changeset 0 f5a58ecadc66
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/upnp/upnpstack_plat/upnp_utils_api/inc/upnphttpmessage.h	Tue Feb 02 01:12:20 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
+/** @file
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies  this distribution, and is available 
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Declares HttpMessage class.
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <in_sock.h>
+#include "upnphttpheader.h"
+#include "upnperrors.h"
+#include "upnpnotifytimer.h"
+//#include "upnpmessageobserver.h"
+class CUpnpHttpHeaderList;
+class MUpnpMessageObserver;
+enum TTransferStatus
+    {
+    ETransferInProgress,
+	EStopped,
+	EError,
+	ECompleted
+    };
+static const TInt KMaxHeaderLength = 100;
+static const TInt KMaxSsdpMessageLength = 2048;
+static const TInt KStatusLineMin = 13;
+_LIT8(KHttpGet, "GET");
+_LIT8(KHttpPost, "POST");
+_LIT8(KHttpPut, "PUT");
+_LIT8(KHttpDelete, "DELETE");
+_LIT8(KHttpTrace, "TRACE");
+_LIT8(KHttpConnect, "CONNECT");
+_LIT8(KHttp11, " HTTP/1.1");
+_LIT8(KHttp11Ok, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
+_LIT8(KHttp11Continue, "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue");
+_LIT8(KHttpVersionPattern, "HTTP/*.*");
+_LIT8(KHttp11WithoutSpace, "HTTP/1.1");
+_LIT8(KHttp10, "HTTP/1.0");
+_LIT8(KHigherLevelSintaticBreaks," \t;,");
+_LIT8(KHttp8, "HTTP");
+_LIT8(KHttpOkCode8, "200");
+_LIT8(KResponseLinePattern,"*HTTP/?.? ??? *");
+_LIT8(K1xxResponsePattern, "HTTP/1.1 1?? *");
+//for SOAP
+_LIT8(KEnvelope, "s:Envelope");
+_LIT8(KSoapAction, "SOAPACTION");
+// A Category value for a property of Publish and Subscribe
+const TUid KUPnPUtilsCat={0x10204161};
+enum TUPnPUtilsKeys {EUPnPUtilsCounter};
+static const TInt KMaximumHTTPHeaderRowLength=200;
+static const TInt KMaxMessageLength=8192;
+static const TInt KLineLengthLimit=998;
+enum THTTPMsgType 
+	{
+		EDeviceDescription = 1,
+		EServiceDescription,
+		EIcon,
+		EAction,
+		ESubscription,
+		EUnSubscription,
+		EStateVariableQuery,
+		EStateVariableChanged,
+        EResubscription,
+        ETransferStart = 100,
+        ETransferError,
+        EImportComplete,
+        EExportComplete
+	};
+  \brief Base message class for all messages. Consists of HTTPHeader -list
+  and body-buffer.
+  Also contains Sessionid, DestinationPath and SenderPath. 
+  SessionId identifies the HTTPSession this message belongs to.
+  DestinationPath and SenderPath are used to identify actions in GENA messages.
+  */
+class CUpnpHttpMessage : public CBase, public MUpnpNotifyTimerObserver
+	{
+	/**
+	Constructor function.
+	@return A new CUpnpHttpMessage instance.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C static CUpnpHttpMessage* NewL();
+	/**
+	Constructor function.
+	@param aAddr Destination ip address.
+	@return A new CUpnpHttpMessage instance.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C static CUpnpHttpMessage* NewL(const TInetAddr& aAddr);
+	/**
+	Constructor function.
+	@param aAddr Destination ip address.
+	@param aSessionId Session id of the message.
+	@return A new CUpnpHttpMessage instance.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C static CUpnpHttpMessage* NewL(TInetAddr aAddr, TInt aSessionId);
+	/**
+	Constructor function.
+	@param aMessageBuffer Buffer which contains the message.
+	@param aSender Sender's IP address.
+	@return A new CUpnpHttpMessage instance.
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C static CUpnpHttpMessage* NewL( TDesC8& aMessageBuffer, 
+	                                    TInetAddr aSender);
+	/**
+	Constructor function.
+	@param aMessageBuffer Buffer which contains the message.
+	@param aSender Sender's IP address.
+	@param aSessionId Session id of the message.
+	@return A new CUpnpHttpMessage instance.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C static CUpnpHttpMessage* NewL( TDesC8& aMessageBuffer, 
+	                                    const TInetAddr & aSender, 
+	                                    TInt aSessionId);
+	/**
+	Destructor function.
