changeset 0 d46562c3d99d
child 10 baacd33d915b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/svgtopt/SVG/SVGImpl/src/SVGDocumentImpl.cpp	Thu Jan 07 16:19:02 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2646 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  SVG Implementation source file
+ *
+#include <utf.h>
+#include <s32mem.h>
+#include "SVGContentHandler.h"
+#include "Svgdecoder.h"
+#include  "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGEngineImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGSvgElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGLineElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGRectElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGCircleElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGEllipseElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGPolylineElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGGElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGPathElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGMpathElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGSchemaData.h"
+#include  "SVGTextElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGImageElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGUseElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGAElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGStyleElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGForeignObjectElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGSetElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGAnimateTransformElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGAnimateElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGAnimateMotionElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGAnimationElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGMetadataElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGDescElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGDefsElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGTitleElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGFontElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGFontFaceElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGGlyphElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SVGMissingGlyphElementImpl.h"
+#include  "SvgHkernelementimpl.h"
+#include "SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.h"
+#include "SvgStopElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGDiscardElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGScriptElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGAudioElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGMediaAnimationElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGTextAreaElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGSolidColorElementImpl.h"
+#include "SVGFloatCssValueImpl.h"
+#include "SVGEventHandler.h"
+#include "SVGErrorImpl.h"
+#include "SVGFontHashMap.h"
+#include "SVGTimeContainer.h"
+#include <ezgzip.h>
+#include <caf/caf.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+CSvgDocumentImpl* CSvgDocumentImpl::NewL( CSvgBitmapFontProvider* aSvgBitmapFontProvider, const TBool aHasParent,
+    const TSvgSyncBehaviour aSyncBehavDefault,
+    const TInt32 aSyncTolDefault )
+    {
+    CSvgDocumentImpl*   self    = new ( ELeave ) CSvgDocumentImpl(aSvgBitmapFontProvider, 
+        aHasParent, aSyncBehavDefault, aSyncTolDefault );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+CSvgDocumentImpl* CSvgDocumentImpl::NewLC( CSvgBitmapFontProvider* aSvgBitmapFontProvider, const TBool aHasParent,
+    const TSvgSyncBehaviour aSyncBehavDefault,
+    const TInt32 aSyncTolDefault )
+    {
+    CSvgDocumentImpl*   self    = new ( ELeave ) CSvgDocumentImpl(aSvgBitmapFontProvider,
+        aHasParent, aSyncBehavDefault, aSyncTolDefault );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    return self;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::ConstructL()
+    {
+    iSchemaData = CSvgSchemaData::NewL();
+    iEventHandler = CSvgEventHandler::NewL();
+    // create CSvgErrorImpl object
+//   iSvgError = CSvgErrorImpl::NewL();
+    iIsInteractive = EFalse;
+    iHasGroupOpacity = EFalse;
+//	iImageHashMap = CSvgImageHashMap::NewL();
+	iFontHashMap = CSvgFontHashMap::NewL();
+	iMemoryManager = CSvgMemoryManager::NewL();
+		iTimeForJSR226 = 0;
+    // Create the time container used for Runtime Sync
+    iTimeContainer = CSvgTimeContainer::NewL( this, iHasParent );
+    // Add to the time container
+    iTimeContainer->AddTimedEntityL( this );
+    //set media state to ready as default for document
+    iTimeContainer->TimedEntityReady( this );
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+CSvgDocumentImpl::CSvgDocumentImpl( CSvgBitmapFontProvider* aSvgBitmapFontProvider, const TBool aHasParent,
+    const TSvgSyncBehaviour aSyncBehavDefault,
+    const TInt32 aSyncTolDefault ) : 
+                                       iInitSortList( ETrue ),
+                                       iReqExReqFtrSysLTested( EFalse ),
+                                       iFinishedParsing( EFalse ),
+                                       iFontHashMap( NULL ),
+                                       iEngine(NULL),
+                                       iMultipleRendering( EFalse ),
+                                       iHasGradientElement( EFalse ),
+                                       iIsThumbNailMode( EFalse ),
+                                       iIsDRMProtected( EFalse ),
+                                       iHasParent( aHasParent ),
+                                       iSyncBehaviorDefault( 
+                                        aSyncBehavDefault ),
+                                       iSyncToleranceDefault( 
+                                        aSyncTolDefault),
+                                        iSvgBitmapFontProvider(aSvgBitmapFontProvider)
+    {
+    SetDRMMode( ETrue );
+    SetDRMRights( ETrue );
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+    {
+    if ( iTimeContainer )
+       {
+       // Stop timer and reset time
+       iTimeContainer->UserStop();
+       iTimeContainer->UserResetTime();
+       }
+    if (iPerfText)
+    {
+        delete iPerfText;
+        iPerfText = NULL;
+    }
+    if( iSchemaData )
+        {
+        delete iSchemaData;
+        iSchemaData = NULL;
+        }
+    if( iEventHandler )
+        {
+        delete iEventHandler;
+        iEventHandler = NULL ;
+        }
+//    if( iSvgError )
+//        {
+//        delete iSvgError;
+//        iSvgError = NULL;
+//        }
+    if( iRootElement )
+        {
+        delete iRootElement;
+        iRootElement = NULL;
+        }
+/*	if ( iImageHashMap )
+	{
+		//probably should check to verify that the image ptrs
+		//in this have had their images deleted somehow to be safe
+		delete iImageHashMap;
+		iImageHashMap = NULL;
+	} */
+	if ( iFontHashMap )
+	{
+		delete iFontHashMap;
+		iFontHashMap = NULL;
+	}
+    iSvgMouseListeners.Close();
+	iSvgAnimations.Close();
+    if ( iXmlHandler )
+        {
+        delete iXmlHandler;
+        }
+    if ( iError )
+        {
+        delete iError;
+        }
+ 	if ( iMemoryManager )
+ 		{
+ 		delete iMemoryManager;
+    	}
+    delete iTimeContainer;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetEngine( CSvgEngineImpl* aEngine )
+    {
+    iEngine = aEngine;
+    // Propogate this to all child documentsas well
+    // Only animation elements currently possess a new document
+    // Locate all the active animation elements
+    RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl> lAnimationEleList;
+    FindAllElements( 
+            (CSvgElementImpl* )RootElement(),
+            KSvgMediaAnimationElement, lAnimationEleList );
+    // Set the engine on the child documents associated with the animation elements as well
+    TInt lAnimationEleCnt = lAnimationEleList.Count();
+    for ( TInt lCurAnimationEle = 0; lCurAnimationEle < lAnimationEleCnt; lCurAnimationEle++ )
+        {
+        CSvgMediaAnimationElementImpl* lAnimationElement = 
+            (CSvgMediaAnimationElementImpl* )lAnimationEleList[ lCurAnimationEle ];
+        CSvgDocumentImpl* lChildDoc = lAnimationElement->GetChildDocument();
+        if ( lChildDoc )
+            {
+            lChildDoc->SetEngine( aEngine );
+            }
+        }
+    lAnimationEleList.Close();
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+CSvgEngineImpl* CSvgDocumentImpl::Engine()
+    {
+    return iEngine;
+    }
+// From MXmlDocument
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+MXmlElement* CSvgDocumentImpl::CreateElementL( const TDesC& aTagName )
+    {
+    TInt position = iSchemaData->GetSVGElementId(aTagName);
+    if ( position == KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        return NULL;
+        }
+    	return CreateElementL( position );
+    }
+    // ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+MXmlElement* CSvgDocumentImpl::CreateElementL(const TUint8 aTagName )
+    {
+    TInt position = (TInt) aTagName;
+    //##4 this uses the rearrangement of elements, all these elements are same as g element
+    // same constructor
+    //
+    // =====> creating fake G elements to take the place of others...
