author James Aley <>
Fri, 21 May 2010 16:43:17 +0100
changeset 11 fa1596340710
parent 10 77a56c951f86
child 14 a469c0e6e7fb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Configuring destination and link directory for desktop builds

 * Copyright (c) 2010 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
 * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL ""
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Chandradeep Gandhi, Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd - Initial contribution
 * Contributors:
 * Manasij Roy, Nalina Hariharan
 * Description:
 * The Transport Manager class initializes the transport component of Smf 
 * framework
 * Note: This class has dependencies on QtMobility project

// Include files
#include "smftransportmanager.h"
#include "smftransportmanagerutil.h"

// Static data initialisation
SmfTransportManager* SmfTransportManager::m_myInstance = NULL;

 * Method to get the instance of SmfTransportManager class
 * @return The instance of SmfTransportManager class
SmfTransportManager* SmfTransportManager::getInstance ( )
	if(NULL == m_myInstance)
		m_myInstance = new SmfTransportManager( );
	return m_myInstance;

 * Constructor with default argument
 * @param aParent The parent object
SmfTransportManager::SmfTransportManager ( )
		: m_netwConfigMngr(this), m_systemInfo(this)
	// Register for monitoring changes in IAPs (network configurations)
	connect(&m_netwConfigMngr, SIGNAL(configurationAdded(const QNetworkConfiguration &)), 
			this, SLOT(configurationAdded(const QNetworkConfiguration &)));
	connect(&m_netwConfigMngr, SIGNAL(configurationChanged(const QNetworkConfiguration &)), 
			this, SLOT(configurationChanged(const QNetworkConfiguration &)));
	connect(&m_netwConfigMngr, SIGNAL(configurationRemoved(const QNetworkConfiguration &)), 
			this, SLOT(configurationRemoved(const QNetworkConfiguration &)));

 * Destructor
SmfTransportManager::~SmfTransportManager ( )
		delete m_myInstance;

 * Method to initialize the transport component before 
 * executing a web query
 * @return SmfTransportInitializeResult
 * @see smfglobal.h
SmfTransportInitializeResult SmfTransportManager::initializeTransport ( )
	SmfTransportInitializeResult retVal = SmfTransportInitNetworkNotAvailable;
		retVal = SmfTransportInitNoError;
		SmfNetworkStatus status;
			// homenetwork
			case SmfNetworkConnectedHome:
			case SmfNetworkConnected:

			// roaming
			case SmfNetworkConnectedRoaming:
///////////// check with CSM for usage while roaming
//// if enabled do nothing(i.e, retVal will be SmfTransportInitNoError)
//// else retVal = SmfTransportInitRoamingNetworkUsageNotEnabled;
/*				if(!iSmfServer->getNetworkUsageWhileRoamingSetting())
					retVal = SmfTransportInitRoamingNetworkUsageNotEnabled;*/
			// unknown state
			case SmfNetworkStateNotKnown:
			// network not available
			case SmfNetworkNotConnected:
			default :
				retVal = SmfTransportInitNetworkNotAvailable;
	return retVal;

/* Method to get network availability.
 * @return True if online, else false.
bool SmfTransportManager::getNetworkAvailabilty ( )
	return m_netwConfigMngr.isOnline();

 * Method that checks if the phone is in home network or in roaming.
 * @param aStatus [out] An output parameter indicating the current network 
 * status as SmfNetworkStatus
 * @see smfglobal.h
void SmfTransportManager::getCurrentNetworkStatus ( 
		SmfNetworkStatus &aStatus )
	QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkStatus status = m_systemInfo.networkStatus ( QSystemNetworkInfo::GsmMode );
		// homenetwork
		case QSystemNetworkInfo::HomeNetwork:
			aStatus = SmfNetworkConnectedHome;
		// connected
		case QSystemNetworkInfo::Connected:
			aStatus = SmfNetworkConnected;
		// roaming	
		case QSystemNetworkInfo::Roaming:
			aStatus = SmfNetworkConnectedRoaming;
		// unknown state			
		case QSystemNetworkInfo::Searching:
		case QSystemNetworkInfo::Busy:
			aStatus = SmfNetworkStateNotKnown;

		// network not available
		case QSystemNetworkInfo::UndefinedStatus:
		case QSystemNetworkInfo::NoNetworkAvailable:
		case QSystemNetworkInfo::EmergencyOnly:
		case QSystemNetworkInfo::Denied:
		default :
			aStatus = SmfNetworkNotConnected;

 * This slot is called whenever a new network configuration is added to the system.
 * @param aConfig The new configuration
void SmfTransportManager::configurationAdded ( 
		const QNetworkConfiguration &aConfig )

 * This slot is called when the state of the aConfig changes.
 * @param aConfig The changed configuration
void SmfTransportManager::configurationChanged ( 
		const QNetworkConfiguration &aConfig )
	if( aConfig == m_netwConfigMngr.defaultConfiguration() )

 * This slot is called when a configuration is about to be removed from the system.
 * The removed configuration is invalid but retains name and identifier.
 * @param aConfig The to be removed configuration
void SmfTransportManager::configurationRemoved ( 
		const QNetworkConfiguration &aConfig )
	if( aConfig == m_netwConfigMngr.defaultConfiguration() )