author cgandhi
Mon, 11 Oct 2010 21:59:54 +0530
changeset 26 83d6a149c755
parent 25 a180113055cb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Submitting following changes - AuthApps for and Twitter added API for checking ServiceAuthorization added for SMFCredMgrClient API added for forcefully removing credential details from SMFCredMgr Extra argument checks in SMfClient APIs APIs for service login and logout from SMFClient Redundant members removed from SmfServerSymbian DSM bug fixes Test Apps included

 * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
 * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL ""
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
 * Contributors:
 * Manasij Roy, Nalina Hariharan
 * Description:
 * SMF Server private implementation for Symbian


#include <QObject>
#include <e32hashtab.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QString>

#include "smfserver.h"

//Forward declarations
class SmfServerSymbianSession;
class SmfProvider;

 * Stores session and request information.
 * For now storing RMessage2 is reduntant as we are allowing only one outstanding request per session
struct CSessionStruct
	SmfServerSymbianSession* iSession;
	RMessage2 iMsg;

//Policy table---start
//note capabilities are yet to be finalized
//46 services as of 15th apr
const TUint myRangeCount = 1/*7*/; 

//Passing everything for the time being
const TInt myRanges[myRangeCount] = 
        0/*, //ERequestPass
        1, //ERequestFail
        2, //ERequestNotSupported
        3, //ERequestDrmService
        4, //ERequestUserEnvironmentService  
        5, //ERequestCustomCheckPass
        6  //ERequestCustomCheckFail*/ 
/* bis: each element of this array actually indexes to a particular element of
TPolicyElement. For eg. element 0 of this array maps element 0 of myRanges to 
a particular element of TpolicyElement array which is in this case element 0
of TPolicyElement       
const TUint8 myElementsIndex[myRangeCount] = 
        CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass, //passing everything for now  

/* bis: Policies used by the server to check messages from the client 
for each message, the server will carry out security check according 
to this policy. 
const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement myElements[] = 
        {_INIT_SECURITY_POLICY_PASS, CPolicyServer::EFailClient}     

/* bis: TPolicy used by the server to check messages from the client 
for each message. This structure is passed to the server at its creation.
The Symbian client-server architecture will make sure that each client request
passes through the security test as indicated by myPolicy before it is handled
by myPolciyServer */        
const CPolicyServer::TPolicy myPolicy =
        //the connection policy (CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass) should be changed if the 
        //server wants to check for a particular policy before grating any connection
        //to the client. For eg. DRM manager server should only allow clients having DRM
        //capability to connect to it. To do so, change CPolicyserver::EAlwaysPass,
        //to the index no. of myElements which checks for ECapabilityDRM i.e index 2
        //in this case. For EACM server, the server should allow only clients having
        //ECapabilityUserEnvironment to connect to it.
        CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass, //specifies all connect attempts should pass 
//Policy table---end

 * Our server class - an active object - and therefore derived ultimately from CActive.
 * It accepts requests from client threads and forwards
 * them to the client session to be dealt with. It also handles the creation
 * of the server-side client session.
class SmfServerSymbian : public CPolicyServer
	static SmfServerSymbian * NewL(CActive::TPriority aActiveObjectPriority,SmfServer* aWrapper);
    CSession2 * NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
     * Returns SmfServer
    SmfServer* wrapper();
     * Adds session info to the currently active session map iMap. This map is used to
     * retreive the corresponding session to be serviced. The keys for this map is sent
     * alongwith the request to other components
     * @param aSession Session to be added
     * @param aMsg Currently redundant
    TInt addToSessionMap(SmfServerSymbianSession* aSession,const RMessage2& aMsg);
     * Removes the session from the active list of session map
     * @param aSession Session to be removed.
     * @param aMsg Currently redundant
    TInt removeFromSessionMap(SmfServerSymbianSession* aSession,RMessage2& aMsg);
     * Returns a symbian session for the given key from the iMap.
     * @param id Session ID in the SmfServer Session map
    SmfServerSymbianSession* findSession(TInt id);
     * Finds the given session and services it with the data.
     * @param requestID Session ID
     * @param parsedData Parsed and serialized data to be sent to client.
     * @param error Error code
    TInt findAndServiceclient(TInt requestID,QByteArray* parsedData,SmfError error);

	 * Creates a new session with the server. The function
	 * implements the pure virtual function
	 * defined in class CServer2
	SmfServerSymbian(CActive::TPriority aActiveObjectPriority,SmfServer* aWrapper);
    void ConstructL();
    friend class SmfServerSymbianSession;
    SmfServer* iWrapper;
	 * Keeps track of the requests sent by each session
    RHashMap<TInt,CSessionStruct> iMap;
    TInt iSessionCount;

This class represents a session with the  Smf server.
Functions are provided to respond appropriately to client messages.
class SmfServerSymbianSession : public CSession2
	 * Creates a session.
	 * @param aServer The server handle
	SmfServerSymbianSession(SmfServerSymbian* aServer);
     * From CSession2
    void ServiceL(const RMessage2 & aMessage);
     * Called by the SmfServerSymbian when results are available
     * @param parsedData Parsed serialized data
     * @param error Smf Error code
	void resultsAvailable(QByteArray* parsedData,SmfError error);
#ifdef Q_FOR_FUTURE 
	 * Called by the SmfServer when client authorization finishes.
	 * @param success success of the authorization
	void clientAuthorizationFinished(bool success);
    //TMessageParams ReadMessageAndRetrieveParams (const RMessage2 & aMessage);
    void PanicClient(const RMessage2 & aMessage, TInt aPanic) const;
     * Called by ServiceL()
     * It tests the function code and then delegates to
     * the appropriate function.
    void HandleClientMessageL(const RMessage2 & aMessage);
    //Following are for handling specific client requests
     * ESmfGetService
    void HandleGetService(const RMessage2 & aMessage, const SmfInterfaceID& aInterfaceID);
     * Handles all synchronous services
    void HandleSyncServiceL(const RMessage2 & aMessage);
     * Handles all the opcodes except ESmfGetService
    void HandleCommonServiceL(const RMessage2 & aMessage);
     * Handles all DSM related messages
    void HandleDSMServiceL(const RMessage2 & aMessage);
     * Handles a session's cancel request
    void HandleCancelRequest(const RMessage2 & aMessage);
    SmfServerSymbian* iServer;
    RMessage2 iMessage;
    TBuf<100> iErrBuf;
	//this interface id will be provided by Smf client, will map Smf Client 
	// interface hierarchy
	SmfInterfaceID iInterfaceID;
	TPtr8 iIntfNameSymbian8;
	TPtr8 iProviderSymbian8;
	TPtr8 iXtraDataPtr8;
	HBufC8* iData8ForDSM;
	TPtr8 iPtr8DataForDSM;
	HBufC8* iData8FromDSM;
	TPtr8 iPtr8DataFromDSM;
	TBuf<100> iDSMErr;
	HBufC8* iProviderBuf8;
	HBufC8* iIntfNameBuf8;
	QMap<SmfPluginID,SmfProvider> iPluginIDMap;
	QList<SmfPluginID> iPluginIDList;
	QList<SmfPluginID> iAuthList;
	 * To keep track of the requests sent by this session,not required for now, as only one
	 * outstanding request per session is required
	//RArray<RMessage2> iRequestList;
	 * Last request opcode
	TInt iLastRequest;
	TPtr8 iPtrToDataForClient;
	HBufC8* iDataForClient;
	QByteArray resultData;