changeset 0 d46562c3d99d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d46562c3d99d
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 - 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  SVG Implementation source file
    15  *
    16 */
    20 #if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
    21 #include <e32base.h>
    22 #endif
    24 #include <AudioPreference.h> // For priority/pref values
    26 #include "SVGAudioElementImpl.h"
    27 #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
    28 #include "SVGEngineImpl.h"
    29 #include "SVGSchemaData.h"
    30 #include "SVGTimeContainer.h"
    32 _LIT(KAudioAMR, "audio/amr");
    33 _LIT(KAudioAWB, "audio/amr-wb");
    34 _LIT(KAudioMP3, "audio/mpeg");
    35 _LIT(KAudioMP4, "audio/mp4");
    36 _LIT(KAudio3GP, "audio/3gp");
    37 _LIT(KAudio3G2, "audio/3g2");
    38 _LIT(KAudioAAC, "audio/aac");
    39 _LIT(KAudioMID, "audio/midi");
    40 _LIT(KAudioMID2, "audio/sp-midi");
    41 _LIT(KAudioRMF, "audio/rmf");
    42 _LIT(KAudioRMF2, "audio/x-rmf");
    43 _LIT(KAudioRMF3, "audio/x-beatnik-rmf");
    44 _LIT(KAudioMXMF, "audio/mobile-xmf");
    45 _LIT(KAudioWMA, "audio/x-ms-wma");
    46 _LIT(KAttrAudioType,  "type" );
    47 _LIT(KXlinkHref,  "xlink:href" );
    48 _LIT(KDur,"dur");
    49 _LIT(KMedia,"media");
    50 _LIT(KAudioLevelStr,  "audio-level");
    51 _LIT(KVolumeStr,  "volume");
    53 // audio-level property by default is  100%
    54 const TInt KAudioLevelDefaultPercent = 100;
    55 const  TInt KMillisecondsPerMicrosecond = 1000;
    56 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 // Create new element of audioelementimpl
    58 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 CSvgAudioElementImpl* CSvgAudioElementImpl::NewL(  const TUint8 aElemID,
    60                                                   CSvgDocumentImpl* aDoc )
    61     {
    62     CSvgAudioElementImpl*   self    = new ( ELeave )
    63                                       CSvgAudioElementImpl( aDoc );
    64     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    65     self->ConstructL(  aElemID, aDoc );
    66     CleanupStack::Pop();
    67     return self;
    68     }
    70 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 // Create new element of audioelementimpl
    72 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 CSvgAudioElementImpl* CSvgAudioElementImpl::NewLC(  const TUint8 aElemID,
    74                                                    CSvgDocumentImpl* aDoc )
    75     {
    76     CSvgAudioElementImpl*   self    = new ( ELeave )
    77                                       CSvgAudioElementImpl( aDoc );
    78     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    79     self->ConstructL(  aElemID,aDoc );
    80     return self;
    81     }
    83 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 // Create new element of audioelementimpl
    85 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::ConstructL(  const TUint8 aElemID,
    87                                        CSvgDocumentImpl* /* aDoc */ )
    88     {
    89     iPercentLevelVolume = KAudioLevelDefaultPercent;
    90 	CSvgMediaElementBase::ConstructL( aElemID );
    91 	iStoredPos = 0;
    92     }
    94 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 // Destructor for Audioelement
    96 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    97 CSvgAudioElementImpl::~CSvgAudioElementImpl()
    98     {
    99 	if ( iAudioPlayer )
   100         {
   101         iAudioPlayer->Stop();
   102    	    delete iAudioPlayer;
   103    	    iAudioPlayer = NULL;
   104         }
   105     if( iUri)
   106         {
   107         delete iUri;
   108         iUri= NULL;
   109         }
   110     }
   112 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 // Sets attributes of audio element
   114 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   115 TInt CSvgAudioElementImpl::SetAttributeL( const TDesC& aName,
   116                                           const TDesC& aValue )
   117     {
   118     if (!iTargetSet)
   119         {
   120 	    iTargetElement = ( CSvgElementImpl * ) ParentNode();// default is parent element
   121 		if (iTargetElement)
   122 			{
   123     	    iTargetSet = ETrue;
   124 			}
   125         }
   127     if(aName == KDur && aValue != KMedia)
   128         {
   129     	iDurMedia = EFalse;
   131         }
   133     if( aName == KXlinkHref)
   134         {
   135         this->SetXlinkAttributeL(aName,aValue);
   136         iUri = aValue.AllocL();        
   137         }
   138     if ( aName == KAttrAudioType )
   139         {
   140         HBufC16* tempValue = aValue.Alloc();
   141         TPtr16 lowercaseValue = tempValue->Des();
   142         lowercaseValue.LowerCase();