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CUpnpHttpMessage();
+	/**
+	First phase construct.
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C CUpnpHttpMessage();
+	/**
+	Second phase construct.
+	**/		
+	IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
+	/**
+	Second phase construct.
+	**/		
+	IMPORT_C void ConstructL(TInetAddr& aSender, TInt aSessionId);
+	/**
+	Parses a HttpMessage object from aBuffer.
+	@param aBuffer Buffer to parse.
+	@return None.
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C virtual void ParseL(TDesC8& aBuffer);
+	/**
+	Parses one row of headers.
+	@param aBuffer Buffer that contains one header row ("Connection: close" 
+	for example).
+	@param aFirstLine ETrue if parsing first header row of Httpmessage, 
+	EFalse otherwise. This is needed because first line has to be parsed 
+	differently.
+	@return None.
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C void ParseHeaderRowL(const TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aFirstLine);
+	/**
+	Append ContentLength when headers are dumped to string (using by public method HeadersToStringL)
+	@param aHeaders without "Content-Length"
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C virtual void AppendContentLengthToHeadersL(HBufC8*& aHeaders);
+	/**
+	Fold long header fields where is a "MUST limit 998"
+	(including the header's name and value but excluding the last carriage-return/line-feed sequence, CRLF). 
+	BODY portion of a header field can be split into a multiple	line representation.
+	RFC2822 2.2.3  folding SHOULD be limited to placing the CRLF at higher-level syntactic breaks
+	DLNA v1.5 HTTP headers that span multiple lines must prefix the additional lines with at least one space (SP) or horizontal tab (HT) as described in section 
+	@param aUpperCaseHeader header which may be folded
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C void FoldHeaderL(HBufC8*& aHeader);
+	/**
+	Unfolding header
+	RFC2822 2.2.3 Unfolding from ONE header is accomplished by simply removing any CRLF that is immediately followed by WSP
+	@param aUpperCaseHeader header which will be unfolded
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C void UnFoldHeader(HBufC8*& aHeader);
+protected: // from MUpnpNotifyTimerObserver
+    IMPORT_C void TimerEventL( CUpnpNotifyTimer* aTimer );
+	/**
+	Adds a Header row in this message.
+	@param aName Name of the header.
+	@param aValue Value of the header.
+	@return None.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C void AddPairL(const TDesC8& aName, const TDesC8& aValue);
+	IMPORT_C void RemovePairL(const TDesC8& aName);
+	/**
+	Sets the body of message.
+	@param aBody Buffer that contains the body for the message.
+	@return None.
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C void SetBodyL(const TDesC8& aBody);
+	/**
+	Returns the body of message.
+	@return Message body.	
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TDesC8& Body();
+	/**
+	Returns message as HBufC8.
+	@return Buffer that contains message headers.
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C virtual HBufC8* HeadersToStringL();
+	/**
+	Returns message as HBufC8.
+	@return Pointer to message string.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C virtual HBufC8* ToStringL();
+	/**
+	Sets the date of message.
+	@param time Time to set in message.
+	@return None.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C void SetMessageDateL(const TTime & time);
+	/**
+	Returns the IP address of the sender of the message.
+	@return IP address of the sender.
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C TInetAddr& Sender();
+	/**
+	Returns the IP address of the receiver of the message.
+	@return IP address of the receiver.
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C TInetAddr& Receiver();
+	/**
+	Sets the DestinationPath of the message.
+	@param aDestinationPath Destination Path to be set.
+	@return None.
+	**/			
+	IMPORT_C void SetDestinationPathL(const TDesC8& aDestinationPath);
+	/**
+	Returns the DestinationPath of the message.
+	@return Pointer to destination string.
+	**/		
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC8 DestinationPath();
+	/**
+	Sets the SourcePath of the message.
+	@param aSourcePath Source Path to be set.
+	@return None.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C void SetSenderPathL(const TDesC8& aSourcePath);
+	/**
+	Returns the SenderPath of the message.
+	@return Pointer to sender string.
+	**/		
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC8 SenderPath();
+	/**
+	Returns the SenderPath from Headers.
+	@return Sender path.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C const TPtrC8 SenderPathFromHeader();
+	/**
+	Sets the private member iPendingRequest.
+	@param aPointer Pointer to CUpnpAction.
+	@return None.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C void SetPendingRequest(TAny* aPointer);
+	/**
+	Returns iPendingRequest pointer.
+	@return PendingRequest pointer.