+    //
+    //need to remove G elements as place holders that is a bad idea
+    if( position >= KSvgAltglyphElement && position <= KSvgViewElement )
+        {
+        return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgGElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+        }
+    switch ( position )
+        {
+        case KSvgPathElement:
+            // path
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgPathElementImpl::NewL(  (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgStopElement:
+        	// stop
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgStopElementImpl::NewL((TUint8) position,this);
+        case KSvgLinearGradientElement:
+        	// linearGradient
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgLinearGradientElementImpl::NewL((TUint8) position,this);
+        case KSvgRectElement:
+            // rect
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgRectElementImpl::NewL(  (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgPolygonElement:
+        	// polygon
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgPolylineElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgSvgElement:
+            // svg
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgSvgElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgRadialGradientElement:
+        	// radialGradient
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgRadialGradientElementImpl::NewL((TUint8) position,this);
+        case KSvgCircleElement:
+            // circle
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgCircleElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgLineElement:
+            // line
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgLineElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position,this );
+        case KSvgPolylineElement:
+            // polyline
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgPolylineElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgEllipseElement:
+            // ellipse
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgEllipseElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgDefsElement:
+			// defs
+        	return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgDefsElementImpl::NewL((TUint8) position, this);
+		case KSvgForeignObjectElement:
+			// foreignObject
+    		return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgForeignObjectElementImpl::NewL((TUint8) position, this);
+        case KSvgStyleElement:
+            // style
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgStyleElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgUseElement:
+            // use
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgUseElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgImageElement:
+            // image
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgImageElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgAnimateColorElement:
+            // animateColor
+        case KSvgAnimateElement:
+            {
+            // animate
+            CSvgAnimateElementImpl* lAnimateElement = CSvgAnimateElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+            iSvgAnimations.Append(lAnimateElement);
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) lAnimateElement;
+            }
+        case KSvgSetElement:
+            // set
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgSetElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgMpathElement:
+        	// mPath
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgMpathElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgDiscardElement:
+  			// discard
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgDiscardElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+ /*       case KSvgAnimationElement:
+            {
+            // animation
+            CSvgAnimationElementImpl* lAnimationElementImpl = CSvgAnimationElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+            iSvgAnimations.Append( lAnimationElementImpl );
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) lAnimationElementImpl;
+            }
+        case KSvgScriptElement:
+            {
+            // script
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgScriptElementImpl::NewL((TUint8) position,this);
+            }
+        case KSvgSolidColorElement:
+            // solidColor
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgSolidColorElementImpl::NewL((TUint8) position,this);
+        case KSvgMetadataElement:
+        	// metaData
+        	return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgMetadataElementImpl::NewL((TUint8) position, this);
+        case KSvgDescElement:
+        	// desc
+        	return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgDescElementImpl::NewL((TUint8) position, this);
+        case KSvgTitleElement:
+        	// title
+        	return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgTitleElementImpl::NewL((TUint8) position, this);
+        case KSvgTextElement:
+            // text
+            //add in the boolean thing here....
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgTextElementImpl::NewL(  (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgTextAreaElement:
+            {
+            // textArea
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgTextAreaElementImpl::NewL((TUint8) position,this);
+            }
+        case KSvgAnimateMotionElement:
+            {
+            // animateMotion
+            CSvgAnimateMotionElementImpl* lAnimateMotionElement = CSvgAnimateMotionElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+            iSvgAnimations.Append(lAnimateMotionElement);
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) lAnimateMotionElement;
+            }
+        case KSvgAnimateTransformElement:
+            {
+            // animateTransform
+            CSvgAnimateTransformElementImpl* lAnimateTransformElement = CSvgAnimateTransformElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+            iSvgAnimations.Append(lAnimateTransformElement);
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) lAnimateTransformElement;
+            }
+        case KSvgGlyphElement:
+            // glyph
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgGlyphElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgGElementImpl::NewL( _L( "g" ),(TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgFontElement:
+            // font
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgFontElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgGElementImpl::NewL( _L( "g" ),(TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgAElement:
+            // a
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgAElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgFontfaceElement:
+            // font-face
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgFontFaceElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgGElementImpl::NewL( _L( "g" )(TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgMissingglyphElement:
+            // missing-glyph
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgMissingGlyphElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgGElementImpl::NewL( _L( "g" )(TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgHkernElement:
+            // hkern
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgHkernElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) CSvgGElementImpl::NewL( _L( "g" )(TUint8) position, this );
+        case KSvgAudioElement:
+            {
+            CSvgAudioElementImpl* lAudioElement = CSvgAudioElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+            iSvgAnimations.Append(lAudioElement);
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) lAudioElement;
+            }
+        case KSvgMediaAnimationElement:
+            {
