--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/svgtopt/SVG/SVGImpl/src/SVGElementImpl.cpp Wed Nov 03 18:56:10 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,3478 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: SVG Implementation source file
+ *
+#if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "SVGElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGXmlElementImpl.h"
+#include "GfxAffineTransform.h"
+#include "SVGClrCssValueImpl.h"
+#include "SVGPaintCssValueImpl.h"
+#include "SVGIntCssValueImpl.h"
+#include "SVGFloatCssValueImpl.h"
+#include "SVGStrCssValueImpl.h"
+#include "SVGVectorCssValueImpl.h"
+#include "SVGSchemaData.h"
+#include "SVGAnimationBase.h"
+#include "SVGLineElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGRectElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGCircleElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGMpathElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGFontFaceElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
+#include "SVGStringTokenizer.h"
+#include "SVGEngineImpl.h"
+#include "SVGUseElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGAnimationElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGTokenizer.h"
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ if ( iId )
+ {
+ delete iId;
+ iId = NULL;
+ }
+ //need to remove from event list if it was an animation
+ CSvgDocumentImpl* thisDocument = ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument();
+ if (thisDocument != NULL)
+ {
+ thisDocument->RemoveFromEventReceiverList(this);
+ }
+ if ( iSvgTests )
+ {
+ delete iSvgTests;
+ iSvgTests = NULL;
+ }
+ if( iSvgLangSpace )
+ {
+ delete iSvgLangSpace;
+ iSvgLangSpace = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ delete iSvgTransformable;
+ iSvgTransformable = NULL;
+ }
+ ResetReferenceAttrSet();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::StyleInParent(CSvgElementImpl* aElement, TInt aAttrIndex)
+ {
+ if(aElement != NULL)
+ {
+ CSvgElementImpl* lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)aElement->ParentNode ();
+ while(lParentElement && (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties != NULL))
+ {
+ if(!lParentElement)
+ return EFalse;
+ if (aElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aAttrIndex) ==
+ lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aAttrIndex))
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)lParentElement->ParentNode ();
+ }
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSvgElementImpl::CSvgElementImpl() : iAnimateTransformMatrixIndex(-1),
+ iSvgStyleProperties(NULL),
+ iAnimateMotionMatrixIndex( -1 )
+ {
+ SetAllAttributesAdded( ETrue );
+ }
+void CSvgElementImpl::InitializeL( TUint8 aElemID)
+ {
+ CXmlElementImpl::InitializeL( aElemID );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::IsDrawable()
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::DrawShapeL( CGfx2dGc* aGc,
+ MGfxShape& aShape,
+ CSvgElementImpl* /*aElement */)
+ {
+ if ( !AreAllAttributesAdded() )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Paint is a special case.
+ // Paint must be reset locally
+ SetGCL( aGc/*, aElement */);
+ if( iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ aGc->SetTransform( GetCTM() );
+ }
+ aGc->DrawL( &aShape );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::DrawShapeL( CGfx2dGc* aGc, CSvgElementImpl* /*aElement*/ )
+ {
+ SetGCL( aGc/*, aElement */);
+ if(iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ aGc->SetTransform( GetCTM() );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::DrawL( CGfx2dGc* /* aGc */,
+ CSvgElementImpl* /* aElement */ )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC* CSvgElementImpl::Id()
+ {
+ return iId;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::SetIdandXmlbaseL( const TDesC& aPropertyName,
+ const TDesC& aValue )
+ {
+ _LIT( KId, "id" );
+ if ( aPropertyName == KId)
+ {
+ delete iId;
+ iId = NULL;
+ iId = aValue.AllocL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This method might leave with KErrNoMemory.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MXmlElement* CSvgElementImpl::AppendChildL( MXmlElement* aNewChild, TBool aIsJSR226Element )
+ {
+ CXmlElementImpl::AppendChildL( aNewChild );
+ if ( aNewChild && (((CSvgElementImpl *)aNewChild)->ElemID() != KSvgSvgElement) )
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if (!aIsJSR226Element)
+ {
+ err = ((CSvgElementImpl *)aNewChild)->InitSvgStyleProperties();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Error return needs to be checked
+ ((CSvgElementImpl*)aNewChild)->InitAllSvgStyleProperties((CSvgElementImpl*)aNewChild);
+ }
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ #ifdef _Debug
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CSvgElementImpl::AppendChildL[%x]: memory when append child"), this);
+ #endif //_Debug
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ return aNewChild;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::SetAttributeL( const TDesC& aName ,
+ const TDesC& aValue )
+ {
+ if ( SetTransform( aName, aValue ) ||
+ SetIdandXmlbaseL( aName, aValue ) ||
+ SetLangSpaceAttributeL( aName, aValue ) ||
+ SetTestAttributeL( aName, aValue )
+ )
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::RemoveAttribute( const TInt aAttrId )
+ {
+ if( iSvgStyleProperties && aAttrId < iSvgStyleProperties->Count() )
+ {
+ CCssValue *lCurrentCssPointer = iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aAttrId);
+ CCssValue *lParentCssPointer = NULL ;
+ CSvgElementImpl* lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)iParentNode;
+ while(lParentElement && (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties == NULL))
+ {
+ lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)lParentElement->ParentNode ();
+ }
+ if ( lParentElement )
+ {
+ FindProperty( (TInt8)aAttrId, lParentCssPointer, ( CSvgElementImpl * )lParentElement );
+ }
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aAttrId) = lParentCssPointer;
+ PropagateToChildren( lCurrentCssPointer,lParentCssPointer, aAttrId );
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetPresentationAttribute( const TInt8 aPropertyId,
+ CCssValue*& aCssValue )
+ {
+ if( iSvgStyleProperties && aPropertyId < iSvgStyleProperties->Count() )
+ {
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aPropertyId) = aCssValue;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This method sets a property value that takes a float
+// The switch statement can be expanded to add more attributes
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::SetPropertyFloatL( const TInt& aAttrId,
+ TReal32 aValue)
+ {
+ CSvgDocumentImpl* doc = ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument();
+ if (!doc)
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ TInt position = aAttrId;
+ CSvgElementImpl* lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)iParentNode;
+ while(lParentElement && (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties == NULL))
+ {
+ lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)lParentElement->ParentNode ();
+ }
+ switch ( position )
+ {
+ {
+ TFloatFixPt KZero;
+ TFloatFixPt KOne( KFloatFixOne );
+ TFloatFixPt opacityValue = aValue;
+ if (opacityValue < KZero)
+ {
+ opacityValue = KZero;
+ }
+ else if (opacityValue > KOne)
+ {
+ opacityValue = KOne;
+ }
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* tValue = (CFloatCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement )
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CFloatCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssFloatObjectL( opacityValue );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( opacityValue );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::SetPropertyL( const TInt& aAttrId,
+ const TDesC& aValue)
+ {
+ _LIT( KInherit, "inherit" );
+ CSvgDocumentImpl* doc = ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument();
+ if (!doc)
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ CSvgSchemaData* lSchemaData = doc->SchemaData();
+ TInt position = aAttrId;
+ if( (aValue == KInherit) || (iSvgStyleProperties == NULL))
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ CSvgElementImpl* lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)iParentNode;
+ while(lParentElement && (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties == NULL))
+ {
+ lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)lParentElement->ParentNode ();
+ }
+ switch ( position )
+ {
+ //fill
+ {
+ CPaintCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CPaintCssValueImpl* tValue = (CPaintCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement)
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CPaintCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssPaintObjectL(aValue, this);
+ if ( tValue->IsDefaultSet() )
+ {
+ // if default color is set, check see if parent has one
+ if ( lParentElement )
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CPaintCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if ( tParentValue != NULL )
+ {
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tParentValue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( aValue );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ TFloatFixPt KZero;
+ TFloatFixPt KOne( KFloatFixOne );
+ TFloatFixPt opacityValue;
+ if ( TFloatFixPt::ConvertString( aValue, opacityValue ) == KErrNone )
+ {
+ if (aValue.Locate('%') != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ //if a percentage
+ opacityValue = opacityValue / TFloatFixPt(100);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ opacityValue = KOne;
+ }
+ if (opacityValue < KZero)
+ opacityValue = KZero;
+ else if (opacityValue > KOne)
+ opacityValue = KOne;
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* tValue = (CFloatCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement )
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CFloatCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssFloatObjectL(opacityValue);
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( opacityValue );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CClrCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CClrCssValueImpl* tValue = (CClrCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement )
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CClrCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssClrObjectL( aValue );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( aValue );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // visibility
+ {
+ TPtrC lVal;
+ if ( aValue == _L( "visible" ) )
+ {
+ lVal.Set( _L( "0" ) );
+ }
+ else if ( aValue == _L( "hidden" ) )
+ {
+ lVal.Set( _L( "1" ) );
+ }
+ else if ( aValue == _L( "collapse" ) )
+ {
+ lVal.Set( _L( "3" ) );
+ }
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement )
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssIntObjectL( lVal );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( lVal );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // display
+ {
+ TPtrC lVal;
+ if ( aValue == _L( "inline" ) )
+ {
+ lVal.Set( _L( "0" ) );
+ }
+ else if ( aValue == _L( "none" ) )
+ {
+ lVal.Set( _L( "16" ) );
+ }
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement)
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssIntObjectL( lVal );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( lVal );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // font-style
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ i = lSchemaData->FindFontStyle(aValue);
+ TBufC<12> buf;
+ TPtr lVal ( buf.Des() );
+ _LIT( KFixptFormat, "%d" );
+ lVal.Format( KFixptFormat, i );
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement )
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssIntObjectL( lVal );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( lVal );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // font-weight
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ i = lSchemaData->FindFontWeightEnum(aValue);
+ TBufC<12> buf;
+ TPtr lVal ( buf.Des() );
+ _LIT( KFixptFormat, "%d" );
+ lVal.Format( KFixptFormat, i );
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement)
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssIntObjectL( lVal );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( lVal );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if( ElemID() == KSvgFontfaceElement )
+ {
+ ((CSvgFontFaceElementImpl *)this)->SetFontFamilyL(aValue);
+ }
+ {
+ CStrCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CStrCssValueImpl* tValue = (CStrCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement )
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CStrCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssStrObjectL( aValue );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( aValue );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CVectorCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CVectorCssValueImpl* tValue = (CVectorCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement)
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CVectorCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssVectorObjectL( aValue );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( aValue );
+ }
+ if(tValue)
+ {
+ CArrayFix<TFloatFixPt>* lDashArray = tValue->Value();
+ TFloatFixPt lSum( 0 );
+ TUint numElem = lDashArray->Count();
+ // Iterate through the array to check whether the sum of elements
+ // of the dash array is non-zero.
