author cgandhi
Thu, 23 Sep 2010 17:43:31 +0530
changeset 25 a180113055cb
parent 6 c39a6cfd1fb9
permissions -rw-r--r--
Music Events are now normal Fetcher APIs added All APIs now return SmfError Canceling Request now supported Music Search now based on category Providerinfo added in DSM Added secondary ID, count, location to SMFAlbum Tags for Artist added Get tracks for album and artist added Added URL to subtitle DSM Bug fixes Detailed debugging logs filtered in server, pluginmgr, transportmgr playlistsOf() method changed in smfclient and plugin interfaces. RVCT B686 compilation issues resolved.

#include "smfglobal.h"
#include "smfclient.h"
#include "smfprovider.h"
#include "smfgallery.h"
#include "smfcontact.h"
#include "smfpostprovider.h"
#include "smfcontactfetcher.h"
#include "smfmusic.h"
#include "smfpicture.h"
#include "smftrackinfo.h"
#include "smfmusicprofile.h"
#include "smflyrics.h"
#include "smfactions.h"
#include "smfactivityfetcher.h"
#include <qalgorithms.h>
#include "qtcontacts.h"
#include <qdatastream.h>
#include <QSharedData>
#include <smfclientglobal.h>

using namespace QtMobility;

class MyAppView //: public QAbstractItemView
	void add(QImage pic);
	void add(SmfTrackInfo trackInfo);
	void add(QContact qc);
	void setPicture(QImage image);
	void setTitle(QString cap);	
	void setIcon(QImage image);
	void setDescription(QString desc);
	void setProvider(SmfProvider p);
	void setLyricsData(SmfLyrics l);

class MyApplication :public QObject
public slots:
	void displayGallery();
	void showPicsSlot(SmfPictureList* pics, QString err);
	void uploadPicture(QImage* picture, QList<SmfGallery> galleries);
	void uploaded(bool success);

	void displayFriends();
	void showlist(SmfContactList* friendsList);
	void postUpdate();
	void showPosts(SmfPostList* posts, QString err);

	void getMusic(SmfTrackInfo currTrack);
	void showTrackSearch(SmfTrackInfoList* songs);
	void showStore(SmfProviderList* stores);
	void updateCurrentPlaying(QList<SmfMusicSearch> musicServices, SmfTrackInfo currTrack);
	void displayLyrics(SmfTrackInfo currTrack);
	void showLyrics(SmfLyricsList* list);

	void getActivities();
	void showActivities(SmfActivityEntryList* entries);
	MyAppView* m_view;
	SmfClient client;
	SmfGallery* m_smfgl;
	SmfContactFetcher* m_smfcf;
	SmfMusicService* m_smfms;
	QList<SmfContact> m_myfrndz;
/** 1. Display a gallery on the screen for some remote service.
 * assume m_view is some gallery view object in the application.*/
void MyApplication::displayGallery()
	// Some common interface for finding implementations.
	QList<SmfProvider>* galleries = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.client.gallery\0.2");

	// We will use the first one now
	SmfProvider smfp = galleries->value(0);
	SmfGallery* myGallery = new SmfGallery(&smfp);

	// Adjust our view to show where these pictures came from
	QImage imge = smfp.serviceIcon();
	QString desc = smfp.description();
	QString name = smfp.serviceName();

	 * Asynchrnous request to fetch the pictures.
	 * The picturesAvailable() signal is emitted 
	 * with SmfPictureList once the pictures have arrived.
	connect(myGallery,SIGNAL(picturesAvailable(SmfPictureList*, QString, SmfResultPage )),
			SLOT(showPicsSlot(SmfPictureList*, QString)));
	m_smfgl = myGallery;

void MyApplication::showPicsSlot(SmfPictureList* pics, QString err)
	//check err string if there is any error
	if(err.compare("Err")) return;
	//if no error
	foreach(SmfPicture pic, *pics) {
		m_view->add(pic.picture() ); // do something with the picture in this gallery

/** 2. Upload a picture captured by the user to some selection of galeries.*/
void MyApplication::uploadPicture(QImage* picture, QList<SmfGallery> galleries)
	 * When uploading is finished we can check the success of the uploading
	SmfPicture*  smfPic = new SmfPicture(*picture);
	// The list could be from a selection of galleries chosen by the user,
	// think multiple TweetDeck accounts?
	foreach(SmfGallery gallery, galleries)

 * Slot to catch the uploading finished event
void MyApplication::uploaded(bool success)
	//error occured while uploading

 * 3. This is an example of displaying the friends profile image in a view from one or more
 * service provider. Note that this service can be provided by any kind of service provider,
 * e.g. last.fm music service where users maintain profiles and friends.
void MyApplication::displayFriends()
	// Some common interface for finding implementations.
	QList<SmfProvider>* contactFetcherList = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.cleint.contact.fetcher\0.2");
	SmfProvider smfp = contactFetcherList->value(0);
	SmfContactFetcher* smfcf = new SmfContactFetcher(&smfp);
	//Request friend list, the friendsListAvailable() signal
	//is emitted with SmfContactList once data is arrived.
	QObject::connect(smfcf,SIGNAL(friendsListAvailable(SmfContactList*, QString, SmfResultPage )),
	m_smfcf = smfcf;

void MyApplication::showlist(SmfContactList* friendsList)

	// Adjust our view to show where these pictures came from
	//display service name description and the logo
	m_view->setIcon( (m_smfcf->getProvider())->serviceIcon() );
	m_view->setDescription( (m_smfcf->getProvider())->description() );

	//now display the images
	foreach(SmfContact contact, *friendsList) {
		QVariant data = contact.value("Avatar"); 
		QImage pic = data.value<QImage>();
		QContact qc;
 * 4. This is an example of posting and reading user updates to social netowrking sites
void MyApplication::postUpdate()
	// Some common interface for finding implementations.
	QList<SmfProvider>* postServices = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.client.contact.posts\0.2");