+	**/			
+	IMPORT_C TAny* PendingRequest();	
+	/**
+	Sets the filename where to save incoming content. The default behaviour is that the requested file is downloaded
+	and if there is already file with name as the given one the requested content will be saved under the same name but
+	with serial number prefix.
+	@param aFilename Path and name of file where to save.
+	@param aOverwriteExisting Should the existing file with the same name be overwritten.
+			If flag is set to EFalse then the new file with name: aFilename_serialNumber will
+			be created.
+	@return None.
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C void SetInFilenameL(const TDesC8& aFilename, TBool aOverwriteExisting = EFalse );
+	/**
+	Returns the name of file where to save incoming content.
+	@return Returns a pointer to file name in which to save the message body.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC8 InFilename();
+	/**
+	Returns if the existing file should be overwritten with the requested content.
+	If not then the new file with name: aFilename_serialNumber will be created.
+	@return Should existing file be overwritten.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TBool OverwriteExisting();
+	/**
+	Sets the range of remote filename which will be requested. Calling this method involves sending GET request 
+	with "Range" HTTP header, so this header should not be explicitly added by caller!
+	If server doesn't support "Range" header then will probably respond with HTTP 200 Ok and the whole content,
+	so observer will be notified with such a message instead of HTTP 206 Partial Content.
+	@param aOffset Offset of the file that should be requested from server. 
+	@param aLength Length of file content to be requested. Notice that if aOffset is set to some value 
+			and aLength is set to 0 then the range from aOffset to the end of file will be requested.
+			If both, offset and length are set to 0 then the range mode is off and whole file will be requested.
+	@param aSaveAtOffset Should the requested offset of the remote file be saved at physical offset of
+			existing local file. Notice that to save in local file at the same offset of the file the 
+			following requirements should be met:
+			- Local file with the name passed in aFilename parameter must exists.
+			- In the file there must be already content at least from beginning of the file to the aOffset-1 position.
+			- The flag aOverwriteExisting in SetInFilenameL method must be set to ETrue.
+			If one of the mentioned requirements won't be met then the range content will be saved in new file
+			at the beginning, if aOverwriteExisting is set to EFalse, or in the existing file at the beginning of 
+			the file, if aOverwriteExisting is set to ETrue. 
+	@return None.
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C void SetRangeL( TInt aOffset, TInt aLength, TBool aSaveAtOffset );
+	/**
+	Returns the offset of the file that should be requested from server.
+	@return Offset of the file that should be requested from server.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TInt Offset();
+	/**
+	Returns the length of file content to be requested.
+	@return Length of file content to be requested.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TInt Length();
+	/**
+	Return if the requested offset of the remote file should be saved at physical offset of
+	the local file.
+	@return Should the requested offset of the remote file be saved at physical offset of existing local file. 
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TBool SaveAtOffset();
+	/**
+	Sets the filename which will be used as message body.
+	@param aFilename Path and name of file to use.
+	@return None.
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C void SetOutFilenameL(const TDesC8& aFilename);	
+	/**
+	Returns the name of file which will be set as body of message to send.
+	@return Returns a pointer to file which will be used as message body.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC8 OutFilename();
+	/**
+	Returns value of the header.
+	@param aName Name of the header to be returned.
+	@return Value of the header.
+	**/			
+	IMPORT_C TDesC8& GetHeaderValue(const TDesC8& aName);
+	/**
+	Check if header exists, also return value of header if exists
+	@param aHeaderName Name of the header.
+	@param aExist True if header exist, false if not.
+	@return Value of the header (if exist, otherwise KNullDesC).
+	**/			
+	IMPORT_C TDesC8& IsHeader(const TDesC8& aHeaderName, TBool& aExist);
+	/**
+	Sets messages Session id.
+	@param aId Session id we want the message to have.
+	@return None.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C void SetSessionId(TInt aId);	
+	/**
+	Returns the SessionId of the message.
+	@return SessionId of the message.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TInt SessionId() const;	
+	/**
+	Creates new, unused Session id value.
+	@return new session id.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C static TInt NewSessionIdL();
+	/**
+	Compares if two messages have same session id.
+	@param aFirst First message to compare.
+	@param aSecond Second message to compare.
+	@return ETrue if same session id, EFalse otherwise.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C static TBool SessionIdMatch( const CUpnpHttpMessage& aFirst, 
+	                                      const CUpnpHttpMessage& aSecond);
+	/**
+	Returns length of message body.
+	@return Length of message body.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TInt BodyLength() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the service used from http message, for example MediaServer:1 
+    from Mediaserver:1/ContentDirectory.
