changeset 0 f5a58ecadc66
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f5a58ecadc66
     1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 // System includes
    17 #include <e32std.h>
    18 #include <http/thttptable.h>
    19 #include <upnp/tupnptable.h>
    21 // Local includes
    22 #include "CHeaderField.h"
    23 #include "CHeaders.h"
    24 #include "rhttpheaders.h"
    25 #include "tupnpmessagepanic.h"
    28 CHeaders* CHeaders::NewL(CHeaderCodec& aCodec)
    29 	{
    30 	CHeaders* me = new(ELeave)CHeaders(aCodec);
    31 	return me;
    32 	}
    34 CHeaders::~CHeaders()
    35 	{
    36 	PurgeFields();
    37 	iFields.Close();
    38 	}
    40 RHTTPHeaders CHeaders::Handle()
    41 	{	
    42 	RHTTPHeaders handle;
    43 	handle.iImplementation = this; 
    44 	return handle;
    45 	}
    48 // create or append a field part for the named field and assigned value
    49 void CHeaders::SetFieldL(RStringF aFieldName, THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue)
    50 	{
    51 	CHeaderField& field = CreateOrLookupFieldL(aFieldName);
    53 	// Create a part for the value supplied
    54 	CHeaderFieldPart* part = CHeaderFieldPart::NewL(aFieldValue);
    55 	CleanupStack::PushL(part);
    56 	field.AddPartL(part);
    57 	CleanupStack::Pop(part);
    58 	}
    60 // create or append a field part with parameter, for the specified field, parameter and associated values
    61 void CHeaders::SetFieldL(RStringF aFieldName, THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue,
    62 						 RStringF aParamName, THTTPHdrVal aParamValue)
    63 	{
    64 	CHeaderField& field = CreateOrLookupFieldL(aFieldName);
    66 	// Check whether a part with the supplied value already exists, if so then the API semantics are that
    67 	// an additional parameter should be set on that part. Otherwise a new part will be created.
    68 	THeaderFieldPartIter iter = field.PartsL();
    69 	iter.First();
    70 	CHeaderFieldPart* part = NULL;
    71 	while (!iter.AtEnd())
    72 		{
    73 		const CHeaderFieldPart* pt = iter();
    74 		if (pt->Value() == aFieldValue)
    75 			part = CONST_CAST(CHeaderFieldPart*, pt);
    76 		++iter;
    77 		}
    79 	// Create a part only if the match didn't occur
    80 	if (!part)
    81 		{
    82 		part = CHeaderFieldPart::NewL(aFieldValue);
    83 		CleanupStack::PushL(part);
    84 		field.AddPartL(part);
    85 		CleanupStack::Pop(part);
    86 		}
    88 	// Create a parameter for the value supplied
    89 	CHeaderFieldParam* param = CHeaderFieldParam::NewL(aParamName, aParamValue);
    90 	CleanupStack::PushL(param);
    91 	part->AddParamL(param);
    92 	CleanupStack::Pop(param);
    93 	}
    95 // Set a named field in the header to contain the supplied Raw data. Any existing header field of
    96 // this name will be lost.
    97 void CHeaders::SetRawFieldL(RStringF aFieldName, const TDesC8& aRawFieldData, const TDesC8& aFieldSeparator)
    98 	{
    99 	// See if field exists
   100 	TInt idx = LocateFieldName(aFieldName);
   102 	if (idx == KErrNotFound)
   103 		{
   104 		// create a new one using the field name
   105 		CHeaderField* hdr = CHeaderField::NewL(aFieldName, *this, aRawFieldData);
   106 		CleanupStack::PushL(hdr);
   107 		DoInsertInNameOrderL(hdr, aFieldName);
   108 		CleanupStack::Pop(hdr); 
   109 		}
   110 	else
   111 		{
   112 		CHeaderField* field = iFields[idx].iField;
   113 		TPtrC8 originalRawData;
   114 		field->RawDataL(originalRawData);
   116 		// add the new raw data to the existing field using the aFieldSeparator param as a separator
   117 		HBufC8* newRawDataBuf = HBufC8::NewLC(originalRawData.Length() + aFieldSeparator.Length() + aRawFieldData.Length());
   118 		TPtr8 newRawDataPtr = newRawDataBuf->Des();
   119 		newRawDataPtr.Append(originalRawData);
   120 		newRawDataPtr.Append(aFieldSeparator);
   121 		newRawDataPtr.Append(aRawFieldData);
   122 		field->BeginRawDataL();
   123 		field->WriteRawDataL(*newRawDataBuf);
   124 		field->CommitRawData();
   125 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newRawDataBuf);
   126 		}	
   127 	}
   129 // Remove, entirely, the named header field from the header collection. All its parts and
   130 // associated parameters (where they exist) are also removed
   131 TInt CHeaders::RemoveField(RStringF aFieldName)
   132 	{
   133 	// Locate the name first - give up straight away if the field isn't found
   134 	TInt idx = LocateFieldName(aFieldName);
