* Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"
* Initial Contributors:
* Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
* Contributors:
* Manasij Roy, Nalina Hariharan
* Description:
* The Transport Manager class initializes the transport component of Smf
* framework
* Note: This class has dependencies on QtMobility project
// Include files
#include "smfserverglobal.h"
// Qt mobility classes
#include <qnetworkconfigmanager.h>
#include <qsysteminfo.h>
using namespace QtMobility;
* The Transport Manager class initializes the transport component of Smf
* framework
* Note: This class has dependencies on QtMobility project
class SmfTransportManager : public QObject
* Method to get the instance of SmfTransportManager class
* @return The instance of SmfTransportManager class
static SmfTransportManager* getInstance ( );
* Destructor
~SmfTransportManager ( );
public slots:
* Method to initialize the transport component before
* executing a web query
* @return SmfTransportInitializeResult
SmfTransportInitializeResult initializeTransport ( );
* This slot is called whenever a new network configuration is added to the system.
* @param aConfig The new configuration
void configurationAdded ( const QNetworkConfiguration &aConfig );
* This slot is called when the state of the aConfig changes.
* @param aConfig The changed configuration
void configurationChanged ( const QNetworkConfiguration &aConfig );
* This slot is called when a configuration is about to be removed from the system.
* The removed configuration is invalid but retains name and identifier.
* @param aConfig The to be removed configuration
void configurationRemoved ( const QNetworkConfiguration &aConfig );
/* Method to get network availability.
* @return True if online, else false.
bool getNetworkAvailabilty ( );
* Method that checks if the phone is in home network or in roaming.
* @param aStatus [out] An output parameter indicating the current network
* status as SmfNetworkStatus
void getCurrentNetworkStatus ( SmfNetworkStatus &aStatus );
* Constructor with default argument
SmfTransportManager ( );
* Copy Constructor
* @param aOther The reference object
SmfTransportManager ( const SmfTransportManager &aOther );
* The single instance of SmfTransportManager
static SmfTransportManager* m_myInstance;
* Member variable - QNetworkConfigurationManager instance
QNetworkConfigurationManager *m_netwConfigMngr;
* Member variable - QSystemNetworkInfo instance
QSystemNetworkInfo *m_systemInfo;