   144         if ( !( (lowercaseValue == KAudioAMR) ||
   145             (lowercaseValue == KAudioAWB)  ||
   146             (lowercaseValue == KAudioMP3)  ||
   147             (lowercaseValue == KAudioMP4)  ||
   148             (lowercaseValue == KAudio3GP)  ||
   149             (lowercaseValue == KAudio3G2)  ||
   150             (lowercaseValue == KAudioAAC)  ||
   151             (lowercaseValue == KAudioMID)  ||
   152             (lowercaseValue == KAudioMID2) ||
   153             (lowercaseValue == KAudioRMF)  ||
   154             (lowercaseValue == KAudioRMF2) ||
   155             (lowercaseValue == KAudioRMF3) ||
   156             (lowercaseValue == KAudioMXMF) ||
   157             (lowercaseValue == KAudioWMA) ))
   158                 {
   159                 iAudioStatus = EPlayerProhibit;
   160                 }
   161         delete tempValue;
   162         }
   163     else if  (( aName ==  KAudioLevelStr)  || ( aName ==  KVolumeStr ))
   164         {
   165         TLex value  ( aValue );
   166         TReal32 volume;
   167         if( value.Val( volume, '.' ) == KErrNone)
   168             {
   169             iVolume = volume < 0 ? 0 : volume;
   170             iVolume = volume > 1 ? 1 : volume;
   171             }
   172         return KErrNone;
   173         }
   174     return CSvgMediaElementBase::SetAttributeL( aName, aValue );
   175     }
   177 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 // Sets attributes of audio element
   179 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   181 TInt  CSvgAudioElementImpl::SetAttributeDesL( const TInt aNameId,
   182 											   const TDesC& aValue )
   183 	{
   184 	return CSvgElementImpl::SetAttributeDesL( aNameId, aValue );
   185     }
   187 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   188 // Sets attributes of audio element
   189 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   190 TInt CSvgAudioElementImpl::SetAttributeFloatL( const TInt aNameId,
   191                                                TFloatFixPt aValue )
   192     {
   193 	return CSvgMediaElementBase::SetAttributeFloatL(aNameId,aValue);
   194     }
   197 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 // Gets attributes of audio element
   199 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   200 TInt CSvgAudioElementImpl::GetAttributeFloat(const TInt aNameId,
   201                                                 TFloatFixPt& aValue )
   202     {
   203 	return CSvgMediaElementBase::GetAttributeFloat(aNameId,aValue);
   204     }
   207 // perform a deep clone of this object
   208 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   209 // Deep Copy of the parent
   210 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   211 MXmlElement* CSvgAudioElementImpl::CloneL(MXmlElement* aParentElement)
   212     {
   213     CSvgAudioElementImpl* newElement = CSvgAudioElementImpl::NewL(
   214         this->ElemID(), ((CSvgDocumentImpl*)iOwnerDocument) );
   216     CleanupStack::PushL(newElement);
   217     newElement->iParentNode = aParentElement;
   218     // copy everything over
   219     this->CopyL(newElement);
   220     CleanupStack::Pop();
   221     return newElement;
   222     }
   225 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   226 // From MSvgEventReceiver
   227 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   228 TBool CSvgAudioElementImpl::ReceiveEventL( MSvgEvent* aEvent )
   229     {
   230     return CSvgMediaElementBase::ReceiveEventProcL( aEvent, this );
   231     }
   233 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   234 // CSvgAudioElementImpl::InitAnimationL
   235 // From CSvgMediaElementBase
   236 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   237 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::InitAnimationL()
   238     {
   239     CSvgMediaElementBase::InitAnimationL();
   240     }
   242 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   243 // CSvgAudioElementImpl::ResetAnimationL
   244 // From CSvgMediaElementBase
   245 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   246 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::ResetAnimationL()
   247     {
   248 	if (( iAnimStatus == KAnimActive ) ||
   249 		( iAnimStatus == KAnimFinished) ||
   250 		( iAnimStatus == KAnimEnd))
   251 		{
   253 		if (( iAudioStatus == EPlayerStatePlaying ) ||
   254 		( iAudioStatus == EPlayerStateComplete ))
   255     		{
   256     		// Save the audio start offset
   257             iAudioStartOffset = 
   258                 ( ( CSvgDocumentImpl* )iOwnerDocument)->CurrentTime();
   259             iStoredPos = 0;    
   260     		// if previously audio is still playing, and asked to play again...
