author hgs
Fri, 06 Aug 2010 18:27:32 +0300
changeset 26 b6b8e90f9863
parent 0 f5a58ecadc66
permissions -rw-r--r--

/** @file
* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies  this distribution, and is available 
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  CUpnpStateVariable

#include "upnpstatevariable.h"
#include "upnpstring.h"
#include "upnpargument.h"
#include "upnpserviceimplementation.h"
#define KLogFile _L("UPnPStack.txt")
#include "upnpcustomlog.h"

// logs
#include "f32file.h" 
#include "s32file.h"

_LIT8(KUi1, "ui1");
_LIT8(KUi2, "ui2");
_LIT8(KUi4, "ui4");
_LIT8(KI1, "i1");
_LIT8(KI2, "i2");
_LIT8(KI4, "i4");
_LIT8(KInt, "int");
_LIT8(KR4, "r4");
_LIT8(KR8, "r8");
_LIT8(KNumber, "number");
_LIT8(KFixed144, "fixed.14.4");
_LIT8(KFloat, "float");
_LIT8(KChar, "char");
_LIT8(KString, "string");
_LIT8(KDate, "date");
_LIT8(KDateTime, "dateTime");
_LIT8(KDateTimeTz, "dateTime.tz");
_LIT8(KTime, "time");
_LIT8(KTimeTz, "time.tz");
_LIT8(KBoolean, "boolean");
_LIT8(KBinBase64, "bin.base64");
_LIT8(KBinHex, "bin.hex");
_LIT8(KUri, "uri");
_LIT8(KUuid, "uuid");
//_LIT8(KDataType, "dataType");

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::CUpnpStateVariable
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


void CUpnpStateVariable::ConstructL()
    iName = HBufC8::NewL(0);
    iDataType = HBufC8::NewL(0);
  //  iDefaultValue = HBufC8::NewL(0);
    iRangeMin = HBufC8::NewL(0);
    iRangeMax = HBufC8::NewL(0);
    iRangeStep = HBufC8::NewL(0);
    iValue = HBufC8::NewL(0);
    iEventable = HBufC8::NewL(0);
    iParent = NULL;
    iMaxEventRate = 0;
    iCurrentEventTime = 0; 
    iReadyForEventing = ETrue;


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CUpnpStateVariable* CUpnpStateVariable::NewL()
    CUpnpStateVariable* self = new (ELeave) CUpnpStateVariable();
    return self;

// Destructor
    delete iName;
    delete iDataType;
    delete iDefaultValue;
    delete iRangeMin;
    delete iRangeMax;
    delete iRangeStep;
    delete iEventable;

    delete iValue;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::Name
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C const TPtrC8 CUpnpStateVariable::Name()
    if ( iName )
        return *iName;
        return KNullDesC8();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CUpnpStateVariable::SetNameL( const TDesC8& aName)
    HBufC8* tmp = aName.AllocL();
    delete iName;
    iName = tmp;
// CUpnpStateVariable::Value
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C const TPtrC8 CUpnpStateVariable::Value()
    if ( iValue )
        return *iValue;
        return KNullDesC8();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::SetValueL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CUpnpStateVariable::SetValueL(const TDesC8& aValue, TBool aIsModerated)
    LOGS("CUpnpStateVariable::SetValueL(const TDesC8&)");
    if( iValue )
        delete iValue; 
        iValue = NULL;
    iValue = aValue.AllocL();
    iModerated = aIsModerated;
    if (iParent)
        iParent->AddEventVariable(*this, aIsModerated);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::SetValueL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CUpnpStateVariable::SetValueL(TInt aValue, TBool aIsModerated)
 //   LOGS("CUpnpStateVariable::SetValueL(TInt)");
    TBuf8<10> num;
    SetValueL( num, aIsModerated );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::Eventable
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C const TPtrC8 CUpnpStateVariable::Eventable()
    if ( iEventable )
        return *iEventable;
        return KNullDesC8();

EXPORT_C  void CUpnpStateVariable::SetEventableL(const TDesC8& aEventable)
    HBufC8* tmp = aEventable.AllocL();
    delete iEventable;
    iEventable = tmp;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::GetDefaultValue
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CUpnpStateVariable::GetDefaultValue(TInt& aValue)
    if ( iDefaultValue )
        TLex8 lex( *iDefaultValue );
        TInt err = lex.Val( aValue );
        // Check conversion result
        if( err != KErrNone )
                aValue = err;
        aValue = KErrNotFound;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::DefaultValue
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C const TPtrC8 CUpnpStateVariable::DefaultValue()
    if ( iDefaultValue )
        return *iDefaultValue;
        return KNullDesC8();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::AllowedValuesLC
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CDesC8Array* CUpnpStateVariable::AllowedValuesLC()
    CDesC8ArrayFlat* values = new (ELeave) CDesC8ArrayFlat(1);
    for ( TInt index = 0; index < iAllowedValueList.Count(); index++ )
        HBufC8* tmp = iAllowedValueList[index];
        values->AppendL( *tmp );
    return values;
EXPORT_C void CUpnpStateVariable::AddAllowedValueL( const TDesC8& aAllowedValue )
    iAllowedValueList.Append( aAllowedValue.AllocL() );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::MaxValue
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CUpnpStateVariable::MaxValue()
    TInt retValue = KErrNotFound;
    if ( iRangeMax )
        TLex8 lex( *iRangeMax );
        lex.Val( retValue );
    return retValue;    

