author cgandhi
Thu, 23 Sep 2010 17:43:31 +0530
changeset 25 a180113055cb
parent 6 c39a6cfd1fb9
permissions -rw-r--r--
Music Events are now normal Fetcher APIs added All APIs now return SmfError Canceling Request now supported Music Search now based on category Providerinfo added in DSM Added secondary ID, count, location to SMFAlbum Tags for Artist added Get tracks for album and artist added Added URL to subtitle DSM Bug fixes Detailed debugging logs filtered in server, pluginmgr, transportmgr playlistsOf() method changed in smfclient and plugin interfaces. RVCT B686 compilation issues resolved.

// Include files
#include "sampleplugin.h"
#include <QNetworkRequest>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <stdio.h>

 * Constructor with default argument
 * @param aUtil The SmfPluginUtil instance. The plugins can
 * call the method getAuthKeys() of this class, with its pluginID to
 * get the OAuth keys, keys are returned only if this plugin is
 * authorised by Smf franework
SamplePlugin::SamplePlugin( SmfPluginUtil *aUtil )
	m_provider = new SampleProviderBase();
	m_util = aUtil;

 * Destructor
SamplePlugin::~SamplePlugin( )
		delete m_provider;

 * Method to get a list of pictures
 * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
 * @param aPageNum The page to be extracted
 * @param aItemsPerPage Number of items per page
 * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::pictures( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
		const int aPageNum,
		const int aItemsPerPage )
	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;

	// invalid arguments
	if( aPageNum < 0 || aItemsPerPage < 0 )
		return error;
		// Create a map of the arguments keys and their repective values
		QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> params;
		QString pageNum, itemPerPage;
		params.insert("method", "getpictures");
		params.insert("pagenumber", pageNum.toAscii());
		params.insert("itemsperpage", itemPerPage.toAscii());

		QNetworkAccessManager::Operation type = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
		SmfSignatureMethod signMethod = HMAC_SHA1;
		SmfParsingMode mode = ParseForInlineQuery;

		error = createRequest(aRequest, type, signMethod, params, mode, NULL);
	return error;

 * Method called by plugins to generate a request data
 * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
 * @param aOperation The type of http operation
 * @param aSignatureMethod The signature method to be used
 * @param aParams A map of parameters to its values
 * @param aMode The mode of creation of the request
 * @param aPostData The data to be posted (for HTTP POST
 * only, else it will be NULL)
 * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::createRequest( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
		const QNetworkAccessManager::Operation aOperation,
		const SmfSignatureMethod aSignatureMethod,
		QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> &aParams,
		const SmfParsingMode aMode,
		QBuffer *aPostData )
	SmfPluginError error;
	QString url = m_provider->serviceUrl().toString();

	// Get the oAuth keys from The Smf Server
	QMap<QString, QString> keys;
	QString registrationToken = retrievePrivateRegToken();
	m_util->getAuthKeys(keys, registrationToken, m_provider->pluginId());

	// Unable to get the tokens
		error = SmfPluginErrInvalidApplication;

		// Get the token and token secret from keys
		QByteArray token;
		QByteArray tokenSecret;

		// convert the parameters to string and sign it
		QByteArray content = m_util->createParameterString(url, aOperation, token, tokenSecret,
				aSignatureMethod, aParams, aMode );

		// Unable to create the signed string
			error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
			// add the parameter string to the URL

			// set the url of the request

			// set the type of http operation to be performed
			aRequest.iHttpOperationType = aOperation;

			// As it is a GET operation, set iPostData to NULL
			aRequest.iPostData = aPostData;

			// For successful creation of request
			error = SmfPluginErrNone;
	return error;

 * Method to get a description
 * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
 * @param aImage The image abot which the description is required
 * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::description( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
		const SmfPicture &aImage )
	SmfPluginError error;

	// Create a map of the arguments keys and their repective values
	QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> params;
	params.insert("method", "getpictureDescription");
	params.insert("photoId", aImage.id().toAscii());

	QNetworkAccessManager::Operation type = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
	SmfSignatureMethod signMethod = HMAC_SHA1;
	SmfParsingMode mode = ParseForInlineQuery;

	error = createRequest(aRequest, type, signMethod, params, mode, NULL);

	return error;

