changeset 14 da856f45b798
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // mdnsserver.cpp
    15 // 
    16 //
    17 /**
    18 @file
    19 @internalTechnology
    20 */
    22 #include "mdnsserver.h"
    23 #include <commdbConnpref.h>
    24 #include "mdnsserversession.h"
    25 #include "shutdowntimer.h"
    26 #include "cmessagehandler.h"
    27 #include "cmdnscacheconsistencymgr.h"
    28 #include <mdns/cmdnsserverconstants.h>
    29 #include "cmdnsprobemanager.h"
    30 #include <nifman.h>
    31 #include <comms-infras/es_config.h> 
    32 #include <EscapeUtils.h>
    33 #include <ecom/ECom.h> 
    34 #include <btengsettings.h>// Console
    35 #include "cengsettingsobserver.h"
    36 __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KComponent,"MDNSServer");)
    37 CMdnsServer* CMdnsServer::NewL()
    38 	{
    40 	CMdnsServer* self = CMdnsServer::NewLC();
    41 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    43 	return self;
    44 	}
    46 /*
    47  * Two phase constructor
    48  */
    49 CMdnsServer* CMdnsServer::NewLC()
    50 	{
    51 	CMdnsServer* self = new (ELeave) CMdnsServer;
    52 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    53 	self->ConstructL();
    54 	return self;
    55 	}
    57 /*
    58  * Derived from CPolicy server
    59  * Creates a new session object.
    60  */
    61 CSession2* CMdnsServer::NewSessionL(const TVersion& /*aVersion*/, const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/) const
    62 	{
    63 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::NewSessionL - Entry"));
    64 	// if we're in the process of shutting the server down cleanly,
    65 	// don't accept any more connections.
    66 	if (iShutdownInProgress)
    67 		{
    68 		User::Leave(KErrCouldNotConnect);
    69 		}
    71 	CMdnsServerSession* session = CMdnsServerSession::NewL(*this);
    72 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::NewSessionL - Exit"));
    73 	return session;
    74 	}
    76 TInt CMdnsServer::NewSession()
    77 	{
    78 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::NewSession - Entry"));
    79 	iShutdownTimer->Cancel();
    80 	++iConnectionCount;
    81 	++iSessionIdCounter;
    82 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::NewSession - Exit"));
    83 	return iSessionIdCounter;
    84 	}
    86 void CMdnsServer::DropSession()
    87 	{
    88 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::DropSession - Entry"));
    89 	if (0 == --iConnectionCount)
    90 		{
    91 		//CActiveScheduler::Stop();
    92 		iShutdownTimer->Start();
    93 		}
    94 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::DropSession - Exit"));
    95 	}
    97 void CMdnsServer::BeginShutdownL()
    98 	{
    99 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::BeginShutdownL - Entry"));
   100 	iShutdownInProgress = ETrue;
   101 	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   102 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::BeginShutdownL - Exit"));
   103 	}
   105 /*
   106  * Destructor
   107  */
   108 CMdnsServer::~CMdnsServer()
   109 	{
   110 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::~CMdnsServer - Entry"));
   111 	iCacheConsistencyMgr->Stop();
   112 	delete iShutdownTimer;
   113 	delete iMessageHandler;
   114 	delete iProbeManager;
   115 	delete iInternalMessageQueue;
   116 	delete iCacheConsistencyMgr;
   117 	iConnection.Close();
   118 	iSockServ.Close();
   119 	iHostName.Close();
   120 	REComSession::FinalClose();
   121 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::~CMdnsServer - Exit"));
   122 	__FLOG_CLOSE;
   123 	}
   125 CMdnsServer::CMdnsServer()
   126 	: CPolicyServer(EPriorityStandard, zeroconfPolicy),iConnectionCount(0),iSessionIdCounter(0)
   127 	{
   128 	}
   130 /*
   131  * Get the system ipaddress by amaking a query to the dns.
   132  * @param aAddr on return contains the address.