+	@return Pointer to device name.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C const TPtrC8 DevicePath();
+	/**
+	Returns the service used from http message, for example ContentDirectory 
+    from Mediaserver:1/ContentDirectory.
+	@return Pointer to service name.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C const TPtrC8 ServicePath() const;
+	/**
+	Checks if message is SOAP message.
+	@return ETrue, if SOAP, EFalse otherwise.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsSoap() const;
+	/**
+	Checks if message is GENA message.
+	@return ETrue, if GENA, EFalse otherwise.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsGena();
+	/**
+	Checks if message is a 1xx response.
+	@return ETrue, if 1xx error, EFalse otherwise.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TBool Is1xx();
+	/**
+	Checks if message is a 2xx response.
+	@return ETrue, if 2xx error, EFalse otherwise.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TBool Is2xx();
+	/**
+	Checks if message is a 3xx response.
+	@return ETrue, if 3xx error, EFalse otherwise.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TBool Is3xx();
+	/**
+	Returns the method of message, like GET, POST etc.
+	@return Pointer that points to message's method.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C const TPtrC8 Method();
+	/**
+	Returns version of HTTP Request, like HTTP/1.1, HTTP/1.0 etc.
+	@return Pointer that points to HTTP's version.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C const TPtrC8 RequestHTTPVersion();
+	/** 
+	Returns a pointer to this message's headerlist.
+	@return Pointer to this message's HTTPHeaderList.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C CUpnpHttpHeaderList* HeaderList();
+	/**
+	Sets the type of message. Used by ControlPoint
+	@param aType Error code numeral value.
+	@return None.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C void SetType(THTTPMsgType aType);
+	/**
+	Returns the Http message type, used by controlpoint.
+	@return HTTP message type.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C THTTPMsgType Type() const;
+	/**
+	Returns textual presentation of the given error.
+	@param aError Error number.
+	@return Textual presentation of given error code.
+	**/			 
+ 	IMPORT_C static const TDesC8& UpnpError(TUpnpErrorCode aError);
+ 	/**
+	Returns textual presentation of the given error.
+	@param aError Error number.
+	@return Textual presentation of given error code.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C static HBufC8* UpnpErrorL(TUpnpErrorCode aError);
+	/**
+	Returns the textual error message of given error code.
+	@param aError Error code numeral value.
+	@return Textual representation of error code.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C static const TDesC8& HttpError(THttpStatusCode aError);
+	/**
+	Returns the error code of the message.
+	@return Error code.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TInt Error();
+	/**
+	Sets the aBuf as string presentation of aAddr
+	@param aAddr Address that will be converted.
+	@param aBuf Buffer that will contain textual presentation of aAddr.
+	@return None.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C static void AddrOutput(const TInetAddr& aAddr, TDes8& aBuf);
+	/**
+	Sets the TInetAddr object value to given aBuf.
+	@param aAddr Address that will contain same logical value as aBuf 
+	after conversion.
+	@param aBuf String we want to convert to TInetAddr.
+	@return None.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C static void AddrInput(TInetAddr& aAddr, const TDesC8& aBuf);
+	/**
+	Returns the current iRetryCounter value.
+	@return Current counter value.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C TInt RetryCounter();
+	/**
+	Sets the retry counter value
+	@param aValue value to be set for RetryCounter.
+	@return None.
+	**/
+	IMPORT_C void SetRetryCounter(TInt aValue);
+	/**
+    Sets the timer on message to expire in given time.
+    Makes callback to MSsdpMessageObserver* after timeout.
+	@param aObserver Pointer to message's timer observer.
+    @param aTimeoutValue Number of microseconds to expire.
+	@return Error code, KErrNone if no errors.
+	**/
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetMessageTimeoutL( MUpnpMessageObserver* aObserver, 
+                                      const TInt aTimeoutValue );
+	/**
+    Cancels the timer on message.
+	**/
+    IMPORT_C void CancelMessageTimeout();
+	/**
+    Sets the priority for HTTP session used with this message.
+    @param aPriority Priority of the session.
+	**/
+    IMPORT_C void SetHttpPriority( TThreadPriority aPriority );
+	/**
+    Returns the priority of HTTP session used with this message.
+	**/
+    IMPORT_C TThreadPriority HttpPriority();
+	/**
+    Sets the uri to find the local file.
+	**/
+    IMPORT_C void SetOutUriL( const TDesC8& aUri );
+	/**
+    Returns the value of OutUri.
+	**/    
+    IMPORT_C const TDesC8& OutUri();
+	/**
+    Sets if message is a local requests
+    @param aLocal value indicating if message is local.