+            CSvgMediaAnimationElementImpl* lMediaAnimationElement = CSvgMediaAnimationElementImpl::NewL( (TUint8) position, this );
+            iSvgAnimations.Append(lMediaAnimationElement);
+            return ( MXmlElement * ) lMediaAnimationElement;
+            }
+        } // for switch
+        return NULL;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+TInt CSvgDocumentImpl::CreateAttribute( const TDesC& /* aName */ )
+    {
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+MXmlElement* CSvgDocumentImpl::GetElementById( const TDesC& aElementId )
+    {
+    if(iRootElement)
+        {
+            const TDesC* myId = iRootElement->Id();
+                if (myId)
+                {
+                    if (myId->Length() > 0)
+                    {
+                        if ( *myId == aElementId )
+                        {
+                            return iRootElement;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+    MXmlElement* element = SearchElementById( iRootElement, aElementId );
+    return element;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+TInt CSvgDocumentImpl::GetNumberOfIds(MXmlElement* aElement)
+    TInt count = 0;
+    CSvgElementImpl* child = ( CSvgElementImpl* ) aElement->FirstChild();
+    while ( child != NULL )
+        {
+            const TDesC* lPtr = child->Id();
+            if (lPtr)
+            {
+                count++;
+            }
+                // search children
+                TInt inside_count = GetNumberOfIds( child );
+                if ( inside_count > 0 )
+                {
+                    count = count + inside_count;
+                }
+                // search siblings
+                child = ( CSvgElementImpl * ) child->NextSibling();
+        }
+   return count;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+TDesC* CSvgDocumentImpl::GetId(TInt index)
+        RPointerArray<TDesC> ids;
+        FindAllIds( (CSvgElementImpl*)RootElement(), ids );
+        if (index < ids.Count())
+        {
+            return (ids[index]);
+        }
+        ids.Close();
+    return NULL;
+// ==========================================================================
+// // Return all elements of the given type
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::FindAllIds( CSvgElementImpl* aStartElement, RPointerArray<TDesC>& aList )
+    if ( aStartElement == NULL )
+        return;
+    CSvgElementImpl* child = (CSvgElementImpl*)aStartElement->FirstChild();
+    while ( child != NULL )
+    {
+        // add to list if child is found
+        const TDesC* myId = child->Id();
+        if ( myId )
+            aList.Append( myId );
+        // find in grandchildren
+        FindAllIds( child, aList );
+        child = (CSvgElementImpl*)child->NextSibling();
+    }
+// From MSvgDocument
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+TDesC& CSvgDocumentImpl::GetUrl()
+    {
+    return iUri;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// // Returns the value of the current focus index. 
+// ==========================================================================
+TInt32 CSvgDocumentImpl::GetCurFocusIndex()
+	return iCurObjIdx;
+// ==========================================================================
+// // Increment the focus index by one value
+// ==========================================================================
+TInt32 CSvgDocumentImpl::IncCurFocusIndex()
+	return ++iCurObjIdx;
+// ==========================================================================
+// // Decrement the focus index by one value
+// ==========================================================================
+TInt32 CSvgDocumentImpl::DecCurFocusIndex()
+	return --iCurObjIdx;
+// ==========================================================================
+// // Sets the focus index to the given value
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetCurFocusIndex(TInt32 aVal)
+	iCurObjIdx = aVal;
+// ==========================================================================
+// // Returns the current focus object
+// ==========================================================================
+CSvgElementImpl* CSvgDocumentImpl::GetCurFocusObject()
+	return iCurrentFocusObject;
+// ==========================================================================
+// // Sets the current focus element to the element specified
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetCurFocusObject(CSvgElementImpl* aElement)
+	iCurrentFocusObject = aElement;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+EXPORT_C MXmlElement* CSvgDocumentImpl::RootElement()
+    {
+    return iRootElement;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+MXmlElement* CSvgDocumentImpl::SearchElementById( MXmlElement* aElement,
+                                                  const TDesC& aElementId )
+    {
+    CSvgElementImpl* child = ( CSvgElementImpl* ) aElement->FirstChild();
+    while ( child != NULL )
+        {
+            const TDesC* lPtr = child->Id();
+            if (lPtr)
+            {
+                if ( *lPtr == aElementId )
+                {
+                    return child;
+                }
+            }
+                // search children
+                MXmlElement* childrenMatch = SearchElementById( child, aElementId );
+                if ( childrenMatch != NULL )
+                {
+                    return childrenMatch;
+                }
+                // search siblings
+                child = ( CSvgElementImpl * ) child->NextSibling();
+        }
+    return NULL;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+MXmlElement* CSvgDocumentImpl::AppendChildL( MXmlElement* aNewChild )
+    {
+    if ( aNewChild && ((CXmlElementImpl*)aNewChild)->ElemID() == KSvgSvgElement )
+        {
+        // Set new node as the root element, if it is
+        if ( iRootElement )
+            {
+            return NULL;
+            }
+        iRootElement = (CSvgElementImpl *) aNewChild;
+        // Set the new node's next sibling
+        aNewChild->SetNextSibling( NULL );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        return NULL;
+        }
+    return aNewChild;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+CSvgSchemaData* CSvgDocumentImpl::SchemaData()
+    {
+    return iSchemaData;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetUri( const TDesC& aUri )
+    {
+    iUri.Zero();
+    iUri.Copy(aUri);
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::GetUri( TDes& aUri )
+    {
+    aUri.Zero();
+    aUri.Copy(iUri);
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Register an element for receiving events using the event mask
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::AddToEventReceiverListL( MSvgEventReceiver* aElement,
+                                             TUint8 aEventMask)
+    {
+    if (iEventHandler != NULL)
+    iEventHandler->AddToEventReceiverListL( aElement, aEventMask );
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Register an element for receiving events and events using the event mask
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::AddToEventReceiverListL( MSvgEventReceiver* aElement,
+                                                TSvgEvent aEvent,
+                                             TUint8 aEventMask)
+    {
+    if (iEventHandler != NULL)
+    iEventHandler->AddToEventReceiverListL( aElement,aEvent,aEventMask );
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Unregister an element for receiving events using the event mask
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::RemoveFromEventReceiverList( MSvgEventReceiver* aElement )
+    {
+    if (iEventHandler != NULL)
+    iEventHandler->RemoveFromEventReceiverList( aElement );
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Provide event handler the event timing information for the
+// completion of event.
