changeset 0 d46562c3d99d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d46562c3d99d
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Defines an encapsulation for timed entities belonging to a 
    15 *                logical group
    16 *
    17 */
    24 //  INCLUDES
    25 #include <e32base.h>
    26 #include <e32std.h>
    27 #include <e32def.h>
    28 #include "SVGTimedEntityInterface.h"
    29 #include "SVGTimer.h"
    33 #include "SVGMediaElementBase.h"
    38 //User state    
    39 enum TSvgEntityUserState 
    40 { 
    41 	ESvgUserRunning, 
    42 	ESvgUserPaused, 
    43 	ESvgUserStopped
    44 };
    46 //Media state
    47 enum TSvgEntityMediaState 
    48 { 
    49 	ESvgMediaIdle, 
    50 	ESvgMediaNotReady,
    51     ESvgMediaReady 
    52 };
    57 class CSvgDocumentImpl;
    59 class CSvgLockedRealTimeEntity;        
    61 /**
    62  *  Defines a timed entity list item. It stores the timed entity pointer and
    63  *  state(NotReady/Ready).
    64  */
    65 class TSvgTimedEntityListItem
    66     {
    67     public:
    69         // Pointer to timed entity
    70         MSvgTimedEntityInterface* iTimedEntity;
    71         // Indicates the user state of the timed entity ( Running/Paused/Stopped)
    72         TSvgEntityUserState iUserState;
    73         // Indicates the Media state of the timed entity (Ready/NotReady/Idle)
    74         TSvgEntityMediaState iMediaState;
    75         // Indicates the sync status of the timed entity (True = Paused/False = Playing)
    76         TBool iIsSyncPaused;
    79     };
    81 /**
    82 *  This interface can be to observe the time container state changes. 
    83 *  For eg. by animation element to observe the child time container state 
    84 *  changes and propogate the same to parent time container.
    85 *  @lib SVGTEngine.lib
    86 *  @since S60 3.2
    87 */
    88 class MSvgTimeContainerObserver
    89     {
    90    public: // New functions
    91         /**
    92         * Indicates that all locked elements are ready to render.
    93         * @since S60 3.2
    94         * @param none.
    95         * @return none.
    96         */
    97         virtual void TimeContainerReady() = 0;
    99         /**
   100         * Indicates that at least one locked element is not ready to render.
   101         * @since S60 3.2
   102         * @param none.
   103         * @return none.
   104         */
   105         virtual void TimeContainerNotReady() = 0;
   106     };
   107 /**
   108 *  Defines an encapsulation for timed entities belonging to a logical group.
   109 *  The time container decides the timing clock fed to the timed entities belonging 
   110 *  to it based on which entity has been resolved as timing master within the group. 
   111 *  The time container could belong to another parent time container. The child 
   112 *  container behaves as a timed entity from point of view of the parent time 
   113 *  container.
   114 *
   115 *  @lib SVGTEngine.lib
   116 *  @since S60 3.2
   117 */
   118 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CSvgTimeContainer ) : public CBase,
   119                           public MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   120     {
   121     public:  // Constructors and destructor
   123         /**
   124         * Two-phased constructor.
   125         * @param aOwnerDoc Owner SVG Document
   126         *        aHasParent Indicates whether this timecontainer is the top level
   127         *                   container
   128         *        aSyncBehavior Sync Behaviour of this container wrt to parent
   129         *        aIsSyncMaster Is this TC a sync master wrt to parent
   130         *        aSyncTolerance Tolerance configured for the TC (in msecs)
   131         * @return CSvgTimeContainer* Pointer to constructed object
   132         */
   133         static CSvgTimeContainer* NewL( CSvgDocumentImpl* aOwnerDoc,
   134             const TBool aHasParent,
   135             const TSvgSyncBehaviour aSyncBehavior = ESvgSyncLocked,
   136             const TBool aIsSyncMaster = EFalse,
   137             const TUint32 aSyncTolerance = KSvgDefaultSyncTolerance );
   139         /**
   140         * Destructor.
   141         */
   142         virtual ~CSvgTimeContainer();
   144     public: // New functions
   145         /**
   146         * Resolves the sync master within the time container and returns
   147         * the same.
   148         * @since S60 3.2
   149         * @param none.