+	**/
+    IMPORT_C void SetLocal( TBool aLocal);
+	/**
+    Returns if message is a local requests.
+	**/
+    IMPORT_C TBool Local();  
+    /**
+    Sets if message is a client request
+    @param aClientRequest value indicating if message is from the client.
+	**/
+    IMPORT_C void SetClientRequest( TBool aClientRequest);
+	/**
+    Returns if message is a client requests.
+	**/
+    IMPORT_C TBool ClientRequest();
+    /**
+	Find FIRST occurence of LWS    = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT ) (RFC 2616 2.2 Basic Rules)
+	RFC2822 2.2.3 Unfolding is accomplished by simply removing any CRLF that is immediately followed by WSP
+	@param aText text which include many headers (some can be folded)
+	@return The offset of the LWS sequence from the beginning of this descriptor's data. 
+			KErrNotFound, if the data sequence cannot be found.
+	**/	
+	IMPORT_C static TInt FindLWS(const TDesC8& aText);
+	   /**
+    Sets a timeout for a session (valid only for TCP client sessions!)
+    @param aTimeout value in microseconds.
+	**/
+    IMPORT_C void SetTcpTimeout( TInt aTimeout);
+	/**
+    Returns the value of TCP-session's timeout for a message.
+	**/
+    IMPORT_C TInt TcpTimeout();
+    /**
+    * Returns the internal error code for a message
+	**/
+    IMPORT_C TInt InternalError();
+    /**
+    * Sets the internal error code for a message
+	**/
+    IMPORT_C void SetInternalError(TInt aErrorCode);
+	/**
+	List of message headers.
+	**/	
+	CUpnpHttpHeaderList* iHeaderList;
+	/**
+	Variable used to route messages thru Dispatcher.
+	**/		
+	HBufC8* iDestinationPath;
+	/**
+	Variable used to route messages thru Dispatcher.
+	**/	
+	HBufC8* iSenderPath;
+	/**
+	Variable used to route messages to correct Http session.
+	**/	
+	TInt iSessionId;
+	/**
+	Variable used by controlpoint.
+	**/	
+	THTTPMsgType iType;
+	/**
+	Variable used by controlpoint.
+	**/	
+	TAny* iPendingRequest;
+	/**
+	Message body.
+	**/	
+	HBufC8* iTextBody;
+	/**
+	Destination of this message.
+	**/	
+	TInetAddr iRemoteHost;
+	/**
+	Buffer that contains the path and filename of file used as message 
+	body when sending message.
+	**/		
+	HBufC8* iOutFilename;
+	/**
+	Buffer that contains the path and filename of file used to save 
+	incoming data.
+	**/		
+	HBufC8* iInFilename;
+	/**
+	Counter that is used to track resending count, for example in 
+	Control point.
+	**/			
+	TInt iRetryCounter;
+	/**
+	Priority that is used for HTTP session with this message.
+	**/	
+	TThreadPriority iSessionPriority;
+	/**
+	Timer that is used in SSDP messages to cause randomness in sending
+	SSDP messages.
+	**/
+	CUpnpNotifyTimer* iTimer;
+	/**
+    Used for resolving url presentation to local filesystem file.
+	**/
+	HBufC8* iOutUri;
+	/**
+	Calls this observer's MessageExpiredL() function when iTimer
+    expires.
+	**/	
+	MUpnpMessageObserver* iMessageObserver;
+	/**
+	Should the existing local file be overwritten with the requested content.
+	If not then the new file with name: iInFilename_serialNumber will be created
+	to save incoming content.
+	**/
+	TBool iOverwriteExisting;
+	/**
+	Offset of the file that should be requested from server. 
+	**/
+	TInt iOffset;
+	/**
+	Length of file content to be requested.
+	**/
+	TInt iLength; 
+	/**
+	Should the requested offset of the remote file be saved at physical offset of existing local file.
+	**/
+	TBool iSaveAtOffset;
+	/**
+	* Indicate whether request is local (it means send by local shortcut) or remote, 
+	**/
+	TBool iLocal;
+	/**
+	* Indicate to the upper layer that a message is a client request sent to our (this) host, if False it is ignored
+	It should prevent confusing a client session with the server one by the upper layer
+	**/
+	TBool iClientRequest;
+	/**
+	* Indicates the session timeout value, used only in client sessions of TcpServer!
+	It should prevent confusing a client session with the server one by the upper layer
+	**/
+	TInt iTcpTimeout;
+	/**
+	* internal error
+	**/
+	TInt iInternalError;
+	};
\ No newline at end of file