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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  SVG Engine header file
    15  *
    16 */
    23 class   CSvgElementImpl;
    26 /**
    27  * This interface is the callback mechanism for the SVG Engine to communicate to
    28  * interested clients and to request for external data, such as images.
    29  * The callbacks will be active when the methods of this interace are implemented and
    30  * the pointer to the implementation object is passed in as the second parameter
    31  * of the 'ConstructL' method of the CSvgEngineInterface.  A 'null' value may be
    32  * passed-in if the callbacks are to be ignored.
    33  *
    34  *  @lib SVGEngine.lib
    35  *  @since 1.0
    36  */
    37 class MSvgRequestObserver
    38     {
    39     public:
    41         /**
    42          * This method is called by the SVG Engine when all data for a certain
    43          * step, such as animation frame, have been updated.  This usually means
    44          * the off-screen image (passed in to 'ConstructL' of CSvgEngineInterface)
    45          * has been updated.  The client usually redraws the image onto
    46          * the screen.
    47          *
    48          * @since 1.0
    49          * @param : none
    50          * @return : none
    51          */
    52         virtual void    UpdateScreen() = 0;
    54         /**
    55          * This method is for future extension, in which an external script engine
    56          * could be used to evaluate a script description.
    57          *
    58          * @since 1.0
    59          * @param : aScript -- A description of script from the "on" attribute.
    60          *
    61          * @param : aCallerElement -- The element that calls the script by a
    62          *                            an event of the "on" attribute.
    63          * @return : For future use.  Value is ignored.
    64          */
    65         virtual TBool   ScriptCall( const TDesC& aScript,
    66                                     CSvgElementImpl* aCallerElement ) = 0;
    68         /**
    69          * This method is called to retrieve the file handle of an image name.
    70          * The session (RFs) object passed in is guaranteed to be connected, so
    71          * the client must NOT call aSession.Connect().
    72          *
    73          * The implementation for the client of this method is usually if not always:
    74          * TInt X::FetchImage( const TDesC& aFilename, RFs& aSession, RFile& aFileHandle )
    75          *     {
    76          *     // Check for "http", get data from remote site, save to disk
    77          *     // Get absolute path to aFilename: absolutepath
    78          *     return aFileHandle.Open( aSession, absolutepath, EFileRead );
    79          *     }
    80          *
    81          * Note: Use EFileShareReadersOnly to prevent file locking.
    82          *
    83          * The API AssignImageData() can be used to avoid block the parsing
    84          * thread due this method taking too long to return.  This is
    85          * accomplished by returning a non-KErrNone value  (i.e. KErrNotFound),
    86          * and storing the URI parameter.  The image data then could be
    87          * assigned the the URI in another thread/Active-Object.
    88          *
    89          * @since 1.0
    90          * @param : aUri -- the relative path of an image file.
    91          * @param : aSession -- File session used by client to open file.
    92          * @param : aFileHandle -- File handle used by client to open file.
    93          * @return : KErrNone if Open command successful, otherwise error-code
    94          *           from Open command.  The SVG engine will proceed loading the file
    95          *           only if the return value is KErrNone.
    96          */
    97         virtual TInt FetchImage( const TDesC& aUri, RFs& aSession, RFile& aFileHandle ) = 0;
    99 		/**
   100          * This method is called to retrieve the file handle of an svg font file.
   101          * This file must be SVG 1.1 .svg file.  When the engine comes acrossed
   102          * a font-family name that it doesnt know it will request "fontfamilyname".svg
   103          * file through this method.  The client can either provide the svg file
   104          * or the engine will default to system text.
   105          *
   106          * The usage of this method is exactly the same as the FetchImage method above
   107          *
   108          * @since 1.0
   109          * @param : aUri -- the relative path of an image file.
   110          * @param : aSession -- File session used by client to open file.
   111          * @param : aFileHandle -- File handle used by client to open file.
   112          * @return : KErrNone if Open command successful, otherwise error-code
   113          *           from Open command.  The SVG engine will proceed loading the file
   114          *           only if the return value is KErrNone.
   115          */
   116 		virtual TInt FetchFont( const TDesC& aUri, RFs& aSession, RFile& aFileHandle ) = 0;
   118         /**
   119          * This Method updates the presentation status
   120          * @since 1.0
   121          * @param : TInt32&  aNoOfAnimation
   122          * @return :
   123          */
   124         virtual  void UpdatePresentation(const TInt32&  aNoOfAnimation)=0;
   127     };
   129 #endif /*__INC_MSvgRequestObserver__*/