author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Fri, 11 Jun 2010 14:30:51 +0300
changeset 12 78fbd574edf4
parent 9 e84a4b44b2e8
child 30 594d15129e2c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201022 Kit: 2010123

/** @file
* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies  this distribution, and is available 
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Declares chunk parsing class.

#include "upnphttpchunkparser.h"
#include "upnpcons.h"


// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::NewL
// Two-phased constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUpnpHttpChunkParser* CUpnpHttpChunkParser::NewL()

	CUpnpHttpChunkParser* self = new (ELeave) CUpnpHttpChunkParser();
	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
	CleanupStack::Pop( self );
	return self;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::~CUpnpHttpChunkParser
// C++ default destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::CUpnpHttpChunkParser
// C++ default constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 iError (KErrNone)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::ConstructL
// Two-phased constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpHttpChunkParser::ConstructL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::Reset
// Checks if decoding ended
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpHttpChunkParser::Reset()
    iContext = EUnknown;
    iError = KErrNone;
    iChunkSize = KErrNotFound;	

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::SetErrorState
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpHttpChunkParser::SetErrorState()
    iError = EHttpRequestTimeout;
    iContext = EError;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::Parse
// Decoding the chunked-encoded buffer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CUpnpHttpChunkParser::Parse(TDes8& aBuffer, TInt& aPos)
    TBool interrupt = EFalse;
            case EUnknown:
                iContext = EHeader;
            case EHeader:
                interrupt = ParseHeader(aBuffer,aPos);
            case ELastChunk:
                interrupt = ParseLastChunk(aBuffer,aPos);
            case EBody:
                interrupt = ParseBody(aBuffer,aPos);
            case EEndChunkBody:
                iContext = EHeader;
            case EExtension:
                interrupt = ParseExtension(aBuffer,aPos);
            case ETrailer:
                interrupt = ParseTrailer(aBuffer,aPos);
            case EError:			
                return iError;
            case EFinish:
                return KErrNone;
                return KErrUnknown;
    return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::ParseL
// Decoding the chunked-encoded buffer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CUpnpHttpChunkParser::ParseBody( TDes8& aBuffer, TInt& aPos )
    if ( IsEmpty( aBuffer, aPos ) )
        return ETrue;

    TPtrC8 pointer( aBuffer.Right( aBuffer.Length() - aPos ) );	

    if ( iBytesAppended + pointer.Length() >= iChunkSize )
        aPos += ( iChunkSize - iBytesAppended );		
        pointer.Set( aBuffer.Right( aBuffer.Length() - aPos ) );
        TInt lineFeed = pointer.FindF(UpnpString::KLineFeed());		
        //linefeed found
        if ( !lineFeed )
            aBuffer.Delete( aPos, UpnpString::KLineFeed().Length() );
            iContext = EEndChunkBody;	
            return ( aPos == aBuffer.Length() );
        //linefeed not found, end of buffer	
        else if ( lineFeed == KErrNotFound && 
                ( ( aPos + UpnpString::KLineFeed().Length() ) > aBuffer.Length() )
            iBytesAppended = iChunkSize; 				
            return ETrue;
        //size doesn't comply with the header value
        iError = KErrGeneral;	
        iContext = EError;	
        return EFalse;	
        iBytesAppended += pointer.Length();
        aPos = aBuffer.Length();
        return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::ParseL
// Decoding the chunked-encoded buffer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CUpnpHttpChunkParser::ParseHeader( TDes8& aBuffer, TInt& aPos )
    if ( IsEmpty( aBuffer, aPos ) )
        return ETrue;
    iChunkSize = KErrNotFound;
    iBytesAppended = 0;
    TPtrC8 pointer(NULL,0);
    //if '\r\n' exists
    TInt lineFeed = aBuffer.Right( aBuffer.Length() - aPos ).FindF( UpnpString::KLineFeed );
    //if ';' exists
    TInt semiColon = aBuffer.Right( aBuffer.Length() - aPos ).FindF( UpnpString::KSemiColon );
    //semicolon ignored if occurs after the linefeed
    if ( semiColon !=KErrNotFound && lineFeed !=KErrNotFound && lineFeed<semiColon )
        semiColon = KErrNotFound;
    if ( semiColon !=KErrNotFound )
        pointer.Set(aBuffer.Right( aBuffer.Length() - aPos ).Mid( 0,semiColon ) );		
    else if ( lineFeed !=KErrNotFound )
        pointer.Set( aBuffer.Right( aBuffer.Length() - aPos ).Mid( 0,lineFeed ) );		
        pointer.Set( aBuffer.Right( aBuffer.Length() - aPos ) );		