+ for (TUint arrCount = 0; arrCount < numElem; arrCount++)
+ {
+ lSum = lSum + lDashArray->At(arrCount);
+ }
+ // If the sum is zero then, the behaviour should be similar to "none" i.e. no dashing applied.
+ if ( lSum == TFloatFixPt( 0 ) )
+ {
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position)= NULL;
+ // Not deleting the tValue as this would be freed in the
+ // destructor of CSvgMemoryManager
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ // stroke-width can not be negative
+ TReal32 strokeWidth;
+ TPtrC remainder;
+ TBool validValue = TTokenizer::ParseDecimal( aValue, strokeWidth, remainder );
+ // Check for valid number characters and no characters following
+ // and must be non-negative
+ if ( !validValue || strokeWidth < 0.0f )
+ {
+ strokeWidth = 1.0f;
+ }
+ /*
+ "1pt" equals "1.25px" (and therefore 1.25 user units)
+ "1pc" equals "15px" (and therefore 15 user units)
+ "1mm" would be "3.543307px" (3.543307 user units)
+ "1cm" equals "35.43307px" (and therefore 35.43307 user units)
+ "1in" equals "90px" (and therefore 90 user units)
+ */
+ else if ( remainder.Length() > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( remainder == _L("px") )
+ {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ if ( remainder == _L("pt") )
+ {
+ strokeWidth *= 1.25f;
+ }
+ else if ( remainder == _L("pc") )
+ {
+ strokeWidth *= 15.0f;
+ }
+ else if ( remainder == _L("mm") )
+ {
+ strokeWidth *= 3.543307f;
+ }
+ else if ( remainder == _L("cm") )
+ {
+ strokeWidth *= 35.43307f;
+ }
+ else if ( remainder == _L("in") )
+ {
+ strokeWidth *= 90.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strokeWidth = 1.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* tValue = (CFloatCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement)
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CFloatCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssFloatObjectL( strokeWidth );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( strokeWidth );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* tValue = (CFloatCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement )
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CFloatCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssFloatObjectL(aValue);
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( aValue );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ //text-anchor
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ i = lSchemaData->FindTextAnchorEnum(aValue);
+ TBufC<12> buf;
+ TPtr lVal ( buf.Des() );
+ _LIT( KFixptFormat, "%d" );
+ lVal.Format( KFixptFormat, i );
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement )
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssIntObjectL( lVal );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( lVal );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ //text-decoration
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ i = lSchemaData->FindTextDecorationEnum(aValue);
+ TBufC<12> buf;
+ TPtr lVal ( buf.Des() );
+ _LIT( KFixptFormat, "%d" );
+ lVal.Format( KFixptFormat, i );
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL;
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement)
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)
+ (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position));
+ }
+ if (tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL)
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssIntObjectL(lVal);
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](position) = tValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( lVal );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::SetTransform( const TDesC& aAttributeName,
+ const TDesC& aValue )
+ {
+ if( iSvgTransformable == NULL )
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ // If this attribute is not transform attribute, return immediately.
+ _LIT( KTransform, "transform" );
+ if ( aAttributeName != KTransform )
+ return EFalse;
+ TLex input ( aValue );
+ TReal32 M00, M10, M01, M11, M02, M12;
+ TGfxAffineTransform tempTransform;
+ MSvgTransformList* trList;
+ iSvgTransformable->GetTransform( trList );
+ TGfxAffineTransform originalTransform = trList->GetItem( 0 );
+ _LIT( KMatrixP, "matrix(" );
+ _LIT( KTranslateP, "translate(" );
+ _LIT( KScaleP, "scale(" );
+ _LIT( KRotateP, "rotate(" );
+ _LIT( KSkewxP, "skewX(" );
+ _LIT( KSkewyP, "skewY(" );
+ while ( !( input.Eos() ) )
+ {
+ input.Mark();
+ input.SkipCharacters();
+ TPtrC token = input.MarkedToken(); // then extract token
+ if ( token == KMatrixP )
+ {
+ input.SkipSpace(); if ( input.Val( M00, '.' ) != KErrNone ) return EFalse;
+ input.SkipSpace(); if ( input.Val( M10, '.' ) != KErrNone ) return EFalse;
+ input.SkipSpace(); if ( input.Val( M01, '.' ) != KErrNone ) return EFalse;
+ input.SkipSpace(); if ( input.Val( M11, '.' ) != KErrNone ) return EFalse;
+ input.SkipSpace(); if ( input.Val( M02, '.' ) != KErrNone ) return EFalse;
+ input.SkipSpace(); if ( input.Val( M12, '.' ) != KErrNone ) return EFalse;
+ //check to make sure the user isn't setting in scale of 0 because that can never be undone
+ //they probably just mean that they don't want to scale
+ /* if (M00 == 0)
+ {
+ M00 = 1;
+ }
+ if (M11 == 0)
+ {
+ M11 = 1;
+ }*/
+ tempTransform.SetTransform( M00, M10, M01, M11, M02, M12 );
+ originalTransform.Concatenate( tempTransform );
+ trList->ReplaceItem( originalTransform, 0 );
+ }
+ else if ( token == KTranslateP )
+ {
+ // parse tx
+ input.SkipSpace();
+ if ( input.Val( M00, '.' ) != KErrNone ) return EFalse;
+ // parse ty
+ input.SkipSpace();
+ if ( input.Val( M10, '.' ) != KErrNone ) M10 = 0.0;
+ // set translate
+ TFloatFixPt fixM00 ( M00 );
+ TFloatFixPt fixM10 ( M10 );
+ originalTransform.Translate( fixM00, fixM10 );
+ trList->ReplaceItem( originalTransform, 0 );
+ }
+ else if ( token == KScaleP )
+ {
+ input.SkipSpace();
+ if(input.Peek().IsDigit() || (input.Peek() == '-') || (input.Peek() == '.'))
+ {
+ if ( input.Val( M00, TChar('.') ) != KErrNone )
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ M00 = 1.0;
+ }
+ input.SkipSpace();
+ // If only one value is given then both scale values are set to that value
+ if ( input.Eos() || input.Peek() == ')' )
+ {
+ M11 = M00;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(input.Peek().IsDigit() || (input.Peek() == '-') || (input.Peek() == '.'))
