author guru.kini@nokia.com
Wed, 21 Jul 2010 14:28:48 +0530
changeset 21 ff5174af067c
parent 0 f5a58ecadc66
child 31 b51a6f4f15ba
permissions -rw-r--r--
ZeroConf Sharing Application

/** @file
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
 * which accompanies  this distribution, and is available 
 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
 * Contributors:
 * Description:  Declares main application class.


#include <e32base.h>
#include <es_sock.h>
#include <es_enum.h>
#include <in_sock.h>
#include <commdbconnpref.h>
#include "upnpssdpmessage.h"
#include "upnpmessageobserver.h"
#include "upnpconnectionmanagerproxy.h"

class CUpnpHttpMessage;
class CUpnpUdpSendRequest;

static const TUint KDefaultStartPort = 2000;
static const TUint KDefaultMulticastPort = 1900;
static const TUint32 KDefaultMulticastAddress = INET_ADDR(239,255,255,250);
static const TUint KAddressLength = 35;
static const TInt KSendTimerLimit = 10;
static const TUint KSendingDelay = 15000; //DLNA specyfies that: UPnP network devices must not send more than 10 ssdp:alive messages
//on a single network interface in any given 200 ms period. So 15ms delay between each message
//should be sufficient 15ms = 15000 microseconds.
static const TUint32 KDefaultAutoIPAddress = INET_ADDR(169,254,255,255);

typedef CUpnpHttpMessage CUdpMessage;


 *  MUpnpUdpServerObserver is used as interface-class for message delivery
 *  from CUpnpUdpServer to CUpnpSsdpServer
 *  @since Series60 2.0
class MUpnpUdpServerObserver
    // New functions

     * Notifies udp message reception
     * @param aMessage UDP message received
    virtual void UdpMessageReceivedL( CUdpMessage* aMessage ) = 0;



 *  CUpnpUdpServer is a base class for CUpnpSsdpServer and it contains all
 *  "real" methods, as CUpnpSsdpServer contains logical functions.
 *  @since Series60 2.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CUpnpUdpServer) : public CActive,
        public MUpnpMessageObserver
    // Constructors and destructor

     * C++ default constructor.
     * @param aSocketServ Pointer to SocketServer used.
     * @param aObserver Pointer to class derived from MUpnpUdpServerObserver.
     * Used for callbacks.
     * @param aListeningPort Listening port.
     * @return A new CUpnpUdpServer instance.
    CUpnpUdpServer( RSocketServ* aSocketServ,
        MUpnpUdpServerObserver* aObserver, TInt aListeningPort );

     * Destructor.

    // New functions

     * Returns ETrue if udp server stared, EFalse otherwise
     * @since Series60 3.2
     * @return stared flag
    TBool IsStarted();

     * Active Object RunL.
     * @since Series60 2.0
    void RunL();

     * Callback for RunL leave situations.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aError contains the error code that caused the RunL leave.
     * @return KErrNone.
    TInt RunError( TInt aError );

     * Active Object DoCancel.
     * @since Series60 2.0
    void DoCancel();

     * Starts to listen for address.
     * @since Series60 2.0
    void OpenL();

     * Closes the server.
     * @since Series60 2.0
    void Close();

     * Sets the server ready for receiving.
     * @since Series60 2.0
    void ReceiveL();

     * Sends aBuffer to IP address anAddr.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aBuffer Buffer that is to be sent.
     * @param anAddr Address that aBuffer is to be sent.
    void SendL( TDesC8& aBuffer, TInetAddr& anAddr );

     * Prepares server for receiving after sending.
     * @since Series60 2.0
    void SendDoneL();

     * From MUpnpAddressObserver
     * This function will be invoke if IP Address of UPnP changes
    IMPORT_C void AddressChangedL( TInetAddr& aAddr );


    enum TSsdpValidity
        // Message is valid SSDP message.
        // Message is missing some essential headers.
        // Name of method is not "M-SEARCH".
        // Value of MX header is not numerical.
        // Value of MX header not valid.
        // Value of MAN header not valid.
        // Value of ST header not valid.
        // Value of HOST header not valid.
        // Message is not valid SSDP response.
        // Value of CACHE-CONTROL header not valid.

