/** @file
* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Declares the CUpnpContentHandlersController class
#include <xml/parser.h>
#include <xml/contenthandler.h>
#include <cstack.h>
#include "upnpsoapparser.h"
class CUpnpDevice;
class CUpnpDeviceImplementation;
class CUpnpSilentDeviceImplementation;
class CUpnpService;
class CUpnpContentHandler;
class CUpnpDescriptionProperty;
class CUpnpAction;
class CUpnpSoapMessage;
* This class implements the interface MContentHandler required by a client of the xml framework
* It is designed to be used by xml parser that generates events using callback methods
* @since Series60 2.6
using namespace Xml;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CUpnpContentHandlersController ) :
public CBase, public MContentHandler
* Destructor
virtual ~CUpnpContentHandlersController();
* Two-phased constructor
* @since Series60 3.2
* @return instance of CUpnpContentHandlersController class
IMPORT_C static CUpnpContentHandlersController* NewL();
* Two-phased constructor. Leaves the object on CleanupStack
* @since Series60 3.2
* @return instance of CUpnpContentHandlersController class
IMPORT_C static CUpnpContentHandlersController* NewLC();
* For internal use. Update all necessary information from a SOAP-message
* that should be OK answer (e.g. received by Http 200 OK message).
* @param aMessage SOAP response message
* @param aAction an action to update
IMPORT_C void UpdateActionWithOKResponseL( CUpnpSoapMessage* aMessage,
CUpnpAction* aAction );
* For internal use. Update all necessary information from a SOAP-message
* that should contain SOAP error (fault) message (eg. received by http
* 500 InternalServerError message.
* @param aMessage SOAP response message
* @param aAction an action to update
IMPORT_C void UpdateActionWithErrorResponseL( CUpnpSoapMessage* aMessage,
CUpnpAction* aAction );
* For internal use. Attaches the information contained in a GENA buffer
* to this service. In practice, this means handling of received
* GENA messages.
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aGenaNotify gena notify body to be attached,
* @param aService service which gena will be atached to
IMPORT_C void AttachL( const TDesC8& aGenaNotify, CUpnpService& aService );
* Parses an xml document and returns object of CUpnpService class
* It is used for the first time the xml document is parsed
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aDescription xml content
* @param aParentDevice parent device
* @return instance of CUpnpService class
IMPORT_C CUpnpService* ParseServiceL( const TDesC8& aDescription,
CUpnpDevice* aParentDevice );
* Parses an xml document
* It is used in case when CUpnpService object already exists
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aDescription xml content
* @param aService service pointer [in-out param]
IMPORT_C void ParseServiceL( const TDesC8& aDescription, CUpnpService* aService );
* Parses an xml document and returns instance of CUpnpDevice class
* It is used for the first time the device xml document is parsed
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aDescription xml content
* @return instance of CUpnpDevice class
IMPORT_C CUpnpDevice* ParseDeviceL( const TDesC8& aDescription );
* Parses an xml document and returns instance of CUpnpDevice class
* It is used in case when CUpnpDevice object already exists and update of device
* xml is required
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aDescription xml content
* @param aDevice pointer [in-out param]
IMPORT_C void ParseDeviceL( const TDesC8& aDescription, CUpnpDevice* aDevice );
* Parses an xml document and returns instance of CUpnpDeviceImplementation class
* It is used for the first time the device xml document is parsed
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aDescription xml content
* @return instance of CUpnpDeviceImplementation class
IMPORT_C CUpnpDeviceImplementation* ParseDeviceImplL( const TDesC8& aDescription );
* Parses an xml document and returns instance of CUpnpDeviceImplementation class
* It is used in case when CUpnpDeviceImplementation object already exists and
* update of device xml is required
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aDescription xml content
* @param aDevice pointer [in-out param]
IMPORT_C void ParseDeviceImplL( const TDesC8& aDescription,
CUpnpDeviceImplementation* aDeviceImpl );
* Parses an xml document and returns instance of CUpnpSilentDeviceImplementation class
* It is used for the first time the device xml document is parsed
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aDescription xml content
* @return instance of CUpnpDeviceImplementation class
IMPORT_C CUpnpSilentDeviceImplementation* ParseSilentDeviceImplL( const TDesC8& aDescription );
* Parses an xml document and returns instance of CUpnpSilentDeviceImplementation class
* It is used in case when CUpnpDeviceImplementation object already exists and
* update of device xml is required
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aDescription xml content
* @param aDevice pointer [in-out param]
IMPORT_C void ParseSilentDeviceImplL( const TDesC8& aDescription,
CUpnpSilentDeviceImplementation* aDeviceImpl );
* Update action with all necessary information from
* a SOAP request message.
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aMessage SOAP request message
* @param aAction - an action to update
void UpdateActionWithRequestL( CUpnpSoapMessage* aMessage, CUpnpAction* aAction );
* Parses a xml document and returns set objects of CUpnpDescriptionProperties
* It is used to parse action messages (soap)
* @pre description property array should be leave safe
* (there will be PopAndDestroy called on it in case of leave)
void ParseSoapL(
const TDesC8& aDescription,
RPointerArray<CUpnpDescriptionProperty>& aParsedValues );
* Sets ContentHandler argument as a current content handler, so it will
* receive parsing events. Previous content handler will be push on stack
* that it could be againt current content handler after calling of
* SetPreviousContentHandler.
