--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/zeroconf/server/src/mdnsserversession.cpp Thu Jun 24 19:09:47 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// mdnsserversession.cpp
+#include "mdnsserversession.h"
+#include <s32mem.h>
+#include <utf.h>
+#include "mdnsserver.h"
+#include <mdns/cmdnsserverconstants.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+ * Two phase constructor.
+ */
+CMdnsServerSession* CMdnsServerSession::NewL(const CMdnsServer& aServer)
+ {
+ CMdnsServerSession* self = CMdnsServerSession::NewLC(aServer);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+ * Two phase constructor
+ * @param aServer reference to the server.
+ */
+CMdnsServerSession* CMdnsServerSession::NewLC(const CMdnsServer& aServer)
+ {
+ CMdnsServerSession* self = new (ELeave) CMdnsServerSession(aServer);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+ * @param aMessage RMessage object.
+ */
+void CMdnsServerSession::ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::ServiceL - Entry"));
+ switch (aMessage.Function())
+ {
+ case EZeroconfServerMessageVersion:
+ break;
+ case EMdnsServerQueryMessages:
+ {
+ if(NULL != iClientQuery.Handle())
+ {
+ aMessage.Complete(KErrInUse);
+ }
+ else if (iServer.IsHostProbing() )
+ {
+ iServer.MessageQueue()->AppendMessageL(EQueryMessage,aMessage,SessionId());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ServiceQueryL(aMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case EMdnsServerRecieveMessages:
+ {
+ HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(KDnsBufferlength);
+ TPtr8 bufferPointer(buffer->Des());
+ iResponseBundle.Store(bufferPointer);
+ aMessage.Write(0,bufferPointer);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//delete buffer
+ aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+ iResponseBundle.Close();
+ }
+ break;
+ case EMndsServerPublishMessages:
+ {
+ if( iServer.IsHostProbing() || iServer.IsPublishingService())
+ {
+ iServer.MessageQueue()->AppendMessageL(EPublishMessage,aMessage,SessionId());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iServer.SetPublishingService(ETrue);
+ PublishL(aMessage);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EMdnsServerStartNotifyMessages:
+ {
+ RegisterNotifyL(aMessage);
+ aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EMdnsServerStopNotifyMessages:
+ {
+ StopNotifyL(aMessage);
+ aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EMdnsServerRecieveNotifyMessages:
+ {
+ iNotifyMessageRequest = aMessage;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ User::Leave(KErrUnknown);
+ break;
+ }
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::ServiceL - Exit"));
+ }
+void CMdnsServerSession::ServiceError(const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aError)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::ServiceError - Entry Exit"));
+ aMessage.Complete(aError);
+ }
+void CMdnsServerSession::CleanUp()
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::CleanUp - Entry"));
+ // First thing is to send bye-bye packets to the services that we have published.
+ RPointerArray <CCacheEntry> cacheEntries;
+ iServer.MessageHandler().DnsCache().AuthoritativeEntriesL(cacheEntries);
+ for(TInt index =0; index < cacheEntries.Count();index++)
+ {
+ CCacheEntry* entry = cacheEntries[index];
+ if(entry->SessionId()==iSessionId)
+ {
+ // To filter out address records.
+ if(entry->ServiceRecord())
+ {
+ // found the entry to be deleted
+ if(entry->ServiceRecord())
+ entry->ServiceRecord()->SetTtl(0);
+ if(entry->TxtRecord())
+ entry->TxtRecord()->SetTtl(0);
+ if(entry->PtrRecord())
+ entry->PtrRecord()->SetTtl(0);
+ // delete the entry in the cache
+ // !!!!!! Assuming that the entry will always contain a srv record.
+ iServer.MessageHandler().DnsCache().DeleteEntryL(entry->ServiceRecord()->Name());
+ CDnsMessage* message = CDnsMessage::NewL(0,EFalse);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(message);
+ TDnsHeader header(message->Header());
+ header.SetAuthoritative(ETrue);
+ message->SetHeader(header);
+ if(entry->ServiceRecord())
+ message->AppendAnswerL(entry->ServiceRecord()->CloneL());
+ if(entry->PtrRecord())
+ message->AppendAnswerL(entry->PtrRecord()->CloneL());
+ if(entry->TxtRecord())
+ message->AppendAnswerL(entry->TxtRecord()->CloneL());
+ // bye-bye packet on the way to the network !!!