 * Method to upload a picture
 * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
 * @param aImage The image to be uploaded
 * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::upload( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
		const SmfPicture &aImage )
	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;

	// Create a map of the arguments keys and their repective values
	QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> params;
	params.insert("method", "upload");
	params.insert("title", aImage.title().toAscii());
	params.insert("owner", aImage.owner().toAscii());
	params.insert("description", aImage.description().toAscii());
	params.insert("tags", aImage.tags().join(" ").toAscii());
		case SMFVisibilityFriend:
			params.insert("isFriend", "true");
		case SMFVisibilityPublic:
			params.insert("isPublic", "true");
		case SMFVisibilityFamily:
			params.insert("isFamily", "true");
		case SMFVisibilityGroup:
			params.insert("isGroup", "true");
		default:// SMFVisibilityPersonal
			params.insert("isPrivate", "true");

	QNetworkAccessManager::Operation type = QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation;
	SmfSignatureMethod signMethod = HMAC_SHA1;
	SmfParsingMode mode = ParseForRequestContent;

	// Write the image as png format to the buffer
	QByteArray ba;
	QBuffer buffer(&ba);
	aImage.picture().save(&buffer, "PNG");

	error = createRequest(aRequest, type, signMethod, params, mode, &buffer);

	return error;

 * Method to upload a list of pictures
 * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
 * @param aImages The list of images to be uploaded
 * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::upload( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
		const QList<SmfPicture> &aImages )
	SmfPluginError error;

	for(int index = 0; index < aImages.count(); index++)
		error = upload(aRequest, aImages.value(index));
		if(SmfPluginErrNone != error)
	return error;

 * Method to post comment on a picture is available
 * @param aRequest [out] The request data to be sent to network
 * @param aImage The image on which comment is to be posted
 * @param aComment The comment to be posted
 * @return SmfPluginError Plugin error if any, else SmfPluginErrNone
SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::postComment( SmfPluginRequestData &aRequest,
		const SmfPicture &aImage,
		const SmfComment &aComment )
	SmfPluginError error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;

	// Create a map of the arguments keys and their repective values
	QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> params;
	params.insert("method", "postComment");
	params.insert("photoId", aImage.id().toAscii());
	params.insert("comment", "excellent Himalaya");

	QNetworkAccessManager::Operation type = QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation;
	SmfSignatureMethod signMethod = HMAC_SHA1;
	SmfParsingMode mode = ParseForInlineQuery;

	error = createRequest(aRequest, type, signMethod, params, mode, NULL);
	return error;

 * This function retrieves the registration token that was provided to Authentication App
 * while authenticatiing user with the service
 * Plugin source codes are not open source - so free to use anything they like
QString SamplePlugin::retrievePrivateRegToken()

	 * This is a private implementation - 
	 * implementer might choose to use registry to store/retrieve this token
	 * or to write encrypted (symmetric) token to a file kept at known dir
	QFile qf("/resource/data/sampleplugindata.dat"); 
	QByteArray qba = qf.read(20); 
	QString rs(qba.toBase64());
	return rs;

 * Method to get the provider information
 * @return Instance of SmfProviderBase
SmfProviderBase* SamplePlugin::getProviderInfo( )
	return m_provider;

 * Method to get the result for a network request.
 * @param aTransportResult The result of transport operation
 * @param aReply The QNetworkReply instance for the request
 * @param aResult [out] An output parameter to the plugin manager.If the
 * return value is SmfSendRequestAgain, QVariant will be of type
 * SmfPluginRequestData.
 * For SmfGalleryPlugin: If last operation was pictures(), aResult will
 * be of type QList<SmfPicture>. If last operation was description(),
 * aResult will be of type QString. If last operation was upload() or
 * postComment(), aResult will be of type bool.
 * @param aRetType [out] SmfPluginRetType
 * @param aPageResult [out] The SmfResultPage structure variable
SmfPluginError SamplePlugin::responseAvailable(
		const SmfTransportResult &aTransportResult,
		QNetworkReply *aReply,
		QVariant* aResult,
		SmfPluginRetType &aRetType,
		SmfResultPage &aPageResult )
	SmfPluginError error;
	if(SmfTransportOpNoError == aTransportResult)
		// Assuming a JSON response, parse the response
		QByteArray response = aReply->readAll();
		m_provider->updateDataUsage(0, aReply->readBufferSize());
		bool parseResult = false;
		QVariant *result = new QVariant();
		/** see http://qjson.sourceforge.net/usage.html for more details */
		parseResult = m_util->getJsonHandle()->parse(response, &parseResult);

