author cgandhi
Tue, 12 Oct 2010 15:23:52 +0530
changeset 27 b3e1347ac96a
parent 26 83d6a149c755
permissions -rw-r--r--
Updating the information for test applications and results.

 * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
 * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL ""
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Pritam Roy Biswas, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
 * Description:
 * This is the public implementation Class(Qt wrapper) for symbian client for Credential Manager server
#include "smfcredmgrclient.h"
#include "smfcredmgrclient_p.h"

SmfCredMgrClient::SmfCredMgrClient(QObject* Parent) :
	//Symbian specific compilation
#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN 
	QT_TRAP_THROWING(m_SmfClientPrivate = CSmfCredMgrClientSymbian::NewL(this));
	m_SmfClientPrivate = new SmfCredMgrClientStub(this);
	delete m_SmfClientPrivate;

QString SmfCredMgrClient::StoreAuthData(SmfAuthParams Set, QDateTime Validity,
		QList<QUrl> URLList, QStringList PluginList, QString AuthAppId,
		bool Flag)
	QString regToken;
	if (!(Set.isEmpty() || URLList.isEmpty() || PluginList.isEmpty()
			|| AuthAppId.isEmpty() || Validity.isNull()))
		QT_TRAP_THROWING( regToken = m_SmfClientPrivate->storeAuthDataL(Set, Validity, URLList,
				PluginList, AuthAppId, Flag) );
	return regToken;

QStringList SmfCredMgrClient::AuthenticatedPluginList(QString RegistrationToken) const
	QStringList List;
	if (!RegistrationToken.isEmpty())
		QT_TRAP_THROWING( m_SmfClientPrivate->authenticatedPluginListL(RegistrationToken, List));

	return List;

QList<QUrl> SmfCredMgrClient::URLList(QString PluginID) const
	QList<QUrl> List;
	if (!(PluginID.isEmpty()))
		QT_TRAP_THROWING ( m_SmfClientPrivate->URLListL(PluginID, List) );
	return List;

QString SmfCredMgrClient::GenerateNONCE(const qint64 Length)
	return m_SmfClientPrivate->generateNONCE(Length);

void SmfCredMgrClient::ChangePluginIDList(QString NewPluginID, bool Flag,
		QString OldPluginID)
	if (!(OldPluginID.isEmpty() || NewPluginID.isEmpty()))
		QT_TRAP_THROWING (m_SmfClientPrivate->changePluginIDListL(NewPluginID, Flag, OldPluginID));

bool SmfCredMgrClient::CheckPluginAuthentication(QString PluginID) const
	bool result = false;
	if (!(PluginID.isEmpty()))
		TBool check = EFalse;
		QT_TRAP_THROWING ( check =  m_SmfClientPrivate->isPluginAuthenticatedL(PluginID) );
			result = true;
			result = false;
	return result;

bool SmfCredMgrClient::AuthDataSet(QString RegToken, QDateTime Validity,
		SmfAuthParams& AuthTokenSet) const
	bool datastored = false;
	if (!(RegToken.isEmpty() || Validity.isNull()))
		TBool Flag = EFalse;
		QT_TRAP_THROWING ( Flag = m_SmfClientPrivate->AuthDataSetL(RegToken, Validity, AuthTokenSet));
		if (Flag)
			datastored = true;
			datastored = false;
	return datastored;

QString SmfCredMgrClient::StoreRSAKeys(const QString KeyLabel,
		const QString keydata, const QDateTime Validity)
	QString retData;
	if (!(KeyLabel.isEmpty() || keydata.isEmpty()) && Validity.isValid())
		QT_TRAP_THROWING ( retData = m_SmfClientPrivate->storeRSAKeysL(KeyLabel, keydata, Validity) );
	return retData;

SMFCredMgrErrorCode SmfCredMgrClient::SignMessage(QString Message, QString Key,
		QString& Signature, SmfSignatureMethod AlgorithmUsed)
	SMFCredMgrErrorCode errorCode = SmfErrBadParameter;
	if (!(Message.isEmpty() || Key.isEmpty()))
		QT_TRAP_THROWING ( errorCode =  m_SmfClientPrivate->signMessageL(Message, Key, Signature,
				AlgorithmUsed) );
	return errorCode;

void SmfCredMgrClient::DeleteRSAKey(QString KeyLabel)
	if (!(KeyLabel.isEmpty()))

bool SmfCredMgrClient::CheckServiceAuthorization( const QString& AuthAppId )
	bool isAuthorised = false;
	if (!AuthAppId.isEmpty())
		TBool Flag = EFalse;
		QT_TRAP_THROWING ( Flag = m_SmfClientPrivate->CheckServiceAuthorizationL(AuthAppId));
		if (Flag)
			isAuthorised = true;
			isAuthorised = false;
	return isAuthorised;

SMFCredMgrErrorCode SmfCredMgrClient::DeleteAuthData( const QString& AuthAppId,
		const QString& RegToken, const QDateTime& Validity )
	SMFCredMgrErrorCode errorCode = SmfErrBadParameter;
	if (!(AuthAppId.isEmpty() || RegToken.isEmpty() || Validity.isNull()))
		TBool Flag = EFalse;
		QT_TRAP_THROWING ( Flag = m_SmfClientPrivate->DeleteAuthDataL(AuthAppId, RegToken, Validity));
		if (Flag)
			errorCode = SmfErrNone;
			errorCode = SmfErrUnAutherised;
	return errorCode;