+ iServer.MessageHandler().SendQueryL(message,iServer);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); //message
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cacheEntries.ResetAndDestroy();
+ cacheEntries.Close();
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::CleanUp - Exit"));
+ }
+ * Destructor
+ */
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::~CMdnsServerSession - Entry"));
+ CleanUp();
+ iQueryBundle.Close();
+ iResponseBundle.Close();
+ iServer.DropSession();
+ for(TInt i =0 ; i<iRegisterNotifyArray.Count();i++ )
+ {
+ iRegisterNotifyArray[i].Close();
+ }
+ iRegisterNotifyArray.Close();
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::~CMdnsServerSession - Exit"));
+ }
+ * Constructor
+ */
+CMdnsServerSession::CMdnsServerSession(const CMdnsServer& aServer)
+ : iServer(const_cast<CMdnsServer&>(aServer))
+ {
+ iSessionId = iServer.NewSession();
+ }
+ * Two phase constructor
+ */
+void CMdnsServerSession::ConstructL()
+ {
+ __FLOG_OPEN(KMDNSSubsystem, KComponent);
+ }
+TInt CMdnsServerSession::CountResources()
+ {
+ return 3;
+ }
+void CMdnsServerSession::ServerVersionL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::ServerVersionL - Entry"));
+ TVersion mdnsServerVersion(0, 8, 0);
+ TPckgC<TVersion> pkg(mdnsServerVersion);
+ aMessage.WriteL(0, pkg);
+ aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::ServerVersionL - Exit"));
+ }
+ * Service any query rom the client
+ */
+void CMdnsServerSession::ServiceQueryL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::ServiceQueryL - Entry"));
+ iQueryBundle.Close();
+ iClientQuery = aMessage;
+ TInt len = aMessage.GetDesLengthL(0);
+ HBufC8* query = HBufC8::NewLC(aMessage.GetDesLengthL(0));
+ TPtr8 loadPtr = query->Des();
+ aMessage.ReadL(0,loadPtr);
+ iQueryBundle.CreateL();
+ TInt retOnLoad = iQueryBundle.Load(loadPtr);
+ User::LeaveIfError(retOnLoad);
+ RParameterFamily pnpFamily = iQueryBundle.GetFamilyAtIndex(0);
+ TUint count = pnpFamily.CountParameterSets ( RParameterFamily::ERequested ) ;
+ CDnsMessage* message = CDnsMessage::NewL(0,ETrue );
+ CleanupStack::PushL(message);
+ for ( TInt paramIndex = count - 1; paramIndex >= 0; paramIndex-- )
+ {
+ CMDnsQueryRequestParamSet* queryParam = static_cast<CMDnsQueryRequestParamSet*> (pnpFamily.GetParameterSetAtIndex ( paramIndex, RParameterFamily::ERequested ));
+ HBufC8* name = HBufC8::NewL(256);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(name);
+ TPtr8 ptrName(name->Des());
+ ptrName.Append(queryParam->InstanceName());
+ if(queryParam->InstanceName().Length() > 0)
+ {
+ ptrName.Append(_L8("."));
+ }
+ ptrName.Append(queryParam->ServiceType());
+ if(queryParam->QueryType() != EDnsType_A)
+ {
+ ptrName.Append(1 == queryParam->Protocol() ? KTcpProtocolType : KUdpProtocolType);
+ }
+ ptrName.Append(KLocalTld);
+ ptrName.Append(_L8("."));
+ CDnsQuestion* question = CDnsQuestion::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(question);
+ question->SetNameL(ptrName);
+ question->SetClass(EDnsClass_IN);
+ question->SetType(queryParam->QueryType());
+ question->SetUnicast(EFalse);
+ message->AppendQueryL(question);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//name
+ }
+ iServer.MessageHandler().ServiceClientQueryL(message,aMessage.Handle());
+ CleanupStack::Pop();//message
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//query
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::ServiceQueryL - Exit"));
+ }
+TInt CMdnsServerSession::OutStandQueryClientHandle()const
+ {
+ return iClientQuery.Handle();
+ }
+void CMdnsServerSession::SendResponseL()
