changeset 0 f5a58ecadc66
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/upnp/upnpstack_plat/upnp_common_api/inc/upnperrors.h	Tue Feb 02 01:12:20 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+/** @file
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies  this distribution, and is available 
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Declares UPnP and Http error codes 
+#include <e32base.h> 
+	enum THttpStatusCode {
+		// Informational 1xx
+		EHttpContinue		    =	100,
+		EHttpSwitchingProtocols =   101,
+		// Successful 2xx
+		EHttp200Ok			    =	200,
+		EHttpCreated		    =	201,
+		EHttpAccepted		    =	202,
+		EHttpNonAuthoritative	=	203,
+		EHttpNoContent			=	204,
+		EHttpResetContent		=	205,
+		EHttpPartialContent		=	206,
+		// Redirection 3xx	
+		EHttpMultipleChoises	=	300,
+		EHttpMovedPermanently	=	301,
+		EHttpFound				=	302,
+		EHttpSeeOther			=	303,
+		EHttpNotModified		=	304,
+		EHttpUseProxy			=	305,
+	    //	Unused				=	306,
+		EHttpTemporaryRedirect	=	307,
+		// Client error 4xx
+		EHttpBadRequest		    =	400,
+		EHttpUnAuthorized		=	401,
+		EHttpPaymentRequired	=	402,
+		EHttpForbidden			=	403,
+		EHttpNotFound			=	404,
+		EHttpMethodNotAllowed	=	405,
+		EHttpNotAcceptable		=	406,
+		EHttpProxyAuthenticationRequired	=	407,
+		EHttpRequestTimeout		=	408,
+		EHttpConflict			=	409,
+		EHttpGone				=	410,
+		EHttpLengthRequired		=	411,
+		EHttpPreconditionFailed	=	412,
+		EHttpEntityTooLarge		=	413,
+		EHttpUriTooLong			=	414,
+		EHttpUnsupportedMediaType=	415,
+		EHttpRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable   =   416,
+		EHttpExpectationFailed	=	417,
+		// Server Error 5xx
+		EHttpInternalServerError=	500,
+		EHttpNotImplemented		=	501,
+		EHttpBadGateway			=	502,
+		EHttpServiceUnavailable	=	503,
+		EHttpGatewayTimeout		=	504,
+		EHttpVersionNotSupported=	505,
+		EHttpInsufficientStorage=	507 
+	};
+	// Informational 1xx
+	_LIT8( KHttpContinue,           "Continue" );	                // 100
+	_LIT8( KHttpSwitchingProtocols, "Switching Protocols" );        // 101
+	// Successful 2xx		
+	_LIT8( KHttpCreated,            "Created" );                    // 201
+	_LIT8( KHttpAccepted,           "Accepted" );                   // 202
+	_LIT8( KHttpNonAutohorative,    "Non-Authoritative Information" );// 203
+	_LIT8( KHttpNoContent,          "No Content" );                 // 204
+	_LIT8( KHttpResetContent,       "Reset Content" );              // 205
+	_LIT8( KHttpPartialContent,     "Partial Content" );            // 206
+	// Redirection 3xx	
+	_LIT8( KHttpMultipleChoises,    "Multiple Choices" );           // 300
+	_LIT8( KHttpMovedPermanently,   "Moved Permanently" );          // 301
+	_LIT8( KHttpFound,              "Found" );                      // 302
+	_LIT8( KHttpSeeOther,           " See Other" );                 // 303
+	_LIT8( KHttpNotModified,        "Not Modified" );               // 304
+	_LIT8( KHttpUseProxy,           "Use Proxy" );                  // 305
+	_LIT8( KHttpTemporaryRedirect,  "Temporary Redirect" );	        // 307
+	// Client error 4xx
+	_LIT8( KHttpBadRequest,         "Bad Request" );                 // 400
+	_LIT8( KHttpUnauthorized,       "Unauthorized" );                // 401
+	_LIT8( KHttpPaymentRequired,    "Payment Required" );            // 402
+	_LIT8( KHttpForbidden,          "Forbidden" );                   // 403
+	_LIT8( KHttpNotFound,           "Not Found" );                   // 404
+	_LIT8( KHttpMethodNotAllowed,   "Method Not Allowed" );          // 405
+	_LIT8( KHttpNotAcceptable,      "Not Acceptable" );              // 406
+	_LIT8( KHttpProxyAuthenticationRequired, "Proxy Authentication Required");//407
+	_LIT8( KHttpRequestTimeout,     "Request Timeout" );            // 408
+	_LIT8( KHttpConflict,           "Conflict" );                    // 409
+	_LIT8( KHttpGone,               "Gone" );                        // 410
+	_LIT8( KHttpLengthRequired,     "Length Required" );             // 411
+	_LIT8( KHttpPreconditionFailed, "Precondition Failed" );         // 412
+	_LIT8( KHttpEntityTooLarge,     "Request Entity Too Large" );    // 413
+	_LIT8( KHttpUriTooLarge,        "Request-URI Too Large" );       // 414
+	_LIT8( KHttpUnsupprotedMediaType, "Unsupported Media Type" );    // 415
+	_LIT8( KHttpRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, "Requested range not satisfiable" );// 416
+	_LIT8( KHttpExpectationFailed,  "Expectation Failed" );          // 417
+		// Server Error 5xx
+	_LIT8( KHttpInternalServerError,"Internal Server Error" );	    // 500
+	_LIT8( KHttpNotImplemented,     "Not Implemented" );            // 501
