/** @file
* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Base class for downloader / uploader classes
// System include files
#include <escapeutils.h>
// User include files
#include "httptransferbase.h"
#include "httptransferobserver.h"
#include "httpfile.h"
#include "httptransferworker.h"
#include "httpworkerobserver.h"
// Definitions
enum TTransferStates
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::CHttpTransferBase()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHttpTransferBase::CHttpTransferBase() : CActive( EPriorityStandard )
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::~CHttpTransferBase()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if( IsActive() )
// Reset array and destroy all the items in it
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpDownloader::CancelAll
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHttpTransferBase::CancelAll()
// Reset arrays and destroy all the items in them
for( TInt i=0; i < iWorkerArray.Count(); i++ )
if ( iWorkerArray[i]->ProcessOnGoing() )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::Cancel
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CHttpTransferBase::CancelTransfer( TAny* aKey )
TInt retval = KErrNotFound;
// Find the item corresponding aKey and delete it and
// remove from the wait queue
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iWaitQueue.Count(); i++ )
if ( iWaitQueue[i]->Key() == aKey )
retval = KErrNone;
delete iWaitQueue[i];
// Find the item corresponding aKey and delete it and
// remove from the file queue
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iFileQueue.Count(); i++ )
if ( iFileQueue[i]->Key() == aKey )
retval = KErrNone;
delete iFileQueue[i];
// Check if some of the ongoing processes has to be canceled
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iWorkerArray.Count(); i++ )
if ( iWorkerArray[i]->ProcessOnGoing() )
if ( iWorkerArray[i]->Key() == aKey )
retval = KErrNone;
return retval;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::TrackProgress
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CHttpTransferBase::TrackProgress( TAny* aKey, TBool aValue )
TInt retval = KErrNotFound;
// Find the corresponding file from iWaitQueue
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iWaitQueue.Count(); i++ )
if ( iWaitQueue[i]->Key() == aKey )
retval = KErrNone;
iWaitQueue[i]->TrackProgress( aValue );
// Find the corresponding instance of CHttpFile from iFileQueue and
// switch the tracking of the progress on
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iFileQueue.Count(); i++)
if ( iFileQueue[i]->Key() == aKey )
retval = KErrNone;
iFileQueue[i]->TrackProgress( aValue );
// Check if processed files have to be tracked
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iWorkerArray.Count(); i++ )
if ( iWorkerArray[i]->ProcessOnGoing() &&
iWorkerArray[i]->Key() == aKey )
retval = KErrNone;
iWorkerArray[i]->TrackProgress( aValue );
return retval;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::SetHeaderL
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHttpTransferBase::SetHeaderL( TAny* aKey,
const TDesC8& aFieldName,
const TDesC8& aFieldValue )
TBool keyExists = EFalse;
// Go through iWaitQueue and if there is file mathich the key set headers
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iWaitQueue.Count(); i++ )
if ( iWaitQueue[i]->Key() == aKey )
keyExists = ETrue;
iWaitQueue[i]->SetHeaderL( aFieldName, aFieldValue );
// Go through workers and set the headers to the downloaded file which
// has matching key
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iWorkerArray.Count(); i++ )
if ( iWorkerArray[i]->Key() == aKey )
// if the worker is not waiting -> leave
if ( !iWorkerArray[i]->IsWaiting() )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
( iWorkerArray[i]->ProcessedFile() )->
SetHeaderL( aFieldName, aFieldValue );
keyExists = ETrue;
if ( !keyExists )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::CreateAndQueueHttpFile()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpTransferBase::CreateAndQueueHttpFileL( const TDesC8& aUri,
const TDesC& aTargetPath,
TAny* aKey )
CHttpFile* httpfile = CHttpFile::NewL( aKey, aUri, aTargetPath );
iFileQueue.Append( httpfile );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::CreateAndQueueHttpFile()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpTransferBase::CreateAndQueueHttpFileL( const TDesC8& aUri,
const RFile& aFileHandle,
TAny* aKey )
CHttpFile* httpfile = CHttpFile::NewL( aKey, aUri, aFileHandle );
iFileQueue.Append( httpfile );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::NextFile
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHttpFile* CHttpTransferBase::NextFile()
CHttpFile* newFile = NULL;
// If iFileQueue has files
if ( iFileQueue.Count() > 0 )
// Set the new processed file
newFile = iFileQueue[0];
// Set the queue
return newFile;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::StartTransferL()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHttpTransferBase::StartTransferL( TAny* aKey )
TBool keyExists = EFalse;
// go through workerarray and if there is worker which has
// corresponding key -> start the transfer
for(TInt i=0; i < iWorkerArray.Count(); i++ )
if ( iWorkerArray[i]->Key() == aKey )
keyExists = ETrue;
// Leave if the key does not exist
if ( !keyExists )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::SetProperty()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHttpTransferBase::SetPropertyL( TAny* aKey,