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::SendResponseL - Entry"));
+ RParameterFamily pnpFamily = iQueryBundle.GetFamilyAtIndex(0);
+ TUint count = pnpFamily.CountParameterSets ( RParameterFamily::ERequested ) ;
+ //Open a new reference to ResponseBundle
+ iResponseBundle.Open ();
+ CleanupClosePushL( iResponseBundle );
+ for(TInt index =0 ;index <count ; index++)
+ {
+ CMDnsQueryRequestParamSet* queryParam = static_cast<CMDnsQueryRequestParamSet*> (pnpFamily.GetParameterSetAtIndex ( index, RParameterFamily::ERequested ));
+ HBufC8* name = HBufC8::NewL(KDnsBufferlength);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(name);
+ TPtr8 ptrName(name->Des());
+ ptrName.Append(queryParam->InstanceName());
+ if(queryParam->InstanceName().Size()>0)
+ ptrName.Append(_L8("."));
+ ptrName.Append(queryParam->ServiceType());
+ if(queryParam->QueryType() != EDnsType_A)
+ {
+ ptrName.Append(1 == queryParam->Protocol() ? KTcpProtocolType : KUdpProtocolType);
+ }
+ ptrName.Append(KLocalTld);
+ ptrName.Append(_L8("."));
+ RPointerArray<CCacheEntry> records;
+ iServer.MessageHandler().DnsCache().FindServiceL(records,ptrName,(TDnsType)queryParam->QueryType());
+ TInt count = records.Count();
+ switch((TDnsType)queryParam->QueryType())
+ {
+ case EDnsType_PTR:
+ {
+ RParameterFamily pnpFamily = iResponseBundle.CreateFamilyL (EMdnsPtrParamset);
+ while(count -- > 0 )
+ {
+ iResponseBundle.SetPnPObserver((MPnPObserver*)NULL);
+ CMDnsPtrParamSet* responseParam = CMDnsPtrParamSet::NewL(pnpFamily);
+ responseParam->SetInstanceNameL(records[count]->PtrRecord()->Name());
+ responseParam->SetDomainNameL(records[count]->PtrRecord()->DomainName());
+ //responseParam->SetTtlL(records[count]->PtrRecord()->Ttl());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EDnsType_SRV:
+ {
+ RParameterFamily pnpFamily = iResponseBundle.CreateFamilyL (EMdnsSrvParamset);
+ while(count -- > 0 )
+ {
+ iResponseBundle.SetPnPObserver((MPnPObserver*)NULL);
+ CMDnsSrvParamSet* responseParam = CMDnsSrvParamSet::NewL(pnpFamily);
+ responseParam->SetDomainNameL(records[count]->ServiceRecord()->Name());
+ responseParam->SetTargetL(records[count]->ServiceRecord()->Target());
+ responseParam->SetPriority(records[count]->ServiceRecord()->Priority());
+ responseParam->SetWeight(records[count]->ServiceRecord()->Weight());
+ responseParam->SetPort(records[count]->ServiceRecord()->Port());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EDnsType_TXT:
+ {
+ RParameterFamily pnpFamily = iResponseBundle.CreateFamilyL (EMdnsTxtParamset);
+ while(count -- > 0 )
+ {
+ iResponseBundle.SetPnPObserver((MPnPObserver*)NULL);
+ CMDnsTxtParamSet* responseParam = CMDnsTxtParamSet::NewL(pnpFamily);
+ responseParam->SetDomainNameL(records[count]->TxtRecord()->Name());
+ RArray<RBuf8> txtData = records[count]->TxtRecord()->Text();
+ for(TInt j=0;j<txtData.Count();j++)
+ {
+ responseParam->AppendTxtData(txtData[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EDnsType_A:
+ {
+ RParameterFamily pnpFamily = iResponseBundle.CreateFamilyL (EMdnsAddrParamset);
+ while(count -- > 0 )
+ {
+ iResponseBundle.SetPnPObserver((MPnPObserver*)NULL);
+ CMDnsAddrParamSet* responseParam = CMDnsAddrParamSet::NewL(pnpFamily);
+ responseParam->SetDomainNameL(records[count]->AddressRecord()->Name());
+ responseParam->SetAddress(records[count]->AddressRecord()->Address());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EDnsQType_Any:
+ {
+ iResponseBundle.SetPnPObserver((MPnPObserver*)NULL);
+ while(count -- > 0 )
+ {