		// For parsing error
			aRetType = SmfRequestError;
			error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;

			// The plugins should convert the result to suitable format,
			// like if last operation was pictures(), result should be converted to the
			// type QList<SmfPicture>. If last operation was description(), result should
			// be converted to the type QString. If last operation was upload() or
			// postComment(), result should be converted to the type bool.

			// After conversion, assign the value os result to aResult
			aResult = result;

			// if the request is complete
			aRetType = SmfRequestComplete;

			// if request need to be sent again
			aRetType = SmfSendRequestAgain;

			error = SmfPluginErrNone;
		error = SmfPluginErrInvalidRequest;
		aRetType = SmfRequestError;

	return error;

 * Constructor with default argument
 * @param aParent The parent object
SampleProviderBase::SampleProviderBase( QObject* aParent )
	: SmfProviderBase(aParent)

 * Copy Constructor
 * @param aOther The reference object
SampleProviderBase::SampleProviderBase( const SampleProviderBase &aOther )

 * Destructor
SampleProviderBase::~SampleProviderBase( )

 * Method to get the Localisable name of the service.
 * @return The Localisable name of the service.
QString SampleProviderBase::serviceName( ) const
	return m_serviceName;

 * Method to get the Logo of the service
 * @return The Logo of the service
QImage SampleProviderBase::serviceIcon( ) const
	return m_serviceIcon;

 * Method to get the Readable service description
 * @return The Readable service description
QString SampleProviderBase::description( ) const
	return m_description;

 * Method to get the Website of the service
 * @return The Website of the service
QUrl SampleProviderBase::serviceUrl( ) const
	return m_serviceUrl;

 * Method to get the URL of the Application providing this service
 * @return The URL of the Application providing this service
QUrl SampleProviderBase::applicationUrl( ) const
	return m_applicationUrl;

 * Method to get the Icon of the application
 * @return The Icon of the application
QImage SampleProviderBase::applicationIcon( ) const
	return m_applicationIcon;

 * Method to get the Plugin specific ID
 * @return The Plugin specific ID
QString SampleProviderBase::pluginId( ) const
	return m_pluginId;

 * Method to get the ID of the authentication application
 * for this service
 * @param aProgram The authentication application name
 * @param aArguments List of arguments required for authentication app
 * @param aMode Strting mode for authentication application
 * @return The ID of the authentication application
QString SampleProviderBase::authenticationApp( QString &aProgram,
		QStringList & aArguments,
		QIODevice::OpenModeFlag aMode ) const
	return m_authAppId;

 * Method to get the unique registration ID provided by the
 * Smf for authorised plugins
 * @return The unique registration ID/token provided by the Smf for
 * authorised plugins
QString SampleProviderBase::smfRegistrationId( ) const
	return m_smfRegToken;

 * Method to get the data usage of each plugin
 * @return The data usage structure
SmfPluginDataUsage SampleProviderBase::getDataUsage( ) const
	return m_dataUsage;

 * Method to update the data usage of this plugin. This method is called
 * after the plugin sends request to Plugin manager and after it receives
 * data from plugin manager.
 * @param aBytesSent The number of bytes sent, when this argument has
 * some value other than 1, aBytesReceived should be zero.
 * @param aBytesReceived The number of bytes received, when this argument
 * has some value other than 1, aBytesSent  should be zero.
 * @return Returns true if success else returns false
bool SampleProviderBase::updateDataUsage( const uint &aBytesSent,
		const uint &aBytesReceived )
	bool ret = true;
	if( aBytesSent && !aBytesReceived )
		m_dataUsage.iBytesSent += aBytesSent;
	else if( !aBytesSent && aBytesReceived )
		m_dataUsage.iBytesReceived += aBytesReceived;
		// don't update m_dataUsage, error in arguments
		ret = false;

	return ret;

 * Export Macro
 * plugin name : sampleplugin
 * plugin class : SamplePlugin
//Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2( sampleplugin, SamplePlugin )