+ {
+ if ( input.Val( M11, TChar('.')) != KErrNone )
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ M11 = 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ originalTransform.Scale( M00, M11 );
+ trList->ReplaceItem( originalTransform, 0 );
+ }
+ else if ( token == KRotateP )
+ {
+ // parse r
+ input.SkipSpace();
+ if ( input.Val( M00, '.' ) != KErrNone ) return EFalse;
+ // parse cx
+ input.SkipSpace();
+ if ( input.Val( M01, '.' ) == KErrNone )
+ {
+ // parse cy
+ input.SkipSpace();
+ if ( input.Val( M10, '.' ) != KErrNone ) return EFalse;
+ M00 = M00 * KGradiansPerDegree; // Convert to Radians
+ originalTransform.Rotate( M00, TFloatFixPt(M01), TFloatFixPt(M10) );
+ trList->ReplaceItem( originalTransform, 0 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ M00 = M00 * KGradiansPerDegree; // Convert to Radians
+ originalTransform.Rotate( M00 );
+ trList->ReplaceItem( originalTransform, 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( token == KSkewxP )
+ {
+ input.SkipSpace(); if ( input.Val( M00, '.' ) != KErrNone ) return EFalse;
+ M00 = M00 * KGradiansPerDegree; // Convert to Radians
+ originalTransform.Shear( M00, 0.0f );
+ trList->ReplaceItem( originalTransform, 0 );
+ }
+ else if ( token == KSkewyP )
+ {
+ input.SkipSpace(); if ( input.Val( M00, '.' ) != KErrNone ) return EFalse;
+ M00 = M00 * KGradiansPerDegree; // Convert to Radians
+ originalTransform.Shear( 0.0f, M00 );
+ trList->ReplaceItem( originalTransform, 0 );
+ }
+ // Skip close paranthesis
+ input.SkipSpace();
+ input.Mark();
+ input.MarkedToken(); // then extract token
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSvgColor* CSvgElementImpl::CurrentColor()
+ {
+ if( iSvgStyleProperties )
+ {
+ CCssValue* lColorValue = NULL;
+ lColorValue = iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](KCSS_ATTR_COLOR);
+ if ( lColorValue &&
+ ( ( CClrCssValueImpl * ) lColorValue )->Value() &&
+ ( ( TSvgColor*)(( CClrCssValueImpl * ) lColorValue )->Value())->GetColor() != KSvgCurrentColor
+ )
+ {
+ // current color found and useful, return it
+ return ( TSvgColor*)(( CClrCssValueImpl * ) lColorValue )->Value();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // current color found, but it is "currentColor"
+ // find the real color from searching parents
+ if ( iParentNode )
+ {
+ return ( ( CSvgElementImpl * ) iParentNode )->CurrentColor();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( iParentNode )
+ {
+ return ( ( CSvgElementImpl * ) iParentNode )->CurrentColor();
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+void CSvgElementImpl::InitAllSvgStyleProperties(CSvgElementImpl* aElement)
+ if (aElement && aElement->ParentNode())
+ {
+ aElement->InitSvgJSRStyleProperties((CSvgElementImpl*)aElement->ParentNode());
+ }
+ if (aElement && aElement->iSvgStyleProperties && aElement->iSvgStyleProperties->Count() == KCSS_MAX_ATTR)
+ {
+ CSvgElementImpl* lChildElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)aElement->FirstChild();
+ if ( lChildElement )
+ {
+ InitAllSvgStyleProperties( lChildElement );
+ }
+ CSvgElementImpl* lSiblingElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)aElement->NextSibling();
+ if ( lSiblingElement )
+ {
+ InitAllSvgStyleProperties( lSiblingElement );
+ }
+ }
+void CSvgElementImpl::InitSvgJSRStyleProperties(CSvgElementImpl* aParentElement)
+ if ( iSvgStyleProperties && iSvgStyleProperties->Count() == KCSS_MAX_ATTR )
+ {
+ // any non NULL values in the iSvgStyleProperties array should be kept and
+ // the NULL ones should be replaced by the parent values
+ if( aParentElement && aParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties)
+ {
+ TInt count = aParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->Count();
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+ {
+ CCssValue* lCssValue = aParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[]( i );
+ CCssValue* thisCssValue = this->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[]( i );
+ if( lCssValue && !thisCssValue )
+ {
+ // the parent had a property but we just had NULL, so lets inherit the parent property
+ (*iSvgStyleProperties)[i] = lCssValue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //this element must have a new value of its own in it so leave it alone
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::InitSvgStyleProperties( )
+ {
+ // all styles from all elements for the normal engine
+ // flow will be setup in this function
+ TInt err(KErrNone);
+ if( iSvgStyleProperties && iSvgStyleProperties->Count() == 0 )
+ {
+ CSvgElementImpl* lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)iParentNode;
+ while(lParentElement && ((lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties == NULL) || (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->Count() == 0)) )
+ {
+ lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)lParentElement->ParentNode ();
+ }
+ if( lParentElement )
+ {
+ TInt count = lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->Count();
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+ {
+ CCssValue* lCssValue = lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[]( i );
+ err = iSvgStyleProperties->Insert(lCssValue,i);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return err;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::FindProperty( const TInt8 aPropertyId,
+ CCssValue*& aCssValue,
+ CSvgElementImpl* aElement )
+ {
+ if (aElement != NULL)
+ aElement->FindProperty(aPropertyId, aCssValue);
+ else
+ FindProperty(aPropertyId, aCssValue);
+ }
+void CSvgElementImpl::FindProperty( const TInt8 aPropertyId,
+ CCssValue*& aCssValue)
+ {
+ if( iSvgStyleProperties && iSvgStyleProperties->Count() > aPropertyId)
+ {
+ aCssValue = iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aPropertyId);
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetTransform( MSvgTransformList*& aTransformList )
+ {
+ if( !iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ // iSvgTransformable should not be NULL (created by subclass)
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iSvgTransformable = CSvgTransformableImpl::NewL() );
+ }
+ if( iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ iSvgTransformable->SetTransform( aTransformList );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::GetTransform( MSvgTransformList*& aTransformList )
+ {
+ if( !iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ // iSvgTransformable should not be NULL (created by subclass)
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iSvgTransformable = CSvgTransformableImpl::NewL() );
+ }
+ if( iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ iSvgTransformable->GetTransform( aTransformList );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TGfxAffineTransform& CSvgElementImpl::GetCTM()
+ {
+ if( !iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ // iSvgTransformable should not be NULL (created by subclass)
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iSvgTransformable = CSvgTransformableImpl::NewL() );
+ }
+ return( iSvgTransformable->GetCTM() );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetCTM( TGfxAffineTransform& aTr )
+ {
+ if( !iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ // iSvgTransformable should not be NULL (created by subclass)
+ TRAP_IGNORE( iSvgTransformable = CSvgTransformableImpl::NewL() );
+ }
+ if( iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ iSvgTransformable->SetCTM( aTr );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+ RDebug::Printf("CSvgElementImpl::SetCTM element %d wasnt transformable CTM not set", this->ElemID());
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetGCL( CGfx2dGc* aGc)
+ {
+ TSvgColor* lStroke = NULL;
+ MGfxPaint* lFill = NULL;
+ TGfxStroke lStrokeC;
+ TFloatFixPt lStrokeWidth = 1;
+ TPtrC lFillRule; // Should be a defined constant for nonzero
+ TPtrC lSLinecap; // Should be a defined constant for linecap
+ TPtrC lSLinejoin; // Should be a defined constant for linejoin
+ TInt lFontStyle = -1; // Should be a defined constant for fontstyle
+ TFloatFixPt lFontSize = 10; // Should be a defined constant for fontstyle
+ TInt lFontWeight = -1; // Should be a defined constant for fontweight
+ TInt lTextanchor = -1;
+ TInt lTextDecoration = -1;
+ TFloatFixPt lDashOffset = 0;
+ TFloatFixPt lSMiterlimit; // Should be a defined constant for strokemiterlimit
+ CArrayFix<TFloatFixPt>* lDasharray = NULL;
+ CCssValue* lCssValue = NULL;
+ // Get fill color
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_FILL, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ // Currently only TSvgColor is represented by PaintCssValue
+ // It will be extended to handle CGfxTexturePaint and CGfxGradientPaint
+ lFill = ( ( CPaintCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value();
+ // Set fill color
+ if(lFill)
+ {
+ if (lFill->GetColor() == KSvgCurrentColor )
+ {
+ lFill = CurrentColor();
+ if (lFill && lFill->GetColor() != KGfxColorNull )
+ {
+ aGc->SetPaint( lFill );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aGc->SetPaint( NULL );
+ }
+ }
+ else if (lFill->GetColor() != KGfxColorNull )
+ {
+ aGc->SetPaint( lFill );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aGc->SetPaint( NULL );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aGc->SetPaint( NULL );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TSvgColor black ( 0 );
+ aGc->SetPaint( &black );
+ }
+ // this is just regular opacity which needs to be an entire elements opacity
+ // Opacity set using stroke and fill opacity
