changeset 21 ff5174af067c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/zeroconf/zeroconfsharing/contactinfo.cpp	Wed Jul 21 14:28:48 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <contactinfo.h>
+const TUint MaxLength= 255;
+CContactInfo* CContactInfo::NewL()
+    {
+    CContactInfo* self = CContactInfo::NewLC();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+    }
+CContactInfo* CContactInfo::NewLC()
+    {
+    CContactInfo* self = new (ELeave) CContactInfo();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    return self;
+    }
+    {
+    }
+void CContactInfo::ConstructL()
+    {
+    iFs.Connect();
+    }
+    {
+    iFs.Close();
+    iContact.Close();
+    iCurrentlyPlaying.Close();
+    iContactDirectory.Close();
+    iFileUrl.Close(); 
+    iIconPath.Close();
+    iBaseUrl.Close();
+    iFileUrl.Close();
+    iImgFile.Close();
+    iMusicFile.Close();
+    iVideoFile.Close();
+    iFilePath.Close();
+    }
+const TDesC8& CContactInfo::ContactName()const
+    {
+    return iContact;
+    }
+void CContactInfo::SetContactName(const TDesC8& aContactName)
+    {
+    iContact.Close();
+    iContact.Create(aContactName);
+    }
+const TDesC8& CContactInfo::CurrentlyPlaying()const
+    {
+    return iCurrentlyPlaying;
+    }
+void CContactInfo::SetCurrentlyPlaying(const TDesC8& aCurrentlyPlaying)
+    {
+    iCurrentlyPlaying.Close();
+    iCurrentlyPlaying.Create(aCurrentlyPlaying);
+    }
+const TDesC8& CContactInfo::Status()const
+    {
+    return iStatus;
+    }
+void CContactInfo::SetStatus(const TDesC8& aStatus)
+    {
+    iStatus.Close();
+    iStatus.Create(aStatus);
+    }
+void CContactInfo::SetContactDirectory()
+    {
+    iContactDirectory.Close();
+    _LIT8(KTrailingSlash,"\\");
+    TBuf8 <255> path(KPath);
+    iContactDirectory.Create(path,MaxLength);
+    iContactDirectory.Append(iContact);
+    iContactDirectory.Append(KTrailingSlash);
+    RBuf folder;
+    folder.Create(iContactDirectory.Length());
+    folder.Copy(iContactDirectory);
+    if(!BaflUtils::FolderExists(iFs,folder))
+        {
+        iFs.MkDirAll(folder);
+        }
+    }
+const TDesC8& CContactInfo::ContactDirectory()
+    {
+    return iContactDirectory;
+    }
+const TDesC8& CContactInfo::ImgFileName()
+    {
+    _LIT8(KImageFile,"ImageFile.txt");
+    iImgFile.Close();
+    iImgFile.Create(iContactDirectory,MaxLength);
+    iImgFile.Append(KImageFile);
+    return iImgFile;
+    }
+const TDesC8& CContactInfo::MusicFileName()
+    {
+    _LIT8(KMusicFile,"MusicFile.txt");
+    iMusicFile.Close();
+    iMusicFile.Create(iContactDirectory,MaxLength);
+    iMusicFile.Append(KMusicFile);
+    return iMusicFile;
+    }
+const TDesC8& CContactInfo::VideoFileName()
+    {
+    _LIT8(KVideoFile,"VideoFile.txt");
+    iVideoFile.Close();
+    iVideoFile.Create(iContactDirectory,MaxLength);
+    iVideoFile.Append(KVideoFile);
+    return iVideoFile;
+    }
+void CContactInfo::SetBaseUrl(const TDesC8& aBaseUrl)
+    {
+    iBaseUrl.Close();
+    iBaseUrl.CreateL(aBaseUrl);
+    }
+const TDesC8& CContactInfo::BaseUrl()const
+    {
+    return iBaseUrl;
+    }
+const  TDesC8& CContactInfo::FileUrl(const TDesC8& aFileName)
+    {    
+    iFileUrl.Close();    
+    iFileUrl.Create(iBaseUrl,MaxLength);
+    iFileUrl.Append(aFileName);
+    return iFileUrl;
+    }
+TBool CContactInfo::HasBeenDownloadedL(const TDesC8& aFileName)
+    {
+    iFileUrl.Close(); 
+    RBuf8 contactDir;
+    contactDir.Create(iContactDirectory.Length());
+    contactDir.Copy(iContactDirectory);
+    iFileUrl.Create(contactDir,MaxLength);
+    iFileUrl.Copy(contactDir);
+    iFileUrl.Append(aFileName);
+    RBuf fileName;
+    fileName.CreateL(iFileUrl.Length());
+    fileName.Copy(iFileUrl);
+    if(BaflUtils::FileExists(iFs,fileName))
+        return ETrue;
+    else
+        return EFalse;
+    }
+const TDesC8& CContactInfo::IconFilePath(const TDesC8& aIconFile)
+    {
+    iIconPath.Close();
+    iIconPath.Create(iContactDirectory,MaxLength);
+    iIconPath.Append(aIconFile);
+    return iIconPath;
+    }
+const TDesC8& CContactInfo::IconPath()
+    {
+    return iIconPath;
+    }
+const TDesC8& CContactInfo::FileListPath(const TDesC8& aFileListName)
+    {
+    iFileListPath.Close();
+    iFileListPath.Create(iContactDirectory,MaxLength);
+    iFileListPath.Append(aFileListName);
+    return iFileListPath;
+    }
+const TDesC8& CContactInfo::FilePath(const TDesC8& aFileName)
+    {
+    iFilePath.Close();
+    iFilePath.Create(iContactDirectory,MaxLength);
+    iFilePath.Append(aFileName);
+    return iFilePath;
+    }
+void CContactInfo::StoreContactDirectory(const TDesC8& aContactDirectory)
+    {
+    iContactDirectory.Close();
+    iContactDirectory.Create(aContactDirectory);
+    }