   261         	iAudioPlayer->Stop();
   262             //For  Negative Begin
   263         	if ( iNegativeBeginTime < 0)
   264     	        {
   265     	            const TInt64 aInterval = iNegativeBeginTime * -KMillisecondsPerMicrosecond;
   266     	            TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTime(aInterval);        
   267     	            iAudioPlayer->SetPosition(aTime);
   268     	            iStoredPos = aTime;
   269     	        }
   270             //For  Negative Begin
   272         	iAudioPlayer->Play();
   273         	iAudioStatus = EPlayerStatePlaying;
   274     		}
   275 		}
   276     }
   278 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   279 // CSvgAudioElementImpl::Reset
   280 // From CSvgMediaElementBase
   281 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   282 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::Reset( MSvgEvent* aEvent )
   283 	{
   285 	iIsUserSeek = ETrue;
   286     iStoredPos = 0;
   287 	// call the animation base function.
   288 	TSvgTimerEvent* timerEvent  = ( TSvgTimerEvent* ) aEvent;
   289 	if((TInt32)timerEvent->Time() < iAbsoluteBeginTime)
   290 		{
   291 		// let it come to initial position.
   292 		//((CSvgDocumentImpl*)iOwnerDocument)->iInitialDrawFlag = ETrue;
   293 		ReInitializeAnimation();
   294 		return;
   295 		}
   296 	TRAPD(error,CSvgAnimationBase::ResetL( aEvent, this));
   297     if (error != KErrNone)
   298         {
   299         // error processing not processed
   300         return;
   301         }
   302 	}  
   304 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   305 // Call AnimaProcL
   306 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   307 TBool CSvgAudioElementImpl::DoAnimProcL(MSvgEvent* aEvent)
   308     {
   309     return this->AnimProcL((MSvgTimerEvent*)aEvent);
   310     }
   313 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   314 // From MsvgAnimationBase
   315 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   316 TBool CSvgAudioElementImpl::AnimProcL( MSvgTimerEvent* /*aEvent*/ )
   317     {
   318 #ifdef _DEBUG    
   319    	RDebug::Print(_L("%d %d"), iAnimStatus, IsAnimating());
   320 #endif   	
   321     if ( iAudioStatus == EPlayerProhibit )
   322         return EFalse;
   324     if ( /*iAnimTime->DurationTime() == KTimeIndefinite ||*/ iAnimTime->DurationTime() == 0 )
   325         {
   326          return EFalse;
   327         }
   329     if ( !iAudioPlayer )
   330         {
   331     	iAudioPlayer = CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::NewL(*this);
   332         RDebug::Print(_L("SvgtAudioElem: Player created"));
   333         }
   335     if ( iAudioStatus != EPlayerStateIdle && !iAudioPlayer )
   336         {
   337         // Error case, when player is initialised but
   338         // iAudioPlayer pointer is NULL.