+ CCssValue* lOpacityCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_GROUP_OPACITY, lOpacityCssValue);
+ if ( lOpacityCssValue && ( ((CFloatCssValueImpl*)lOpacityCssValue)->Value() < TFloatFixPt(1) ) )
+ {
+ aGc->SetStrokeOpacity( ( ( CFloatCssValueImpl * ) lOpacityCssValue )->Value() );
+ aGc->SetFillOpacity( ( ( CFloatCssValueImpl * ) lOpacityCssValue )->Value() );
+ }
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_STROKE_OPACITY, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ TFloatFixPt lValue = ( ( CFloatCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value();
+ aGc->SetStrokeOpacity( lValue );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aGc->SetStrokeOpacity(1);
+ }
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_FILL_OPACITY, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ TFloatFixPt lValue = ( ( CFloatCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value();
+ aGc->SetFillOpacity( lValue );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aGc->SetFillOpacity(1);
+ }
+ // Get stroke color
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_STROKE, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ lStroke = ( ( CClrCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value();
+ // Set stroke color
+ if ( lStroke && lStroke->GetColor () == KSvgCurrentColor )
+ {
+ lStroke = CurrentColor();
+ if(lStroke)
+ {
+ aGc->SetForegroundColor( *lStroke );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( lStroke )
+ {
+ aGc->SetForegroundColor( *lStroke );
+ }
+ }
+ // Get stroke-width
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_STROKEWIDTH, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ lStrokeWidth = ( ( CFloatCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value();
+ if (lStrokeWidth <= TFloatFixPt(0))
+ {
+ lStrokeC.SetStrokeWidth( TFloatFixPt(0) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Set stroke-width
+ lStrokeC.SetStrokeWidth( lStrokeWidth );
+ }
+ }
+ // Get and set fill-rule
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_FILLRULE, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ lFillRule.Set( ( ( CStrCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value() );
+ if ( lFillRule == _L("evenodd" ) )// evenodd
+ {
+ aGc->SetWindingRule( EGfxWindEvenOdd );
+ }
+ else if ( lFillRule == _L("nonzero") )
+ {
+ aGc->SetWindingRule( EGfxWindNonZero );
+ }
+ }
+ // Get and set stroke-linecap
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_STROKE_LINECAP, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ lSLinecap.Set( ( ( CStrCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value() );
+ if (lSLinecap == _L("butt"))
+ {
+ lStrokeC.SetCapType( EGfxCapButt );
+ }
+ else if (lSLinecap == _L("round"))
+ {
+ lStrokeC.SetCapType( EGfxCapRound );
+ }
+ else if (lSLinecap == _L("square"))
+ {
+ lStrokeC.SetCapType( EGfxCapSquare );
+ }
+ }
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_STROKE_LINEJOIN, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ lSLinejoin.Set( ( ( CStrCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value() );
+ if (lSLinejoin == _L("miter"))
+ {
+ lStrokeC.SetJoinType( EGfxJoinMiter );
+ }
+ else if (lSLinejoin == _L("round"))
+ {
+ lStrokeC.SetJoinType( EGfxJoinRound );
+ }
+ else if (lSLinejoin == _L("bevel"))
+ {
+ lStrokeC.SetJoinType( EGfxJoinBevel );
+ }
+ }
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_STROKE_DASHOFFSET, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ lDashOffset = ( ( CFloatCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value();
+ // Set dashoffset into GC
+ aGc->SetDashOffset( lDashOffset );
+ }
+ // Get and set stroke-dasharray
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_STROKE_DASHARRAY, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ ( ( CVectorCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value( lDasharray );
+ // Set stroke-dasharray into GC
+ aGc->SetDashArrayL( lDasharray );
+ }
+ // get and set stroke-miterlimit
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_STROKE_MITERLIMIT, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ lSMiterlimit = ( ( CFloatCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value();
+ lStrokeC.SetMiterLimit(lSMiterlimit);
+ }
+ if( iElemID == KSvgTextAreaElement || iElemID == KSvgTextElement)
+ {
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_FONTSIZE, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ lFontSize = ( ( CFloatCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value();
+ if(lFontSize <= TFloatFixPt ( 0 ) )
+ {
+ lFontSize = TFloatFixPt ( 10 );
+ }
+ #else
+ if(lFontSize <= TFloatFixPt ( 0,ETrue ) )
+ lFontSize = TFloatFixPt ( 10 );
+ #endif
+ aGc->SetFontSize( lFontSize );
+ }
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_FONTSTYLE, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ lFontStyle = ( ( CIntCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value();
+ aGc->SetFontStyle( lFontStyle );
+ }
+ // Get and set font-weight
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_FONTWEIGHT, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ lFontWeight = ( ( CIntCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value();
+ aGc->SetFontWeight( lFontWeight );
+ }
+ // Get and set text-anchor
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_TEXTANCHOR, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ lTextanchor = ( ( CIntCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value();
+ aGc->SetTextanchor( lTextanchor );
+ }
+ // Get and set text-decoration
+ lCssValue = NULL;
+ FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_TEXTDECORATION, lCssValue);
+ if ( lCssValue )
+ {
+ lTextDecoration = ( ( CIntCssValueImpl * ) lCssValue )->Value();
+ aGc->SetTextDecoration( lTextDecoration );
+ }
+ }
+ // Sset the stroke into the graphics library now that we are done
+ aGc->SetStroke( lStrokeC );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::UpdateCTM( )
+ CSvgDocumentImpl* lDocument = (CSvgDocumentImpl*)(this->OwnerDocument());
+ if ( !lDocument )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ TInt lElementId = this->ElemID();
+ if( this->IsTransformable() )
+ {
+ MSvgTransformList* trList;
+ // Current delta transformation due to animation, etc.
+ TGfxAffineTransform localUserSpace;
+ // Element's CTM
+ TGfxAffineTransform lCurrentTM;
+ // we do not need this for the radial and linear Gradient Element.
+ //
+ if ( this != lDocument->RootElement()
+ && !(lElementId == KSvgLinearGradientElement
+ || lElementId == KSvgRadialGradientElement ))
+ {
+ CSvgElementImpl* lParentEl = ( CSvgElementImpl* )this->ParentNode();
+ while (lParentEl && !(lParentEl->IsTransformable()) )
+ {
+ lParentEl = ( CSvgElementImpl* )lParentEl->ParentNode();
+ }
+ if( lParentEl )
+ {
+ lCurrentTM = lParentEl->GetCTM();
+ }
+ }
+ this->GetTransform( trList );
+ localUserSpace = trList->Consolidate( IsOverwriteTransforms() );
+ lCurrentTM.Concatenate( localUserSpace );
+ if(lElementId == KSvgUseElement)
+ {
+ lCurrentTM.Translate(((CSvgUseElementImpl *)this)->X(),((CSvgUseElementImpl *)this)->Y() );
+ }
+ /* else if(lElementId == KSvgAnimationElement)
+ {
+ lCurrentTM.Translate(((CSvgAnimationElementImpl *)this)->X(),((CSvgAnimationElementImpl *)this)->Y() );
+ }*/
+ else if ( lElementId == KSvgSvgElement )
+ {
+ // Viewbox
+ CSvgSvgElementImpl* tmpSvgEl = ( CSvgSvgElementImpl* )
+ this;
+ TGfxRectangle2D tmpRect ( tmpSvgEl->X(),
+ tmpSvgEl->Y(),
+ tmpSvgEl->Width(),
+ tmpSvgEl->Height() );
+ // Add stop for bogus viewports being set if the SVG element hasn't been set
+ // from the Java side.
+ if (tmpRect.iWidth >= TFloatFixPt(0) && tmpRect.iHeight >= TFloatFixPt(0))
+ {
+ tmpSvgEl->SetWindowViewportTrans( tmpRect, lCurrentTM );
+ }
+ }
+ this->SetCTM( lCurrentTM );
+ }
+ CSvgElementImpl*lNewElement = ( CSvgElementImpl* )
+ this->FirstChild();
+ while ( lNewElement != NULL )
+ {
+ lNewElement->UpdateCTM();
+ lNewElement = ( CSvgElementImpl * ) lNewElement->NextSibling();
+ }
+// *******************************************************
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MSvgTests
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::GetRequiredFeatures( const CDesCArrayFlat*& aRequiredFeatures )
+ {
+ if( iSvgTests )
+ {
+ iSvgTests->GetRequiredFeatures( aRequiredFeatures );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::GetRequiredExtensions( const CDesCArrayFlat*& aRequiredExtensions )
+ {
+ if( iSvgTests )
+ {
+ iSvgTests->GetRequiredExtensions( aRequiredExtensions );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// returns false if system language was empty string
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::GetSystemLanguage( const CDesCArrayFlat*& aSystemLanguage )
+ {
+ if( iSvgTests )
+ {
+ return (iSvgTests->GetSystemLanguage( aSystemLanguage ));
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::HasExtension( const TDesC& aExtension )
+ {
+ if( iSvgTests )
+ {
+ return iSvgTests->HasExtension( aExtension );
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::HasAnyTests( )
+ {
+ if( iSvgTests )
+ {
+ return iSvgTests->HasAnyTests( );
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::HasFeature( const TDesC& aFeature )
+ {
+ if( iSvgTests )
+ {
+ return iSvgTests->HasFeature( aFeature );
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::SetTestAttributeL( const TDesC& aPropertyName,
+ const TDesC& aValue )
+ {
+ _LIT( KRequiredFeatures, "requiredFeatures" );
+ _LIT( KRequiredExtensions, "requiredExtensions" );
+ _LIT( KSystemLanguage, "systemLanguage" );