   150         * @return MSvgTimedEntityInterface* Pointer to Sync Master Implementation
   151         */
   152         MSvgTimedEntityInterface* GetSyncMasterForTimeContainer();
   154         /**
   155         * Add a timed entity to the time container.
   156         * @since S60 3.2
   157         * @param aTimedEntity An SVG Timed entity that should be added to this 
   158         *                     container(that implements the 
   159         *                     MSvgTimedEntityInterface)
   160         * @return None
   161         */
   162         void AddTimedEntityL( MSvgTimedEntityInterface* aTimedEntity );
   164         /**
   165         * Removes the timed entity from the time container.
   166         * @since S60 3.2
   167         * @param aTimedEntity An SVG Timed entity that should be added to this 
   168         *                     container(that implements the 
   169         *                     MSvgTimedEntityInterface)
   170         * @return None
   171         */
   172         void DelTimedEntity( MSvgTimedEntityInterface* aTimedEntity );
   175         /**
   176         * Removes all the timed entities from the time container.
   177         * @since S60 3.2
   178         * @param None
   179         * @return None
   180         */
   181         void CleanupTimedEntities( );
   182         /**
   183         * Set Function for the TC's current time
   184         * @since S60 3.2
   185         * @param aCurTime Current Time to be set in msecs
   186         * @return none.
   187         */
   188         void SetCurrentTime( const TInt32 aCurTime );
   190         /**
   191         * Accessor Function for the TC's current time
   192         * @since S60 3.2
   193         * @param none.
   194         * @return TInt32 Current Time to be set in msecs.
   195         */
   196         TInt32 CurrentTime();
   198         /**
   199         * Set the Synchronised behaviour for the time container
   200         * @since S60 3.2
   201         * @param aValue canSlip | locked | independent 
   202         * @return none.
   203         */
   204         void SetSyncBehavior( const TSvgSyncBehaviour aValue );
   206         /**
   207         * Set the Synchronised Tolerance for the time container
   208         * @since S60 3.2
   209         * @param aValue Clock-value in milliseconds
   210         * @return none.
   211         */        
   212         void SetSyncTolerance( const TUint32 aValue );
   214         /**
   215         * Set the time container as Synchronised Master
   216         * @since S60 3.2
   217         * @param aValue true | false
   218         * @return none.
   219         */        
   220         void SetSyncMaster( const TBool aValue );
   222         /**
   223         * Accessor function to get the current tick in the TC
   224         * @since S60 3.2
   225         * @param none.
   226         * @return TSvgTick Current tick information.
   227         */        
   228         TSvgTick GetCurTick();
   230         /**
   231         * Accessor function to get the owner svg doc of the TC
   232         * @since S60 3.2
   233         * @param none.
   234         * @return CSvgDocumentImpl* Document Pointer
   235         */        
   236         CSvgDocumentImpl* Document();
   238         /**
   239         * Informing the time container that timed entity is not ready
   240         * @since S60 3.2
   241         * @param aTimeDuration time duration in msecs.
   242         * @return none.
   243         */ 
   244         void TimedEntityNotReady( MSvgTimedEntityInterface* aTimedEntity );
   246         /**
   247         * Informing the time container that timed entity is ready
   248         * @since S60 3.2
   249         * @param aTimeDuration time duration in msecs.
   250         * @return none.
   251         */ 
   252         void TimedEntityReady( MSvgTimedEntityInterface* aTimedEntity );
   255       /**
   256         * Sets the observer for the time container state changes.
   257         * @since Series 3.2
   258         * @param aTCObserver Time container observer(NULL if not used)        
   259         * @return none.
   260         */        
   261         void SetTcObserver( MSvgTimeContainerObserver* aTCObserver );
   263         /**
   264         * Called to handle user/client generated stop event
   265         * @since Series 3.2
   266         * @param none.
   267         * @return none.
   268         */        
   269         void UserStop();
   271         /**
   272         * Called to handle user/client generated resume event
   273         * @since Series 3.2
   274         * @param aTime Time in msecs to resume after.
   275         * @return none.
   276         */        
   277         void UserResume( TInt32 aTime = KMinSleepDurationInMsecs );
   279         /**
   280         * Called to handle user/client generated play event
   281         * @since Series 3.2
   282         * @param none.