   133  */
   134 TInt CMdnsServer::GetLocalHost ( TSockAddr& aAddr )
   135     {
   136     __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::GetLocalHost - Entry"));
   137     RSocket socket;
   138     TInt err = socket.Open ( iSockServ, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp );
   140     if ( err == KErrNone )
   141         {
   142         TInetAddr localHost;
   143         localHost.SetAddress ( KInetAddrAny );
   144         TPckgBuf<TSoInetIfQuery> query;
   145         query ().iDstAddr = localHost;
   147         err = socket.GetOpt ( KSoInetIfQueryByDstAddr, KSolInetIfQuery, query );
   149         if ( err == KErrNone )
   150             {
   151             // its local IP address
   152             localHost = query ().iSrcAddr;
   153             aAddr = localHost;
   154             TBuf<255>name ;
   155             name.Append(query ().iName);
   156             }
   157         }
   159     socket.Close ();
   160     __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::GetLocalHost - Exit"));
   161     return err;
   162     }
   164 /*
   165  * Two phase constructor
   166  */
   167 void CMdnsServer::ConstructL()
   168 	{
   169 	__FLOG_OPEN(KMDNSSubsystem, KComponent);
   170 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::ConstructL - Entry"));
   171 	User::LeaveIfError(iSockServ.Connect());
   172 	User::LeaveIfError(iConnection.Open(iSockServ));
   174 	// fetch the IAP from the command line
   175 	HBufC* iapBuf = HBufC::NewLC(User::CommandLineLength());
   176 	TPtr iapPtr = iapBuf->Des();
   177 	User::CommandLine(iapPtr);
   179 	TUint32 iap(0);
   180 	TLex lex(*iapBuf);
   181 	User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(iap, EDecimal));
   183 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iapBuf);
   185 	// start a connection with the appropriate IAP
   186 	TCommDbConnPref prefs;
   187 	prefs.SetIapId(iap);
   188 	prefs.SetDialogPreference(ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt);
   189 	User::LeaveIfError(iConnection.Start(prefs));
   191 	User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.Open(iSockServ, KAfInet, KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetUdp));
   192 	User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.SetLocalPort(KMdnsPort));
   193 	TInetAddr broadcast;
   194 	//To be added in constant header
   195 	const TUint32 KMDnsAddr = INET_ADDR(224, 0, 0, 251);
   196 	broadcast.SetAddress(KMDnsAddr);
   197 	JoinMulticastGroupL(broadcast);
   198 	iMessageHandler = CMessageHandler::NewL(*this);
   199 	iShutdownTimer = CShutdownTimer::NewL(*this);
   200 	/***************************************PROBE**************************************************/
   201 	 //From here : Probe only for Host Name
   202     iProbeManager = CMDNSProbeManager::NewL(iMessageHandler->DnsCache(),*iMessageHandler,ETrue);
   203     TInetAddr addr;
   204     GetLocalHost(addr);
   205     //iHostName.Create(_L8("vadan.Local")); 
   206     CEngSettingsObserver* observer = CEngSettingsObserver::NewLC();
   208     CBTEngSettings* btsettings= CBTEngSettings::NewL(observer);
   210     RBuf name;
   211     name.CreateL(64);
   212     btsettings->GetLocalName(name);
   213     if(name.Length()==0)
   214         {
   215         iHostName.CreateL(_L8("MyNokiaPhone.Local"));
   216         }
   217     else
   218         {
   219         name.Append(_L(".local"));    
   220         iHostName.CreateL(name.Collapse());
   221         }    
   223     iProbeManager->StartNameProbeL(iHostName,addr);
   224     /*****************************************END**************************************************/
   225     iInternalMessageQueue = CInternalMessageQueue::NewL(*this);
   226     /*****************************************ConsistencyMgr***************************************/
   227     iCacheConsistencyMgr = CMDNSCacheConsistencyMgr::NewL(ETrue,*iMessageHandler);
   228     iCacheConsistencyMgr->Start();
   229 	// start up the server
   230 	StartL(KMdnsServerName);
   231 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::ConstructL - Exit"));
   232 	}
   233 /*
   234  * Interface to join the multicast group.