+ if (aPropertyName == KRequiredFeatures || aPropertyName == KRequiredExtensions || aPropertyName == KSystemLanguage)
+ {
+ if (!iSvgTests)
+ {
+ iSvgTests = CSvgTestsImpl::NewL();
+ }
+ return iSvgTests->SetTestAttributeL( aPropertyName, aValue );
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::CreateSvgTestL(const TUint16 aAttrName)
+ if (aAttrName == KAtrRequiredFeatures || aAttrName == KAtrRequiredExtensions || aAttrName == KAtrSystemLanguage)
+ {
+ if (!iSvgTests)
+ {
+ iSvgTests = CSvgTestsImpl::NewL();
+ }
+ }
+// *******************************************************
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MSvgLangSpace.h
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& CSvgElementImpl::XMLLang()
+ {
+ if( iSvgLangSpace )
+ {
+ return iSvgLangSpace->XMLLang();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KNullDesC;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::SetXMLLangL( const TDesC& aXMLLang )
+ {
+ if( iSvgLangSpace )
+ {
+ iSvgLangSpace->SetXMLLangL( aXMLLang );
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& CSvgElementImpl::XMLSpace()
+ {
+ if( iSvgLangSpace )
+ {
+ return iSvgLangSpace->XMLSpace();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KNullDesC;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::SetXMLSpaceL( const TDesC& aXMLSpace )
+ {
+ if( iSvgLangSpace )
+ {
+ iSvgLangSpace->SetXMLSpaceL( aXMLSpace );
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::SetLangSpaceAttributeL( const TDesC& aPropertyName,
+ const TDesC& aValue )
+ _LIT( KXMLLang, "xml:lang" );
+ _LIT( KXMLSpace, "xml:space" );
+ if (aPropertyName == KXMLLang || aPropertyName == KXMLSpace)
+ {
+ if (!iSvgLangSpace)
+ {
+ iSvgLangSpace = CSvgLangSpaceImpl::NewL();
+ }
+ return iSvgLangSpace->SetLangSpaceAttributeL( aPropertyName, aValue );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::SetXlinkAttributeL( const TDesC& aPropertyName,
+ const TDesC& aValue )
+ {
+ if( iSvgUriReferenceImpl )
+ {
+ return iSvgUriReferenceImpl->SetXlinkAttributeL( aPropertyName, aValue );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& CSvgElementImpl::Href()
+ {
+ if( iSvgUriReferenceImpl )
+ {
+ return iSvgUriReferenceImpl->Href();
+ }
+ return KNullDesC;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TDesC* CSvgElementImpl::HrefPointer()
+ {
+ if( iSvgUriReferenceImpl )
+ {
+ return iSvgUriReferenceImpl->HrefPointer();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& CSvgElementImpl::XlinkShow()
+ {
+ if(iSvgUriReferenceImpl )
+ {
+ return iSvgUriReferenceImpl->XlinkShow();
+ }
+ return KNullDesC;
+ }
+// *******************************************************
+// From MSvgEventReceiver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::ReceiveEventL( MSvgEvent* aEvent, const TUint16 aSubEventMask )
+ {
+ CSvgEngineImpl* engine = ( ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument() )->Engine();
+ // Accepts Internal event and mouse events
+ switch ( aEvent->EventType() )
+ {
+ case ESvgEngineInternalEvent:
+ break;
+ case ESvgEngineEventMouseDown:
+ case ESvgEngineEventMouseUp:
+ case ESvgEngineEventMouseMove:
+ {
+ // Check if pointer is inside of the element
+ MSvgUiMouseEvent* mevent = ( MSvgUiMouseEvent* ) aEvent;
+ //TGfxRectangle2D p(mevent->X(), mevent->Y(), 0,0);
+ TGfxPoint2D p ( mevent->X(), mevent->Y() );
+ TGfxRectangle2D bbox;
+ TInt32 lVisible;
+ TInt32 lDisplay;
+ this->GetAttributeIntL(KCSS_ATTR_VISIBILITY,lVisible);
+ this->GetAttributeIntL(KCSS_ATTR_DISPLAY,lDisplay);
+ GetBBox( bbox );
+ if ( bbox.Contains( p ) && lDisplay != 16 && lVisible == 0 )
+ {
+ // Invoke internal event
+ switch ( aEvent->EventType() )
+ {
+ case ESvgEngineEventMouseDown:
+ {
+ TSvgInternalEvent evt ( ESvgEventMousedown,
+ ( CSvgElementImpl* )
+ this );
+ engine->ProcessEventL(
+ ( CSvgDocumentImpl* )OwnerDocument(), &evt );
+ SetMouseDown( ETrue );
+ }
+ break;
+ case ESvgEngineEventMouseUp:
+ {
+ TSvgInternalEvent evt ( ESvgEventMouseup,
+ ( CSvgElementImpl* )
+ this );
+ engine->ProcessEventL(
+ ( CSvgDocumentImpl* )OwnerDocument(), &evt );
+ if ( IsMouseDown() )
+ {
+ // Check the aSubEventMask to know which event
+ // has occured
+ if(CanGenerateInternalEvent(aSubEventMask,ESvgEventActivate))
+ {
+ TSvgInternalEvent evt1 (
+ ESvgEventActivate,
+ ( CSvgElementImpl* )this );
+ engine->ProcessEventL(
+ ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument(),
+ &evt1 );
+ }
+ if ( CanGenerateInternalEvent(aSubEventMask,ESvgEventClick))
+ {
+ TSvgInternalEvent evt (
+ ESvgEventClick,
+ ( CSvgElementImpl* )this );
+ engine->ProcessEventL(
+ ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument(),
+ &evt );
+ }
+ }
+ SetMouseDown( EFalse );
+ }
+ break;
+ case ESvgEngineEventMouseMove:
+ {
+ engine->NotifyElementActivatedLinkEntered(this);
+ if ( CanGenerateInternalEvent(aSubEventMask,ESvgEventMousemove) )
+ {
+ TSvgInternalEvent evt1(
+ ESvgEventMousemove,
+ ( CSvgElementImpl* )this );
+ engine->ProcessEventL(
+ ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument(),
+ &evt1 );
+ }
+ if ( !IsMouseIn() )
+ {
+ engine->NotifyInteractiveElementEntered(this);
+ // Check the aSubEventMask to know which event
+ // has occured
+ if ( CanGenerateInternalEvent(aSubEventMask,ESvgEventMouseover) )
+ {
+ TSvgInternalEvent evt (
+ ESvgEventMouseover,
+ ( CSvgElementImpl* )this );
+ engine->ProcessEventL(
+ ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument(),
+ &evt );
+ }
+ if ( CanGenerateInternalEvent(aSubEventMask,ESvgEventFocusin) )
+ {
+ TSvgInternalEvent evt2 (
+ ESvgEventFocusin,
+ ( CSvgElementImpl* )this );
+ engine->ProcessEventL(
+ ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument(),
+ &evt2 );
+ }
+ }
+ SetMouseIn( ETrue );
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ engine->NotifyElementActivatedLinkExited(this);
+ // if state was 'mouse down'then reset the state
+ SetMouseDown( EFalse );
+ // if state was 'mouse in' and event is ESvgEngineEventMouseMove,
+ // invoke mouseout event
+ //MouseMove: in case of scrolling over a element focusOut events must
+ // be generated
+ //MouseDown: In touch cases, if you tap on a element and then tap outside
+ // then a focusout event must be generated
+ if ( IsMouseIn() &&
+ (aEvent->EventType() == ESvgEngineEventMouseMove || aEvent->EventType() == ESvgEngineEventMouseDown )
+ )
+ {
+ // Check the aSubEventMask to know whether any valid bit
+ // is set
+ if(engine->Document()->IsValidSubEventMask(aSubEventMask))
+ {
+ engine->NotifyInteractiveElementExited(this);
+ }
+ if ( CanGenerateInternalEvent(
+ aSubEventMask,ESvgEventMouseout ) )
+ {
+ TSvgInternalEvent mouseOutEvent (
+ ESvgEventMouseout, this );
+ engine->ProcessEventL(
+ ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument(),
+ &mouseOutEvent );
+ }
+ if ( CanGenerateInternalEvent(
+ aSubEventMask,ESvgEventFocusout))
+ {
+ TSvgInternalEvent focusOutEvent (
+ ESvgEventFocusout, this );
+ engine->ProcessEventL(
+ ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument(),
+ &focusOutEvent );
+ }
+ }
+ SetMouseIn( EFalse );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ // *******************************************************
+// From MSvgEventReceiver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::ReceiveEventL( MSvgEvent* /*aEvent*/ )
+ {
+ // Dummy implementation
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// *******************************************************
+// From MXmlElementOpt
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::GetAttributeIntL( const TInt aNameId, TInt32& aValue )
+ {
+ CCssValue* lCssValue = NULL;
+ if( aNameId == KAtrAnimMotionMatrixIndex )
+ {
+ aValue = AnimateMotionMatrixIndexL();
+ }
+ else if(aNameId== KAtrAnimTransformMatrixIndex)
+ {
+ aValue = AnimateTransformMatrixIndexL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( (aNameId >= KCSS_MAX_ATTR || aNameId < 0))
+ {
+ return KErrInvalidAttribute;
+ }
+ if (iSvgStyleProperties == NULL )
+ {
+ //if the style properties havent been set then just get a default one to be safe
+ GetDefaultAttributeL(aNameId, lCssValue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lCssValue = iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId);
+ }
+ if( lCssValue )
+ {
+ aValue = (( CIntCssValueImpl* )lCssValue)->Value();
+ if( aNameId == KCSS_ATTR_FILL )
+ {
+ MGfxPaint* lPaintValue = (MGfxPaint *)((( CPaintCssValueImpl* )lCssValue)->Value());
+ /*
+ if(lPaintValue && lPaintValue->GetColor()== KSvgCurrentColor)
+ {
+ lPaintValue = CurrentColor();
+ aValue = lPaintValue->GetColor();
+ }
+ else*/ if(lPaintValue)
+ {
+ aValue = lPaintValue->GetColor();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(aNameId == KCSS_ATTR_STROKE || aNameId == KCSS_ATTR_COLOR)
+ {
+ TSvgColor *lColorValue = (( CClrCssValueImpl* )lCssValue)->Value();
+ if(lColorValue)
+ {
+ aValue = lColorValue->GetColor();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::SetAttributeIntL( const TInt aNameId,
+ const TInt32 aValue )
+ {
+ CSvgDocumentImpl* doc = ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument();
+ if (!doc)
+ {
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+ if( aNameId >= KCSS_MAX_ATTR || (iSvgStyleProperties == NULL))
+ {
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+ CSvgElementImpl* lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)ParentNode ();
+ while(lParentElement && (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties == NULL))
+ {
+ lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)lParentElement->ParentNode ();
+ }
+ switch(aNameId)
+ {
+ {
