author guru.kini@nokia.com
Wed, 21 Jul 2010 14:28:48 +0530
changeset 21 ff5174af067c
parent 0 f5a58ecadc66
permissions -rw-r--r--
ZeroConf Sharing Application

/** @file
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
 * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available 
 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
 * Contributors:
 * Description:  Declares main application class.


#include <e32base.h>
#include <es_sock.h>
#include <in_sock.h>
#include "upnpudpserver.h"
#include "upnpssdpmessagefactory.h"
#include "upnpssdpserverobserver.h"

class CUpnpMessageHandler;
class CUpnpSsdpMessage;
class CUpnpDeviceLibraryElement;


 *  CUpnpSsdpServer is used to send and receive SSDP messages.
 *  @since Series60 2.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CUpnpSsdpServer) : public CUpnpUdpServer,
        public MUpnpUdpServerObserver
    // Constructors and destructor
     * Two-phased constructor.
     * @param aSsdpServerObserver Pointer that is used for callbacks.
     * @param aSocketServ Pointer to used Socket Server.
     * @param aListeningPort Port that server is listening to.
     * @return A new CUpnpSsdpServer instance.
    IMPORT_C static CUpnpSsdpServer* NewL(
        MUpnpSsdpServerObserver* aSsdpServerObserver,
        RSocketServ* aSocketServ, TInt aListeningPort );

     * Two-phased constructor.
     * @param aSsdpServerObserver Pointer that is used for callbacks.
     * @param aSocketServ Pointer to used Socket Server.
     * @param aListeningPort Port that server is listening to.
     * @param aMasterServer Pointer to master server that generates the responses
     for multicast messages.   
     * @return A new CUpnpSsdpServer instance.
    IMPORT_C static CUpnpSsdpServer* NewL(
        MUpnpSsdpServerObserver* aSsdpServerObserver,
        RSocketServ* aSocketServ, TInt aListeningPort,
        CUpnpSsdpServer* aMasterServer );

     * Destructor.
    IMPORT_C virtual ~CUpnpSsdpServer();

    // New functions

     * Starts the CUpnpSsdpServer.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @return None
    IMPORT_C void StartL();

     * Stops the CUpnpSsdpServer.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @return None
    IMPORT_C void Stop();

    // public functions for SSDP advertising and searching

     * Advertises element aDev in CUpnpDeviceLibrary.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aDev Pointer to advertised device.
     * @return None
     Advertises element aDev in CUpnpDeviceLibrary.
     @param aDev Pointer to advertised device.
     @return None.
    IMPORT_C void AdvertiseAliveL( CUpnpDeviceLibraryElement& aDev );

     * Advertises ByeBye for element aDev in CUpnpDeviceLibrary.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aDev Pointer to advertised device.
     * @return None
     Advertises ByeBye for element aDev in CUpnpDeviceLibrary.
     @param aDev Pointer to advertised device.
     @return None.
    IMPORT_C void AdvertiseByebyeL( CUpnpDeviceLibraryElement& aDev );

     * Sends a SSDP search, searching for aTarget.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aTarget Search String.
     * @return None
    IMPORT_C void SearchL( TDesC8& aTarget );

     * Sends a SSDP search, searching for aTarget.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aTarget Search String.
     * @param aMaximumWaitTime Value of the MX-header.
     * @return None
    IMPORT_C void SearchL( TDesC8& aTarget, TDesC8& aMaximumWaitTime );

     * Master server is receiving messages sent to multicast \
        * address via this function and generates the response.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aMessage Received message
    void MessageFromMulticastL( CUpnpSsdpMessage* aMessage );


     * C++ default constructor.
    CUpnpSsdpServer( MUpnpSsdpServerObserver* aSsdpServerObserver,
        RSocketServ* aSocketServ, TInt aListeningPort );

     * C++ default constructor.
    CUpnpSsdpServer( MUpnpSsdpServerObserver* aSsdpServerObserver,
        RSocketServ* aSocketServ, TInt aListeningPort,
        CUpnpSsdpServer* aMasterServer );

     * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
    void ConstructL();

    // private ssdp:alive functions

     * Sends a single alive message to network using given paramaters.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aNt Value of NT header
     * @param aUsn Value of USN header
     * @param aLoc Value of LOCATION header
    void SendAdvertiseAliveL( TDesC8& aNt, TDesC8& aUsn, TDesC8& aLoc );

     * Advertises a device in device library.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aDev Reference to device that is to be advertised.
    void SingleDeviceAdvertiseAliveL( CUpnpDeviceLibraryElement& aDev );

    // private ssdp:byebye functions

     * Sends a BYEBYE message to network using given paramaters.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aNt Value of NT header
     * @param aUsn Value of USN header
     * @return ?description
    void SendAdvertiseByebyeL( TDesC8& aNt, TDesC8& aUsn );

     * Sends a single device BYEBYE advertisement
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aDev Device to be advertised.
    void SingleDeviceAdvertiseByebyeL( CUpnpDeviceLibraryElement& aDev );

    // private ssdp response generating functions

     * Function that is used to determine what kind of response is
     * required to be sent. 
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aMsg Message that contains the search request.
    void ResponseL( CUpnpSsdpMessage* aMsg );

     * Sends a search response with given parameters.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aDest Address of remote host
     * @param aSt Value of ST header
     * @param aUsn Value of USN header
     * @param aLoc Value of LOCATION header.     
    void SendResponseL( TInetAddr& aDest, TDesC8& aSt, TDesC8& aUsn,
        TDesC8& aLoc );

     * Creates a search response to given search message.
     * This advertises only the device.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aDevice Device that needs to be advertised.
     * @param aMsg Search request message.
     * @return ?description
    void SingleDeviceResponseL( CUpnpDeviceLibraryElement* aDevice,
        CUpnpSsdpMessage* aMsg );

     * Creates a response to search message aMsg from device aDevice.
     * This response concerns about aDevices certain service, aServiceType
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aDevice Device that sends the response.
     * @param aServiceType Service that resides in aDevice.
     * @param aMsg Message that requires the response to be sent (request)
    void SingleServiceResponseL( CUpnpDeviceLibraryElement* aDevice,
        const TDesC8& aServiceType, CUpnpSsdpMessage* aMsg );


     * Callback function from CUpnpUdpServer.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aMessage Message that was received thru CUpnpUdpServer.
     * @return None
    void UdpMessageReceivedL( CUdpMessage* aMessage );

    // Data

    // SSDP server observer
    MUpnpSsdpServerObserver* iSsdpServerObserver;

    // SSDP master server
    CUpnpSsdpServer* iMasterServer;

    // value foro SERVER header in SSDP messages
    HBufC8* iServerDescription;


// End of File