   235  * @param aMulticastAddr specifies the multicast address to which it will join
   236  * this is generally the mdns multicast address.
   237  */
   238 void CMdnsServer::JoinMulticastGroupL(TInetAddr& aMulticastAddr)
   239 	{
   240 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::JoinMulticastGroupL - Entry"));
   241 	TPckgBuf<TIp6Mreq> mReq;
   243 	if (aMulticastAddr.Family() != KAfInet6)
   244 		{
   245 		aMulticastAddr.ConvertToV4Mapped();
   246 		}
   248 	mReq().iAddr =  aMulticastAddr.Ip6Address();
   249 	mReq().iInterface = 0;
   250 	User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.SetOpt(KSoIp6MulticastHops, KSolInetIp, 255));
   251 	User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.SetOpt(KSoIp6JoinGroup, KSolInetIp, mReq));
   252 	User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.SetOpt(KSoIp6MulticastLoop, KSolInetIp, 0));
   253 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::JoinMulticastGroupL - Exit"));
   254 	}
   256 /*
   257  * @return returns the reference to the socket.
   258  */
   259 RSocket& CMdnsServer::Socket()
   260 	{
   261 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::Socket -Entry  Exit"));
   262 	return iSocket;	
   263 	}
   264 /*
   265  * returns the reference to messagehandler.
   266  */
   267 CMessageHandler& CMdnsServer::MessageHandler()const
   268 	{
   269 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::MessageHandler -Entry Exit"));
   270 	return *iMessageHandler;
   271 	}		
   273 /*
   274  * Query from the client should be served after a delay .If sent to the 
   275  * network. usually 120ms. 
   276  * Server will be notified with the same after the time elapses.
   277  * @param aClientHandle session id which actually requested for the query .
   278  * 
   279  * */
   280 void CMdnsServer::NotifyClientQuery(TInt aClientHandle)
   281 	{
   282 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::NotifyClientQuery - Entry"));
   283 	iSessionIter.SetToFirst();
   284 	CSession2* session = NULL;
   285 	while (NULL != (session = iSessionIter++))
   286 		{
   287 		CMdnsServerSession* serverSession = static_cast<CMdnsServerSession*>(session);
   288 		if(serverSession->OutStandQueryClientHandle() == aClientHandle)
   289 			{
   290 			serverSession->SendResponseL();	
   291 			}
   292 		}	
   293 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::NotifyClientQuery - Exit"));
   294 	}
   296 /*
   297  * Returns the hostname with which it has been probed.
   298  */
   299 TDesC8& CMdnsServer::HostName()const
   300     {
   301     __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::HostName -Entry Exit"));
   302     return (TDesC8&)iHostName; 
   303     }
   306 void CMdnsServer::SetHostNameL(const TDesC8& aName)
   307     {
   308     iHostName.Close();
   309     iHostName.CreateL(aName);
   310     }
   312 /*
   313  * When a new service appears in the network. 
   314  * will be notified to the server using this.
   315  * Server in turn looks for the session interested in the service and completes the asynchronous reuest.
   316  */
   317 void CMdnsServer::NotifyNewServiceL(const RArray<RBuf8>& aName)
   318 	{
   319 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::NotifyNewServiceL - Entry"));
   320 	iSessionIter.SetToFirst();
   321 	CSession2* session = NULL;
   322 	while (NULL != (session = iSessionIter++))
   323 		{
   324 		CMdnsServerSession* serverSession = static_cast<CMdnsServerSession*>(session);
   325 		serverSession->NewServiceL(aName);
   326 		}
   327 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::NotifyNewServiceL - Exit"));
   328 	}
   330 /*
   331  * After the service has been published succesfully.
   332  * Server will be notified with this interface.
   333  * @param aName name with which the service is published.
   334  * @param aError result of submission.
   335  * @param aSessionId session id of the client.