+ CPaintCssValueImpl* tValue = (CPaintCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId));
+ CPaintCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL ;
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement )
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CPaintCssValueImpl *)(lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId));
+ }
+ if( tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL) //Not Yet set
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssPaintObjectL();
+ CCssValue* oldValue = iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId);
+ PropagateToChildren( oldValue, tValue, aNameId );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId) = tValue;
+ }
+ tValue->SetValueL( aValue );
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ CClrCssValueImpl* tValue = (CClrCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId));
+ CClrCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL ;
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement)
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CClrCssValueImpl *)(lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId));
+ }
+ if( tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL) //Not Yet set
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssClrObjectL();
+ CCssValue* oldValue = iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId);
+ PropagateToChildren( oldValue, tValue, aNameId );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId) = tValue;
+ }
+ tValue->SetValueL( aValue );
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId));
+ if( tValue != NULL && tValue->Value() == aValue )
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ CIntCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL ;
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement )
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)(lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId));
+ }
+ if( tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL) //Not Yet set
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssIntObjectL();
+ CCssValue* oldValue = iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId);
+ PropagateToChildren( oldValue, tValue, aNameId );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId) = tValue;
+ }
+ if( lParentElement && aValue == KInherit )
+ {
+ //tParentValue = (CIntCssValueImpl *)(lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId));
+ //(*iSvgStyleProperties)[aNameId]= tParentValue;
+ if(tParentValue)
+ tValue->SetValueL(tParentValue->Value());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tValue->SetValueL( aValue );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::GetAttributeFloat( const TInt aNameId, TFloatFixPt& aValue )
+ {
+ CCssValue* lCssValue = NULL;
+ if((aNameId < KCSS_MAX_ATTR) && iSvgStyleProperties )
+ {
+ lCssValue = iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId);
+ if( lCssValue )
+ {
+ aValue = (( CFloatCssValueImpl * )lCssValue)->Value();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, GetDefaultAttributeL(aNameId, lCssValue));
+ if (err)
+ {
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+ RDebug::Printf("CSvgElementImpl::GetAttributeFloat: Error trapped=%d", err);
+ #endif
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+ aValue = (( CFloatCssValueImpl * )lCssValue)->Value();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::SetAttributeFloatL( const TInt aNameId,
+ const TFloatFixPt aValue )
+ {
+ CSvgDocumentImpl* doc = ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument();
+ if (!doc)
+ {
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+ if(aNameId < KCSS_MAX_ATTR && iSvgStyleProperties)
+ {
+ CSvgElementImpl* lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)ParentNode ();
+ while(lParentElement && (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties == NULL))
+ {
+ lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)lParentElement->ParentNode ();
+ }
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* tValue = (CFloatCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId));
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL ;
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement)
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CFloatCssValueImpl *)(lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId));
+ }
+ if( tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL) //Not Yet set
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssFloatObjectL();
+ CCssValue* oldValue = iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId);
+ PropagateToChildren( oldValue, tValue, aNameId );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId) = tValue;
+ }
+ return tValue->SetValueL( aValue );
+ }
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+void CSvgElementImpl::GetSvgStylePropertiesArray( RPointerArray<CCssValue>*& aSvgStyleProperties)
+ {
+ aSvgStyleProperties = iSvgStyleProperties;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::GetAttributePath( const TInt /* aNameId */,
+ CGfxGeneralPath*& /* aValue */ )
+ {
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::SetAttributePathL( const TInt /*aNameId */,
+ CGfxGeneralPath* /* aValue */ )
+ {
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::SetAttributePathRef( const TInt /*aNameId */,
+ CGfxGeneralPath*& /* aValue */ )
+ {
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::GetAttributeDes( const TInt aNameId, TPtrC16& aValue )
+ {
+ CCssValue* lCssValue = NULL;
+ if(aNameId < KCSS_MAX_ATTR && iSvgStyleProperties)
+ {
+ lCssValue = iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId);
+ if( lCssValue )
+ {
+ aValue.Set( (( CStrCssValueImpl * )lCssValue)->Value() );
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TBool defaultAttr = EFalse;
+ TRAPD(err, defaultAttr = GetDefaultAttributeL(aNameId, lCssValue));
+ if (err)
+ {
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+ RDebug::Printf("CSvgElementImpl::GetAttributeDes: Error trapped=%d", err);
+ #endif
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+ if (defaultAttr && lCssValue)
+ {
+ aValue.Set( (( CStrCssValueImpl * )lCssValue)->Value() );
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+ }
+ // This is added for JSR API's and this is helpful for testing of the JSR API's
+ if(aNameId == KAtrId)
+ {
+ if( Id() )
+ {
+ aValue.Set( *Id() );
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::SetAttributeDesL( const TInt aNameId,
+ const TDesC& aValue )
+ {
+ CSvgDocumentImpl* doc = ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument();
+ if (!doc)
+ {
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+ if(aNameId < KCSS_MAX_ATTR && iSvgStyleProperties)
+ {
+ CSvgElementImpl* lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)ParentNode ();
+ while(lParentElement && (lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties == NULL))
+ {
+ lParentElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)lParentElement->ParentNode ();
+ }
+ CStrCssValueImpl* tValue = (CStrCssValueImpl *)(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId));
+ CStrCssValueImpl* tParentValue = NULL ;
+ if( this != doc->RootElement() && lParentElement)
+ {
+ tParentValue = (CStrCssValueImpl *)(lParentElement->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId));
+ }
+ if( tParentValue == tValue || tValue == NULL) //Not Yet set
+ {
+ tValue = doc->iMemoryManager->GetCssStrObjectL(KNullDesC);
+ CCssValue* oldValue = iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId);
+ PropagateToChildren( oldValue, tValue, aNameId );
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId) = tValue;
+ }
+ return tValue->SetValueL( aValue );
+ }
+ // the following code is added to modify the Id. This might be needed for the JSR API's
+ if(aNameId == KAtrId)
+ {
+ delete iId;
+ iId = NULL;
+ iId = aValue.AllocL();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ return KErrNoAttribute;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Internal public method (public but not exported)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt32 CSvgElementImpl::AnimateMotionMatrixIndexL()
+ {
+ if ( iAnimateMotionMatrixIndex < 0 && iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ TGfxAffineTransform ident;
+ MSvgTransformList* trList;
+ this->GetTransform( trList );
+ trList->AppendItemL( ident, ETrue, ETrue ); // Set identity transform
+ iAnimateMotionMatrixIndex = ( TInt16 ) ( trList->NumberOfItems() - 1 );// Keep index in list for this anim element
+ }
+ return iAnimateMotionMatrixIndex;
+ }
+TInt32 CSvgElementImpl::AnimateTransformMatrixIndexL()
+ {
+ if ( iAnimateTransformMatrixIndex < 0 && iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ TGfxAffineTransform ident;
+ MSvgTransformList* trList;
+ this->GetTransform( trList );
+ trList->AppendItemL( ident, ETrue, 2); // Set identity transform
+ iAnimateTransformMatrixIndex = trList->NumberOfItems() - 1;// Keep index in list for this anim element */
+ }
+ return iAnimateTransformMatrixIndex;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::GetBBox( TGfxRectangle2D& /*aBbox*/ )
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::GetUnscaledBBox( TGfxRectangle2D& /*aBbox*/ )
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::ResetReferenceElementL()
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// perform a deep clone of this object
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MXmlElement* CSvgElementImpl::CloneL(MXmlElement*)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// copy the contents of this object to the passed object