   339         return EFalse;
   340         }
   342     if( iAnimStatus != KAnimActive )
   343         {
   344         if ( iAudioStatus == EPlayerStatePlaying )
   345     		{
   346     		iStoredPos = 0;
   347         	iAudioPlayer->Stop();
   348         	iAudioStatus = EPlayerStateStop;
   349         	return EFalse;
   350     		}
   351         }
   352     else //iAnimStatus == KAnimActive
   353         {
   354         if ( !iHadBegun )
   355             {
   356             iHadBegun = ETrue;
   357             // Save the time the audio element starts
   358             iAudioStartOffset = 
   359                 ( ( CSvgDocumentImpl* )iOwnerDocument)->CurrentTime();
   361             // this is a restart from begin list.
   362             if ((iAudioStatus != EPlayerStateIdle) &&
   363             	(iAudioStatus != EPlayerStatePlayInit))
   364             	{
   365 		    	iStoredPos = 0;
   366 		    	iAudioPlayer->Stop();
   367 		    	iAudioPlayer->Play();
   368 		    	iAudioStatus = EPlayerStatePlaying;
   369             	}
   370             return ETrue;
   371          }
   373         if ( iAudioStatus == EPlayerStateIdle ) // stopped
   374         {
   375         // Indicate to the time container that audio element 
   376         // is not ready
   377         ( ( CSvgDocumentImpl* )
   378             iOwnerDocument )->TimeContainer()->TimedEntityNotReady( 
   379             this );
   380         // Save the audio start offset
   381         iAudioStartOffset = 
   382             ( ( CSvgDocumentImpl* )iOwnerDocument)->CurrentTime();
   383         TPtrC href = Href();
   384         #ifdef _DEBUG            
   385         RDebug::Print(_L("CSvgAudioElementImpl::NewFilePlayerL is to be called"));
   386         RDebug::RawPrint(href);
   387         #endif           	           	
   389         //Check and load file here
   390         RFs  session;
   391         CSvgErrorImpl* SvgError  =  CSvgErrorImpl::NewL();
   392         CSvgDocumentImpl::OpenSession( session,  *SvgError  );
   394         RFile fileHandle;
   396         CSvgDocumentImpl* document = (CSvgDocumentImpl*)OwnerDocument();
   397         CSvgEngineImpl* engine  = document->Engine();
   398         MSvgRequestObserver* lRequestObserver = NULL;
   399         TInt lFetchStatus = KErrNone;
   400         if(engine!= NULL)
   401             {
   402             lRequestObserver =  engine->iRequestObserver;
   403             }
   404         else
   405             {
   406             return EFalse;
   407             }
   409         if(lRequestObserver != NULL)
   410             {
   411             lFetchStatus = lRequestObserver->FetchImage( *iUri, session, fileHandle );
   412             }
   413         else
   414             {
   415             return EFalse;
   416             }
   418         if(lFetchStatus == KErrNone)
   419          {
   420          iAudioPlayer->OpenFileL(fileHandle);
   422          }
   423            else
   424              {
   425              return EFalse;
   426              }
   427         if(SvgError) 
   428          {
   429          delete SvgError;
   430          }
   431         session.Close();
   432         iAudioStatus = EPlayerStatePlayInit;  	
   433         #ifdef _DEBUG       		
   434         RDebug::Print(_L("SvgtAudioElem: File opened"));
   435         #endif           	
   436         return ETrue;
   437         }
   438         if( iAudioStatus == EPlayerStateStop && iTcCommandState != ESvgTEPausedState)
   439         {
   441         		iAudioStartOffset = 
   442                 ( ( CSvgDocumentImpl* )iOwnerDocument)->CurrentTime();
   443             // if previously audio is still playing, and asked to play again...
