changeset 0 d46562c3d99d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d46562c3d99d
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  SVG Implementation source file
    15  *
    16 */
    19 #include "SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.h"
    20 #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
    21 #include "SVGSchemaData.h"
    22 #include "SvgStopElementImpl.h"
    23 #include "SVGIntCssValueImpl.h"
    25 #include "GfxAffineTransform.h"
    27 _LIT(X1,"x1");
    28 _LIT(X2,"x2");
    29 _LIT(Y1,"y1");
    30 _LIT(Y2,"y2");
    31 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 //
    33 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34 CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl* CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl::NewL(const TUint8 aElemID, CSvgDocumentImpl* aDoc )
    35 	{
    36     CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl *self = new (ELeave) CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl(aDoc);
    37     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    38     self->ConstructL(aElemID);
    39     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    40     return self;
    41 	}
    43 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44 //
    45 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46 void CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl::ConstructL(const TUint8 aElemID)
    47 	{
    48     CSvgGradientElementImpl::ConstructL(aElemID);
    50 	}
    52 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 //
    54 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl::CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDoc ):
    56 	CSvgGradientElementImpl(aDoc)
    57 	{
    58 	iGradientPaint = &iGfxLinearPaint;
    59 	}
    61 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 //Dt:17-Feb-2009 modified the function to support  the % values for X1,Y1,X2,Y2
    63 //TSW ISSUE ID: ANAE-7NZ8B8
    64 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 TInt CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl::SetAttributeL(const TDesC &aName, const TDesC &aValue)
    66 	{
    67 	TFloatFixPt KZero( KFloatFixZero );
    68 	TFloatFixPt KOne( KFloatFixOne );
    69 	TFloatFixPt val;
    70 	if ( aName == X1 || aName == X2 || aName == Y1 || aName == Y2 )
    71 		{
    73 		if ( IsValidValue(aValue) )
    74 			{
    75 			val = TFloatFixPt::ConvertString(aValue); 
    76 			if ( aValue.Locate('%') != KErrNotFound )
    77 				{
    78 				val = val / TFloatFixPt(100);
    79 				}
    80 			}
    81 		else
    82 			{
    83 			if( aName == X2 )
    84 				{
    85 				val = KOne;
    86 				}
    87 			else 
    88 				{
    89 				val = KZero;
    90 				}
    91 			}
    92 		if( aName==X1 )
    93 			{
    94 			iGfxLinearPaint.iX1 = val;
    95 			}
    96 		else if( aName==Y1 )   
    97 			{
    98 			iGfxLinearPaint.iY1 = val;
    99 			}
   100 		else if( aName==X2 )
   101 			{
   102 			iGfxLinearPaint.iX2 = val;
   103 			}
   104 		else
   105 			{
   106 			iGfxLinearPaint.iY2 = val;
   107 			}
   109 		}
   110 	else 
   111 		{
   112 		CSvgGradientElementImpl::SetAttributeL( aName, aValue );
   113 		}
   114     return 0;
   115 	}
   117 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   118 //
   119 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 MGfxPaint *CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl::PaintAttribute()
   121 	{
   122 	TInt i=0;
   123 	TFloatFixPt lOffset;
   124 	TUint32 lStopColor;
   125 	TFloatFixPt	lStopOpacity;
   126 	if( iStopElementData )
   127 		{
   128 		iStopElementData->Reset();
   129 		}
   131 	TInt svgStopEleArrayCnt = iSvgStopElementArray->Count();
   132     for(i=0;i<svgStopEleArrayCnt ;i++)
   133 		{
   134 		CSvgStopElementImpl* temp = (*iSvgStopElementArray)[i];
   136 		// Check if the element has valid offset value. If the offset had invalid value
   137 		// it will be made zero but this function will return FALSE.