+// this method assumes that the passed object has already been
+// created using the proper NewL method.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgElementImpl::CopyL( CSvgElementImpl* aDestElement )
+ {
+ if(aDestElement)
+ {
+ if( iSvgStyleProperties )
+ {
+ aDestElement->iSvgStyleProperties->Reset();
+ CloneSvgStylePropertiesL(aDestElement,(CSvgElementImpl *)(aDestElement->ParentNode()));
+ }
+ // copy iSvgTransformable (CSvgTransformableImpl)
+ if( iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ if ( aDestElement->iSvgTransformable != NULL )
+ {
+ delete aDestElement->iSvgTransformable;
+ aDestElement->iSvgTransformable = NULL;
+ }
+ aDestElement->iSvgTransformable = this->iSvgTransformable->CloneL();
+ }
+ // copy iSvgTests (CSvgTestImpl)
+ if( iSvgTests )
+ {
+ if ( aDestElement->iSvgTests != NULL )
+ {
+ delete aDestElement->iSvgTests;
+ aDestElement->iSvgTests = NULL;
+ }
+ aDestElement->iSvgTests = this->iSvgTests->CloneL();
+ }
+ // copy iSvgUriReferenceImpl (CSvgUriReferenceImpl)
+ if( iSvgUriReferenceImpl )
+ {
+ if ( aDestElement->iSvgUriReferenceImpl != NULL )
+ {
+ delete aDestElement->iSvgUriReferenceImpl;
+ aDestElement->iSvgUriReferenceImpl = NULL;
+ }
+ aDestElement->iSvgUriReferenceImpl = this->iSvgUriReferenceImpl->CloneL();
+ }
+ // copy iSvgLangSpace (CSvgLangSpaceImpl)
+ if( iSvgLangSpace )
+ {
+ if ( aDestElement->iSvgLangSpace != NULL )
+ {
+ delete aDestElement->iSvgLangSpace;
+ aDestElement->iSvgLangSpace = NULL;
+ }
+ aDestElement->iSvgLangSpace = this->iSvgLangSpace->CloneL();
+ }
+ // copy Id (iId)
+ if( iId )
+ {
+ aDestElement->SetAttributeDesL( KAtrId, *iId );
+ }
+ // copy stuff from superclass
+ this->CXmlElementImpl::CopyL(aDestElement);
+ }
+ }
+void CSvgElementImpl::PropagateToChildren( CCssValue *oldValue, CCssValue *newValue, const TInt aNameId )
+ {
+ CSvgElementImpl *lChild = (CSvgElementImpl *)FirstChild();
+ while(lChild)
+ {
+ if( lChild->iSvgStyleProperties )
+ {
+ if( lChild->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId) == oldValue)
+ {
+ lChild->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId) = newValue;
+ if( lChild->FirstChild() )
+ {
+ lChild = (CSvgElementImpl *)lChild->FirstChild();
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( lChild->FirstChild() )
+ {
+ lChild = (CSvgElementImpl *)lChild->FirstChild();
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if( lChild->NextSibling() )
+ {
+ lChild = (CSvgElementImpl *)lChild->NextSibling();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lChild = (CSvgElementImpl *)lChild->ParentNode();
+ while( lChild != this && lChild->NextSibling() == NULL )
+ {
+ lChild = (CSvgElementImpl *)lChild->ParentNode();
+ }
+ if( lChild == this )
+ {
+ lChild = NULL ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lChild = (CSvgElementImpl *)(lChild->NextSibling());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CSvgElementImpl::CloneSvgStylePropertiesL( CSvgElementImpl* aNewChild, CSvgElementImpl* aParentElement)
+ {
+ CSvgDocumentImpl* doc = (CSvgDocumentImpl*)OwnerDocument();
+ if (!doc)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if( iSvgStyleProperties )
+ {
+ TInt count = iSvgStyleProperties->Count();
+ CSvgElementImpl* lTmpParent = (CSvgElementImpl*)ParentNode ();
+ while(lTmpParent && (lTmpParent->iSvgStyleProperties == NULL))
+ {
+ lTmpParent = (CSvgElementImpl*)lTmpParent->ParentNode ();
+ }
+ RPointerArray<CCssValue>*lSvgStyleProperties = NULL;
+ ( ( CSvgElementImpl * ) aNewChild )->GetSvgStylePropertiesArray( lSvgStyleProperties );
+ CSvgElementImpl* lTmpCloneParent = aParentElement;
+ while(lTmpCloneParent && (lTmpCloneParent->iSvgStyleProperties == NULL))
+ {
+ lTmpCloneParent = (CSvgElementImpl*)lTmpCloneParent->ParentNode ();
+ }
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+ {
+ if( lTmpParent && (lTmpParent->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[]( i ) == iSvgStyleProperties->operator[]( i )) )
+ {
+ CCssValue* lCssValue = NULL;
+ if( lTmpCloneParent )
+ {
+ lCssValue = lTmpCloneParent->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[]( i );
+ }
+ lSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lCssValue,i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CCssValue* lCssValue = (iSvgStyleProperties->operator[]( i ));
+ CCssValue* lCssValueCloned = doc->iMemoryManager->CloneCssValueL(lCssValue);
+ lSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lCssValueCloned,i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CSvgElementImpl::ResetReferenceAttrSet()
+ {
+ if( iAnimateAttrSet )
+ {
+ iAnimateAttrSet->Close();
+ delete iAnimateAttrSet;
+ iAnimateAttrSet = NULL ;
+ }
+ }
+// functions for encoding
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetTransformList(TGfxAffineTransform& aTr)
+ {
+ if( iSvgTransformable )
+ {
+ iSvgTransformable->SetTransformList(aTr);
+ }
+ }
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetRequiredFeatures( CDesCArrayFlat*& aRequiredFeatures )
+ {
+ if( iSvgTests )
+ {
+ iSvgTests->SetRequiredFeatures (aRequiredFeatures);
+ }
+ }
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetRequiredExtensions( CDesCArrayFlat*& aRequiredExtensions )
+ {
+ if( iSvgTests )
+ {
+ iSvgTests->SetRequiredExtensions (aRequiredExtensions);
+ }
+ }
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetSystemLanguage( CDesCArrayFlat*& aSystemLanguage )
+ {
+ if( iSvgTests )
+ {
+ iSvgTests->SetSystemLanguage (aSystemLanguage);
+ }
+ }
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::IsTransformable()
+ {
+ if( iSvgTransformable )
+ return ETrue;
+ else
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+TInt CSvgElementImpl::SetUriRefDesL( const TUint16 aNameId,
+ const TDesC& aValue )
+ {
+ if( iSvgUriReferenceImpl )
+ {
+ return iSvgUriReferenceImpl->SetUriRefDesL(aNameId, aValue);
+ }
+ return (TInt) EFalse;
+ }
+void CSvgElementImpl::Reset(MSvgEvent* /*aEvent*/)
+ {
+ }
+void CSvgElementImpl::ReInitializeAnimation()
+CGfxGeneralPath* CSvgElementImpl::GetPathAttribute(TInt /*aAttributeId*/)
+ return NULL;
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetPathAttribute(TInt /*aSvgAttrId*/, CGfxGeneralPath* /*aPathHandle*/)
+//this element has an animation associated with it
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::HasAnimation()
+ if (iHasAnimationBase)
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetIsAnimating( TBool aBool )
+ if ( aBool )
+ {
+ iBooleanFlags = iBooleanFlags | KAnimatingBit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iBooleanFlags = iBooleanFlags & ~KAnimatingBit;
+ }
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::IsAnimating()
+ return iBooleanFlags & KAnimatingBit;
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetTurnOff( TBool aBool )
+ if ( aBool )
+ {
+ iBooleanFlags = iBooleanFlags | KWasTurnedOffBit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iBooleanFlags = iBooleanFlags & ~KWasTurnedOffBit;
+ }
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::WasTurnedOff()
+ return iBooleanFlags & KWasTurnedOffBit;
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetOverwriteTransforms( TBool aBool )
+ if ( aBool )
+ {
+ iBooleanFlags = iBooleanFlags | KOverwriteTransformsBit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iBooleanFlags = iBooleanFlags & ~KOverwriteTransformsBit;
+ }
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::IsOverwriteTransforms()
+ return iBooleanFlags & KOverwriteTransformsBit;
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetAllAttributesAdded( TBool aBool )
+ if ( aBool )
+ {
+ iBooleanFlags = iBooleanFlags | KAllAttributesAddedBit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iBooleanFlags = iBooleanFlags & ~KAllAttributesAddedBit;
+ }
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::AreAllAttributesAdded()
+ return iBooleanFlags & KAllAttributesAddedBit;
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetMouseDown( TBool aBool )
+ if ( aBool )
+ {
+ iBooleanFlags = iBooleanFlags | KMouseDownBit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iBooleanFlags = iBooleanFlags & ~KMouseDownBit;
+ }
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::IsMouseDown()
+ return iBooleanFlags & KMouseDownBit;
+void CSvgElementImpl::SetMouseIn( TBool aBool )
+ if ( aBool )
+ {
+ iBooleanFlags = iBooleanFlags | KMouseInBit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iBooleanFlags = iBooleanFlags & ~KMouseInBit;
+ }
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::IsMouseIn()
+ return iBooleanFlags & KMouseInBit;
+void CSvgElementImpl::DeactivateAnimation()
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::DoAnimProcL(MSvgEvent* /*aEvent*/)
+return ETrue;
+void CSvgElementImpl ::PointToParent(const TInt aAttrId)
+ //this method doesnt look too good to me.
+ //especially since the OldPointer that is getting passed
+ //to PropagateToChildren is NULL
+ if(aAttrId < KCSS_MAX_ATTR && iSvgStyleProperties)
+ {
+ CSvgElementImpl* lTmpParent = (CSvgElementImpl*)ParentNode ();
+ if(lTmpParent)
+ {
+ if(iSvgStyleProperties->operator[]( aAttrId ) != lTmpParent->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aAttrId ))
+ {
+ //store the old value.
+ CCssValue *OldPointer = iSvgStyleProperties->operator[]( aAttrId );
+ //this deletion is no longer needed as the memory manager is in charge of this now
+ // set the pointer
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[]( aAttrId ) = lTmpParent->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aAttrId );
+ // update the child pointers to the previous values.