   444         	iAudioPlayer->Play();
   445         	iAudioStatus = EPlayerStatePlaying;
   446             }
   447         }
   448         return ETrue;
   449     }
   453 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   454 // Set the volume of the Audio Player to the specified level
   455 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   456 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::SetVolume(TInt aPercentage)
   457     {
   458     if(
   459     iAudioPlayer && 
   460     (iAudioStatus != EPlayerStateIdle && iAudioStatus != EPlayerStatePlayInit && iAudioStatus != EPlayerProhibit)
   461     )
   462         {
   463         TInt lVolLevel = 0;
   464         // Check if within limits
   465         if  ( aPercentage > 0  && aPercentage <= 100 )
   466             {
   467 #ifdef __WINSCW__            
   468             const TReal32 KMaxAudioVolumeLevels = 65535;
   469 #else
   470             const TReal32 KMaxAudioVolumeLevels = iAudioPlayer->MaxVolume();
   471 #endif   
   472             // Calculating the volume based on system volume & element volume
   473             TReal32 lRealLevel = ((TReal32)aPercentage/100.0) * KMaxAudioVolumeLevels * iVolume;
   474             lVolLevel = lRealLevel;
   475             }
   476         iAudioPlayer->SetVolume(lVolLevel);
   477         }
   478     iPercentLevelVolume = aPercentage;
   479     }
   481 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   482 // From CMdaAudioPlayerUtility
   483 // Callback from Audio Player indicating the audio has finished initalisation
   484 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   485 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::MapcInitComplete(TInt aError,
   486                 const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration)
   487 	{
   488 	if ( aError == KErrNone )
   489 	    {
   490        	if(iDurMedia)
   491           	{
   492             TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds durInMicroS;
   493             durInMicroS   = aDuration;
   496             TInt32 durInMilliS;
   497             durInMilliS  =  durInMicroS.Int64()  /  KMillisecondsPerMicrosecond;
   499             iAnimTime->SetDurationTime(durInMilliS);
   500             //In ReInitialize function of AnimTimeController
   501             // the duration is reinitialized from Org Duration
   502             iAnimTime->SetOrgDurationTime(durInMilliS);
   503            	}
   504 #ifdef _DEBUG           	
   505     	RDebug::Print(_L("CSvgAudioElementImpl::MapcInitComplete :-> Open audio file OK!"));
   506 #endif    	
   507     	iMediaDuration = aDuration;
   509         TInt lVolLevel = 0;
   511         // Check if within limits
   512         if  ( iPercentLevelVolume > 0  && iPercentLevelVolume <= 100 )
   513             {
   514 #ifdef __WINSCW__            
   515             const TReal32 KMaxAudioVolumeLevels = 65535;
   516 #else
   517             const TReal32 KMaxAudioVolumeLevels = iAudioPlayer->MaxVolume();
   518 #endif            
   519             // Calculating the volume based on system volume & element volume
   520             TReal32 lRealLevel = ((TReal32)iPercentLevelVolume/100.0) * KMaxAudioVolumeLevels * iVolume;
   521             lVolLevel = lRealLevel;
   522             }
   523         iAudioPlayer->SetVolume(lVolLevel);
   524         // If the pause command was issued do not play, the resume should set 
   525         // it playing
   526         if(iTcCommandState == ESvgTEPlayingState)
   527             {
   528 #ifdef _DEBUG            
   529             RDebug::Print(_L("To play"));
   530 #endif            
   531             iAudioPlayer->Play();
   532             iAudioStatus = EPlayerStatePlaying;
   533             }
   534         else if(iTcCommandState == ESvgTEStoppedState)
   535             {
   536             iAudioStatus = EPlayerStateStop;
   537             }
   538         else
   539             {
   540              iAudioStatus = EPlayerStatePaused;
   541             }
   542         }
   543     else
   544         {
   545         #ifdef _DEBUG
   546     	RDebug::Print(_L("CSvgAudioElementImpl::MapcPlayComplete :-> Error code [%d]"), aError);