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::MinValue
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CUpnpStateVariable::MinValue()
    TInt retValue = KErrNotFound;
    if ( iRangeMin )
        TLex8 lex( *iRangeMin );
        lex.Val( retValue );
    return retValue; 

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::Step
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CUpnpStateVariable::Step()
    TInt retValue = KErrNotFound;
    if ( iRangeStep )
        TLex8 lex( *iRangeStep );
        lex.Val( retValue );
    return retValue; 

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::Type
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TArgumentType CUpnpStateVariable::Type()
    if ( iDataType )
        const TPtrC8 value = *iDataType;
        if (value == KUi1())
            return EUi1;
        else if (value ==KUi2())
            return EUi2;
        else if (value ==KUi4())
            return EUi4;
        else if (value ==KI1())
            return EI1;
        else if (value ==KI2())
            return EI2;
        else if (value ==KI4())
            return EI4;
        else if (value ==KInt())
            return EInt;        
        else if (value ==KR4())
            return ER4;
        else if (value ==KR8())
            return ER8;
        else if (value ==KNumber())
            return ENumber;
        else if (value ==KFixed144())
            return EFixed144;
        else if (value ==KFloat())
            return EFloat;
        else if (value ==KChar())
            return EChar;
        else if (value ==KString())
            return EString;
        else if (value ==KDate())
            return EDate;
        else if (value ==KDateTime())
            return EDateTime;
        else if (value ==KDateTimeTz())
            return EDateTimeTz;
        else if (value ==KTime())
            return ETime;
        else if (value ==KTimeTz())
            return ETimeTz;
        else if (value ==KBoolean())
            return EBoolean;
        else if (value ==KBinBase64())
            return EBinBase64;
        else if (value ==KBinHex())
            return EBinHex;
        else if (value ==KUri())
            return EUri;
        else if (value ==KUuid())
            return EUuid;

    return EUnknown;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::SetParentImplementation
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpStateVariable::SetParentImplementation(CUpnpServiceImplementation &aParent)
    iParent = &aParent;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpStateVariable::SetParentImplementation
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CUpnpStateVariable::IsModerated()
    return iModerated;

EXPORT_C void CUpnpStateVariable::SetTypeL(const TDesC8& aType)
    HBufC8* tmp = aType.AllocL();
    delete iDataType;
    iDataType = tmp;

TBool CUpnpStateVariable::ReadyForEventing()
    return iReadyForEventing;

void CUpnpStateVariable::SetMaxEventRate(TInt aMaxRate, TInt aNormalRate)
    iMaxEventRate = aMaxRate;
    iReadyForEventing = ETrue;
    iCurrentEventTime = aMaxRate;
    iNormalEventRate = aNormalRate;

TInt CUpnpStateVariable::MaxEventRate()
    return iMaxEventRate;

void CUpnpStateVariable::EventTick()
    if(iMaxEventRate > 0)
        iCurrentEventTime = iCurrentEventTime + iNormalEventRate;

        if(iCurrentEventTime >= iMaxEventRate)
                iReadyForEventing = ETrue;
                iCurrentEventTime = 0;

                TInt64 int64(iMaxEventRate);
                TInt64 diffTime((iTime.MicroSecondsFrom(iEventTime)).Int64());

                if(diffTime >= int64)
                        iReadyForEventing = ETrue;
                        iCurrentEventTime = 0;

                        iCurrentEventTime = diffTime;
                        iReadyForEventing = EFalse;                             
void CUpnpStateVariable::SetDefaultValueL(const TDesC8& aDefaultValue )
    HBufC8* tmp = aDefaultValue .AllocL();
    delete iDefaultValue; 
    iDefaultValue = tmp;
void CUpnpStateVariable::SetRangeMinL(const TDesC8& aRangeMin )
    if( &aRangeMin )
        HBufC8* tmp = aRangeMin.AllocL();
        delete iRangeMin; 
        iRangeMin = tmp;
void CUpnpStateVariable::SetRangeMaxL(const TDesC8& aRangeMax )
    if( &aRangeMax )
       HBufC8* tmp = aRangeMax.AllocL();
       delete iRangeMax; 
       iRangeMax = tmp;
void CUpnpStateVariable::SetRangeStepL(const TDesC8& aRangeStep )
    HBufC8* tmp = aRangeStep.AllocL();
    delete iRangeStep; 
    iRangeStep = tmp;
//  End of File