     * Checks that given SSDP message is valid.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aMsg Message to validate.
     * @return Error code. KErrNone, if valid message.
    TSsdpValidity ValidateSsdpMessageL( CUpnpSsdpMessage* aMsg );

     * Function gets called when message's timer expires.
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aMessage Pointer to message that has expired.
    void MessageExpiredL( CUpnpHttpMessage* aMessage );

     * Function ompares  two line ignoring number of space between elements
     * @since Series60 2.0
     * @param aValue current value
     * @param aPattern pattern value
     * @return true if equal, else false
    TBool CompareLinesL( const TDesC8& aValue, const TDesC8& aPattern );

     * Sets socket option which  adds address to multicast group
    void JoinMulticastGroupL();

     * Sets socket configuration specific to multicast server
    void ApplyMulticastSocketSettingsL();

     * Sets socket common configuration
    void ApplyCommonSocketSettingsL();

     * Open socket and starts receiving datagrams
    void OpenSocketAndStartReceiveL();

     * Refresh IP address and change auto ip status accordingly
    void RefreshLocalAddressInfo();


     * Function continue procesing queued request or switch to receive mode
     * @since Series60 3.2
    void RestartOrContinueProcessingL();

     * Function continue send procesing
     * @return ETrue if processing restarted
     * @since Series60 3.2
    TBool RestartOrContinueSendProcessingL();

     * Function calculates MX value
     * @return MX value
     * @since Series60 3.2
    TInt CalculateMxValue( const TDesC8& aMxString );

     * Function queues response for M-Serach message 
     * @param Message to be sent after timer elapse
     * @since Series60 MCL
    void AddPendingTimerMessageL( CUpnpSsdpMessage* aMessage );


     * Used from CUpnpSsdpServer to construct the CUpnpUdpServer correctly.
     * @since Series60 2.0
    void UdpConstructL();

    enum TState
        ESendingTimer, // new state introduced to handle delay timer between sending messages


    // State of CUpnpUdpServer defined as TState
    TState iState;

    // Random seed that is used for generating random timeouts
    // for sending SSDP responses.
    TInt64 iRandomSeed;

    // Address of remote client returned by RSocket::RecvFrom() function
    TInetAddr iClientAddr;

    // Address of remote host, e.g. destination of message
    TInetAddr iSenderAddress;

    // Flags of UDP message
    TUint iMulticastFlags;

    // List of messages that are waiting to be sent.
    RPointerArray<CUpnpUdpSendRequest> iSendRequestList;

    // Pointer to observer, CUpnpSsdpServer
    MUpnpUdpServerObserver* iObserver;

    // Pointer to RSocketServer, that is used to bind
    // sockets
    RSocketServ* iSocketServ;

    // Socket that is used to receive (and send) SSDP messages.
    RSocket iSocket;

    // Port number of CUpnpUdpServer
    TUint iServerPort;

    // Buffer that is used for receiving messages.
    HBufC8* iMessage;

    // Pointer to receive buffer.
    TPtr8 iMessagePtr;

    // Buffer that is used for sending
    HBufC8* iSendMessage;

    // Array that holds list of messages which are waiting
    // for sending after their timers have expired.
    CArrayPtrSeg<CUpnpSsdpMessage>* iPendingTimerMessages;

    // IAP ID of the connection
    TInt iActiveIap;

    // Connection for opened sockets
    CUpnpConnectionManagerProxy* iConnectionManagerProxy;

    // Timer used to introduce delays to prevent from sending
    // SSDP messages more often than one in 20ms time period.
    RTimer iSendTimer;

    // indicate if server is started, socket was opened correctly
    TBool iIsStarted;

    //Local IP Address of Server
    TInetAddr iLocalInterfaceAddress;
    // If the interface goes to AutoIp address
    TBool iAutoIP;

// End of File