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::AddEventBeginTime(MSvgEventReceiver* aElement, TUint32 aTime, MSvgEventReceiver* aTargetElement )
+    {
+    if (iEventHandler != NULL)
+    iEventHandler->AddEventBeginTime( aElement, aTime, aTargetElement );
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Sort the events in a time scale according to their absolute start
+// and finish times
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SortEventList()
+    {
+    if (iEventHandler != NULL)
+    iEventHandler->SortEventList();
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Returns an element that is registered for the given event mask and
+// is the first one starting from the given index (either up or down the
+// list based on the aNext parameter)
+// ==========================================================================
+CSvgElementImpl* CSvgDocumentImpl::GetEventReceiverElement(TInt32 aIndex, TBool aNext, TUint8 aEventMask, TInt32& aNewIndex)
+    {
+    if (iEventHandler != NULL)
+    {
+            return (CSvgElementImpl*)iEventHandler->GetEventReceiver(aIndex, aNext, aEventMask, aNewIndex);
+    }
+    else
+    return NULL;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Is Animation file
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::IsAnimationFile()
+    {
+    if( (iEventHandler != NULL) && iEventHandler->Count() )
+        return ETrue;
+    else
+        return EFalse;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// IsValidSubEventMask
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::IsValidSubEventMask(TUint16 aSubEventMask)
+    {
+    if(iEventHandler)
+        {
+        return(iEventHandler->IsValidSubEventMask(aSubEventMask));
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        return EFalse;    
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Set DRM Mode
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetDRMMode(TBool aEnable)
+    {
+    iDrmEnable = aEnable;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Set DRM Mode
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::Reset(MSvgEvent *aEvent)
+    {
+    if ( iAnimationResetNeeded && iEventHandler != NULL )
+        {
+        iEventHandler->Reset( aEvent );
+        iAnimationResetNeeded = EFalse;
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Set DRM Mode
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::SvgElementPresent(CSvgElementImpl* aElement)
+    if(iRootElement == NULL) return EFalse;
+    if ( ( ( CSvgElementImpl * ) iRootElement ) == aElement )
+        {
+        return ETrue;
+        }
+    return SearchByPointer(iRootElement, aElement);
+// ==========================================================================
+// Set DRM Mode
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::SearchByPointer(CSvgElementImpl* aParent, CSvgElementImpl* aElement)
+    CSvgElementImpl* child = ( CSvgElementImpl* ) aParent->FirstChild();
+    while ( child != NULL )
+        {
+        if ( child  == aElement )
+            {
+            return ETrue;
+            }
+        // search children
+        TBool result = SearchByPointer( child, aElement );
+        if (result)
+            {
+            return ETrue;
+            }
+        // search siblings
+        child = ( CSvgElementImpl * ) child->NextSibling();
+        }
+    return EFalse;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Set DRM Mode
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetFocusElement(CXmlElementImpl* aElement )
+    iCurrentFocusObject = (CSvgElementImpl*)aElement;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Set DRM Mode
+// ==========================================================================
+CXmlElementImpl* CSvgDocumentImpl::GetFocusElement()
+    return (CXmlElementImpl*) iCurrentFocusObject;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::ReInitialize()
+    {
+    if(iMultipleRendering)
+        {
+        if (iEventHandler != NULL)
+        iEventHandler->ReInitialize();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iMultipleRendering= ETrue;
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::Load( const TDesC& aFileName, CSvgErrorImpl& aError )
+    aError.SetErrorCode( ESvgNoError );
+    RFs session;
+    OpenSession( session, aError );
+    if ( aError.HasError() )
+        return;
+    RFile fileHandle;
+    TInt openError = fileHandle.Open( session, aFileName, EFileRead );
+    if ( openError != KErrNone )
+    {
+        PrepareError( aError, ESvgUnknown, openError,
+                      _L( "Fail to open file for reading: " ), aFileName );
+        session.Close();
+        return;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Load( fileHandle, aError );
+        session.Close();
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::Load( const TDesC8& aByteData, CSvgErrorImpl& aError, TBool aRemoveFalseSwitchElements )
+    aError.SetErrorCode( ESvgNoError );
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Byte array is gzipped and/or drm:
+    // Write buffer to file:
+    // a) GZip only has filename function to unzip
+    // b) Drm only has file-handle to decrypt
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if ( IsGzipContent( aByteData ) ||
+         ( iDrmEnable && IsDRMContent( aByteData ) ) )
+    {
+        RFs session;
+        OpenSession( session, aError );
+        if ( aError.HasError() )
+            return;
+        // Write byte-array to temp file
+        TFileName zippedTempFilename;
+        if ( WriteToTempFile( session, aByteData, zippedTempFilename, aError ) != KErrNone )
+        {
+            session.Close();
+            return;
+        }
+        Load( zippedTempFilename, aError );
+        session.Delete( zippedTempFilename );
+        session.Close();
+    }
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // byte-array is neither gzipped nor DRM encrypted
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+    else
+    {
+        iIsDRMProtected = EFalse;
+        iEventHandler->Reset();
+        TRAPD(error,ProcessSvgContentL( aByteData, aError, aRemoveFalseSwitchElements ));
+        if ( error != KErrNone )
+        {
+            PrepareError( aError, ESvgNoMemory, error,
+                          _L( "Out of Memory: " ),
+                          _L( "Instantiating Parser" ) );
+        }
+        iInitialDrawFlag = ETrue;
+        iFinishedParsing = ETrue;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::Load( RFile& aFileHandle, CSvgErrorImpl& aError )
+    aError.SetErrorCode( ESvgNoError );
+    RFs session;
+    OpenSession( session, aError );
+    if ( !aError.HasError() )
+    {
+        Load( session, aFileHandle, aError );
+        session.Close();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::ParentTimeContainerTick
+// From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::ParentTimeContainerTick( 
+    TSvgTick aTick ) // Current tick information 
+    {
+    TBool lDoRedraw = ETrue;
+    if ( iHasParent )
+        {
+        // Do not redraw in child document to avoid
+        // double redraws.
+        lDoRedraw = EFalse;
+        }
+    // Create timer event and propogate to engine
+    TSvgTimerEvent lTimerEvent( aTick.iParentTcTick );
+    // Send to engine to process the timer event
+    TRAPD( lProcEvtErr, Engine()->ProcessEventL( 
+        this, &lTimerEvent, lDoRedraw ) );
+    if ( lProcEvtErr != KErrNone )
+        {
+        // Error Processing
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::GetEntitySyncBehavior
+// From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSvgSyncBehaviour CSvgDocumentImpl::GetEntitySyncBehavior()
+    {
+    // Document is locked with the parent tc timeline
+    return ESvgSyncLocked; 
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::GetEntityCurrentTime
+// From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::GetEntityCurrentTime( TUint32& 
+            /* aEntityCurTime */) // Current Entity Time in msecs. 
