changeset 46 88edb906c587
child 17 443d52b01c62
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/svgtopt/nvgdecoder/src/TLVIconCreator.cpp	Wed Nov 03 18:56:10 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  NVG Decoder source file
+#include "TLVIconCreator.h"
+#include "MVGImageBinder.h"
+#include "NVGUtil.h"
+#include "NVGIconData.h"
+#include "NVGTLVIcon.h"
+#include "nvg.h"
+ * Length of each encoded OpenVG API in bytes. -1 if not pre known.
+ * The order here and in the enum TOpenVGAPI should be same.
+ */ 
+const TInt APICommandLength[] = 
+    {
+    16, //EvgClear
+     4, //EvgSeti
+     6, //EvgSetf
+    -1, //EvgSetfv
+     8, //EvgSetParameteri
+     10, //EvgSetParameterf
+    -1, //EvgSetParameterfv
+     8, //EvgSetColor
+     5, //EvgSetPaint
+    36, //EvgLoadMatrix
+    36, //EvgMultMatrix
+     0, //EvgLoadIdentity
+     8, //EvgScale
+     4, //EvgRotate
+     8, //EvgTranslate
+    -1, //EvgAppendPathData
+     6, //EvgDrawPath
+     6, //EvgClearPath
+    20, //EvguRect
+    20, //EvguEllipse
+    28, //EvguRoundRect
+    20, //EvguLine
+     4, //EvgCreatePaint
+    29, //EvgCreatePath
+     0, //EvgGetPixels
+     4, //EvgDestroyImage
+     0, //EvgDestroyPaint
+     0, //EvgDestroyPath
+    -1, //EvgSetiv
+    17, //EvgCreateImage
+     4, //EvgDrawImage
+    20, //EvgClearImage
+    -1, //EvgImageSubData
+     0, //EvgPrepareToBindImage
+     4, //EvgBindImage
+     0, //EvgUnBindImage
+     0  //EvgFlush
+    };
+CTLVIconCreator::CTLVIconCreator(TInt aWidth, TInt aHeight, CNVGTLVIcon * aNVGTLVIcon)
+        : 
+        iNVGDataPtr((TUint8 *)&aWidth, 1)
+    {
+    vgapi[EvgSeti]              = &DvgAddCommandL;        
+    vgapi[EvgSetf]              = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgSetParameteri]     = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgSetParameterf]     = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgSetParameterfv]    = &DvgSetParameterfvL;
+    vgapi[EvgSetColor]          = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgSetPaint]          = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgLoadMatrix]        = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgMultMatrix]        = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgLoadIdentity]      = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgScale]             = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgTranslate]         = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgAppendPathData]    = &DvgAppendPathDataL;
+    vgapi[EvgDrawPath]          = &DvgDrawPathL;
+    vgapi[EvgClearPath]         = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvguRect]             = &DvguRectL;
+    vgapi[EvguEllipse]          = &DvguEllipseL;
+    vgapi[EvguRoundRect]        = &DvguRoundRectL;
+    vgapi[EvguLine]             = &DvguLineL;
+    vgapi[EvgCreatePaint]       = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgSetiv]             = &DvgSetivL;                      
+    vgapi[EvgClear]             = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgSetfv]             = &DvgSetfvL;
+    vgapi[EvgRotate]            = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgCreatePath]        = &DvgCreatePathL;
+    vgapi[EvgCreateImage]       = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgGetPixels]         = &DvgGetPixelsL;
+    vgapi[EvgDrawImage]         = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgClearImage]        = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgImageSubData]      = &DvgImageSubDataL;
+    vgapi[EvgDestroyImage]      = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgDestroyPaint]      = &DvgDestroyPaintL;
+    vgapi[EvgDestroyPath]       = &DvgDestroyPathL;
+    vgapi[EvgPrepareToBindImage]= &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgBindImage]         = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgUnBindImage]       = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    vgapi[EvgFlush]             = &DvgAddCommandL;
+    iTargetWidth        = aWidth;
+    iTargetHeight       = aHeight;
+    iPrepareToBindImage = 0;
+    iNVGTLVIcon         = aNVGTLVIcon;
+    iLastVGPath         = 0;
+    }