   283         * @return none.
   284         */        
   285         void UserPlay();
   287         /**
   288         * Called to handle user/client generated pause event
   289         * @since Series 3.2
   290         * @param none.
   291         * @return none.
   292         */        
   293         void UserPause();
   295         /**
   296         * Called to handle user/client generated seek event
   297         * @since Series 3.2
   298         * @param aTime Time expressed in msecs.
   299         * @return none.
   300         */        
   301         void UserSeek( TInt aTime );
   303         /**
   304         * Resets the time variables in the timer
   305         * @since S60 3.2
   306         * @param none.
   307         * @return none.
   308         */               
   309         void UserResetTime();
   311         /**
   312         * Changes the frame duration in the timer
   313         * @since S60 3.2
   314         * @param aTimeDuration time duration in msecs.
   315         * @return none.
   316         */               
   317         void UserChangeFrameDuration( TUint32 aTimerDuration );
   319         /**
   320         * Debug api to obtain FPS info
   321         * @since S60 3.2
   322         * @param none.
   323         * @return TUint FPS info.
   324         */               
   325         TUint UserFps();
   328         /**Element to resume after it gets a goahead from sync
   329         * @since S60 3.2
   330         * @param TSvgTimedEntityListItem
   331         * @return none
   332         */
   333 		void SyncResumeElement(TSvgTimedEntityListItem* aTimedEntity);
   335 		/**Element to pause after it gets Paused due to sync
   336 		* @since S60 3.2
   337         * @param TSvgTimedEntityListItem
   338         * @return none
   339         */
   340 		void SyncPauseElement(TSvgTimedEntityListItem* aTimedEntity);
   342 		/**User calls resume
   343 		* @since S60 3.2
   344         * @param TSvgTimedEntityListItem
   345         * @return none
   346         */
   347 		void UserResumeElement(TSvgTimedEntityListItem* aTimedEntity);
   349 		/**User Stop is called
   350 		* @since S60 3.2
   351         * @param TSvgTimedEntityListItem
   352         * @return none
   353         */
   354 		void UserStopElement(TSvgTimedEntityListItem* aTimedEntity);
   356 		/**User Pause
   357 		* @since S60 3.2
   358         * @param TSvgTimedEntityListItem
   359         * @return none
   360         */
   361 		void UserPauseElement(TSvgTimedEntityListItem* aTimedEntity);
   363 		/**To pause tc 
   364 		* @since S60 3.2
   365         * @param none
   366         * @return none
   367         */
   368 		void SyncPause();
   370 		/**to resume tc
   371 		* @since S60 3.2
   372         * @param none
   373         * @return none
   374         */
   375 		void SyncResume();
   378     public: // Functions from base classes
   379         /**
   380         * From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   381         * The parent time container provides the timing clock to 
   382         * the timed entity (audio, video, animation, document) 
   383         * using this routine.
   384         * @since Series 3.2
   385         * @param aTick Current tick information 
   386         * @return none.
   387         */
   388         void ParentTimeContainerTick( TSvgTick aTick );
   390         /**
   391         * From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   392         * Returns the sync behavior of the entity.
   393         * @since Series 3.2
   394         * @param none. 
   395         * @return TSvgSyncBehaviour Element's Sync Behaviour.
   396         */
   397         TSvgSyncBehaviour GetEntitySyncBehavior();
   399         /**
   400         * From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   401         * When the timed entity acts as timing master in the time container, 
   402         * the time container gets the timed entity clock using this method 
   403         * and feeds to rest of timed entities.
   404         * @since Series 3.2
   405         * @param aEntityCurTime Current Entity Time in msecs. 
   406         * @return none.
   407         */
   408         void GetEntityCurrentTime( TUint32& aEntityCurTime );
   410         /**
   411         * From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   412         * Returns the configured sync master value(as per DOM tree) as specified 
   413         * in the SVG content.
   414         * @since Series 3.2
   415         * @param aIsSyncMaster Indicates whether the element is configured as 
   416         *                      Sync Master. 
   417         * @return none.
   418         */
   419         void GetCnfSyncMasterStatus( TBool& aIsSyncMaster );
   421         /**
   422         * From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   423         * Check if timed entity is going to act as timing master in the 
   424         * time container. This behavior could change dynamically.