+	_LIT8( KHttpBadGateway,         "Bad Gateway" );                // 502
+	_LIT8( KHttpServiceUnavailable, "Service Unavailable" );        // 503
+	_LIT8( KHttpGatewayTimeout,     "Gateway Time-out" );           // 504
+	_LIT8( KHttpVersionNotSupported,"HTTP Version not supported" );	// 505
+	_LIT8( KHttpInsufficientStorage,"Insufficient Storage" );	// 507
+	enum TUpnpErrorCode {
+		EUpnpOk			=	0,
+		EUpnpUndefined	=	-1,
+		EHttpOk			=	200,
+		EBadRequest		=	400,
+		EInvalidAction	=	401,
+		EInvalidArgs	=	402,
+		EInvalidVar		=	404,
+		EPreconditionFailed=412,
+		EInternalServerError=500,
+		EActionFailed	=	501,
+		// 600-699 Common action errors
+		EArgumentValue	=	600,
+		EArgumentRange	=	601,
+		ENotImplemented	=	602,
+		EOutOfMemory	=	603,
+		EHumanIntervention=	604,
+		EStringTooLong	=	605,
+		ENotAuthorized	=	606,
+		ESignatureFailure =	607,
+		ESignatureMissing =	608,
+		ENotEncrypted	=	609,
+		EInvalidSequence =	610,
+		EInvalidUrl		=	611,
+		ENoSession		=	612,
+		// 700-799 Action specific errors
+		ENoSuchObject	=	701,
+		EInvalidCurrentTag= 702,
+		EInvalidNewTag	=	703,
+		ERequiredTag	=	704,
+		EReadOnlyTag	=	705,
+		EParameterMismatch = 706,
+		EInvalidSearch	=	708,
+		EInvalidSort	=	709,
+		ENoContainer	=	710,
+		ERestrictedObject=  711,
+		EBadMetadata	=	712,
+		ERestrictedParentObject=713,
+		ENoSourceResource = 714,
+		ESourceAccess	=	715,
+		ETransferBusy	=	716,
+		ENoFileTransfer	=	717,
+		ENoDestinationResource=718,
+		EDestinationAccess= 719,
+		ECannotProcess	=	720,
+		// 800-899 Action specific errors. Defined by vendor.
+		EUndefined		=	808
+		};
+	_LIT8( KHttpOk, "OK" );	                                    /// 200
+	_LIT8( KBadRequest,         "Bad Request" );	            /// 400
+	_LIT8( KInvalidAction,      "Invalid Action" );	            /// 401
+	_LIT8( KInvalidArgs,        "Invalid Args" );	            /// 402
+	_LIT8( KInvalidVar,         "Invalid Var" );	            /// 404
+	_LIT8( KPreconditionFailed, "Precondition Failed" );	    /// 412
+	_LIT8( KInternalServerError,"Internal Server Error" );	    /// 500
+	_LIT8( KActionFailed,       "Action Failed" );	            /// 501
+	// 600-699 Common action errors	
+	_LIT8( KArgumentValue,      "Argument Value Invalid" );	    /// 600
+	_LIT8( KArgumentRange,      "Argument Value Out of Range" );/// 601
+	_LIT8( KNotImplemented,     "Optional Action Not Implemented" );/// 602
+	_LIT8( KOutOfMemory,        "Out of Memory" );	            /// 603
+	_LIT8( KHumanIntervention,  "Human Intervention Required" );/// 604
+	_LIT8( KStringTooLong,      "String Argument Too Long" );   /// 605
+	_LIT8( KNotAuthorized,      "Action not authorized" );	    /// 606
+	_LIT8( KSignatureFailure,   "Signature failure" );	        /// 607
+	_LIT8( KSignatureMissing,   "Signature missing" );	        /// 608
+	_LIT8( KNotEncrypted,       "Not encrypted" );	            /// 609
+	_LIT8( KInvalidSequence,    "Invalid sequence" );	        /// 610
+	_LIT8( KInvalidUrl,         "Invalid control URL" );        /// 611
+	_LIT8( KNoSession,          "No such session" );	        /// 612
+	// 700-799 Action specific errors	
+	_LIT8( KNoSuchObject,       "No such object" );	            /// 701
+	_LIT8( KInvalidCurrentTag,  "Invalid CurrentTagValue" );   	/// 702
+	_LIT8( KInvalidNewTag,      "Invalid NewTagValue" );	    /// 703
+	_LIT8( KRequiredTag,        "Required tag" );	            /// 704
+	_LIT8( KReadOnlyTag,        "Read only tag" );              /// 705
+	_LIT8( KInvalidConnectionReference,  "Invalid Connection Reference" );        	/// 706
+	_LIT8( KParameterMismatch,  "Parameter Mismatch" );        	/// 706
+	_LIT8( KInvalidSearch,      "Unsupported or invalid search criteria" );	/// 708
+	_LIT8( KInvalidSort,	    "Unsupported or invalid sort criteria" );	/// 709
+	_LIT8( KNoContainer,        "No such container" );	        /// 710
+	_LIT8( KRestrictedObject,   "Restricted object" );	        /// 711
+	_LIT8( KBadMetadata,        "Bad metadata" );	            /// 712
+	_LIT8( KRestrictedParentObject, "Restricted parent object" ); /// 713
+	_LIT8( KNoSourceResource,   "No such source resource" );	/// 714
+	_LIT8( KSourceAccess,       "Source resource access denied" ); /// 715
+	_LIT8( KTransferBusy,       "Transfer busy" );	            /// 716
+	_LIT8( KNoFileTransfer,     "No such file transfer" );	    /// 717
+	_LIT8( KNoDestinationResource,"No such destination resource" );	/// 718
+	_LIT8( KDestinationAccess,  "Destination resource access denied" );	/// 719
+	_LIT8( KCannotProcess,      "Cannot process the request" );	/// 720
+#endif	// C_UPNPERRORS_H
+// End Of File
\ No newline at end of file