   547     	#endif
   548         }
   549     if ( iNegativeBeginTime < 0 )
   550         {
   551         const TInt64 aInterval = iNegativeBeginTime * -1000;
   552         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTime(aInterval);        
   553         iAudioPlayer->SetPosition(aTime);
   554         iStoredPos = aTime;
   555         }
   556 	// Indicate to time container that audio element is ready
   557     ( ( CSvgDocumentImpl* )iOwnerDocument )->TimeContainer()->TimedEntityReady( 
   558                 this );	
   560 	}
   562 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   563 // From CMdaAudioPlayerUtility
   564 // Callback from Audio Player indicating the audio has finished playing
   565 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   566 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::MapcPlayComplete(TInt aError)
   567 	{
   568     // normal play exit
   569 	iAudioStatus = EPlayerStateComplete;
   571 	if ( aError != KErrNone )
   572 	    {
   573         #ifdef _DEBUG
   574 	    RDebug::Print(_L("CSvgAudioElementImpl::MapcPlayComplete :-> Error code [%d]"), aError);
   575     	#endif
   576 	    }
   577 	}
   580 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   581 // CSvgAudioElementImpl::CanGenerateTick
   582 // From CSvgMediaElementBase
   583 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   584 TBool CSvgAudioElementImpl::CanGenerateTick()
   585     {
   586     // If media is playing then audio element can generate tick
   587     if ( iAudioPlayer && 
   588         ( iAudioStatus == EPlayerStatePlaying || 
   589             iAudioStatus == EPlayerStatePlayInit ) )
   590         {
   591         return ETrue;
   592         }
   593     return EFalse;
   594     }
   596 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   597 // CSvgAudioElementImpl::GetEntityCurrentTime
   598 // From CSvgMediaElementBase
   599 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   600 //        
   601 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::GetEntityCurrentTime( TUint32& 
   602             aEntityCurTime ) // Current Entity Time in msecs. 
   603     {
   604     if ( iAudioPlayer && iAudioStatus != EPlayerStateIdle )
   605         {
   606         // Convert to  milliseconds and account for negative  begin  time
   607         // and the audio start offset  and  send back
   608         if(iAudioStatus == EPlayerStateComplete)
   609         {
   610             TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds lDuration = iAudioPlayer->Duration();
   611             aEntityCurTime = iAudioStartOffset +  lDuration.Int64() / KMillisecondsPerMicrosecond;
   612         }
   613         else
   614         {
   615             TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds lPos; 
   616             iAudioPlayer->GetPosition( lPos );
   618             // at EOF lPos returns zero, no point of time should 
   619             // iStorePos be greater than lPos
   620             if(iStoredPos > lPos)
   621                 {
   622                 lPos = iStoredPos;
   623                 }
   624             else
   625                 {
   626                 iStoredPos = lPos;
   627                 }
   628         #ifdef _DEBUG
   629     	RDebug::Printf("====================================");
   630     	RDebug::Printf("Audio gets current position \n");
   631     	RDebug::Printf("lpos %d", lPos.Int64());
   632     	RDebug::Printf("====================================");
   633     	#endif
   634         aEntityCurTime = iAudioStartOffset + lPos.Int64() / KMillisecondsPerMicrosecond;
   635         }
   636         if(iAudioStatus == EPlayerStatePlaying)
   637             {
   638             aEntityCurTime += iNegativeBeginTime;
   639             }
   640         }
   641     else
   642         {
   643         aEntityCurTime = iAudioStartOffset;
   644         }
   645     }
   647 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   648 // CSvgAudioElementImpl::ResyncTimedEntity
   649 // From CSvgMediaElementBase
   650 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   651 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::ResyncTimedEntity( 