+CTLVIconCreator * CTLVIconCreator::NewL(const TDesC8& aBuf, TInt aWidth, TInt aHeight, CNVGTLVIcon * aNVGTLVIcon)
+    {
+    CTLVIconCreator* self    = CTLVIconCreator::NewLC(aBuf,aWidth, aHeight, aNVGTLVIcon);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+    }
+CTLVIconCreator * CTLVIconCreator::NewLC(const TDesC8& aBuf, TInt aWidth, TInt aHeight, CNVGTLVIcon * aNVGTLVIcon)
+    {
+    CTLVIconCreator* self    = new (ELeave) CTLVIconCreator(aWidth, aHeight, aNVGTLVIcon);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL(aBuf);
+    return self;
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::ConstructL(const TDesC8& aBuf)
+    {
+    vgGetMatrix(iUserMatrix);
+    iNVGIconData = CNVGIconData::NewL(aBuf);
+    iDataLength  = aBuf.Length();
+    iCommandBuffer = (TUint8 *)aBuf.Ptr();
+    iNVGIconData->BeginRead();
+    iNVGIconData->ReadL(iNvgHeader, sizeof(iNvgHeader));
+    iNVGTLVIcon->AddCommandL(iNvgHeader, sizeof(iNvgHeader));
+    }
+    {    
+    delete iNVGIconData;    
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvgAddCommandL(TInt aLength, TInt aPos)
+    {
+    iNVGTLVIcon->AddCommandL(iCurrentCommand, iCommandBuffer + aPos, aLength);
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvgAddCommandL()
+    {
+    iNVGTLVIcon->AddCommandL(iCurrentCommand, iCommandBuffer + iNVGIconData->ReadPos(),
+                            APICommandLength[iCurrentCommand]);
+    iNVGIconData->SkipL(APICommandLength[iCurrentCommand]);
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvgSetParameterfvL()    
+    {
+    TInt length = 0;
+    TInt cpos = iNVGIconData->ReadPos();
+    TUint32 pvalue = iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt16L();
+    TUint32 countt = iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    length = length + sizeof(TUint32) + sizeof(TUint16) + sizeof(TUint32) + countt * sizeof(float);
+    iNVGIconData->SkipL(countt * sizeof(TReal32));
+    DvgAddCommandL(length, cpos);
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvgSetivL()    
+    {
+    TInt length   = 0;
+    TInt cpos     = iNVGIconData->ReadPos();
+    TUint16 type  = iNVGIconData->ReadInt16L();
+    TUint16 count = iNVGIconData->ReadInt16L();
+    length = sizeof(TInt16) + sizeof(TInt16);
+    length += count * sizeof(TInt32);
+    iNVGIconData->SkipL(count * sizeof(TInt32));
+    DvgAddCommandL(length, cpos);
+    }             
+VGPath  CTLVIconCreator::CreatePathL()
+    {
+    const float KScale = 1.0f / 65536.0f;
+    VGPath pathH = vgCreatePath( VG_PATH_FORMAT_STANDARD,
+                                  VG_PATH_DATATYPE_S_32, KScale, 0.0f, 0, 0,
+                                  VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_APPEND_TO );
+    if (pathH == VG_INVALID_HANDLE)
+        {
+        User::LeaveIfError(CNvgEngine::OpenVGErrorToSymbianError(vgGetError()));
+        }
+    return pathH;
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvgAppendPathDataL()    
+    {
+    TUint16         numSegments;
+    TUint16         coordinatecount;
+    VGubyte *       pathSegments;
+    TFloatFixPt *   pathData;
+    TFloatFixPt *   coordhandle;    
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    numSegments = iNVGIconData->ReadInt16L();
+    pathSegments = new (ELeave) VGubyte[numSegments];
+    CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupArray, pathSegments));
+    for(int j=0; j < numSegments; j++)
+        {	
+        pathSegments[j] = iNVGIconData->ReadInt8L();
+        }
+    coordinatecount = iNVGIconData->ReadInt16L();
+    pathData = new (ELeave) TFloatFixPt[coordinatecount];
+    CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupArray, pathData));
+    TInt lFloatFixVal = 0;
+    coordhandle = pathData;
+    for(int i = 0; i < coordinatecount; i++, coordhandle++)					
+        {
+        lFloatFixVal = iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+        coordhandle->copyfloatfix(lFloatFixVal);
+        }
+    iLastVGPath = CreatePathL();
+    vgAppendPathData(iLastVGPath, numSegments, pathSegments, pathData);  
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvgDrawPathL()    
+    {
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    TUint16 value = iNVGIconData->ReadInt16L();
+    iNVGTLVIcon->AddDrawPathCommandL(iLastVGPath, (VGPaintMode)value);    