   425         * @since Series 3.2
   426         * @param aIsSyncMaster Indicates whether the element is currrently Sync Master. 
   427         * @return none.
   428         */
   429         void GetCurSyncMasterStatus( TBool& isSyncMaster );
   431         /**
   432         * From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   433         * If some other element is resolved as syncMaster in the time container group, 
   434         * this element can not act as sync master. 
   435         * @since Series 3.2
   436         * @param aSyncMasterStatus Indicates whether the element is currrently 
   437         *                          Sync Master. 
   438         * @return none.
   439         */
   440         void SetCurSyncMasterStatus( TBool aSyncMasterStatus );
   442         /**
   443         * From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   444         * Check if timed entity can provide timing ticks to rest of time 
   445         * container elements. This behavior could change dynamically. 
   446         * For example, if audio clip is over, the audio element can't generate 
   447         * ticks for others.
   448         * @since Series 3.2
   449         * @param none.
   450         * @return TBool True if can generate timing tick.
   451         */
   452         TBool CanGenerateTick();
   454         /**
   455         * Check if timed entity can use its parent's tick. Usually only the
   456         * parent document should return true for this function.
   457         * All other elements return false
   458         * @since Series 3.2
   459         * @param none.
   460         * @return TBool True if can use parent's timing tick.
   461         */
   462         TBool CanUseParentTick();
   464         /**
   465         * From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   466         * If the timed entity needs to be in sync with the time container and 
   467         * it has slipped beyond the sync tolerance limit, the method is called to 
   468         * bring the element in sync with the time container.
   469         * @since Series 3.2
   470         * @param aSynctime Time for resync in msecs.
   471         * @return none.
   472         */
   473         void ResyncTimedEntity( TUint32 aSynctime );
   475         /**
   476         * From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   477         * This would be used for pausing the timed entity while other locked
   478         * timed entities get loaded.
   479         * @since S60 3.2
   480         * @param none.
   481         * @return none.
   482         */
   483         void PauseTimedEntity();
   485         /**
   486         * From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   487         * This would be used for resuming the timed entity once all locked
   488         * timed entities get loaded.
   489         * @since S60 3.2
   490         * @param none.
   491         * @return none.
   492         */
   493         void ResumeTimedEntity();
   495         /**
   496         * From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   497         * This would be used for stopping the timed entity.
   498         * @since S60 3.2
   499         * @param none.
   500         * @return none.
   501         */
   502         void StopTimedEntity();
   505         /*
   506         * From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   507         * Would return the type of object
   508         * @param none
   509         * @return type of object
   510         */
   511         TSvgObjectType ObjectType();
   514         /*
   515         * From MsvgTimedEntityInterface
   516         * @param none
   517         * @return CSvgTimeContainer
   518         */
   519         CSvgTimeContainer* GetChildTimeContainer();
   521     protected:  // New functions
   525     protected:  // Functions from base classes
   529     private:
   531         /**
   532         * C++ default constructor.
   533         * @param aOwnerDoc  Owner SVG Document
   534         *        aHasParent Indicates whether this timecontainer is the top level
   535         *                   container        
   536         *        aSyncBehavior Sync Behaviour of this container wrt to parent
   537         *        aIsSyncMaster Is this TC a sync master wrt to parent
   538         *        aSyncTolerance Tolerance configured for the TC (in msecs)        
   539         */
   540         CSvgTimeContainer( CSvgDocumentImpl* aOwnerDoc,
   541             const TBool aHasParent, const TSvgSyncBehaviour aSyncBehavior, 
   542             const TBool aIsSyncMaster, const TUint32 aSyncTolerance );
   544         /**
   545         * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   546         */
   547         void ConstructL();
   549         // Prohibit copy constructor if not deriving from CBase.
   550         // CSvgTimeContainer( const CSvgTimeContainer& );
   551         // Prohibit assigment operator if not deriving from CBase.