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::GetCnfSyncMasterStatus
+// From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::GetCnfSyncMasterStatus( 
+            TBool& aIsSyncMaster ) // Indicates whether the element is configured as 
+                                   // Sync Master. 
+    {
+    // Document can never be a sync master
+    aIsSyncMaster = EFalse;
+    }                                   
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::GetCurSyncMasterStatus
+// From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::GetCurSyncMasterStatus( 
+            TBool& aIsSyncMaster ) // Indicates whether the element is currrently 
+                                  // Sync Master. 
+    {
+    // Document can never be a sync master
+    aIsSyncMaster = EFalse;
+    }        
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::SetCurSyncMasterStatus
+// From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetCurSyncMasterStatus( 
+    TBool /*aSyncMasterStatus */) // Indicates whether the element is 
+                                  // currrently Sync Master.
+    {
+    // Document sync master status is always false as it can never be 
+    // a sync master
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::CanGenerateTick
+// From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::CanGenerateTick()
+    {
+    // Document cannot generate tick, as it is not a inherently timed element
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::CanUseParentTick
+// From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::CanUseParentTick()
+    {
+    // Return True as document can always use parent tick to 
+    // advance itself
+    return ( ETrue );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::ResyncTimedEntity
+// From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::ResyncTimedEntity( 
+            TUint32 /*aSynctime*/ ) // Time for resync in msecs.
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::PauseTimedEntity
+// From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::PauseTimedEntity()
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::ResumeTimedEntity
+// From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::ResumeTimedEntity()
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::StopTimedEntity
+// From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::StopTimedEntity()
+    {
+    iEventHandler->ResetTimes();
+    }
+//From MSvgTimedEntityInterface
+TSvgObjectType CSvgDocumentImpl::ObjectType()
+	return ESvgDocumentElement;	
+//returns the child time container of the element 
+//used in timecontainer
+CSvgTimeContainer* CSvgDocumentImpl::GetChildTimeContainer()
+    return NULL;
+//if node has a child
+//		visit the child call postorder on that
+//add current node
+//if there are siblings 
+//		visit all siblings
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::ParsePostOrderMediaElements( CSvgElementImpl* aRoot, 
+    RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl>& aPostOrderList)
+    {
+    if ( !aRoot )
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+	CSvgElementImpl* lNodePtr = ( CSvgElementImpl* )aRoot->FirstChild();
+	while ( lNodePtr != NULL )
+	    {
+	    ParsePostOrderMediaElements( lNodePtr, aPostOrderList );
+        lNodePtr = (CSvgElementImpl* )(lNodePtr->NextSibling() );
+	    }
+	// Add only media elements, currently animation and audio
+	if ( aRoot->ElemID() == KSvgMediaAnimationElement || 
+	    aRoot->ElemID() == KSvgAudioElement )	
+	    {
+	    aPostOrderList.Append( aRoot );	    
+	    }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::Load( RFs& aSession, RFile& aFileHandle, CSvgErrorImpl& aError )
+    iEventHandler->Reset();
+    RFile ungzippedFile;
+    RFile* fileHandle = &aFileHandle;
+    TFileName tempFilename;
+    TBool needToDeleteTempFile = EFalse;
+    iIsDRMProtected = EFalse;
+    //************************************************
+    // Check for gzip format: write to temp file
+    //************************************************
+    // Ignore Gzip content due to platform security: uncompressed file must be created
+    if ( IsGzipContent( aFileHandle ) )
+    {
+        //************************************************
+        // Ungzipped content may be DRM or txt-svg or binary-svg
+        //************************************************
+        needToDeleteTempFile = ETrue;
+        if ( !ProcessGZipContent( aSession, aFileHandle, tempFilename, aError ) )
+            return;
+        // Open ungzipped file
+        TInt openError = ungzippedFile.Open( aSession, tempFilename, EFileRead );
+        if ( openError != KErrNone )
+        {
+            // couldn't open temp file for writing
+            PrepareError( aError, ESvgUnknown, openError,
+                          _L( "Loading GZipped SVG File failed: " ),
+                          _L( "Error Opening Temp File for Reading." ) );
+            // Delete uncompress temp file if needed
+            if ( needToDeleteTempFile )
+                aSession.Delete( tempFilename );
+            return;
+        }
+        fileHandle = &ungzippedFile;
+    }
+    HBufC8* svgByteArray = NULL;
+    //************************************************
+    // Decrypt DRM
+    //************************************************
+    if ( iDrmEnable && IsDRMContent( *fileHandle ) )
+    {
+        TRAPD( drmError, svgByteArray = ProcessDRMContentL( *fileHandle, aError ) );
+        if ( drmError != KErrNone )
+        {
+            PrepareError( aError, ESvgNoMemory, drmError,
+                          _L( "Out of Memory: " ),
+                          _L( "Instantiating DRM Decoder" ) );
+            return;
+        }
+        // drm failed, error should already be set
+        else if ( svgByteArray == NULL )
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        if ( needToDeleteTempFile && ( drmError || svgByteArray == NULL ) )
+        {
+            aSession.Delete( tempFilename );
+        }
+        iIsDRMProtected = ETrue;