   135 	if (idx < 0)
   136 		return idx;
   138 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(idx < iFields.Count(), TUPnPMessagePanic::Panic(TUPnPMessagePanic::EHeaderFieldMissing));
   139 	// destroy the header field
   140 	CHeaderField* field = iFields[idx].iField;
   141 	iFields.Remove(idx);
   142 	delete field;
   144 	return KErrNone;
   145 	}
   147 TInt CHeaders::RemoveFieldPartL(RStringF aFieldName, TInt aIndex)
   148 	{
   149 	TInt idx = LocateFieldName(aFieldName);
   150 	if (idx == KErrNotFound)
   151 		return idx;
   153 	CHeaderField* field = iFields[idx].iField;
   154 	field->RemovePartL(aIndex);
   156 	if (field->NumPartsL() == 0)
   157 		{
   158 		iFields.Remove(idx);
   159 		delete field;
   160 		}
   161 	return KErrNone;
   162 	}
   164 void CHeaders::RemoveAllFields()
   165 	{
   166 	PurgeFields();
   167 	iFields.Reset();
   168 	}
   170 // Obtain the number of parts in the named header field's value, Simple headers are created with a single part
   171 // following one call to SetFieldL. Subsequent calls to SetFieldL create additional parts with the field exists
   172 // already
   173 TInt CHeaders::FieldPartsL(RStringF aFieldName) const
   174 	{
   175 	TInt idx = LocateFieldName(aFieldName);
   176 	if (idx == KErrNotFound)
   177 		return 0;
   179 	CHeaderField* field = iFields[idx].iField;
   180 	return field->NumPartsL();
   181 	}
   183 // Obtain the named header field's value.  Optionally, the index of a part within the field
   184 // may be specified. Parts are indexed from zero
   185 TInt CHeaders::GetField(RStringF aFieldName, TInt aPartIdx, THTTPHdrVal& aHeaderValue) const
   186 	{
   187 	TInt error = KErrNone;
   188 	CHeaderFieldPart* part = NULL;
   189 	TRAPD(err, part = GetFieldPartL(aFieldName, aPartIdx));
   190 	if (err)
   191 		return err;
   193 	if (part)
   194 		aHeaderValue = part->Value();
   195 	else
   196 		error = KErrNotFound;
   197 	return error;
   198 	}
   200 // Obtain the raw representation of the named header field's value.
   201 TInt CHeaders::GetRawField(RStringF aFieldName, TPtrC8& aRawFieldData) const
   202 	{
   203 	TInt idx = LocateFieldName(aFieldName);
   204 	if (idx < 0)
   205 		return idx;
   206 	CHeaderField* field = iFields[idx].iField;
   207 	TRAPD(err,field->RawDataL(aRawFieldData));
   209 	if (err == KErrNone)
   210 		{
   211 		TInt newLinePos = aRawFieldData.Locate('\n');
   212 		if (newLinePos != KErrNotFound)
   213 			{
   214 			aRawFieldData.Set(aRawFieldData.Left(newLinePos));
   215 			}
   216 		}
   218 	return err;
   219 	}
   222 // Obtain the value of a named parameter, associated with the named header field.  An optional index to a part
   223 // within the header field may be supplied, if not it is assumed that it is the first part
   224 THTTPHdrVal CHeaders::GetParam(RStringF aFieldName, RStringF aParamName, 
   225 							   THTTPHdrVal& aValue, TInt aPartIdx) const
   226 	{
   227 	CHeaderFieldParam* param = GetFieldParameter(aFieldName, aParamName, aPartIdx);
   228 	if (param == NULL)
   229 		return KErrNotFound;
   230 	aValue =  param->Value();
   231 	return 0;
   232 	}
   234 // Set a param, overwriting one if it exists
   235 void CHeaders::SetParamL(RStringF aFieldName, RStringF aParamName,THTTPHdrVal aParamValue,  TInt aPartIdx)
   236 	{
   237 	// Locate the name first
   238 	TInt idx = LocateFieldName(aFieldName);
   239 	User::LeaveIfError(idx);
   240 	CHeaderField* field = iFields[idx].iField;
   241 	CHeaderFieldPart* part = field->PartL(aPartIdx);
   242 	CHeaderFieldParam* param = CHeaderFieldParam::NewL(aParamName, aParamValue);
   243 	CleanupStack::PushL(param);
   244 	part->AddParamL(param);
   245 	CleanupStack::Pop(param);
   246 	}
   249 // create an iterator initialised for this header collection
   250 THTTPHdrFieldIter CHeaders::Fields() const
   251 	{
   252 	return THTTPHdrFieldIter(this);
   253 	}
   255 // Obtain the index in the CHeaderField/RStringF arrays for the named header
   256 TInt CHeaders::LocateFieldName(RStringF aHeaderName) const
   257 	{
   258 	// Locate the name first in the array of field names
   259 	const TInt count = iFields.Count();
   260 	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ++ii)
   261 		{
   262 		if (iFields[ii].iFieldName == aHeaderName)
   263 			return ii;
   264 		}
   265 	return KErrNotFound;
   266 	}
   268 // Check if a named header field exists. If so, return it. If not, create it.
