// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __CHEADERS_H__
#define __CHEADERS_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <stringpool.h>
class CHeaderField;
class CHeaderFieldPart;
class CHeaderFieldParam;
class CHeaderCodec;
class RHTTPHeaders;
class THTTPHdrFieldIter;
class THTTPHdrVal;
/** The CHeaders class provides the internal implementation of the RHTTPHeaders interface, which is
documented in <http.h>. Briefly, this interface provides a unified point at which all header data
can be read and written for a given request or response. The CHeaders object is related to an
instance of a specific CHTTPTransactionCodec subclass, which is used to provide on-demand decoding
and encoding of indivual header fields.
@see RHTTPHeaders
class CHeaders : public CBase
friend class THTTPHdrFieldIter;
// Factory construction, given a particular codec. Ownership of the codec remains with the caller.
static CHeaders* NewL(CHeaderCodec& aCodec);
// Destructor. Cleans up and releases resources to the system.
// Creates a handle that is an abstraction of the interface
RHTTPHeaders Handle();
public: // methods proxied from RHTTPHeaders
// Create or append a field part for the named field and assigned value
void SetFieldL(RStringF aFieldName, THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue);
// Create or append a field part with parameter, for the specified field, parameter and associated values
void SetFieldL(RStringF aFieldName, THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue,
RStringF aParamName, THTTPHdrVal aParamValue);
// Create a parameter in an exisitng part
void SetParamL(RStringF aFieldName, RStringF aParamName,THTTPHdrVal aParamValue, TInt aPartIdx);
// Set a named field in the header to contain the supplied OTA data. Any existing header field of
// this name will be lost.
void SetRawFieldL(RStringF aFieldName, const TDesC8& aOtaFieldData, const TDesC8& aFieldSeparator);
// Remove, entirely, the named header field from the header collection. All its parts and
// associated parameters (where they exist) are also removed
TInt RemoveField(RStringF aFieldName);
// Remove the particular part of a field. All its parameters ,where they exist, are removed. If this is the only part
// then the header is also removed
TInt RemoveFieldPartL(RStringF aFieldName, TInt aIndex);
// Remove all the fields in this header collection
void RemoveAllFields();
// Obtain the number of parts in the named header field's value, Simple headers are created with a single part
// following one call to SetFieldL. Subsequent calls to SetFieldL create additional parts with the field exists
// already
TInt FieldPartsL(RStringF aFieldName) const;
// Obtain the named header field's value. Optionally, the index of a part within the field
// may be specified. Parts are indexed from zero
TInt GetField(RStringF aFieldName, TInt aPartIdx, THTTPHdrVal& aHeaderValue) const;
// Obtain an Over-The-Air representation of the named header field's value.
TInt GetRawField(RStringF aFieldName, TPtrC8& aRawFieldData) const;
// Obtain the value of a named parameter, associated with the named header field. An optional index to a part
// within the header field may be supplied, if not it is assumed that it is the first part
THTTPHdrVal GetParam(RStringF aFieldName, RStringF aParamName, THTTPHdrVal& aValue, TInt aPartIdx) const;
// Access the header fields via an iterator
THTTPHdrFieldIter Fields() const;
// Access the codec used to convert header fields between OTA and parsed format
CHeaderCodec& Codec() const;
static const TStringTable& Table();
// Structure which contains the headerfield and the associated name
class THeaderFieldNamePair
static TInt CompareFieldNames(const THeaderFieldNamePair& aField1, const THeaderFieldNamePair& aFieldName2);
RStringF iFieldName;
CHeaderField* iField;
// Constructor; stores the supplied codec pointer
CHeaders(CHeaderCodec& aCodec);
// Utility to look up a given header name from the iFieldNames array and return its index.
TInt LocateFieldName(RStringF aHeaderName) const;
// Looks up the given header name and returns the corresponding field if it exists; if not, a new field
// is created and returned
CHeaderField& CreateOrLookupFieldL(RStringF aHeaderName);
// Obtains the indexed part of the named field
CHeaderFieldPart* GetFieldPartL(RStringF aFieldName, TInt aPartIdx) const;
// Obtains the index parameter of the named field's indexed part
CHeaderFieldParam* GetFieldParameter(RStringF aFieldName, RStringF aParamName, TInt aPartIdx) const;
// Inserts a header in the order of the name.
void DoInsertInNameOrderL(CHeaderField* aHeader, RStringF aHeaderName);
// Deletes all fields
void PurgeFields();
// An array of field name pairs. Each field contains several values that is associated with a name of a field
RArray<THeaderFieldNamePair> iFields;
// The transaction codec associated with this header collection.
CHeaderCodec& iCodec;
inline CHeaders::CHeaders(CHeaderCodec& aCodec)
: iCodec(aCodec)
inline CHeaderCodec& CHeaders::Codec() const
return iCodec;
#endif // CMESSAGE_H