author cgandhi
Mon, 11 Oct 2010 21:59:54 +0530
changeset 26 83d6a149c755
parent 18 013a02bf2bb0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Submitting following changes - AuthApps for and Twitter added API for checking ServiceAuthorization added for SMFCredMgrClient API added for forcefully removing credential details from SMFCredMgr Extra argument checks in SMfClient APIs APIs for service login and logout from SMFClient Redundant members removed from SmfServerSymbian DSM bug fixes Test Apps included

 * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
 * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL ""
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
 * Contributors:
 * Manasij Roy, Nalina Hariharan
 * Description:
 * The SmfClient class provides a set of APIs to get list of service provider
 * who implement the given interface. Calling GetServices of the instance of this
 * class is mandatory before using any other interface.


#include <QObject>
#include <qprocess.h>

#include "smfclientglobal.h"
#include "smfglobal.h"

//Forward declarations
class SmfProvider;
class SmfClientPrivate;

enum SMFProviderAuthorizationStatus
	SMFProviderAuthStatusUnknown,	 	//status unknown
	SMFProviderAuthStatusAuthorised, 	//user logged in
	SMFProviderAuthStatusUnauthorised, 	//user logged out/not logged in
	SMFProviderAuthStatusBlocked		//user chosen to block this service

 * @ingroup smf_client_group 
 * Interface for a base service provider. Other service provider classes contains 
 * implementation of this base class so that each has access to service provider 
 * information.
 * All of the functionality described here should be implemented by a service
 * specific plug-in object.
class  SMFCLIENT_EXPORT SmfClient : public QObject
	 * Constructs SmfClient
	 * Destructor
	 * Method to get the list of services for a given service (interface name)
	 * @param serviceName The name of the service 
	 * @return Service provider's list (ownership of memory is transferred 
	 * to the calling party)
	QList<SmfProvider>* GetServices(const QString& serviceName);
	 * Checks the current status of the service. Application might want to 
	 * launch authorization process by calling loginToService() for the 
	 * service which is not authorised.
	 * @param provider The SmfProvider instance for the requested service
	 * @return Authorization status (loggedin, logged out, blocked, unknown etc)
	SMFProviderAuthorizationStatus checkAuthorization(const SmfProvider& provider);
	 * Method to launch the authentication application for this service.
	 * This would pop-up service specific login window. Till user logs in 
	 * successfully, any call to SMF APIs for this service Provider would 
	 * return SmfServiceAuthFailed. Symbian application should have 
	 * UserData capability.
	 * @param provider The SmfProvider instance for the requested service
	 * @return SmfError value 
	SmfError loginToService(SmfProvider* provider);
	 * Method to log-out of (unauthorise) this service. Please note that 
	 * this might not immediately log-out of the service if there are other 
	 * applications using this service. Application need not use this function 
	 * for normal operations - being logged in doesn't cost data charges and would 
	 * avoid disturbing log-in pop-ups. Please note that there is no notification 
	 * when user has logged out of service. Please use checkAuthorization() to 
	 * determine the current status
	 * @param provider The SmfProvider instance for the requested service
	 * @return SmfError value  
	SmfError logoutOfService(SmfProvider* provider); 
	// ToDo :- More overloaded APIs will be provided later
	 * Get provider details for a particular service provider for a particular service interface
	 * The provider name is always English lowercase with the domain separator 
	 * e.g. "", "",""
	 * for updated list of service provider names please refer SMF wiki in SF
	 * TODO: provide url here.
	//SmfProvider* GetServices(const QString& serviceName, const QString& providerName);
	//QList<SmfProvider>* GetServices(const QString& serviceName, const SmfProvider& provider);
	 * This method returns the error message for the mentioned argument error code
	 * @param aErrorCode The SmfError code for which the error string is required
	 * @returns a QString object containing the required error message
	QString errorString ( const SmfError &aErrorCode ) const;

private slots:
	 * Slot that connects to the started() signal of QProcess
    void started();
	 * Slot that connects to the stateChanged() signal of QProcess
	 * @param newState The newState of the started Process
    void stateChanged(QProcess::ProcessState newState);
	 * Slot that connects to the error() signal of QProcess
	 * @param error The error that occured in the started process
    void error(QProcess::ProcessError error);
	 * Slot that connects to the finished() signal of QProcess. This signal 
	 * is emitted when the process finishes
	 * @param exitCode The exit code of the process
	 * @param exitStatus The exit status of the process
    void finished(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus);
	 * Private impl wrapper.
	SmfClientPrivate* m_private;
	 * List of SmfProvider to be returned to the requested code
	QList<SmfProvider>* m_providerList;
	QProcess *m_authAppProcess;

#endif // SMFCLIENT_H