+ CreateAnyQueryResponseL(*records[count]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ records.ResetAndDestroy();
+ records.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//name
+ }//end of for loop
+ HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(KDnsBufferlength);
+ TPtr8 bufferPointer(buffer->Des());
+ iResponseBundle.Store(bufferPointer);
+ TInt len = bufferPointer.Length();
+ TPckgC<TInt> lenbuf(len);
+ iClientQuery.Write(1,lenbuf);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//buffer
+ iClientQuery.Complete(KErrNone);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();//iResponseBundle
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::SendResponseL - Exit"));
+ }
+void CMdnsServerSession::PublishL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::PublishL - Entry"));
+ TBool isUpdate = aMessage.Int2();
+ iPublishRequest = aMessage;
+ TInt len = aMessage.GetDesLengthL(0);
+ HBufC8* query = HBufC8::NewLC(aMessage.GetDesLengthL(0));
+ TPtr8 loadPtr = query->Des();
+ aMessage.ReadL(0,loadPtr);
+ iPublishBundle.CreateL();
+ TInt retOnLoad = iPublishBundle.Load(loadPtr);
+ TInt familyCount = iPublishBundle.CountParameterFamilies();
+ RPointerArray<CDnsResourceData> publishRecordArray;
+ for(TInt i =0 ; i< familyCount; i++)
+ {
+ RParameterFamily pnpFamily = iPublishBundle.GetFamilyAtIndex(i);
+ switch (pnpFamily.Id())
+ {
+ case EMdnsSrvParamset:
+ {
+ TUint count = pnpFamily.CountParameterSets ( RParameterFamily::ERequested ) ;
+ for (TInt index= 0; index < count ; index++ )
+ {
+ CMDnsSrvParamSet* srvParamSet = static_cast<CMDnsSrvParamSet*> (pnpFamily.GetParameterSetAtIndex ( index, RParameterFamily::ERequested ));
+ CRdTypeSrv* srvRecord = CRdTypeSrv::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(srvRecord);
+ srvRecord->SetNameL(srvParamSet->DomainName());
+ srvRecord->SetClass(EDnsClass_IN);
+ srvRecord->SetFlushBit(EFalse);
+ srvRecord->SetPort(srvParamSet->Port());
+ srvRecord->SetPriority(srvParamSet->Priority() );
+ srvRecord->SetTargetL(iServer.HostName());
+ srvRecord->SetTtl(120);
+ srvRecord->SetType(EDnsType_SRV);
+ srvRecord->SetWeight(srvParamSet->Weight());
+ publishRecordArray.AppendL(srvRecord);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();//CRdtypeSrv
+ //Ptr Record
+ /*
+ CRdTypePtr* ptrRecord = CRdTypePtr::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(ptrRecord);
+ TInt pos = srvParamSet->DomainName().Locate('.');
+ ptrRecord->SetNameL(srvParamSet->DomainName().Mid(pos+1));
+ ptrRecord->SetClass(EDnsClass_IN);
+ ptrRecord->SetFlushBit(EFalse);
+ ptrRecord->SetTtl(120);
+ ptrRecord->SetType(EDnsType_PTR);
+ ptrRecord->SetDomainNameL(srvParamSet->DomainName());
+ publishRecordArray.AppendL(ptrRecord);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ */
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EMdnsPtrParamset:
+ {
+ //do nothing
+ TUint count = pnpFamily.CountParameterSets ( RParameterFamily::ERequested ) ;
+ for (TInt index= 0; index < count ; index++ )
+ {
+ CMDnsPtrParamSet* ptrParamSet = static_cast<CMDnsPtrParamSet*>(pnpFamily.GetParameterSetAtIndex( index, RParameterFamily::ERequested ));
+ CRdTypePtr* ptrRecord = CRdTypePtr::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(ptrRecord);
+ ptrRecord->SetNameL(ptrParamSet->InstanceName());
+ ptrRecord->SetClass(EDnsClass_IN);
+ ptrRecord->SetFlushBit(EFalse);
+ ptrRecord->SetTtl(120);
+ ptrRecord->SetType(EDnsType_PTR);
+ ptrRecord->SetDomainNameL(ptrParamSet->DomainName());
+ publishRecordArray.AppendL(ptrRecord);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();//Remove Ptr Record from the queue..
