt client object
static CSmfCredMgrClientSymbian* NewL(SmfCredMgrClient* aPublicImpl);
static CSmfCredMgrClientSymbian* NewLC(SmfCredMgrClient* aPublicImpl);
* Destructor
* Method to store all data related to an auth app i.e URL list for Plugins, List of Plugins.etc.
* Called by storeAuthData() of SmfCredMgrClient.
* @param Set The auth Key set
* @param Validity time by which the Auth set will expire
* @param URLList The URL list to be set
* @param PluginList The plugin list to be set
* @param AuthAppAID The Authentication Application Id
* @param Flag flag to enable or disable the plugin
* @return The registration token that completes authentication
QString storeAuthDataL(SmfAuthParams Set, QDateTime Validity,
QList<QUrl> URLList, QStringList PluginList, QString AuthAppAID,
bool Flag);
* Method to check the authentication of a Plugin
* @param PluginID Id of the Plugin to be checked.
* @return True if authenticated or False if not
TBool isPluginAuthenticatedL(QString PluginID);
* Method to get the list of authenticated plugins
* @param RegistrationToken The token that validates a list of such plugins.
* @param List The list of authenticated plugins to be retrieved
void authenticatedPluginListL(QString RegistrationToken, QStringList& List);
* Method to get list of URLs which plugin can access
* @param PluginID The ID of the Plugin whose corresponding list of URLs to be retrieved
* @param List The URL list to be retrieved
void URLListL(QString PluginID, QList<QUrl>& List);
* Method to generate NONCE token
* @param Length Lenth of the NONCE tobe generated
* @return The generated NONCE
QString generateNONCE(const qint64 Length);
* Method to update the list of authenticated plugins-add, remove, update to plugins
* Called by changePluginIDList() of SmfCredMgrClient.
* @param NewPluginID ID of the new plugin
* @param Flag boolean to indicate plugin is enabled or disabled
* @param OldPluginID ID of the old plugin to be replaced
void changePluginIDListL(const QString NewPluginID, const bool Flag,
const QString OldPluginID);
* Method to get the Auth Token set, eg:OAuth_RequestToken; OAuth_AccessToken
* @param RegToken Registration Token previously obtained from SMF
* @param Validity time by which the Auth set will expire, its to check if reg token is still valid
* @param AuthTokenSet the Auth Token Set for the plugin
* @return boolean value if the reg token is still valid
TBool AuthDataSetL(QString RegToken, QDateTime Validity,
SmfAuthParams& AuthTokenSet);
* Method to store RSA Keys
* @param KeyLabel First key of the key pair
* @param keydata Other key of the key pair
* @param Validity time by which the key set will expire
* @return The Label of key pair
QString storeRSAKeysL(const QString KeyLabel, const QString keydata,
const QDateTime Validity);
* API to Sign the message
* @param Message The message to be signed
* @param Key If Signature method is RSA-SHA1 then it must be equal to the value
* returned while storeRSAKeys(), if signature method is HMAC-SHA1 key
* must the value to sign the message with
* @param Signature The signed message is an output argument
* @param AlgorithmUsed The algorithm used for signing
* return Smf defined errorcode
* @todo - RSA Signing is falgged-put for time being.
SMFCredMgrErrorCode signMessageL(QString Message, QString Key,
QString& Signature, SmfSignatureMethod AlgorithmUsed);
* API To delete the RSA Key from the Key Store
* @param KeyLabel The Label of key pair. This is the value returned while StoreRSAKeys().
void deleteRSAKey(QString KeyLabel);
* API to check if a particular service is logged in or not (ie, key sets
* of a service is saved in credential manager or not)
* @param AuthAppId The Authentication Application Id
* @return ETrue if service is logged in else EFalse
TBool CheckServiceAuthorizationL( const QString& AuthAppId );
* API to delete all data related to an auth app i.e URL list for Plugins, List of Plugins.etc.
* @param AuthAppId The Authentication Application Id
* @param RegToken Registration Token obtained from SMF while storing this Auth Data set
* @param Validity Time by which the Auth set will expire
* @return ETrue if service is data is deleted else EFalse
TBool DeleteAuthDataL( const QString& AuthAppId, const QString& RegToken,
const QDateTime& Validity );
// Functions from base classes
* From CActive, RunL.
* Callback function.
* Invoked to handle responses from the server.
void RunL();
* From CActive, DoCancel.
* Cancels any outstanding operation.
void DoCancel();
* Constructor
* @param aObserver symbianClientObserver object to notify the Qt-Client
CSmfCredMgrClientSymbian(SmfCredMgrClient* aPublicImpl);
* Symbian two phase constructor
void ConstructL();
*Handle to the session
RSmfCredMgrClientSession iSession;
* Wrapper class object.
SmfCredMgrClient* iPublicImpl;