+ PropagateToChildren(OldPointer, lTmpParent->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aAttrId ), aAttrId );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::IsInherited(const TInt aAttrId)
+if(aAttrId < KCSS_MAX_ATTR && iSvgStyleProperties)
+ {
+ CSvgElementImpl* lTmpParent = (CSvgElementImpl*)ParentNode ();
+ if(lTmpParent && lTmpParent->iSvgStyleProperties)
+ {
+ return (iSvgStyleProperties->operator[]( aAttrId ) == lTmpParent->iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aAttrId ));
+ }
+ }
+return EFalse;
+//probably dont need this anymore
+void CSvgElementImpl::InitSvgStylePropertiesWithNullL()
+ for( int i=0; i < KCSS_MAX_ATTR; i++ )
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError( iSvgStyleProperties->Append( NULL ) );
+ }
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::IsVisible()
+ if ( !AreAllAttributesAdded() )
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ TInt32 visbilityValue = -1;
+ TInt lReturnValue = KErrGeneral;
+ TRAPD(err, lReturnValue = this->GetAttributeIntL( KCSS_ATTR_VISIBILITY, visbilityValue ));
+ if (err)
+ {
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+ RDebug::Printf("CSvgElementImpl::IsVisible() GetAttributeIntL error");
+ #endif
+ }
+ return ( ( lReturnValue == KErrNone) && (visbilityValue == 0) );
+void CSvgElementImpl::PrintStyleProperties( )
+ //prints all of the style properties out that this element has ahold of
+ #ifdef _DEBUG
+ if (!iSvgStyleProperties)
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CSvgElementImpl::PrintStyleProperties[%x]: NO STYLES FOUND", this);
+ return;
+ }
+ RDebug::Printf("----STYLES---");
+ for (TInt i=0; i<iSvgStyleProperties->Count(); i++)
+ {
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ RDebug::Printf("fill=\"");
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ RDebug::Printf("fill-opacity=\"");
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ RDebug::Printf("stroke-opacity=\"");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ RDebug::Printf("stroke=\"");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ RDebug::Printf("stroke-width=\"");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ RDebug::Printf("visibility=\"");
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ RDebug::Printf("font-family=\"");
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ RDebug::Printf("font-size=\"");
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ RDebug::Printf("font-style=\"");
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ RDebug::Printf("font-weight=\"");
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ RDebug::Printf("stroke-dasharray=\"");
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ RDebug::Printf("display=\"");
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ RDebug::Printf("fill-rule=\"");
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ RDebug::Printf("stroke-linecap=\"");
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ RDebug::Printf("stroke-linejoin=\"");
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ RDebug::Printf("stroke-dashoffset=\"");
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ RDebug::Printf("stroke-miterlimit=\"");
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ RDebug::Printf("color=\"");
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ RDebug::Printf("text-anchor=\"");
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ RDebug::Printf("text-decoration=\"");
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ RDebug::Printf("color-interpolation=\"");
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ RDebug::Printf("color-rendering=\"");
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ RDebug::Printf("letter-spacing=\"");
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ RDebug::Printf("word-spacing=\"");
+ break;
+ RDebug::Printf("group-opacity=\"");
+ break;
+ default:
+ RDebug::Printf("UNKNOWN STYLE FOUND!!");
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( iSvgStyleProperties->operator[]( i ) )
+ {
+ iSvgStyleProperties->operator[]( i )->Print();
+ RDebug::Printf("\"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //that style was empty
+ RDebug::Printf("EMPTY!!\"", i);
+ }
+ }
+ RDebug::Printf("---END OF STYLES---");
+ #endif
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::GetDefaultAttributeL( const TInt aNameId, CCssValue*& aValue )
+ CSvgDocumentImpl* lDocument = (CSvgDocumentImpl*)OwnerDocument();
+ if (!lDocument)
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ CSvgElementImpl* lRootElement = (CSvgElementImpl*)(lDocument->RootElement());
+ if (lRootElement)
+ {
+ RPointerArray<CCssValue>*lSvgStyleProperties = NULL;
+ lRootElement->GetSvgStylePropertiesArray(lSvgStyleProperties);
+ if (lSvgStyleProperties && lSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId) != NULL )
+ {
+ aValue = (CCssValue*)lSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId);
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ switch( aNameId )
+ {
+ // Initilaise Svg Element with default values
+ {
+ CPaintCssValueImpl* lPaintObject = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssPaintObjectL(_L("black"),(CSvgElementImpl *)this);
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lPaintObject, KCSS_ATTR_FILL );
+ }
+ {
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* lFloatObject5 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssFloatObjectL(_L("1"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lFloatObject5,KCSS_ATTR_FILL_OPACITY);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* lFloatObject6 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssFloatObjectL(_L("1"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lFloatObject6,KCSS_ATTR_STROKE_OPACITY);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CClrCssValueImpl* lClrObject = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssClrObjectL(_L("none"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lClrObject, KCSS_ATTR_STROKE);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* lFloatObject = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssFloatObjectL(_L("1"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lFloatObject, KCSS_ATTR_STROKEWIDTH);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CIntCssValueImpl* lIntObject = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssIntObjectL(_L("0"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lIntObject,KCSS_ATTR_VISIBILITY);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(NULL,KCSS_ATTR_FONTFAMILY);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* lFloatObject2 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssFloatObjectL(_L("10"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lFloatObject2 ,KCSS_ATTR_FONTSIZE);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CIntCssValueImpl* lIntObject2 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssIntObjectL(_L("0"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lIntObject2,KCSS_ATTR_FONTSTYLE);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CIntCssValueImpl* lIntObject3 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssIntObjectL(_L("0"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lIntObject3,KCSS_ATTR_FONTWEIGHT);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(NULL,KCSS_ATTR_STROKE_DASHARRAY);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ //set default to inline
+ CIntCssValueImpl* lIntObject4 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssIntObjectL(_L("0"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lIntObject4,KCSS_ATTR_DISPLAY);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CStrCssValueImpl* lStrObject1 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssStrObjectL(_L("nonzero"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lStrObject1,KCSS_ATTR_FILLRULE);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CStrCssValueImpl* lStrObject2 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssStrObjectL(_L("butt"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lStrObject2,KCSS_ATTR_STROKE_LINECAP);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CStrCssValueImpl* lStrObject3 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssStrObjectL(_L("miter"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lStrObject3,KCSS_ATTR_STROKE_LINEJOIN);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* lFloatObject3 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssFloatObjectL(_L("0"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lFloatObject3,KCSS_ATTR_STROKE_DASHOFFSET);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* lFloatObject4 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssFloatObjectL(_L("4"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lFloatObject4,KCSS_ATTR_STROKE_MITERLIMIT);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CClrCssValueImpl* lClrObject4 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssClrObjectL(_L("black"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lClrObject4,KCSS_ATTR_COLOR);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CIntCssValueImpl* lIntObject5 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssIntObjectL(_L("0"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lIntObject5,KCSS_ATTR_TEXTANCHOR);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CIntCssValueImpl* lIntObject6 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssIntObjectL(_L("-1"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lIntObject6,KCSS_ATTR_TEXTDECORATION);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(NULL,KCSS_ATTR_COLORRENDERING);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(NULL,KCSS_ATTR_LETTERSPACING);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(NULL,KCSS_ATTR_WORDSPACING);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ CFloatCssValueImpl* lFloatObject7 = lDocument->iMemoryManager->GetCssFloatObjectL(_L("1"));
+ iSvgStyleProperties->InsertL(lFloatObject7,KCSS_ATTR_GROUP_OPACITY);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ //don't know the element
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ aValue = (CCssValue*)iSvgStyleProperties->operator[](aNameId);
+ return ETrue;
+TFloatFixPt CSvgElementImpl::GetCurrentScale( )
+ const TGfxAffineTransform& ctm = GetCTM();
+ TGfxPoint2D ep( 1, 0 ), org( 2, 0 );
+ ctm.Transform( &ep, & ep, 1 );
+ ctm.Transform( &org, & org, 1 );
+ ep.iX -= org.iX;
+ ep.iY -= org.iY;
+ TFloatFixPt scale = TFloatFixPt::Sqrt( ep.iX * ep.iX + ep.iY * ep.iY );
+ // adjust for rounding error when rotated (and not scaled)
+ if ( scale < TFloatFixPt(1.0f) && scale > TFloatFixPt(0.998f) )
+ {
+ scale = TFloatFixPt(1.0f);
+ }
+ return scale;
+//ALL animated element types must be listed here
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::IsAnimatedElement( )
+ return ( iElemID == KSvgAnimateElement ||
+ iElemID == KSvgAnimateColorElement ||
+ iElemID == KSvgAnimateMotionElement ||
+ iElemID == KSvgAnimateTransformElement ||
+ iElemID == KSvgSetElement ||
+ //iElemID == KSvgDiscardElement || //discard has a begin but doesn't inherit from animationbase?
+ iElemID == KSvgAudioElement ||
+ iElemID == KSvgMediaAnimationElement );
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::CanGenerateInternalEvent(TUint16 aSubEventmask, TSvgEvent aEvent)
+ {
+ TUint16 tmp=aSubEventmask;
+ switch(aEvent)
+ {
+ case ESvgEventActivate:
+ tmp= tmp & ESvgInteractiveEventActivate;
+ break;
+ case ESvgEventClick:
+ tmp = tmp & ESvgInteractiveEventClick;
+ break;
+ case ESvgEventMouseover:
+ tmp = tmp & ESvgInteractiveEventMouseover;
+ break;
+ case ESvgEventMousemove:
+ tmp = tmp & ESvgInteractiveEventMousemove;
+ break;
+ case ESvgEventFocusin:
+ tmp = tmp & ESvgInteractiveEventFocusin;
+ break;
+ case ESvgEventMouseout:
+ tmp = tmp & ESvgInteractiveEventMouseout;
+ break;
+ case ESvgEventFocusout:
+ tmp = tmp & ESvgInteractiveEventFocusout;
+ break;
+ default:
+ tmp=0;
+ }
+ if(tmp)
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+TBool CSvgElementImpl::IsSVGEnginePaused()
+ CSvgEngineImpl* lEngine = ( ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument() )->Engine();
+ return ( lEngine->IsSVGEnginePaused() );