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EMdnsAddrParamset:
+ {
+ TUint count = pnpFamily.CountParameterSets ( RParameterFamily::ERequested ) ;
+ for (TInt index= 0; index < count ; index++ )
+ {
+ CMDnsAddrParamSet* addrParamSet = static_cast<CMDnsAddrParamSet*>(pnpFamily.GetParameterSetAtIndex( index, RParameterFamily::ERequested ));
+ CRdTypeA* addrRecord = CRdTypeA::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(addrRecord);
+ addrRecord->SetAddr(addrParamSet->Address());
+ addrRecord->SetNameL(addrParamSet->DomainName());
+ addrRecord->SetClass(EDnsClass_IN);
+ addrRecord->SetFlushBit(EFalse);
+ addrRecord->SetTtl(120);
+ addrRecord->SetType(EDnsType_A);
+ publishRecordArray.AppendL(addrRecord);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();//remove addrecord from the queue
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EMdnsTxtParamset:
+ {
+ TUint count = pnpFamily.CountParameterSets ( RParameterFamily::ERequested ) ;
+ for (TInt index= 0; index < count ; index++ )
+ {
+ CMDnsTxtParamSet* txtParamSet = static_cast<CMDnsTxtParamSet*>(pnpFamily.GetParameterSetAtIndex( index, RParameterFamily::ERequested ));
+ CRdTypeTxt* txtRecord = CRdTypeTxt::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(txtRecord);
+ txtRecord->SetNameL(txtParamSet->DomainName());
+ txtRecord->SetClass(EDnsClass_IN);
+ txtRecord->SetFlushBit(EFalse);
+ txtRecord->SetTtl(120);
+ txtRecord->SetType(EDnsType_TXT);
+ RArray<RBuf8> txtArray ;
+ txtParamSet->TxtDataL(txtArray);
+ TInt txtCnt = txtArray.Count();
+ for(TInt count = 0; count < txtCnt ; count ++ )
+ {
+ txtRecord->AppendTextDataL(txtArray[count]);
+ }
+ txtArray.Close();
+ publishRecordArray.AppendL(txtRecord);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();//remove txtRecord from the queue..