   138 		if( temp->IsValidElement() )
   139 		{
   140 		    temp->GetOffset(lOffset);
   141             temp->GetStopColor(lStopColor);
   142 	    	temp->GetStopOpacity (lStopOpacity);
   143 	    	TSvgStopData la ;
   144 	    	la.iOffset = lOffset;
   145 	    	la.iStopColor = lStopColor;
   146 	    	la.iStopOpacity = lStopOpacity;
   147 	    	TInt error = iStopElementData->Append(la);
   148 	    	if(error != KErrNone)
   149 		 	{
   150 			// not enough memory
   151 			break;
   152 			}	
   153 		}
   155 		}
   156 	iGfxLinearPaint.iStopData = iStopElementData;
   157     const TGfxAffineTransform& tempTransform = GetCTM();
   158 	iGradientPaint->iGradientTransform.matrix[0][0] = tempTransform.iM00.iValue;
   159     iGradientPaint->iGradientTransform.matrix[0][1] = tempTransform.iM01.iValue;
   160     iGradientPaint->iGradientTransform.matrix[0][2] = tempTransform.iM02.iValue;
   161 	iGradientPaint->iGradientTransform.matrix[1][0] = tempTransform.iM10.iValue;
   162 	iGradientPaint->iGradientTransform.matrix[1][1] = tempTransform.iM11.iValue;
   163 	iGradientPaint->iGradientTransform.matrix[1][2] = tempTransform.iM12.iValue;
   164     return &iGfxLinearPaint;
   165 	}
   167 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   168 //
   169 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   170 TInt CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl::GetAttributeFloat( const TInt aNameId, TFloatFixPt& aValue )
   171 	{
   172 	 switch ( aNameId )
   173         {
   174         case KAtrX1:
   175 			 aValue = iGfxLinearPaint.iX1 ;
   176 			 break;
   177         case KAtrY1:
   178 			 aValue = iGfxLinearPaint.iY1 ;
   179 			break;
   180         case KAtrX2 :
   181 			 aValue = iGfxLinearPaint.iX2 ;
   182 			break;
   183         case KAtrY2 :
   184 			 aValue = iGfxLinearPaint.iY2 ;
   185 			break;
   186         default:
   187 			return CSvgElementImpl::GetAttributeFloat( aNameId, aValue );
   188         }
   189 	return 0;
   190 	}
   192 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   193 //
   194 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   195 TInt CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl::SetAttributeFloatL( const TInt aNameId, const TFloatFixPt aValue )
   196 	{
   197     switch ( aNameId )
   198         {
   199         case KAtrX1:
   200 			iGfxLinearPaint.iX1 = aValue;
   201 			break;
   202         case KAtrY1:
   203 			iGfxLinearPaint.iY1 = aValue;
   204 			break;
   205         case KAtrX2 :
   206 			iGfxLinearPaint.iX2 = aValue;
   207 			break;
   208         case KAtrY2 :
   209 			iGfxLinearPaint.iY2 = aValue;
   210 			break;
   211         default:
   212 			return CSvgElementImpl::SetAttributeFloatL( aNameId, aValue );
   213         }
   214 	return 0;
   215 	}
   216 TInt CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl::SetAttributeIntL( const TInt aNameId,
   217                                         const TInt32 aValue )
   218 {
   219 	CSvgGradientElementImpl::SetAttributeIntL(  aNameId,
   220 												 aValue );
   221 	return 0;
   223 }
   224 TInt CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl::GetAttributeIntL( const TInt aNameId, TInt32& aValue )
   225 {
   226 	CSvgGradientElementImpl::GetAttributeIntL(aNameId,  aValue );
   227 	return 0;
   228 }
   231 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   232 //
   233 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   234 CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl::~CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl()
   235 	{
   237 	}
   239 void CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl::Print( TBool aIsEncodeOn )
   240 {
   241 	if (!aIsEncodeOn)
   242 	{
   243 		#ifdef _DEBUG
   244 		RDebug::Printf("<linearGradient xlink:href=\"hmm\" spreadMethod=\"hmm\" gradientUnits=\"hmm\" gradientTransform=\"hmm\" x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\"/>",
   245 		/*Href(),*/ (int)iGfxLinearPaint.iX1, (int)iGfxLinearPaint.iY1, (int)iGfxLinearPaint.iX2, (int)iGfxLinearPaint.iY2);
   246 		#endif
   247 	}
   248 }
   249 TBool CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl::IsValidValue(const TDesC& aValue)
   250 {
   251     TBool lValidValue = ETrue;
   252     // aValue can only contain these characters "-+.%0123456789", If it contains any thing
   253     // other than this it should be treated as 0.
   255     _LIT(KValidChars,"-+.%0123456789");
   256     TBufC<14> lValidChars(KValidChars);
   258     TInt llength = aValue.Length();
   260     for( int charpos = 0 ; charpos < llength; charpos++ )
   261     {
   262         if( lValidChars.Locate(aValue[charpos]) == KErrNotFound )
   263         {
   265             lValidValue = EFalse;
   266             break;
   267         }
   268     }
   270     return lValidValue;
   271 }