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvguRectL()
+    {
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    TReal32 x   = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    TReal32 y   = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    TReal32 width   = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    TReal32 height  = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    iLastVGPath = CreatePathL();    
+    vguRect(iLastVGPath, x, y, width, height);
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvguEllipseL()
+    {
+    TReal32 cx;
+    TReal32 cy;
+    TReal32 width;
+    TReal32 height;
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    cx = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    cy = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    width  = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    height = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    iLastVGPath = CreatePathL();    
+    vguEllipse(iLastVGPath, cx, cy, width, height);
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvguRoundRectL()
+    {
+    TReal32 x;
+    TReal32 y;
+    TReal32 width;
+    TReal32 height;
+    TReal32 arcWidth;
+    TReal32 arcHeight;      
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    x = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    y = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    width = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    height= iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    arcWidth = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    arcHeight= iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    iLastVGPath = CreatePathL();    
+    vguRoundRect(iLastVGPath, x, y, width, height, arcWidth, arcHeight);
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvguLineL()
+    {
+    TReal32 x0;
+    TReal32 y0;
+    TReal32 x1;
+    TReal32 y1;
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    x0 = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    y0 = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    x1 = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    y1 = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L();
+    iLastVGPath = CreatePathL();
+    vguLine(iLastVGPath, x0, y0, x1, y1);
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvgSetfvL()
+    {
+    TUint16 count;
+    TInt length = 0;
+    TInt cpos   = iNVGIconData->ReadPos();
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt16L();
+    count = iNVGIconData->ReadInt16L();
+    iNVGIconData->SkipL(sizeof(TReal32) * count);
+    length = length + 2 * sizeof(TUint16) + count * sizeof(VGfloat);
+    DvgAddCommandL(length, cpos);
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvgCreatePathL()
+    {
+    iNVGIconData->SkipL(APICommandLength[EvgCreatePath]);
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvgImageSubDataL()
+    {
+    TInt cpos   = iNVGIconData->ReadPos();
+    TInt encodedImageHandle = iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    TInt dataLength         = 0;
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();        
+    dataLength      = iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L();
+    iNVGIconData->SkipL(dataLength);
+    DvgAddCommandL(iNVGIconData->ReadPos() - cpos, cpos);
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvgGetPixelsL()
+    {
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvgDestroyPaintL()
+    {
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvgDestroyPathL()
+    {
+    }
+void CTLVIconCreator::DvgFlushL()
+    {
+    }
+TInt CTLVIconCreator::ExecuteL(TInt aIndex)
+    {
+    iCurrentCommand = aIndex;
+    if (0 <= aIndex && aIndex < EvgFlush + 1)
+        {
+        (this->*(vgapi[aIndex]))();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        return KErrCorrupt;
+        }
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+TInt CTLVIconCreator::ExecuteL()
+    {
+    TInt error = KErrNone;
+    while (!iNVGIconData->EOF())
+        {
+        error = ExecuteL(iNVGIconData->ReadInt8L());
+        if (error != KErrNone)
+            {
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    return error;
+    }