author cgandhi
Thu, 23 Sep 2010 17:43:31 +0530
changeset 25 a180113055cb
parent 14 a469c0e6e7fb
child 26 83d6a149c755
permissions -rw-r--r--
Music Events are now normal Fetcher APIs added All APIs now return SmfError Canceling Request now supported Music Search now based on category Providerinfo added in DSM Added secondary ID, count, location to SMFAlbum Tags for Artist added Get tracks for album and artist added Added URL to subtitle DSM Bug fixes Detailed debugging logs filtered in server, pluginmgr, transportmgr playlistsOf() method changed in smfclient and plugin interfaces. RVCT B686 compilation issues resolved.

 * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
 * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL ""
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
 * Contributors:

 /*	 DataStoreManager table description
			  userId TEXT,	 
			  contactUrl TEXT,
			  localId TEXT,
			  managerUri TEXT,
			  snsName TEXT,
			  snsDesc TEXT,
			  snsUrl TEXT),
			  presenceState INTEGER,
			  presenceText TEXT,
			  StatusText TEXT,
			  timeStamp INTEGER");			
		relation table constitue of relationId, contactId and contactIndex fields.
		relation (relationId INTEGER ,
			   	  contactId INTEGER,
			   	  contactIndex INTEGER);	
		if more than one contactId exist for a relation,
		contactIndex will be assigned in incremental order to the contactId's (0, 1, 2, 3........).
		Row	|	relationId | contactId | contactIndex
		R1	|	1000	   |  1234     |    0
		R2	|	1000       |  1235     |    1
		R3	|	1001       |  4567     |    0
		R4	|	1000       |  1236     |    2
		On deletion Row2: Deleting Relation Contact
		Row	|	relationId | contactId | contactIndex
		R1	|	1000	   |  1234     |    0		
		R2	|	1001       |  4567     |    0
		R3	|	1000       |  1236     |    1


#define socialProfileBaseID 1000

#include <QString>
#include <QObject>
#include <QtSql>

#include "smfprovider.h"
#include "smfcontact.h"
#include "smfrelationmgr.h"
#include "smfglobal.h"

enum DataStoreManagerState{READY, BUSY, CLOSED, ERROR};

struct DSMContactPckg
	 QString userId; 
	 QString contactUrl;
	 QString localId;
	 QString managerUri;
	 QString snsName;
	 QString snsDesc; 
	 QString snsUrl;
	 QString presenceState;
	 QString presenceText;
	 QString statusText;
	 Int64 timeStamp;
	 int contactIndex;
	 int relationId;

class DataStoreManager : public QObject
		static DataStoreManager* getDataStoreManager();
		DataStoreManagerState getState() const;
		QString getErrorText() const;
	public slots:
        SmfRelationId create(SmfProvider *aProvider=NULL, SmfContact *aContact=NULL);

		/** assign contact to a relation */
		SmfError associate( SmfRelationId aRelation,
							const SmfContact* aContact,
							SmfProvider* aProvider);				

		/** remove contact from a relation */
		SmfError remove(SmfRelationId aRelation,
						const SmfContact* aConact);			

		/** returns first relation item in the relation when exists, NULL otherwise */
		SmfRelationItem* searchById(const SmfRelationId aRelation);

		/** returns relation Id for a given contacts if exists, NULL otherwise */
		SmfRelationId searchByContact( SmfContact aContact);		

		/** list of contacts and their provider */
		QList<SmfRelationItem> getAll(SmfRelationId aRelation);
		/**contacts and their provider */
		SmfRelationItem* getContact(SmfRelationId aRelation, quint32 aIndex);

		/** delete a particular relation*/
		SmfError deleteRelation(SmfRelationId aRelation);
		/** list of all relations */
		QList<SmfRelationId> getAllRelations();
		/** returns number of contacts in a relation*/
		uint count(SmfRelationId aRelation);
		/** get DSMContactPckg */
		DSMContactPckg* get(SmfRelationId aRelation, quint32 aIndex);
		int openDB();
		int executeQuery(QSqlQuery&);
		DataStoreManager(const QString& dbName, QObject* parent = 0); 
		bool InitializeDataBase();	// Initialization code to be called once while lazy construction of the instance
        /*create and initialize a SmfRelationItem*/
		void createRelationItem(QSqlQuery & aQry, int aIndex);
			ENewRelation = -1
        /*------------------Operation on Contact Table-------------------*/
        /**insert a row in the contact table */        
        int addContactToTable( const QString &localId, 
									const QString &managerUri,
									const QString &snsName,
									const QString &snsDesc,
									const QString &snsUrl);
        int addContactToTable( const QString &userId, 
									const QString &contactUrl,
									const QString &localId,
									const QString &managerUri,
									const QString &snsName,
									const QString &snsDesc, 
									const QString &snsUrl,
									const QString &presenceState,
									const QString &presenceText,
									const QString &statusText,
									const Int64 timeStamp	

        /**delete a row in the contact table */
        SmfError removeContactFromTable(const int aContactId);
        /**search for relation item ( contact ) */
        SmfRelationItem* searchContact(const int aContactId);
        /**search for contact if exist, return True/False*/
        TBool contactIfExist( const int aContactId);
        /*------------------Operation on Relation Table-------------------*/ 
        /**insert a row in relation table and return relationId */
        int addRelationToTable(const int aContactId, int aRelationId = ENewRelation);
        /**delete a relation table*/
        SmfError deleteRelationFromTable(const int aRelationId);
        /**delete a row in relation table*/
		SmfError deleteContactFromTable(const int aRelationId, const int aContactId);	
        /**search for list of contactId */
        QList<int> searchContactIdList(const int aRelationId);
        /**search for a contactId */
        int searchContactId(const int aRelationId, const int aIndex);
        /**search for relation id*/
        int searchRelationId(const int aContactId);
        /**search for a reation contact having highest index value*/
        int findMaxIndexValue(const int aRelationId );
        /**search for a reationId highest value*/
        int findMaxRelationId();
        /**On deletion of a contact it decrease index of all contacts 
         * having index greater than it in that relation.
         * */
        void manageContactIndex(const int aRelationId, const int aContactIndex );
        /** returns number of contacts in a relation*/
        uint count(const int aRelationId);
        /**search for relation if exist, return True/False*/
        TBool relationIfExist( const int aRelationId);
        static DataStoreManager* dsmInstance;		// Unique Instance for DSM (Singleton Implementation)
        static const QString dbName;
        int dsmInstanceCount; 						// Track references to the DSM
        static DataStoreManagerState state;			// Current state of DSM
        QString lastMsg;							// Last message/error generated by the database.
        QSqlDatabase db;
        SmfRelationItem * iSmsfRelationItem;
        DSMContactPckg	*iDSMContactPckgItem;