   552         // CSvgTimeContainer& operator=( const CSvgTimeContainer& );
   554         /**
   555         * Propogate tick to all elements in time container
   556         * @param aTick Tick information to be propogated
   557         */
   558         void PropogateTickToContainerElements( TSvgTick& aTick );
   560         /**
   561         * Rearrange the timed entities as per post order
   562         * @param aPostOrderList - List of CSvgElementImpl( which are Media 
   563         *      Elements) in post order
   564         */
   565         void RearrangeTimedEntityList( RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl>& 
   566             aPostOrderList );
   568         /**
   569         * Pauses the time container's locked entities. Called by 
   570         * animation element to indicate that the PauseTimedEntity()
   571         * is called on it.
   572         * @since Series 3.2
   573         * @param none.
   574         * @return none.
   575         */        
   576         void PauseLockedEntities();
   578         /**
   579         * Resumes the time container's locked entities. Called by 
   580         * animation element to indicate that the ResumeTimedEntity()
   581         * is called on it.
   582         * @since Series 3.2
   583         * @param none.
   584         * @return none.
   585         */        
   586         void ResumeLockedEntities();
   589     public:     // Data
   590         // ?one_line_short_description_of_data
   591         //?data_declaration;
   593         /*
   594         * Sets the time continer user state to the specified state
   595         * @param user state to be set
   596         * @return None
   597         */
   598         void SetUserState(TSvgEntityUserState state);
   600         /*
   601         * Sets the time continer media state to the specified state
   602         * @param media state to be set
   603         * @return None
   604         */
   605         void SetMediaState(TSvgEntityMediaState state);
   607         /*
   608         * Sets the time continer Sync state to the specified state
   609         * @param sync state to be set
   610         * @return None
   611         */
   612         void SetSyncState(TBool state);
   614     protected:  // Data
   615         // ?one_line_short_description_of_data
   616         //?data_declaration;
   617     private:
   620     private:    // Data
   621         // The time container's sync behavior with respect to its parent 
   622         // time container.
   623         TSvgSyncBehaviour iTcSyncBehavior;
   624         // Sync Tolerance configured for the time container (in msecs)
   625         TUint32 iTcSyncTolerance;
   626         // The time container's sync Master behavior defined in SVG file.
   627         TBool iTcSyncMasterConfig;
   628         // Is the timer container acting as timing master for parent 
   629         // time container currently?
   630         TBool iTcSyncMasterCurrent;
   631         // Sync Behavior default value for the timed entities within the 
   632         // time container, if they do not have the sync behavior defined for 
   633         // them.
   634         TSvgSyncBehaviour iTcSyncBehaviorDefault;
   635         // Sync Tolerance limit default value (in msecs) for the timed 
   636         // entities within the time container, if they do not have the sync 
   637         // tolerance defined for them.
   638         TUint32 iTcSyncToleranceDefault;
   639         // Pointer to the timed entity acting as the timing master within the 
   640         // time container. The sync master element could change dynamically.
   641         MSvgTimedEntityInterface* iTcSyncMaster;
   642         // The list of the timed entities belonging to this time container.
   643         RArray<TSvgTimedEntityListItem> iTcTimedEntities;
   644         // The flag defining whether the time container has a parent time 
   645         // container to which it belongs.
   646         TBool iIsParentTcPresent;
   647         // If there is no parent time container to which the time container 
   648         // belongs, then the time container creates its own timing clock by 
   649         // installing this timer.
   650         CSvgTimer* iTimer;
   651         // Current time in msecs
   652         TInt32 iCurrentTime;
   653         // Current Tick stored here so that it can be accessed by 
   654         // timed entities which are offset
   655         TSvgTick iCurrentTick;
   656         // Owner SVG Document Impl
   657         CSvgDocumentImpl* iOwnerDoc;
   658         // Time container observer implementation pointer
   659         MSvgTimeContainerObserver* iObserver;
   660         // Time container Media state information
   661         TSvgEntityMediaState iMediaState;
   662         //Time Container User state information
   663         TSvgEntityUserState iUserState;
   664         //Sync information abt the timecontainer
   665         TBool iIsSyncPaused;
   667         // The Locked real time entity is a special timed entity 
   668         // and the list item entry is owned by the time container        
   669         TSvgTimedEntityListItem iLrteListItem;
   671         // Locked real time entity pointer - owned
   672         CSvgLockedRealTimeEntity* iLrte;
   674         // Reserved pointer for future extension
   675         //TAny* iReserved;
   679     };
   681 #endif      // CSVGTIMECONTAINER_H   
   683 // End of File