   269 CHeaderField& CHeaders::CreateOrLookupFieldL(RStringF aFieldName)
   270 	{
   271 	// Locate the name first
   272 	TInt idx = LocateFieldName(aFieldName);
   274 	// If the header was found, return it.  If no header matched, create
   275 	// one for that field name
   276 	CHeaderField* found = NULL;
   277 	if (idx != KErrNotFound)
   278 		{
   279 		found = iFields[idx].iField;
   280 		}
   281 	else
   282 		{
   283 		CHeaderField* hdr = CHeaderField::NewL(aFieldName, *this);
   284 		CleanupStack::PushL(hdr);
   285 		DoInsertInNameOrderL(hdr, aFieldName);
   286 		CleanupStack::Pop(hdr);
   287 		found = hdr;
   288 		}
   289 	return *found;
   290 	}
   292 // Get the indexed part of the named field, if it exists
   293 CHeaderFieldPart* CHeaders::GetFieldPartL(RStringF aFieldName, TInt aPartIdx) const
   294 	{
   295 	// check the field really exists
   296 	TInt idx = LocateFieldName(aFieldName);
   297 	User::LeaveIfError(idx);
   299 	CHeaderField* field = iFields[idx].iField;
   300 	CHeaderFieldPart* part = field->PartL(aPartIdx);
   301 	return part;
   302 	}
   304 // Get the named parameter from the named field, if it exists
   305 CHeaderFieldParam* CHeaders::GetFieldParameter(RStringF aFieldName, RStringF aParamName, TInt aPartIdx) const
   306 	{
   307 	// get the part and look up the named parameter
   308 	CHeaderFieldPart* part = NULL;
   309 	TRAPD(err, part = GetFieldPartL(aFieldName, aPartIdx));
   310 	if (part && !err)
   311 		return part->Parameter(aParamName);
   313 	if (err == KErrNotFound)
   314 		return NULL;
   315 	else
   316 		{
   317 		// find out what circumstances this might occur in.  non-existent field is fine;
   318 		// however if GetFieldPartL left then there might be a decoding error that should
   319 		// be reported somehow.
   320 		__DEBUGGER();
   321 		return NULL;
   322 		}
   323 	}
   326 void CHeaders::DoInsertInNameOrderL(CHeaderField* aHeader, RStringF aHeaderName)
   327 	{
   328 	THeaderFieldNamePair field;
   329 	field.iFieldName = aHeaderName;
   330 	field.iField = aHeader;
   331 	TLinearOrder<THeaderFieldNamePair> sortKey(THeaderFieldNamePair::CompareFieldNames);
   332 	User::LeaveIfError(iFields.InsertInOrder(field,sortKey));
   333 	}
   336 TInt CHeaders::THeaderFieldNamePair::CompareFieldNames(const THeaderFieldNamePair& aField1, 
   337 													   const THeaderFieldNamePair& aField2)
   338 	{
   339 	TInt val1 = KErrNone;
   340 	TInt val2 = KErrNone;
   342 	RStringF header1 = aField1.iFieldName;
   343 	RStringPool pool1 = aField1.iFieldName.Pool();
   345 	RStringF nts1 = pool1.StringF(UPnP::ENTS, TUPnPTable::Table());
   346 	RStringF nt1 = pool1.StringF(UPnP::ENT, TUPnPTable::Table());
   347 	RStringF usn1 = pool1.StringF(UPnP::EUSN, TUPnPTable::Table());
   348 	RStringF mx1 = pool1.StringF(UPnP::EMX, TUPnPTable::Table());
   349 	RStringF st1 = pool1.StringF(UPnP::EST, TUPnPTable::Table());
   350 	RStringF timeout1 = pool1.StringF(UPnP::ETimeout, TUPnPTable::Table());
   351 	RStringF seq1 = pool1.StringF(UPnP::ESEQ, TUPnPTable::Table());
   352 	RStringF man1 = pool1.StringF(UPnP::EMAN, TUPnPTable::Table());
   353 	RStringF soapaction1 = pool1.StringF(UPnP::ESoapAction, TUPnPTable::Table());