+    }
+    // Read Non encrypted data
+    else
+    {
+        //************************************************
+        // Read plain file: txt-svg or binary-svg
+        //************************************************
+        TInt fileLength = 0;
+        fileHandle->Size( fileLength );
+        TRAPD( error, svgByteArray = HBufC8::NewL( fileLength ) );
+        if ( error != NULL )
+        {
+            PrepareError( aError, ESvgNoMemory, error,
+                          _L( "Out of Memory" ),
+                          _L( "Allocating byte-array for data" ) );
+            if ( needToDeleteTempFile )
+            {
+                aSession.Delete( tempFilename );
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        TInt pos = 0;
+        fileHandle->Seek( ESeekStart, pos );
+        TPtr8 des = svgByteArray->Des();
+        TInt readError = fileHandle->Read( des );
+        if ( readError != KErrNone )
+        {
+            PrepareError( aError, ESvgUnknown, readError,
+                          _L( "Reading SVG File Failed." ), _L( "" ) );
+            delete svgByteArray;
+            if ( needToDeleteTempFile )
+            {
+                aSession.Delete( tempFilename );
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    //************************************************
+    // Parser binary or plain svg content
+    //************************************************
+    TRAPD( svgError, ProcessSvgContentL( *svgByteArray, aError ) );
+    if ( svgError != KErrNone || ( aError.HasError() && !aError.IsWarning() ) )
+    {
+        delete svgByteArray;
+        if ( !aError.HasError() )
+        {
+            PrepareError( aError, ESvgNoMemory, svgError,
+                           _L( "Out of Memory: " ),
+                           _L( "Instantiating SVG ContentHandler/Decoder" ) );
+        }
+        if ( needToDeleteTempFile )
+            aSession.Delete( tempFilename );
+        return;
+    }
+    iInitialDrawFlag = ETrue;
+    iFinishedParsing = ETrue;
+    delete svgByteArray;
+    // Delete uncompress temp file if needed
+    if ( needToDeleteTempFile )
+    {
+        // Close only when file handle is for temp file
+        fileHandle->Close();
+        aSession.Delete( tempFilename );
+    }
+    // Prepare engine to draw document
+    LoadingCompleted();
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// Leaves only when allocating memory fails
+// Reports other errors
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::ProcessSvgContentL( const TDesC8& aByteArray, CSvgErrorImpl& aError, TBool aRemoveFalseSwitchElements )
+    //************************************************
+    // Determine binary or xml svg file
+    //************************************************
+    if ( IsBinarySvg( aByteArray ) )
+    {
+        TInt error = KErrNone;
+        CSvgDecoder* decoder = CSvgDecoder::NewL( aByteArray );
+        TRAP( error, iRootElement = decoder->StartDecodingL( this, aError ) );
+        if ( error != KErrNone || iRootElement == NULL && !aError.HasError() )
+        {
+            if ( error != KErrNone )
+            {
+                PrepareError( aError, ESvgbFileNotValid, error,
+                              _L( "Invalid binary file." ), _L( "" ) );
+            }
+        }
+        delete decoder;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        iXmlHandler = CSvgContentHandler::NewL( aRemoveFalseSwitchElements );
+        iRootElement = iXmlHandler->ParseByteData( this, aByteArray, aError );
+        delete iXmlHandler;
+        iXmlHandler = NULL;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// JSR226 only!!
+// Allows filling of document from JSR side with 16 bit string instead of 8
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::Load16BitString( const TDesC16& aSvgString, CSvgErrorImpl& aError, TBool aRemoveFalseSwitchElements )
+    aError.SetErrorCode( ESvgNoError );
+    iIsDRMProtected = EFalse;
+    if (iEventHandler)
+    iEventHandler->Reset();
+    TRAPD(error,Process16BitSvgContentL( aSvgString, aError, aRemoveFalseSwitchElements ));
+    if ( error != KErrNone )
+    {
+    	PrepareError( aError, ESvgNoMemory, error,
+                          _L( "Out of Memory: " ),
+                          _L( "Instantiating Parser" ) );
+    }
+    iInitialDrawFlag = ETrue;
+    iFinishedParsing = ETrue;
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::Process16BitSvgContentL( const TDesC16& aSvgString, CSvgErrorImpl& aError, TBool aRemoveFalseSwitchElements )
+    iXmlHandler = CSvgContentHandler::NewL( aRemoveFalseSwitchElements );
+    iRootElement = iXmlHandler->Parse16BitData( this, aSvgString, aError );
+    delete iXmlHandler;
+    iXmlHandler = NULL;
+// ==========================================================================
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::CancelParsing()
+    {
+    // Check if there is animation element in the parent svg
+    RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl> lAnimationEleList;
+    FindAllElements((CSvgElementImpl* )RootElement(),
+               KSvgMediaAnimationElement, lAnimationEleList );
+    TInt lAnimationEleCnt = lAnimationEleList.Count();    
+    for ( TInt lCurAnimationEle = 0; 
+            lCurAnimationEle < lAnimationEleCnt; lCurAnimationEle++ )
+        {
+        CSvgMediaAnimationElementImpl* lAnimationElement = 
+            (CSvgMediaAnimationElementImpl* )lAnimationEleList[ lCurAnimationEle ];
+        CSvgDocumentImpl* lChildDoc = lAnimationElement->GetChildDocument();
+        if ( lChildDoc )
+            {
+            lChildDoc->CancelParsing(); // Cancel parsing on child svg
+            }
+        }
+    lAnimationEleList.Close();    
+    if ( iXmlHandler )
+        {
+        iXmlHandler->CancelParsing();
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::IsParsing()
+    {
+    // xml handler is set to NULL after parsing
+    return iXmlHandler != NULL;
+    }
+// The function isGroupOpacity checks to see if there is a valid opacity
+// attribute.
