author cgandhi
Thu, 23 Sep 2010 17:43:31 +0530
changeset 25 a180113055cb
parent 18 013a02bf2bb0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Music Events are now normal Fetcher APIs added All APIs now return SmfError Canceling Request now supported Music Search now based on category Providerinfo added in DSM Added secondary ID, count, location to SMFAlbum Tags for Artist added Get tracks for album and artist added Added URL to subtitle DSM Bug fixes Detailed debugging logs filtered in server, pluginmgr, transportmgr playlistsOf() method changed in smfclient and plugin interfaces. RVCT B686 compilation issues resolved.

 * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
 * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL ""
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
 * Contributors:
 * Manasij Roy, Nalina Hariharan
 * Description:
 * Private Qt wrapper for SmfContactFetcher


#include <smfprovider.h>
#include <smfclientglobal.h>
#include <smfglobal.h>
#include <smfobserver.h>
#include <smflocation.h>
#include <smfgroup.h>

// Forward Declaration
class SmfProvider;
class SmfContact;
class SmfContactFetcher;
	class CSmfClientSymbian;
	class SmfClientQt;

 * Private Qt wrapper
 * Provided to accomodate diff facilities in diff platforms.
 * Uses Symbian client-server for Symbian
 * QDbus for linux
 * QLocalserver for rest of the platforms
 * Note:- only symbian client-server impl is provided at the moment
class SmfContactFetcherPrivate : public smfObserver

	 * Constructor
	 * @param contactFetcher The SmfContactFetcher instance
	SmfContactFetcherPrivate ( SmfContactFetcher* contactFetcher = 0 );
	 * Destructor
	//Note we need to expose the methods later through some macro
	 * Get the friend listing asynchronously. The friendsListAvailable() signal 
	 * is emitted with SmfContactList once data is arrived. When the list is big,
	 * user can specify the page number and per page item data. If not supplied 
	 * by the user default values are used. 
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	 * @return SmfError. SmfNoError if success, else appropriate error code
	SmfError friends ( int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE, int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE );

	 * Get the list of followers asynchronously. The followersListAvailable() signal
	 * is emitted with SmfContactList once data is arrived. Please note that some
	 * service may not support followers/fans - FALSE is returned if not supported.
	 * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
	 * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	 * @return SmfError. SmfNoError if success, else appropriate error code
	SmfError followers ( int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE, int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE );

	 * Searches for a contact The searchContactFinished() signal
	 * is emitted with SmfContactList once data is arrived.
	 * When the list is big user can specify the page number and per page item data.
	 * If not supplied by the user default values are used.
	 * @param contact The contact to be searched. The serach criteria must be 
	 * set as one of its fields.
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	 * @return SmfError. SmfNoError if success, else appropriate error code
	SmfError search ( SmfContact* contact, int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
					int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE );
	 * Searches for a contacts (friends) who are near the user. The signal 
	 * searchNearFinished() is emitted with SmfContactList once data is arrived.
	 * Proximity defines accuracy level. When the list is big user can specify 
	 * the page number and per page item data. If not supplied by the user 
	 * default values are used.
	 * @param location The location information
	 * @param proximity The search boundary criteria
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	 * @return SmfError. SmfNoError if success, else appropriate error code
	SmfError searchNear ( SmfLocation* location, 
					SmfLocationSearchBoundary proximity,
					int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
					int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE);
	 * Get the list of groups. The groupListAvailable() signal is emitted with 
	 * SmfGroupList once data is arrived. False might be returned if this service 
	 * doesn't support any mode of grouping (very rare). When the list is big, 
	 * user can specify the page number and per page item data. If not supplied 
	 * by the user default values are used.
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	 * @return SmfError. SmfNoError if success, else appropriate error code
	SmfError groups ( int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE, int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE );

	 * Searches for Smf Contacts in an Smf group. The signal searchInGroupFinished() 
	 * is emitted with SmfContactList once data is arrived. When the list is big user 
	 * can specify the page number and per page item data. If not supplied by the 
	 * user default values are used.
	 * @param group The group to be searched in
	 * @contact The contact to be searched, default (NULL) is the self contact.
	 * @param pageNum Page number to download, SMF_FIRST_PAGE denotes fresh query.
	 * @param perPage Item per page, default is SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE
	 * @return SmfError. SmfNoError if success, else appropriate error code
	SmfError searchInGroup ( SmfGroup group,
						SmfContact* contact = NULL,
						int pageNum = SMF_FIRST_PAGE,
						int perPage = SMF_ITEMS_PER_PAGE );

	 * Request for a custom operation. The signal customDataAvailable() is emitted 
	 * when the result is available.
	 * @param operationId OperationId
	 * @param customData Custom data to be sent
	 * @return SmfError. SmfNoError if success, else appropriate error code
	 * Note:-Interpretation of operationId and customData is upto the concerned
	 * plugin and client application. service provider should provide some
	 * serializing-deserializing utilities for these custom data
	SmfError customRequest ( const int& operationId, QByteArray* customData );
     * Cancels a request generated due to the call to any API which results 
     * into http request. Might return error if no request is currently pending.
     * Please note that there can be only one request pending at any point of time
     * @return Appropriate SmfError value
	SmfError cancelRequest ();
public: //from smfobserver
	 * To notify availibility of asynchronous requests.
	 * @param result Requested result, before using must check error param.
	 * @param opcode Requested opcode, for which the result has arrived.
	 * @param error Error
	void resultsAvailable ( QByteArray result,
			SmfRequestTypeID opcode, SmfError error );
	SmfContactFetcher* m_contactFetcher;
	QByteArray m_dataSerialized;	//serialized byte array of provider and data
	//QByteArray m_xtraInfoSerialized;	//serialized xtra info, order of serialization follows order of param
	quint8 m_argFlag;
	CSmfClientSymbian* m_SmfClientPrivate;
	friend class CSmfClientSymbian;
	SmfClientQt* m_SmfClientPrivate;
	friend class SmfClientQt;

QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &aDataStream, const SmfError &err );
QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &aDataStream, SmfError &err );