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aNewContentHandler content handler that will receive all parsing events
* untill current content handler will be changed
void SetCurrentContentHandlerL( CUpnpContentHandler* aNewContentHandler );
* Deletes current content handler, and sets previous content handler to become current
* contetnt handler, and receive all sax parsing events.
* @since Series60 3.2
void SetPreviousContentHandler();
private: // from MContentHandler
* This method is a callback to indicate the start of the document.
* @param aDocParam Specifies the various parameters of the document.
* @arg aDocParam.iCharacterSetName The character encoding of the document.
* @param aErrorCode is the error code.
* If this is not KErrNone then special action may be required.
virtual void OnStartDocumentL( const RDocumentParameters& aDocParam,
TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a callback to indicate the end of the document.
* @param aErrorCode is the error code.
* If this is not KErrNone then special action may be required.
virtual void OnEndDocumentL( TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a callback to indicate an element has been parsed.
* @param aElement is a handle to the element's details.
* @param aAttributes contains the attributes for the element.
* @param aErrorCode is the error code.
* If this is not KErrNone then special action may be required.
virtual void OnStartElementL( const RTagInfo& aElement,
const RAttributeArray& aAttributes, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a callback to indicate the end of the element has been reached.
* @param aElement is a handle to the element's details.
* @param aErrorCode is the error code.
* If this is not KErrNone then special action may be required.
virtual void OnEndElementL( const RTagInfo& aElement, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a callback that sends the content of the element.
* Not all the content may be returned in one go. The data may be sent in chunks.
* This method just append chunk to chunks previously received. When we get all
* chunks ChunksMergingEndL method pass merged chunks to current content handler.
* @param aBytes is the raw content data for the element.
* The client is responsible for converting the data to the
* required character set if necessary.
* In some instances the content may be binary and must not be converted.
* @param aErrorCode is the error code.
* If this is not KErrNone then special action may be required.
virtual void OnContentL( const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a notification of the beginning of the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping.
* This method is always called before the corresponding OnStartElementL method.
* @param aPrefix is the Namespace prefix being declared.
* @param aUri is the Namespace URI the prefix is mapped to.
* @param aErrorCode is the error code.
* If this is not KErrNone then special action may be required.
virtual void OnStartPrefixMappingL( const RString& aPrefix,
const RString& aUri, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a notification of the end of the scope of a prefix-URI mapping.
* This method is called after the corresponding DoEndElementL method.
* @param aPrefix is the Namespace prefix that was mapped.
* @param aErrorCode is the error code.
* If this is not KErrNone then special action may be required.
virtual void OnEndPrefixMappingL( const RString& aPrefix, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a notification of ignorable whitespace in element content.
* @param aBytes are the ignored bytes from the document being parsed.
* @param aErrorCode is the error code.
* If this is not KErrNone then special action may be required.
virtual void OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL( const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method is a notification of a skipped entity. If the parser encounters an
* external entity it does not need to expand it - it can return the entity as aName
* for the client to deal with.
* @param aName is the name of the skipped entity.
* @param aErrorCode is the error code.
* If this is not KErrNone then special action may be required.
virtual void OnSkippedEntityL( const RString& aName, TInt aErrorCode );
This method is a receive notification of a processing instruction.
* @param aTarget is the processing instruction target.
* @param aData is the processing instruction data. If empty none was supplied.
* @param aErrorCode is the error code.
* If this is not KErrNone then special action may be required.
virtual void OnProcessingInstructionL( const TDesC8& aTarget,
const TDesC8& aData, TInt aErrorCode );
* This method indicates an error has occurred.
* @param aError is the error code
virtual void OnError( TInt aErrorCode );
* This method obtains the interface matching the specified uid.
* @return 0 if no interface matching the uid is found.
* Otherwise, the this pointer cast to that interface.
* @param aUid the uid identifying the required interface.
virtual TAny* GetExtendedInterface( const TInt32 aUid );
* This method removes forbidden characters from description
* @param aDescription to be modified
void RemoveForbiddenCharacters( TDes8& aDescription );
* Default C++ constructor
* 2nd phase constructor
void ConstructL();
* Parses a xml document and returns set objects of CUpnpDescriptionProperties
* It is used to parse event notification
* @pre description property array should be leave safe
* (there will be PopAndDestroy called on it in case of leave)
void ParseGenaL(
const TDesC8& aDescription,
RPointerArray<CUpnpDescriptionProperty>& aParsedValues );
* Parses a xml document by passed content handler
* there is a guarantee that aHandlerToUse will be deleted in case of leave
* @param aDescription description in xml
* @param aHandlerToUse content handler that will be used to parsing
* @pre: iStack is empty
* @post: iStack is empty
void ParseXmlL( const TDesC8& aDescription, CUpnpContentHandler* aHandlerToUse );
* Method that is called when all chunks that contain current content
* were received, so we can pass merged content to current content handler
* as an argument of OnContentL method
void ChunksMergingEndL();
* Common code for CUpnpDevice, and CUpnpDeviceImplementation objects
template<class T>
T* DoParseDeviceL( const TDesC8& aDescription, T* aDevice );
CUpnpContentHandler* iCurrentContentHandler;
//must always be equals to iStack.Head() kept here for performance and clarity reasons
CParser* iParser;
CStack<CUpnpContentHandler, ETrue>* iStack;
RBuf8 iContent;
TPtrC8 iCorrectUri;
* The flag contains information if OnStartDocumentL were invoked
* It isn't invoked f.e if xml document is empty
TBool iDocStarted;
* Object responsible for soap parsing logic
TUpnpSoapParser iSoapParser;