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TRAPD(publishError ,iServer.MessageHandler().AdvertizePacketL(publishRecordArray,iSessionId , isUpdate));
+ if(publishError == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ aMessage.Complete(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ publishRecordArray.Close();
+ iPublishBundle.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(query);
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::PublishL - Exit"));
+ }
+void CMdnsServerSession::HandleServiceNameConflictL(const RBuf8& aName,TInt aError)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::HandleServiceNameConflictL - Entry"));
+ iResponseBundle.Open ();
+ CleanupClosePushL( iResponseBundle );
+ RParameterFamily pnpFamily = iResponseBundle.CreateFamilyL (EMdnsPublishResponseParamset);
+ iResponseBundle.SetPnPObserver((MPnPObserver*)NULL);
+ CMDnsPublishResponseParamSet* responseParam = CMDnsPublishResponseParamSet::NewL(pnpFamily);
+ responseParam->SetDomainNameL(aName);
+ responseParam->SetError(aError);
+ TInt len = iResponseBundle.Length();
+ TPckgC<TInt> lenbuf(len);
+ iPublishRequest.Write(1,lenbuf);
+ iPublishRequest.Complete(KErrNone);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();//iResponseBundle
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::HandleServiceNameConflictL - Exit"));
+ }
+void CMdnsServerSession::RegisterNotifyL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::RegisterNotifyL - Entry"));
+ iIsNotifyRequested = ETrue;
+ RPnPParameterBundle registerBundle;
+ TInt size = aMessage.GetDesLength(0);
+ HBufC8* registerbuf = HBufC8::NewLC(aMessage.GetDesLengthL(0));
+ TPtr8 loadPtr = registerbuf->Des();
+ aMessage.ReadL(0,loadPtr);
+ registerBundle.CreateL();
+ registerBundle.Load(loadPtr);
+ RParameterFamily pnpFamily = registerBundle.GetFamilyAtIndex(0);
+ TUint count = pnpFamily.CountParameterSets ( RParameterFamily::ERequested ) ;
+ for(TInt index =0 ; index<count ; index++)
+ {
+ CMDnsRegisterNotifyParamSet* registerParamSet = static_cast<CMDnsRegisterNotifyParamSet*>(pnpFamily.GetParameterSetAtIndex( index, RParameterFamily::ERequested ));
+ RBuf8 instanceName;
+ instanceName.CreateL(registerParamSet->InstanceName());
+ iRegisterNotifyArray.AppendL(instanceName);
+ }
+ registerBundle.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//registerbuffer
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::RegisterNotifyL - Exit"));
+ }
+void CMdnsServerSession::StopNotifyL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::StopNotifyL - Entry"));
+ RPnPParameterBundle registerBundle;
+ TInt size = aMessage.GetDesLength(0);
+ HBufC8* registerbuf = HBufC8::NewLC(aMessage.GetDesLengthL(0));
+ TPtr8 loadPtr = registerbuf->Des();
+ aMessage.ReadL(0,loadPtr);
+ registerBundle.CreateL();
+ registerBundle.Load(loadPtr);
+ RParameterFamily pnpFamily = registerBundle.GetFamilyAtIndex(0);
+ TUint count = pnpFamily.CountParameterSets ( RParameterFamily::ERequested ) ;
+ for(TInt index =0 ; index< count; index++)
+ {
+ CMDnsRegisterNotifyParamSet* registerParamSet = static_cast<CMDnsRegisterNotifyParamSet*>(pnpFamily.GetParameterSetAtIndex( index, RParameterFamily::ERequested ));
+ RBuf8 instanceName;
+ instanceName.CreateL(registerParamSet->InstanceName());
+ for(TInt i =0 ; i< iRegisterNotifyArray.Count();i++)
+ {
+ if(instanceName.Compare(iRegisterNotifyArray[i]) == 0)
+ {
+ RBuf8& temp = iRegisterNotifyArray[i];
+ iRegisterNotifyArray.Remove(i);
+ temp.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ instanceName.Close();
+ }
+ if(iRegisterNotifyArray.Count() == 0 )
+ {
+ iIsNotifyRequested =EFalse;
+ }
