Thu, 24 Jun 2010 19:09:47 +0530
changeset 14 da856f45b798
permissions -rw-r--r--
Committing ZeroConf for 10.1 to the FCL.

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 

#include <e32base.h>
#include "cstringparser.h"

CStringParser::CStringParser ( const TDesC8& aBuffer ): iBuffer ( aBuffer ),
    iCurrentPos ( 0 )

CStringParser::~CStringParser ()

CStringParser* CStringParser::NewL ( const TDesC8& aBuffer )
	return (new( ELeave)CStringParser( aBuffer ));

	Get the next character from the current position, and increments the 
	current position by 1. 
	@param aChar [out] Next character to be read
	@return TBool ETrue if the current position is less than the string length 
	else returns EFalse
TBool CStringParser::GetNextCharacter ( TChar& aChar )
	IncrementCurrentPos ();
	return ( GetCurrentCharacter ( aChar ) );	

	Get the character from the current position. 	
	@param aChar [out] Current character to be read
	@return TBool ETrue if the current position is less than the string length 
	else returns EFalse
TBool CStringParser::GetCurrentCharacter ( TChar& aChar )
	if ( iCurrentPos >= iBuffer.Length () )
		return EFalse;		
	aChar = iBuffer[ iCurrentPos ];
	return ETrue;

	Parses the string till it finds the aEndChar.
	@param TChar [in] Character to search for.
	@see GetNextWorrd
TBool CStringParser::ParseTill ( TPtrC8& aWord, TChar aEndChar )
	TPtrC8 cur( iBuffer.Mid( iCurrentPos ) );
	TBool found = ETrue;
	TInt pos = cur.Locate( aEndChar );
	if ( pos < 0 )
		// Unable to locate the aEndChar. Sets the end position to
		// the length of the string.
		pos = iBuffer.Length (); 
		found = EFalse;

	aWord.Set ( cur.Left (pos) ); 
	SkipLength ( pos );
	return found;	

	Increments the current parsing position by aLen.
	@param TInt [in] Number of character to skip.
	@return TBool ETrue if the current parsing position is less than the buffer length
    else returns EFalse.
TBool CStringParser::SkipLength ( TInt aLen )
	iCurrentPos += aLen;

	if ( iCurrentPos < iBuffer.Length () )
		return ETrue;		
	return EFalse;

	Finds the remainder string from the current parsing position to the buffer length.
	@param TPtrC8& [out] Points to the current starting position till end
	@return TBool ETrue if the current parsing position is less than the buffer length
    else returns EFalse.
void CStringParser::GetRemainder ( TPtrC8& aBuffer )
	aBuffer.Set ( iBuffer.Mid ( iCurrentPos ) ); 
	SkipLength ( aBuffer.Length () );

 	Increments the current parsing position by 1.
void CStringParser::IncrementCurrentPos ( )

	Parses till the first occurrence of any one of a set of characters in aCharSet,
	from the current parsing position.		
	@param TPtrC8& [out] Points to the current starting position.
	@param const TDesC8& [in] Descriptor containing characters for matching.
void CStringParser::ParseTill ( TPtrC8& aWord, const TDesC8& aCharSet )
	TPtrC8 cur( iBuffer.Mid( iCurrentPos ) );
	TInt lowpos = cur.Length ();
	TInt pos = KErrNotFound;
	for ( TInt i = 0; i < aCharSet.Length(); ++i )
		pos = cur.Locate ( aCharSet [ i ] );
		if ( (pos != KErrNotFound) && (pos < lowpos ) )
			lowpos = pos;				
	aWord.Set ( cur.Left ( lowpos ) );
	SkipLength ( lowpos );	