THttpPropertyType aProperty,
const TDesC& aValue )
switch ( aProperty )
// This case is used to set targetUri. This is used in upnp upload
case ETargetURI:
TBool keyExists = EFalse;
HBufC8* uri = EscapeUtils::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( aValue );
CleanupStack::PushL( uri );
for ( TInt i=0; i < iWorkerArray.Count(); i++ )
if ( iWorkerArray[i]->Key() == aKey )
( iWorkerArray[i]->ProcessedFile() )->
SetUriL( uri->Des() );
keyExists = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( uri );
// the key was not found
if ( !keyExists )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::GetPropertyL()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C const HBufC* CHttpTransferBase::GetPropertyL(
TAny* aKey,
THttpPropertyType aProperty )
const HBufC* retval = NULL;
switch ( aProperty )
// Client can receive the path of the transferred file using this
case ETargetPath:
TBool keyExists = EFalse;
// Goes through workerarray and returns the path of the file
// which matches the key
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iWorkerArray.Count(); i++ )
if ( iWorkerArray[i]->Key() == aKey )
retval = iWorkerArray[i]->Path();
keyExists = ETrue;
// the key was not found
if ( !keyExists )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
return retval;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::InsertFileIntoWaitQueueL()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHttpTransferBase::InsertFileIntoWaitQueueL(
TAny* aKey,
const TDesC& aTargetPath,
const TDesC8& aUri )
// Checks first if the key already exists in iWaitQueue or in iFileQueue
// if does -> leave
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iWaitQueue.Count(); i++ )
if ( iWaitQueue[i]->Key() == aKey )
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iFileQueue.Count(); i++ )
if ( iFileQueue[i]->Key() == aKey )
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
// if key is valid create CHttpFile and insert it to iWaitQueue
CHttpFile* httpfile = CHttpFile::NewL( aKey, aUri, aTargetPath );
iWaitQueue.Append( httpfile );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::InsertFileIntoWaitQueueL()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHttpTransferBase::InsertFileIntoWaitQueueL(
TAny* aKey,
const RFile& aFileHandle,
const TDesC8& aUri )
// Checks first if the key already exists in iWaitQueue or in iFileQueue
// if does -> leave
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iWaitQueue.Count(); i++ )
if ( iWaitQueue[i]->Key() == aKey )
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iFileQueue.Count(); i++ )
if ( iFileQueue[i]->Key() == aKey )
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
// if key is valid create CHttpFile and insert it to iWaitQueue
CHttpFile* httpfile = CHttpFile::NewL( aKey, aUri, aFileHandle );
iWaitQueue.Append( httpfile );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::MoveToFileQueue()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHttpTransferBase::MoveToTransferQueueL( TAny* aKey )
TBool keyExists = EFalse;
CHttpFile* waitFile = NULL;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iWaitQueue.Count(); i++ )
if ( iWaitQueue[i]->Key() == aKey )
keyExists = ETrue;
// Removes the file from iWaitQueue
waitFile = iWaitQueue[i];
// Set the queue
// If the key does not exist -> leaves
if ( !keyExists )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// Appends the file to iFileQueue
iFileQueue.Append( waitFile );
// start the transfer
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::ActivateNewTransferRequest()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpTransferBase::ActivateNewTransferRequest()
if ( !IsActive() )
TRequestStatus* pStatus = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( pStatus, ETransferNextFile );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::ProcessNextFileL()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpTransferBase::ProcessNextFileL()
// Check that there is workers available
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iWorkerArray.Count(); i++ )
if ( !iWorkerArray[i]->ProcessOnGoing() )
CHttpFile* nextFile = NULL;
nextFile = NextFile();
if ( nextFile )
// sets the file and sets the state to EWaitingForStart
iWorkerArray[i]->SetFileL( *nextFile );
// Set worker which is handled to pointer so that
// if it leaves the worker can be terminated
iActiveWorker = iWorkerArray[i];
iObserver->ReadyForTransferL( nextFile->Key() );
iActiveWorker = NULL;
// From base class CActive
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::DoCancel()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpTransferBase::DoCancel()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::RunL()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpTransferBase::RunL()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::RunError()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CHttpTransferBase::RunError( TInt aError )
// Terminate worker which leaved
if ( iActiveWorker )
// Cancels the transfer and
// informs the client through TransferCompleted()
iObserver->TransferCompleted( iActiveWorker->Key(), aError );
iActiveWorker = NULL;
return KErrNone;
// From base class MHttpWorkerObserver
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpTransferBase::ProcessNextFileL()
// (See comments in header file)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpTransferBase::WorkerCompleted()
// end of file