author cgandhi <>
Wed, 23 Jun 2010 20:47:13 +0530
changeset 15 9b00ca3cc206
parent 14 a469c0e6e7fb
child 18 013a02bf2bb0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Adding missing settings.ui file

 * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
 * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL ""
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
 * Contributors:
 * Description:
 * Settings Repository class of SMF


const TInt KMaxSettingValue = 50;

#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QMap>
//#include <BADESCA.H> 
  @class CSettingsRepository

  @discussion An instance Settings Repository class 
  to set/get setting values to/from symbian repository.
class CSettingsRepository : public CBase

  @function NewL

  @discussion Create a CSettingsRepository object
  @result a pointer to the created instance of CSettingsRepository
    static CSettingsRepository* NewL();

  @function NewLC

  @discussion Create a CSettingsRepository object
  @result a pointer to the created instance of CSettingsRepository
    static CSettingsRepository* NewLC();

  @function ~CSettingsRepository

  @discussion Destroy the object and release all memory objects


	  @function CSettingsRepository

	  @discussion Perform the first phase of two phase construction

	 * Method to set the PluginDetails to Smf repository
	 * Parm - @aPluginName,Name of the plugin
	 * Param - @aPluginStatus,holds the Plgugin Status.
	void SetPluginDetails(QString& aPluginName,QString& aPluginStatus);
	 * Method to set the Auth Expiry Value to Repository
	 * Param - @aVal,Auth Expiry Value
	void SetAuthExpirationValue(QString& aVal);
	 * Method to set the Max. Data Transfer Limit to Repository
	 * Param - @aVal,Max. Data Transfer Limit Value
	void SetMaxDataTransferLimit(QString& aVal);
	 * Method to set the Roaming Status for Data Transfer to Repository
	 * Param - @aStatus,Rpaming Status value for Data Transfer
	void SetRoamingStatusforDataTransfer(QString& aStatus);
	 * Method to set the Upload File Type to Repository
	 * Param - @aStatus,Upload File Type Value
	void SetUploadFileType(QString& aFileType);
	 * Method to Get the PluginDetails from Repository
	 * Key-Plugin name
	 * Value-Plugin status
	void GetPluginDetails(QMap<QString,QString>& aDetails);
	 * Method to Get the Auth Expiry Value from Repository
	QString GetAuthExpirationValue() const;
	 * Method to Get the Max. Data Transfer Limit from Repository
	QString GetMaxDataTransferLimit()const;
	 * Method to Get the Roaming Status for Data Transfer from Repository
	QString GetRoamingStatusforDataTransfer() const;
	 * Method to Get the Upload File Type from Repository
	QString GetUploadFileType() const;
	 * Method to set the PluginDetails to Symbian Repository
	 * Parm - @aPluginName,Name of the plugin
	 * Param - @aPluginStatus,holds the Plgugin Status.
	void SetPluginDetails(TDesC& aPluginName,TDesC& aPluginStatus);
	 * Method to set the Auth Expiry Value to Repository
	 * Param - @aVal,Auth Expiry Value
	void SetAuthExpirationValue(TDesC& aVal);
	 * Method to set the Max. Data Transfer Limit to Repository
	 * Param - @aVal,Max. Data Transfer Limit Value
	void SetMaxDataTransferLimit(TDesC& aVal);
	 * Method to set the Roaming Status for Data Transfer to Repository
	 * Param - @aStatus,Rpaming Status value for Data Transfer
	void SetRoamingStatusforDataTransfer(TDesC& aStatus);
	 * Method to set the Upload File Type to Repository
	 * Param - @aStatus,Upload File Type Value
	void SetUploadFileType(TDesC& aFileType);
	 * Method to Get the PluginDetails from Repository
	void GetPluginDetailsInternal(TDes& aName , TDes& aDetails) const;
	 * Method to Get the Auth Expiry Value from Repository
	void GetAuthExpirationValueInternal(TDes& aExp) const;
	 * Method to Get the Max. Data Transfer Limit from Repository
	void GetMaxDataTransferLimitInternal(TDes& aMax) const;
	 * Method to Get the Roaming Status for Data Transfer from Repository
	void GetRoamingStatusforDataTransferInternal(TDes& aRoam) const;
	 * Method to Get the Upload File Type from Repository
	void GetUploadFileTypeInternal(TDes& aFtype) const;


  @function ConstructL

  @discussion  Perform the second phase construction of a CSettingsRepository object
    void ConstructL();

     Pointer to the Centra Repository class object.
   CRepository*  iRepository;