+ registerBundle.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//registerbuffer
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::StopNotifyL - Exit"));
+ }
+TInt CMdnsServerSession::SessionId()
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::SessionId - Exit"));
+ return iSessionId;
+ }
+void CMdnsServerSession::NewServiceL(const RArray<RBuf8>& aName)
+ {
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::NewServiceL - Entry"));
+ if(iIsNotifyRequested && iNotifyMessageRequest.Handle())
+ {
+ RPnPParameterBundle publishBundle;
+ publishBundle.CreateL();
+ RParameterFamily pnpFamily = publishBundle.CreateFamilyL (EMdnsPtrParamset);
+ publishBundle.SetPnPObserver((MPnPObserver*)NULL);
+ for(TInt i =0 ; i < aName.Count();i++)
+ {
+ for(TInt j= 0 ; j< iRegisterNotifyArray.Count(); j++)
+ {
+ TInt pos = aName[i].Find(iRegisterNotifyArray[j]);
+ if(pos != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ CMDnsPtrParamSet* responseParam = CMDnsPtrParamSet::NewL(pnpFamily);
+ responseParam->SetInstanceNameL(iRegisterNotifyArray[j]);
+ responseParam->SetDomainNameL(aName[i]);
+ // have to fill up the ttl field, query the cache
+ RPointerArray <CCacheEntry> aEntries;
+ iServer.MessageHandler().DnsCache().FindServiceL(aEntries,aName[i],EDnsType_SRV);
+ responseParam->SetTtlL(0);
+ if(aEntries.Count()==0)
+ {
+ // already deleted from cache
+ responseParam->SetTtlL(0);
+ }
+ else if(aEntries[0]->PtrRecord()!=NULL)
+ {
+ responseParam->SetTtlL(aEntries[0]->PtrRecord()->Ttl());
+ }
+ aEntries.ResetAndDestroy();
+ aEntries.Close();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(KDnsBufferlength);
+ TPtr8 bufferPointer(buffer->Des());
+ publishBundle.Store(bufferPointer);
+ iNotifyMessageRequest.Write(0,bufferPointer);
+ iNotifyMessageRequest.Complete(KErrNone);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buffer);//buffer
+ publishBundle.Close();
+ }
+ __FLOG(_L8("CMdnsServerSession::NewServiceL - Exit"));
+ }
+void CMdnsServerSession::CreateAnyQueryResponseL(CCacheEntry& aEntry)
+ {
+ RParameterFamily ptrFamily = iResponseBundle.CreateFamilyL (EMdnsPtrParamset);
+ RParameterFamily srvFamily = iResponseBundle.CreateFamilyL (EMdnsSrvParamset);
+ RParameterFamily txtFamily = iResponseBundle.CreateFamilyL (EMdnsTxtParamset);
+ RParameterFamily AFamily = iResponseBundle.CreateFamilyL (EMdnsAddrParamset);
+ if(aEntry.AddressRecord()!= NULL)
+ {
+ CMDnsAddrParamSet* responseParam = CMDnsAddrParamSet::NewL(AFamily);
+ responseParam->SetDomainNameL(aEntry.AddressRecord()->Name());
+ responseParam->SetAddress(aEntry.AddressRecord()->Address());
+ }
+ if(aEntry.ServiceRecord()!= NULL)
+ {
+ CMDnsSrvParamSet* responseParam = CMDnsSrvParamSet::NewL(srvFamily);
+ responseParam->SetDomainNameL(aEntry.ServiceRecord()->Name());
+ responseParam->SetTargetL(aEntry.ServiceRecord()->Target());
+ responseParam->SetPriority(aEntry.ServiceRecord()->Priority());
+ responseParam->SetWeight(aEntry.ServiceRecord()->Weight());
+ responseParam->SetPort(aEntry.ServiceRecord()->Port());
+ }
+ if(aEntry.PtrRecord()!= NULL)
+ {
+ CMDnsPtrParamSet* responseParam = CMDnsPtrParamSet::NewL(ptrFamily);
+ responseParam->SetInstanceNameL(aEntry.PtrRecord()->Name());
+ responseParam->SetDomainNameL(aEntry.PtrRecord()->DomainName());
+ //responseParam->SetTtlL(aEntry.PtrRecord()->Ttl());
+ }
+ if(aEntry.TxtRecord()!= NULL)
+ {
+ CMDnsTxtParamSet* responseParam = CMDnsTxtParamSet::NewL(txtFamily);
+ responseParam->SetDomainNameL(aEntry.TxtRecord()->Name());
+ RArray<RBuf8> txtData = aEntry.TxtRecord()->Text();
+ for(TInt txtCount = 0 ;txtCount < txtData.Count();txtCount++)
+ {
+ responseParam->AppendTxtData(txtData[txtCount]);
+ }
+ }
+ }