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::isGroupOpacity( CSvgElementImpl* aElement )
+	TBool lReturnValue = EFalse;
+    CCssValue*  lCssValue = NULL;
+    aElement->FindProperty( KCSS_ATTR_GROUP_OPACITY, lCssValue, aElement );
+    if ( lCssValue )
+       {
+        if ( ((CFloatCssValueImpl*)lCssValue)->Value() != KFloatFixOne )
+           {
+           // valid opacity value
+            lReturnValue = ETrue;
+            }
+        }
+    return lReturnValue;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Pre-condition: content is DRM
+// The content of a DRM may be svg-text or svg-bin
+// Leaves only for memory allocation failure
+// ==========================================================================
+HBufC8* CSvgDocumentImpl::ProcessDRMContentL( RFile& aFileHandle, CSvgErrorImpl& aError )
+    // Open File Content and Data
+    ContentAccess::CContent* content = ContentAccess::CContent::NewLC( 
+            aFileHandle );
+    // Note: very important to use EView and NOT EPlay
+    ContentAccess::CData* data = content->OpenContentLC( ContentAccess::EView );
+    // Read Length of Content
+    TInt length = 0;
+    TRAPD( sizeError, data->DataSizeL( length ) );
+    // Cannot get length of data
+    if ( sizeError != KErrNone )
+    {
+        ProcessDRMError( sizeError, aError );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Allocate Memory for Content: no leavable command after this
+    // so, pushing onto cleanup stack not needed
+    HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL( length );
+    TPtr8 des = buffer->Des();
+    TInt readError = data->Read( des );
+    // Check for read error
+    if ( readError != KErrNone )
+    {
+        ProcessDRMError( readError, aError );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
+        delete buffer;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Only consume rights when not in thumb nail mode
+    else if ( !iIsThumbNailMode )
+    {
+        // Do not consume drm rights if iDrmRightsConsumptionEnabled is EFalse
+        if(iDrmRightsConsumptionEnabled)
+        {
+        TInt intentError = data->ExecuteIntent( ContentAccess::EView );
+        if ( intentError != KErrNone )
+        {
+            ProcessDRMError( readError, aError );
+            aError.SetIsWarning( ETrue );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
+    return buffer;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Un-gzip to a temp file and return the name of temp file
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::ProcessGZipContent( RFs& aSession,
+                                            RFile& aGZipFileHandle,
+                                            TFileName& aUnzippedFileName ,
+                                            CSvgErrorImpl& aError )
+    // Write data to temp file: gzip does not have function to read RFile
+    TFileName gzipFilename;
+    if ( WriteToTempFile( aSession, aGZipFileHandle, gzipFilename, aError ) != KErrNone )
+        return EFalse;
+    TBool result = ProcessGZipContent( aSession, gzipFilename, aUnzippedFileName, aError );
+    // Delete temp gzipped file
+    aSession.Delete( gzipFilename );
+    return result;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Uncompress to a temporary file
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::ProcessGZipContent( RFs& aSession,
+                                            TFileName& aZippedFileName,
+                                            TFileName& aUnzippedFileName ,
+                                            CSvgErrorImpl& aError )
+    // Create ungzipped temp file
+    TFileName path;
+    GetProcessPrivatePath( aSession, path );
+    RFile gzipOutputFile;
+    TInt replaceError = gzipOutputFile.Temp( aSession, path, aUnzippedFileName, EFileWrite );
+    if ( replaceError != KErrNone )
+    {
+        // couldn't open temp file for writing
+        PrepareError( aError, ESvgUnknown, replaceError,
+                      _L( "Failed to create file or unGZip: " ), aUnzippedFileName );
+        return EFalse;
+    }
+    // okay so far, uncompressing
+    CEZGZipToFile* uncompressor = NULL;
+    TRAPD( uncompressorError,
+           uncompressor = CEZGZipToFile::NewL( aSession, aZippedFileName, gzipOutputFile ) )
+    if ( uncompressorError != KErrNone )
+    {
+        PrepareError( aError, ESvgUnknown, uncompressorError,
+                      _L( "Out of memory: " ),
+                      _L( "Instantiating GZip decompressor" ) );
+        gzipOutputFile.Close();
+        aSession.Delete( aUnzippedFileName );
+        return EFalse;
+    }
+    // Decompress file
+    TBool done = EFalse;
+    while ( !done )
+    {
+        TRAPD( inflateError, done = !uncompressor->InflateL() );
+        if ( inflateError != KErrNone )
+        {
+            PrepareError( aError, ESvgUnknown, inflateError,
+                          _L( "Uncompressing GZip file failed." ), _L( "" ) );
+            delete uncompressor;
+            gzipOutputFile.Close();
+            aSession.Delete( aUnzippedFileName );
+            return EFalse;
+        }
+    }
+    gzipOutputFile.Close();
+    delete uncompressor;
+    return ETrue;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Error codes taken from caf/content.h
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::ProcessDRMError( TInt errorCode, CSvgErrorImpl& aError )
+    if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
+        return;
+    if ( errorCode == KErrNotFound )
+    {
+        aError.SetDescription( _L( "Content Not Found" ) );
+    }
+    else if ( errorCode == KErrCAPendingRights )
+    {
+        aError.SetDescription( _L( "Rights Have Not Arrived" ) );
+    }
+    else if ( errorCode == KErrCANoPermission )
+    {
+        aError.SetDescription( _L( "No Permission to Play Content" ) );
+    }
+    else if ( errorCode == KErrCANoRights )
+    {
+        aError.SetDescription( _L( "No Rights Exists for Content" ) );
+    }
+    else if ( errorCode == KErrCANotSupported )
+    {
+        aError.SetDescription( _L( "Unable to Open Content" ) );
+    }
+    else if ( errorCode == KErrPermissionDenied )
+    {
+        aError.SetDescription( _L( "No Permission to Open Content" ) );
+    }
+    else if ( errorCode == KErrAccessDenied )
+    {
+        aError.SetDescription( _L( "Content Already in Use or No DRM Capability" ) );
+    }
+    else if ( errorCode == KErrCASizeNotDetermined )
+    {
+        aError.SetDescription( _L( "Cannot Determine Size of Content" ) );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        aError.SetDescription( _L( "Unknown DRM Error" ) );
+    }
+    aError.SetIsWarning( EFalse );
+    aError.SetErrorCode( ESvgDRMFailure );
+    aError.SetSystemErrorCode( errorCode );
+// ==========================================================================
+// Returns true if the first two bytes of the given file could be a gzip file.
+// This function is modified from the function in EZGZipFile class.
