--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/zeroconf/server/src/cmessagehandler.cpp Thu Jun 24 19:09:47 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// cmessagehandler.cpp
+//System include
+#include <mdns/cdnsmessagecomposerparser.h>
+#include <mdns/cdnsmessage.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+//user include
+#include "cmessagehandler.h"
+#include "cqueryhandler.h"
+#include "ccacheentry.h"
+#include "cresponsehandler.h"
+#include "cadvertizehandler.h"
+#include <mdns/mdnscachemgr.h>
+Two phase constructor
+@param aServer reference to CBonjourServer
+@return pointer to CMessageHandler
+CMessageHandler* CMessageHandler::NewL(CMdnsServer& aServer)
+ {
+ CMessageHandler* self = new (ELeave) CMessageHandler(aServer);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+Implementation of MSocketHandlerObserver
+@param aData packet recieved from the mdns port
+@param aAddr address from which packet is recieved
+@param aLength length of the packet reieved
+@return void
+void CMessageHandler::OnCompletionL(TDesC8& aData, const TSockAddr& aAddr, TInt aLength )
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::OnCompletionL - Entry"));
+ HandleIncomingPacketL(aData ,aAddr ,aLength );
+ iRecieveSocket->Activate(TSocketHandlerParams(ESocketRecieve));
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::OnCompletionL - Exit"));
+ }
+Any error in the socket will be notified here
+@paran aError error with which socket leaves
+@return void
+void CMessageHandler::OnError(TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::OnError -Entry Exit"));
+ }
+CMessageHandler::CMessageHandler(CMdnsServer& aServer):iServer(aServer)
+ {
+ }
+Two phase constructor
+void CMessageHandler::ConstructL()
+ {
+ __FLOG_OPEN(KMDNSSubsystem, KComponent);
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::ConstructL - Entry"));
+ iQueryHandler = CQueryHandler::NewL(*this);
+ iResponseHandler = CResponseHandler::NewL(*this);
+ iAdvertizeHandler = CAdvertizeHandler::NewL(*this);
+ iRecieveSocket = CSocketHandler::NewL(iServer.Socket(),*this,ESocketRecieve);
+ iSendMessageQueue = CSendMessageQueue::NewL(iServer.Socket());
+ iRecieveSocket->Activate(TSocketHandlerParams(ESocketRecieve));
+ iDnsCache = CMDNSCacheManager::NewL(200);
+ iDummyhandler = CBaseHandler::NewL(*this);
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::ConstructL - Exit"));
+ }
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::~CMessageHandler - Entry"));
+ delete iQueryHandler;
+ delete iResponseHandler;
+ delete iAdvertizeHandler;
+ delete iRecieveSocket;
+ TRAPD(err,iDnsCache->DumpCacheL());
+ delete iDnsCache;
+ delete iPacket;
+ delete iSendMessageQueue;
+ delete iDummyhandler;
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::~CMessageHandler - Exit"));
+ }
+This method parse the packet and dispatch the packet for handling it based on the operation requested.
+from the header
+@param aData packet read from the mdns port
+@param aAddr address from which the packet is recieved
+@param length lenght of the data recieved
+@return void
+void CMessageHandler::HandleIncomingPacketL(TDesC8& aData, const TSockAddr& aAddr, TInt /*length*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::HandleIncomingPacketL - Entry"));
+ CDnsMessageComposerParser* comPos = CDnsMessageComposerParser::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(comPos);
+ CDnsMessage* message = comPos->ParseMessageL(aData);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(message);
+ CBaseHandler& iOperationHandler = GetHandlerL(*message);
+ iOperationHandler.HandleIncomingPacketL(*message ,aAddr);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(message);//comPos and message
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(comPos);
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::HandleIncomingPacketL - Exit"));
+ }
+This is a factory method which reads the packet and returns the handle to either
+response or query handler
+@param aMessage Dnspacket to read the header and to constructthe appropriate handler.
+@return Poointer to CBaseHandler --base class to both response and query handler.