    TLex8 lex( pointer );	
    //skip white spaces	
    TUint size;
    //neither semicolon nor linefeed found
    if ( lineFeed == KErrNotFound && semiColon == KErrNotFound )
        //remember the num of cut spaces
        TInt len = lex.Offset();
        if ( !lex.Eos() )
            //check the chunk header size for the limit
            TInt error = lex.Val( size, EHex );			
            if ( error!= KErrNone || size > KMaxTInt )	
                //size too big
                iError = ( error ) ? error: EHttpInsufficientStorage;
                iContext = EError;
                return EFalse;

        aBuffer.Delete( aPos,len );
        return ETrue;
    //get size	
    TInt error = lex.Val( size, EHex );
    if ( error!= KErrNone || size > KMaxTInt )
        //unexpected characters or size too big
        iError = ( error ) ? error: EHttpInsufficientStorage ;
        iContext = EError;
        return EFalse;
    iChunkSize = size;	
    //skip white spaces	
    if ( !lex.Eos() )
        //unexpected characters
        iError = KErrGeneral;
        iContext = EError;
        return EFalse;
    if ( lineFeed != KErrNotFound )
        //the whole chunk header is parsed
        aBuffer.Delete( aPos, lineFeed + UpnpString::KLineFeed().Length() );
        //chunk size == 0
        if ( !iChunkSize )
            iContext = ELastChunk;
            iContext = EBody;
        return ( aPos == aBuffer.Length() );
    else if ( semiColon != KErrNotFound )
        //extension found, 
        //one character left - possible linefeed
        if ( aPos<aBuffer.Length() )
            aBuffer.Delete( aPos, aBuffer.Length() - aPos - 1 );		
        iContext = EExtension;
        return ETrue;	
    iError = KErrUnknown;	
    iContext = EError;	
    return EFalse;		    	
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::ParseL
// Decoding the chunked-encoded buffer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CUpnpHttpChunkParser::ParseExtension( TDes8& aBuffer, TInt& aPos )
    if ( IsEmpty( aBuffer, aPos ) )
        return ETrue;	

    //if '\r\n' exists
    TInt lineFeed = aBuffer.Right( aBuffer.Length() - aPos ).FindF( UpnpString::KLineFeed );
    if ( lineFeed != KErrNotFound )
        aBuffer.Delete( aPos, lineFeed + UpnpString::KLineFeed().Length() );		
        if ( !iChunkSize )
            iContext = ETrailer;
            return EFalse;		
            iContext = EBody;
            return EFalse;
        //one character left - possible linefeed
        if ( aPos + 1 < aBuffer.Length() )
            aBuffer.Delete( aPos, aBuffer.Length() - aPos - 1 );
        return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::ParseL
// Decoding the chunked-encoded buffer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CUpnpHttpChunkParser::ParseLastChunk( TDes8& aBuffer, TInt& aPos )
    //if empty or only one character present
    if ( (aBuffer.Length() - aPos) < UpnpString::KLineFeedLength )
        return ETrue;
    //if '\r\n' exists
    TInt lineFeed = aBuffer.Right( aBuffer.Length() - aPos ).FindF( UpnpString::KLineFeed );
    if ( !lineFeed )
        aBuffer.Delete( aPos, lineFeed + UpnpString::KLineFeed().Length() );		
        iContext = EFinish;
        return ETrue;		
        iContext = ETrailer;
        return EFalse;		

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::ParseL
// Decoding the chunked-encoded buffer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CUpnpHttpChunkParser::ParseTrailer( TDes8& aBuffer, TInt& aPos )
    if ( IsEmpty( aBuffer, aPos ) )
        return ETrue;
    //if double '\r\n' exists
    TInt doublelineFeed = aBuffer.Right( aBuffer.Length() - aPos ).FindF( UpnpString::KDoubleLineFeed );
    if (doublelineFeed != KErrNotFound ) 
        aBuffer.Delete( aPos, doublelineFeed + UpnpString::KDoubleLineFeed().Length() );		
        iContext = EFinish;
        return ETrue;	
        //waiting,3 characters reserved for double linefeed
        if ( aPos + UpnpString::KCRLFCRLength < aBuffer.Length() )
            aBuffer.Delete( aPos, aBuffer.Length() - aPos - UpnpString::KCRLFCRLength );
        return ETrue;	
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::IsEmpty
// Decoding the chunked-encoded buffer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CUpnpHttpChunkParser::IsEmpty( TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aPos )
    return ( aPos >= aBuffer.Length() );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpHttpChunkParser::IsFinished
// Checks if decoding ended
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CUpnpHttpChunkParser::IsFinished()
    return ( iContext==EFinish );

// End Of File