	//let us use the first one
	QString servName = postServices->value(0).serviceName();
	if(!servName.compare("Facebook.com")) return;
	SmfProvider smfp = postServices->value(0);
	SmfPostProvider* myPostServer = new SmfPostProvider(&smfp);

	//Adjust our view to show where these posts came from (e.g. tweets from twitter)
	//display service name description and the logo
	m_view->setIcon((myPostServer->getProvider())->serviceIcon() );
	m_view->setDescription((myPostServer->getProvider())->description() );

	SmfPost reply("this is a text post", this);
	//post my udpate to be visible to all, connect to updatePostFinished()
	// signal of SmfPostProvider to track the success
	SmfContact frnd(m_myfrndz.value(0));

	//Asynchronously get all posts to me in my profle (e.g. twits from all friends)
	//connect to postsAvailable to show the post

			SIGNAL(postsAvailable(SmfPostList*, QString, SmfResultPage )),
			SLOT(showPosts(SmfPostList*, QString)));
void MyApplication::showPosts(SmfPostList* posts, QString /*err*/)
	//Show the first post  
	SmfPost post = posts->at(0);
	m_view->setDescription( post.toPlainText() );
 * 5. This is an example of getting song recommendations from a social netowrking sites
void MyApplication::getMusic(SmfTrackInfo currTrack)
	// Some common interface for finding implementations.
	QList<SmfProvider>* smfProList = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.client.music\0.2");
	SmfProvider smfp = smfProList->value(0);
	SmfMusicSearch* mServer = new SmfMusicSearch(&smfp);

	QObject::connect(mServer,SIGNAL(trackSearchAvailable(SmfTrackInfoList*, QString,SmfResultPage )),this,SLOT(showTrackSearch(SmfTrackInfoList*)));
	QObject::connect(mServer,SIGNAL(storeSearchAvailable(SmfProviderList*, QString,SmfResultPage )),this,SLOT(showStoreSearch(SmfProviderList*)));
	//search songs similar to currently playing,
	//connect to trackSearchAvailable signal to get the result
	//display to the user
	m_view->setIcon( mServer->getProvider()->serviceIcon() );
	m_view->setProvider( mServer->getProvider());
	m_view->setDescription( mServer->getProvider()->description() );

void MyApplication::showTrackSearch(SmfTrackInfoList* songs)
	foreach(SmfTrackInfo track, *songs){
	QList<SmfProvider>* smfProList = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.client.music.search\0.2");
	SmfProvider smfp = smfProList->value(0);
	SmfMusicSearch* mServer = new SmfMusicSearch(&smfp);
	//allow user to select a track and get purchase links
	//connect to showStoreSearch signal to display the stores for that track
void MyApplication::showStore(SmfProviderList* /*stores*/)
	//show stores
void MyApplication::updateCurrentPlaying(QList<SmfMusicSearch> musicServices, SmfTrackInfo currTrack)
	//after purchasing and downloading is over, user plays the track
	//now post the current platying track to all service providers
	//postFinished() signal of SmfMusicSearch can be tracked to check the success of the posts
	foreach(SmfMusicSearch provider, musicServices) {
	//postCurrentPlaying is also a slot funtion, may be application can use connect

void MyApplication::displayLyrics(SmfTrackInfo currTrack)

	// Some common interface for finding implementations.
	QList<SmfProvider>* smfProList = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.client.music.lyrics\0.2","lyricsfly.com");
	SmfProvider smfp = smfProList->value(0);
	SmfLyricsService* lyricsService = new SmfLyricsService(&smfp);
	QObject::connect(lyricsService,SIGNAL(lyricsAvailable(SmfLyricsList*, QString, SmfResultPage )),this,SLOT(showLyrics(SmfLyricsList*)));

	//Request to get the lyrics
	//lyricsAvailable() signal of SmfLyricsService is emitted when lyrics is available

void MyApplication::showLyrics(SmfLyricsList* list)
	//now display the latest edited lyrics

void MyApplication::getActivities()
	// Some common interface for finding implementations.
	QList<SmfProvider>* activityServices = client.GetServices("org.symbian.smf.client.activity.fetcher\0.2");

	//let us use the Facebook one
	QString servName = activityServices->value(0).serviceName();
	if(!servName.compare("Facebook.com")) return;
	SmfProvider smfp = activityServices->value(0);
	SmfActivityFetcher* myActivityServer = new SmfActivityFetcher(&smfp);

	//Adjust our view to show where these posts came from (e.g. streams from Facebook)
	//display service name description and the logo
	m_view->setIcon((myActivityServer->getProvider())->serviceIcon() );
	m_view->setDescription((myActivityServer->getProvider())->description() );

	//get a list of updates to my wall

void MyApplication::showActivities(SmfActivityEntryList* entries)
	foreach(SmfActivityEntry entry, *entries) {
		SmfContact sc = entry.author();
		QString desc = (sc.value("Name")).toString();
		SmfPost details = entry.details();
		QList<SmfActivityObject> aol = entry.activities();
		SmfActivityObject sao = aol.value(0);
		if(SmfActivityMarkAsFavorite == entry.actionName() )
			desc.append("  has marked  ");
			QVariant qv = sao.objData();
			SmfActivityObjectType otype = sao.type();
			if((SmfActivityObjTypePhoto == otype ) && (qv.canConvert<SmfPicture>()))
				SmfPicture pic = qv.value<SmfPicture>();
				desc.append( pic.description() );
			desc.append("  as Favorite at");
			QDateTime qdt = sao.time();
			desc.append(qdt.toString("h:m:s ap"));