+CBaseHandler& CMessageHandler::GetHandlerL(CDnsMessage& aMessage)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::GetHandlerL - Entry"));
+ TDnsHeader header = aMessage.Header();
+ //
+ if(header.IsQuery() && !header.IsAuthoritative())
+ {
+ return *iQueryHandler;
+ }
+ else if(header.IsAuthoritative())
+ {
+ return *iResponseHandler;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return *iDummyhandler;
+ }
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::GetHandlerL - Exit"));
+ }
+@return return a reference to CacheManager
+MDNSCacheMgr& CMessageHandler::DnsCache() const
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::DnsCache -Entry Exit"));
+ return *iDnsCache;
+ }
+ * Routes the query sent by the client to query handler to handle it.
+ * @param aMessage Pointer to a message object ;contains the query.
+ * @param aHandle session id which generated the query.
+ */
+void CMessageHandler::ServiceClientQueryL(CDnsMessage* aMessage,TInt aHandle)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::ServiceClientQueryL - Entry"));
+ iQueryHandler->ServiceClientQueryL(aMessage, aHandle);
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::ServiceClientQueryL - Exit"));
+ }
+ * returns the pointer to the messagequeue.
+ */
+CSendMessageQueue& CMessageHandler::MessageQueue()const
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::MessageQueue -Entry Exit"));
+ return *iSendMessageQueue;
+ }
+ * Notify the server after the query has been handled.
+ * @param aClientHandle SessionId which had sent the query.
+ */
+void CMessageHandler::NotifyClientQuery(TInt aClientHandle)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::NotifyClientQuery - Entry"));
+ iServer.NotifyClientQuery(aClientHandle);
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::NotifyClientQuery - Exit"));
+ }
+ * Route an internal query to the query handler
+ * @param aMessage pointer to the dnsmeesage containg the query.
+ * @param Observer to which successfull delivery of packet to be notified.
+ */
+void CMessageHandler::SendQueryL(CDnsMessage* aMessage, MMessageHandler& aObserver)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::SendQueryL - Entry"));
+ iQueryHandler->SendQueryL(aMessage, aObserver);
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::SendQueryL - Exit"));
+ }
+ * Route the packet to be advertised to the adveritser.
+ * @param aData array of CDnsresourceData to be advertised.
+ * @param aSessionId session which adveritised the packet.
+ */
+void CMessageHandler::AdvertizePacketL(const RPointerArray<CDnsResourceData> aData, TInt aSessionId,TBool aIsUpdate)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::AdvertizePacketL - Entry"));
+ iAdvertizeHandler->AdvertizePacketL(aData, aSessionId,aIsUpdate);
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::AdvertizePacketL - Exit"));
+ }
+ * Notify the server when a new service is published
+ * @param aName name of the service published
+ * inacase of autoresolve name will be the new published name.
+ * @param aError will be the result of publish.ESuccess if successfull and E*Conflict.
+ * @param aSessionId session which initaiated publish.
+ *
+ */
+void CMessageHandler::NotifyServicePublishL(const RBuf8& aName,TInt aError, TInt aSessionId)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::NotifyServicePublishL - Entry"));
+ iServer.NotifyServicePublishL(aName,aError, aSessionId);
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::NotifyServicePublishL - Exit"));
+ }
+ * @param aProbing ETrue if hostprobing in progress.
+ */
+void CMessageHandler::SetStateHostProbing(TBool aProbing)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::SetStateHostProbing - Entry"));
+ iServer.SetStateHostProbing(aProbing);
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::SetStateHostProbing - Exit"));
+ }
+ * notify the server when a new service has been published in the network
+ * @param aName array of new service published , for the servcetype client has requested.
+ */
+void CMessageHandler::NotifyNewServiceL(const RArray<RBuf8>& aName)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::NotifyNewServiceL - Entry"));
+ iServer.NotifyNewServiceL(aName);
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMessageHandler::NotifyNewServiceL - Exit"));
+ }
+CMdnsServer& CMessageHandler::Server()
+ {
+ return iServer;
+ }