   354 	RStringF ext1 = pool1.StringF(UPnP::EExt, TUPnPTable::Table());
   355 	RStringF sid1 = pool1.StringF(UPnP::ESID, TUPnPTable::Table());
   356 	RStringF callback1 = pool1.StringF(UPnP::ECallback, TUPnPTable::Table());
   358 	RStringF header2 = aField2.iFieldName;
   359 	RStringPool pool2 = aField2.iFieldName.Pool();
   361 	RStringF nts2 = pool2.StringF(UPnP::ENTS, TUPnPTable::Table());
   362 	RStringF nt2 = pool2.StringF(UPnP::ENT, TUPnPTable::Table());
   363 	RStringF usn2 = pool2.StringF(UPnP::EUSN, TUPnPTable::Table());
   364 	RStringF mx2 = pool2.StringF(UPnP::EMX, TUPnPTable::Table());
   365 	RStringF st2 = pool2.StringF(UPnP::EST, TUPnPTable::Table());
   366 	RStringF timeout2 = pool2.StringF(UPnP::ETimeout, TUPnPTable::Table());
   367 	RStringF seq2 = pool2.StringF(UPnP::ESEQ, TUPnPTable::Table());
   368 	RStringF man2 = pool2.StringF(UPnP::EMAN, TUPnPTable::Table());
   369 	RStringF soapaction2 = pool2.StringF(UPnP::ESoapAction, TUPnPTable::Table());
   370 	RStringF ext2 = pool2.StringF(UPnP::EExt, TUPnPTable::Table());
   371 	RStringF sid2 = pool2.StringF(UPnP::ESID, TUPnPTable::Table());
   372 	RStringF callback2 = pool2.StringF(UPnP::ECallback, TUPnPTable::Table());
   374 	if(
   375 	   ((header1.DesC().Compare(nts1.DesC()) == 0)||(header1.DesC().Compare(nt1.DesC()) == 0)||
   376 	   (header1.DesC().Compare(usn1.DesC()) == 0)||(header1.DesC().Compare(mx1.DesC()) == 0)||
   377 	   (header1.DesC().Compare(st1.DesC()) == 0)||(header1.DesC().Compare(timeout1.DesC()) == 0)||
   378 	   (header1.DesC().Compare(seq1.DesC()) == 0)||(header1.DesC().Compare(man1.DesC()) == 0)||
   379 	   (header1.DesC().Compare(soapaction1.DesC()) == 0)||(header1.DesC().Compare(ext1.DesC()) == 0)||
   380 	   (header1.DesC().Compare(sid1.DesC()) == 0)||(header1.DesC().Compare(callback1.DesC()) == 0))&&
   381 	   ((header2.DesC().Compare(nts2.DesC()) == 0)||(header2.DesC().Compare(nt2.DesC()) == 0)||
   382 	   (header2.DesC().Compare(usn2.DesC()) == 0)||(header2.DesC().Compare(mx2.DesC()) == 0)||
   383 	   (header2.DesC().Compare(st2.DesC()) == 0)||(header2.DesC().Compare(timeout2.DesC()) == 0)||
   384 	   (header2.DesC().Compare(seq2.DesC()) == 0)||(header1.DesC().Compare(man2.DesC()) == 0)||
   385 	   (header2.DesC().Compare(soapaction2.DesC()) == 0)||(header2.DesC().Compare(ext2.DesC()) == 0)||
   386 	   (header2.DesC().Compare(sid2.DesC()) == 0)||(header2.DesC().Compare(callback2.DesC()) == 0))
   387 	  )
   389 		{
   390 		val1 = aField1.iFieldName.Index(TUPnPTable::Table());
   391 		val2 = aField2.iFieldName.Index(TUPnPTable::Table());
   392 		}
   393 	else
   394 		{
   395 		val1 = aField1.iFieldName.Index(THTTPTable::Table());
   396 		val2 = aField2.iFieldName.Index(THTTPTable::Table());
   397 		}
   399 	if (val1 != KErrNotFound && val2 != KErrNotFound)
   400 		return val1 - val2;
   401 	else if (val1 != KErrNotFound)
   402 		return -1;
   403 	else if (val2 != KErrNotFound)
   404 		return 1;
   405 	else
   406 		return aField1.iFieldName.DesC().Ptr() - 
   407 			aField2.iFieldName.DesC().Ptr();
   408 	}
   411 void CHeaders::PurgeFields()
   412 	{
   413 	const TInt count = iFields.Count();
   414 	for (TInt ii = 0; ii< count; ++ii)
   415 		{
   416 		delete iFields[ii].iField;
   417 		}
   418 	}