// Include files
#include <QVariant>
#include <qplugin.h>
#include "smfglobal.h"
#include "smfpicture.h"
#include "smfcomment.h"
#include "smfpluginbase.h"
#include "smfproviderbase.h"
#include "smfgalleryplugin.h"
#include "smfpluginutil.h"
// Forward declarations
class SampleProviderBase;
// Class declaration
class SamplePlugin : public SmfGalleryPlugin
Q_INTERFACES( SmfGalleryPlugin )
* Constructor with default argument
* @param aUtil The SmfPluginUtil instance. The plugins can
* call the method getAuthKeys() of this class, with its pluginID to
* get the OAuth keys, keys are returned only if this plugin is
* authorised by Smf franework
SamplePlugin( SmfPluginUtil *aUtil );
* Destructor
~SamplePlugin( );
public: // From SmfGalleryPlugin
* Method to get a list of pictures
* @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
* @param aPageNum The page to be extracted
* @param aItemsPerPage Number of items per page
* @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError pictures( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
const int aPageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
const int aItemsPerPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE );
* Method to get a description
* @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
* @param aImage The image abot which the description is required
* @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError description( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
const SmfPicture &aImage );
* Method to upload a picture
* @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
* @param aImage The image to be uploaded
* @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError upload( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
const SmfPicture &aImage );
* Method to upload a list of pictures
* @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
* @param aImages The list of images to be uploaded
* @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError upload( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
const QList<SmfPicture> &aImages );
* Method to post comment on a picture is available
* @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
* @param aImage The image on which comment is to be posted
* @param aComment The comment to be posted
* @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError postComment( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
const SmfPicture &aImage,
const SmfComment &aComment );
public: // From SmfPluginBase
* Method to get the provider information
* @return Instance of SmfProviderBase
SmfProviderBase* getProviderInfo( );
* Method to get the result for a network request.
* @param aTransportResult The result of transport operation
* @param aReply The QNetworkReply instance for the request
* @param aResult [out] An output parameter to the plugin manager.If the
* return value is SmfSendRequestAgain, QVariant will be of type
* SmfPluginRequestData.
* For SmfGalleryPlugin: If last operation was pictures(), aResult will
* be of type QList<SmfPicture>. If last operation was description(),
* aResult will be of type QString. If last operation was upload() or
* postComment(), aResult will be of type bool.
* @param aRetType [out] SmfPluginRetType
* @param aPageResult [out] The SmfResultPage structure variable
SmfPluginError responseAvailable(
const SmfTransportResult &aTransportResult,
QNetworkReply *aReply,
QVariant* aResult,
SmfPluginRetType &aRetType,
SmfResultPage &aPageResult );
* Method called by plugins to generate a request data
* @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
* @param aOperation The type of http operation
* @param aSignatureMethod The signature method to be used
* @param aParams A map of parameters to its values
* @param aMode The mode of creation of the request
* @param aPostData The data to be posted (for HTTP POST
* only, else it will be NULL)
* @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError createRequest( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
const QNetworkAccessManager::Operation aOperation,
const SmfSignatureMethod aSignatureMethod,
QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> &aParams,
const SmfParsingMode aMode,
QBuffer *aPostData );
* Function to retrieve registration token supplied by SMF to authentication app.
QString retrievePrivateRegToken();
SampleProviderBase *m_provider;
SmfPluginUtil *m_util;
// Class declaration
class SampleProviderBase : public SmfProviderBase
* Constructor with default argument
* @param aParent The parent object
SampleProviderBase( QObject* aParent = 0 );
* Copy Constructor
* @param aOther The reference object
SampleProviderBase( const SampleProviderBase &aOther );
* Destructor
~SampleProviderBase( );
* Method to get the Localisable name of the service.
* @return The Localisable name of the service.
QString serviceName( ) const;
* Method to get the Logo of the service
* @return The Logo of the service
QImage serviceIcon( ) const;
* Method to get the Readable service description
* @return The Readable service description
QString description( ) const;
* Method to get the Website of the service
* @return The Website of the service
QUrl serviceUrl( ) const;
* Method to get the URL of the Application providing this service
* @return The URL of the Application providing this service
QUrl applicationUrl( ) const;
* Method to get the Icon of the application
* @return The Icon of the application
QImage applicationIcon( ) const;
* Method to get the Plugin specific ID
* @return The Plugin specific ID
QString pluginId( ) const;
* Method to get the ID of the authentication application
* for this service
* @param aProgram The authentication application name
* @param aArguments List of arguments required for authentication app
* @param aMode Strting mode for authentication application
* @return The ID of the authentication application
QString authenticationApp( QString &aProgram, QStringList & aArguments,
QIODevice::OpenModeFlag aMode = QIODevice::ReadWrite ) const;
* Method to get the unique registration ID provided by the
* Smf for authorised plugins
* @return The unique registration ID/token provided by the Smf for
* authorised plugins
QString smfRegistrationId( ) const;
* Method to get the data usage of each plugin
* @return The data usage structure
SmfPluginDataUsage getDataUsage( ) const;
* Method to update the data usage of this plugin. This method is called
* after the plugin sends request to Plugin manager and after it receives
* data from plugin manager.
* @param aBytesSent The number of bytes sent, when this argument has
* some value other than 1, aBytesReceived should be zero.
* @param aBytesReceived The number of bytes received, when this argument
* has some value other than 1, aBytesSent should be zero.
* @return Returns true if success else returns false
bool updateDataUsage( const uint &aBytesSent, const uint &aBytesReceived );
friend class SamplePlugin;
QString m_serviceName;
QImage m_serviceIcon;
QString m_description;
QUrl m_serviceUrl;
QUrl m_applicationUrl;
QImage m_applicationIcon;
QString m_pluginId;
QString m_authAppId;
QString m_smfRegToken;
SmfPluginDataUsage m_dataUsage;
#endif /*_SAMPLEPLUGIN_H*/