   336  */
   337 void CMdnsServer::NotifyServicePublishL(const RBuf8& aName,TInt aError, TInt aSessionId)
   338 	{
   339 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::NotifyServicePublishL - Entry"));
   340 	iSessionIter.SetToFirst();
   341 	CSession2* session = NULL;
   342 	while ((NULL != (session = iSessionIter++)) )
   343 		{
   344 		CMdnsServerSession* serverSession = static_cast<CMdnsServerSession*>(session);
   345 		if(serverSession->SessionId() == aSessionId)
   346 		    {
   347 		    serverSession->HandleServiceNameConflictL(aName,aError);
   348 		    }
   349 		}
   350 	SetPublishingService(EFalse);
   351 	if(MessageQueue()->Count()>0)
   352 	    {
   353 	    MessageQueue()->StartProcessing();
   354 	    }
   355 	__FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::NotifyServicePublishL - Exit"));
   356 	}
   358 /*
   359  * This performs two tast.
   360  * 1. Set the iIsHostprobing to ETrue if host probing is going on.
   361  * 2. If Hostprobing is over it sees whether there are any pending queries or 
   362  * publish request . IF there are any it will start processing the same .
   363  * @param aProbing true if host probing.
   364  */
   365 void CMdnsServer::SetStateHostProbing(TBool aProbing)
   366     {
   367     __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::SetStateHostProbing - Entry"));
   368     iIsHostProbing = aProbing;
   369     if(!aProbing && MessageQueue()->Count()>0)
   370         {
   371         MessageQueue()->StartProcessing();
   372         }
   373     __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::SetStateHostProbing - Exit"));        
   374     }
   376 /*
   377  * @return returns wheteher host probing is going on or not.
   378  */
   379 TBool CMdnsServer::IsHostProbing()const
   380     {
   381     __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::IsHostProbing - Exit"));
   382     return iIsHostProbing;
   383     }
   385 /*
   386  * Starts any pending publish or query request in the queue.
   387  * @param aMessage query or publish request.
   388  * @param aType can be either publish or query.
   389  * @param aSessionId session which requested .
   390  */
   391 void CMdnsServer::ProcessQueuedMessage(const RMessage2& aMessage, const TMessageType aType,TInt aSessionId)
   392     {
   393     __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::ProcessQueuedMessage - Entry"));
   394     iSessionIter.SetToFirst();
   395         CSession2* session = NULL;
   396         while (NULL != (session = iSessionIter++))
   397             {
   398             CMdnsServerSession* serverSession = static_cast<CMdnsServerSession*>(session);
   399             if(aSessionId == serverSession->SessionId())
   400                 {
   401                 switch(aType)
   402                     {
   403                     case EQueryMessage:
   404                         {
   405                         serverSession->ServiceQueryL(aMessage);
   406                         break;
   407                         }
   408                     case EPublishMessage:
   409                         {
   410                         serverSession->PublishL(aMessage);
   411                         break;
   412                         }
   413                     }
   414                 }
   415             }  
   416     __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::ProcessQueuedMessage - Exit"));
   417     }
   419 /*
   420  * Pointer to the internall message queue.
   421  */
   422 CInternalMessageQueue* CMdnsServer::MessageQueue()
   423     {
   424     __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::MessageQueue -Entry Exit"));
   425     return iInternalMessageQueue;
   426     }
   429 void CMdnsServer::OnPacketSendL(TInt /*aError*/)
   430     {
   431     // this is the call back after the bye-bye packet is sent.
   432     // do nothing
   433     __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::OnPacketSendL -Entry Exit"));
   434     }
   435 /*
   436  * if publishing will be set to true.
   437  * this is to halt any further publish , till the one undergoing gets over.
   438  */
   439 void CMdnsServer::SetPublishingService(TBool aFlag)
   440     {
   441     __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::SetPublishingService - Entry"));
   442     iIsPublishing = aFlag;
   443     __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::SetPublishingService - Exit"));
   445     }
   446 TBool CMdnsServer::IsPublishingService() const
   447     {
   448     __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServer::IsPublishingService -Entry Exit"));
   449     return iIsPublishing ;
   450     }