   652             TUint32 aSyncTime ) // Time for resync in msecs.
   653     {
   654     if ( iAudioPlayer && iAudioStatus == EPlayerStatePlaying )
   655         {
   656         // Convert sync to microsecs before setting position
   657         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds  lSeekPos(  aSyncTime  *  KMillisecondsPerMicrosecond );
   658         iAudioPlayer->SetPosition( lSeekPos );
   659         iStoredPos = lSeekPos;
   660         }
   661     } 
   663 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   664 // CSvgAudioElementImpl::PauseTimedEntity
   665 // From CSvgMediaElementBase
   666 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   667 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::PauseTimedEntity()
   668     {
   670     iTcCommandState = ESvgTEPausedState;
   671       if ( iAudioPlayer && iAudioStatus == EPlayerStatePlaying )
   672         {
   673             iAudioPlayer->Pause();
   674         	iAudioStatus = EPlayerStatePaused;
   675         }
   676     }
   678 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   679 // CSvgAudioElementImpl::ResumeTimedEntity
   680 // From CSvgMediaElementBase
   681 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   682 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::ResumeTimedEntity()
   683     {
   684     iTcCommandState = ESvgTEPlayingState; 
   685     // Resume of the player is done only when it is Pause State
   686     // When resume is done on Stopped/Completed, it might start playing it
   687     // even though animation is not active or it is not supposed to repeat.
   688 	if ( iAudioStatus == EPlayerStatePaused )
   689       {
   690     	iAudioPlayer->Play();
   691     	iAudioStatus = EPlayerStatePlaying;
   692       }
   693     }
   695 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   696 // CSvgAudioElementImpl::StopTimedEntity
   697 // From CSvgMediaElementBase
   698 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   699 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::StopTimedEntity()
   700     {
   701     iTcCommandState = ESvgTEStoppedState;
   702     if ( iAudioPlayer && iAudioStatus != EPlayerStateIdle )
   703         {
   704         iStoredPos = 0;
   705         iAudioPlayer->Stop();
   706         iAudioStatus = EPlayerStateStop;
   707         }
   708     }
   711 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   712 //From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
   713 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   714 TSvgObjectType CSvgAudioElementImpl::ObjectType()
   715     {
   716 	return ESvgAudioElement;	
   717     }
   721 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   722 // returns the child time container of the element 
   723 // used in timecontainer
   724 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   725 CSvgTimeContainer* CSvgAudioElementImpl::GetChildTimeContainer()
   726     {
   727     return NULL;
   728     }
   731 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   732 // Constructor for CSvgAudioElementImpl
   733 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   734 CSvgAudioElementImpl::CSvgAudioElementImpl( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDoc )
   735                             : CSvgMediaElementBase( aDoc ),
   736                             iAudioStatus(EPlayerStateIdle),
   737                             iVolume(1),
   738                             iTcCommandState(ESvgTEPlayingState),
   739                             iDurMedia(ETrue)
   740     {
   741 	iAttrId = KAtrAudioId;
   742 	iAudioPlayer = NULL;
   743     }
   746 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   747 // perform a deep copy of this object
   748 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   749 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::CopyL( CSvgAudioElementImpl* aDestElement )
   750     {
   751     if(aDestElement)
   752         {
   753           // copy stuff from superclass
   754         this->CSvgElementImpl::CopyL(aDestElement);
   756         // copy the reference to idoc (CSvgDocumentImpl)
   757         aDestElement->iOwnerDocument = this->iOwnerDocument;
   758         aDestElement->iAudioPlayer = this->iAudioPlayer;
   759         aDestElement->iAudioStatus = this->iAudioStatus;
   760         aDestElement->iVolume = this->iVolume;
   761         aDestElement->iPercentLevelVolume = this->iPercentLevelVolume;
   762         aDestElement->iMediaDuration = this->iMediaDuration;
   763         aDestElement->iTcCommandState = this->iTcCommandState;
   764         aDestElement->iAudioStartOffset = this->iAudioStartOffset;
   765         aDestElement->iDurMedia = this->iDurMedia;
   766         }
   767     }
   768 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   769 //
   770 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   771 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::DeactivateAnimation()
   772 	{
   773 	CSvgAnimationBase::DeactivateAnimation(this);
   774 	}
   776 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   777 // 
   778 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   779 void CSvgAudioElementImpl::Print( TBool aIsEncodeOn )
   780     {
   781 	if (!aIsEncodeOn)
   782     	{
   783     	#ifdef _DEBUG
   784     	RDebug::Printf("<audio>");
   785     	#endif
   786         }
   787     }
   789 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   790 // End of file
   791 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------