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::IsGzipContent( RFile& aFileHandle )
+    TUint8 ids[2];
+    TPtr8 des( ids, 0, sizeof( TUint8 ) * 2 );
+    if ( aFileHandle.Read( des ) != KErrNone )
+        return EFalse;
+    // reset to start of file
+    TInt zero = 0;
+    aFileHandle.Seek( ESeekStart, zero );
+    return ( ids[0] == 31 && ids[1] == 139 );
+//    return ( ids[0] == EZGZipFile::ID1 && ids[1] == EZGZipFile::ID2 );
+// ==========================================================================
+// Returns whether the byte-array header matches a GZIP signature
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::IsGzipContent( const TDesC8& aByteArray )
+    return aByteArray.Length() >= 2 &&
+           aByteArray[0] == 31 && aByteArray[1] == 139;
+//           aByteArray[0] == EZGZipFile::ID1 && aByteArray[1] == EZGZipFile::ID2;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Returns whether the byte-array header matches a SVG binary signature
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::IsBinarySvg( const TDesC8& aByteArray )
+	//const TUint32 KBinaryFile          = 66737868;
+	//const TUint32 KBinaryFile2         = 66737869;
+	if ((aByteArray.Length() >= 4 &&
+           aByteArray[0] == 0xCC && aByteArray[1] == 0x56 &&
+           aByteArray[2] == 0xFA && aByteArray[3] == 0x03) ||
+        (aByteArray.Length() >= 4 &&
+           aByteArray[0] == 0xCD && aByteArray[1] == 0x56 &&
+           aByteArray[2] == 0xFA && aByteArray[3] == 0x03) ||
+        (aByteArray.Length() >= 4 &&
+           aByteArray[0] == 0xCE && aByteArray[1] == 0x56 &&
+           aByteArray[2] == 0xFA && aByteArray[3] == 0x03) ||
+        (aByteArray.Length() >= 4 &&
+           aByteArray[0] == 0xCF && aByteArray[1] == 0x56 &&
+           aByteArray[2] == 0xFA && aByteArray[3] == 0x03) )
+	{
+		return ETrue;
+	}
+    else
+    {
+    	return EFalse;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Returns whether the file header matches a DRM signature
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::IsDRMContent( RFile& aFileHandle )
+    TUint8 ids[2];
+    TPtr8 des( ids, 0, sizeof( TUint8 ) * 2 );
+    if ( aFileHandle.Read( des ) != KErrNone )
+        return EFalse;
+    // reset to start of file
+    TInt zero = 0;
+    aFileHandle.Seek( ESeekStart, zero );
+    return ( ids[0] == 0x01 && ids[1] == 0x0D );
+// ==========================================================================
+// Returns whether the file header matches a DRM signature
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::IsDRMContent( const TDesC8& aByteArray )
+    return ( aByteArray.Length() > 1 && aByteArray[0] == 0x01 && aByteArray[1] == 0x0D );
+// ==========================================================================
+// Generate the "c:/private/<sid>" directory name
+// ==========================================================================
+TInt CSvgDocumentImpl::GetProcessPrivatePath( RFs& aSession, TFileName& aPath )
+    aSession.PrivatePath( aPath );
+    aPath.Insert( 0, _L( "c:" ) );
+    return KErrNone;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Create "c:/private/<sid>" directory if it does not already exist
+// ==========================================================================
+TInt CSvgDocumentImpl::CreateProcessPrivateDirectory( RFs& aSession, TFileName& aPath )
+    GetProcessPrivatePath( aSession, aPath );
+    return ( !BaflUtils::FolderExists( aSession, aPath ) ) ? aSession.MkDir( aPath ) : KErrNone;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Open a file session, error is indicated in aError
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::OpenSession( RFs& aSession, CSvgErrorImpl& aError )
+    TInt error = aSession.Connect();
+    if ( error != KErrNone )
+    {
+        // couldn't open temp file for writing
+        PrepareError( aError, ESvgUnknown, error,
+                      _L( "Connecting File Session Failed." ), _L( "" ) );
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Session must be opened successfully
+// File name of temp file is store in aFilename
+// ==========================================================================
+TInt CSvgDocumentImpl::WriteToTempFile( RFs& aSession, const TDesC8& aByteArray,
+                                        TFileName& aFilename, CSvgErrorImpl& aError )
+    // Create temporary file for byte-array
+    TFileName path;
+    CreateProcessPrivateDirectory( aSession, path );
+    RFile writeFile;
+    TInt tempError = writeFile.Temp( aSession, path, aFilename, EFileWrite );
+    if ( tempError != KErrNone )
+    {
+        PrepareError( aError, ESvgUnknown, tempError,
+                      _L( "Failed open temp file to write data." ), aFilename );
+        return tempError;
+    }
+    // Write byte-array to file
+    TInt writeError = writeFile.Write( aByteArray );
+    if ( writeError != KErrNone )
+    {
+        PrepareError( aError, ESvgUnknown, writeError,
+                      _L( "Failed to write data to temp file." ), aFilename );
+        writeFile.Close();
+        aSession.Delete( aFilename );
+        return writeError;
+    }
+    writeFile.Flush();
+    writeFile.Close();
+    return KErrNone;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Session must be opened successfully
+// File name of temp file is store in aFilename
+// ==========================================================================
+TInt CSvgDocumentImpl::WriteToTempFile( RFs& aSession, RFile& aFileHandle,
+                                        TFileName& aFilename, CSvgErrorImpl& aError )
+    // Create temporary file for byte-array
+    TFileName path;
+    CreateProcessPrivateDirectory( aSession, path );
+    RFile writeFile;
+    TInt tempError = writeFile.Temp( aSession, path, aFilename, EFileWrite );
+    if ( tempError != KErrNone )
+    {
+        PrepareError( aError, ESvgUnknown, tempError,
+                      _L( "Failed open temp file to write data." ), path );
+        return tempError;
+    }
+    // Write data to temp file
+    TInt size;
+    TInt sizeError = aFileHandle.Size( size );
+    if ( sizeError != KErrNone )
+    {
+        PrepareError( aError, ESvgUnknown, sizeError,
+                      _L( "Failed to get data length of file." ), aFilename );
+        aSession.Delete( aFilename );
+        return sizeError;
+    }
+    TBuf8<1024> buffer;
+    TInt bytesCopied = 0;
+    while ( bytesCopied < size )
+    {
+        buffer.Zero();
+        TInt bytesToCopy = ( size - bytesCopied < 1024 ) ? size - bytesCopied : 1024;
+        // read data
+        TInt readError = aFileHandle.Read( buffer, bytesToCopy );
+        if ( readError != KErrNone )
+        {
+            PrepareError( aError, ESvgUnknown, readError,
+                          _L( "Failed to read data to copy to temp file: " ), aFilename );
+            writeFile.Close();
+            aSession.Delete( aFilename );
+            return readError;
+        }
+        // write data
+        TInt writeError = writeFile.Write( buffer, bytesToCopy );
+        if ( writeError != KErrNone )
+        {
+            PrepareError( aError, ESvgUnknown, writeError,
+                          _L( "Failed to write to temp file: " ), aFilename );
+            writeFile.Close();
+            aSession.Delete( aFilename );
+            return writeError;
+        }
+        bytesCopied += bytesToCopy;
+    }
+    writeFile.Flush();
+    writeFile.Close();
+    return KErrNone;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::PrepareError( CSvgErrorImpl& aError,
+                                     TSvgErrorCode aSvgErrorCode,
+                                     TInt aSystemErrorCode,
+                                     const TDesC& aMsg1,
+                                     const TDesC& aMsg2 )
+    aError.SetDescription( aMsg1, aMsg2 );
+    aError.SetErrorCode( aSvgErrorCode );
+    aError.SetSystemErrorCode( aSystemErrorCode );
+    aError.SetIsWarning( EFalse );
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::LoadingCompleted()
+    if ( iEngine != NULL && iEngine->GraphicsContext() != NULL )
+    {
+        iEngine->GraphicsContext()->SetDoDithering( iHasGradientElement );
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetThumbNailMode( TBool aThumbNailMode )
+    iIsThumbNailMode = aThumbNailMode;
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::SetDRMRights( TBool aEnable )
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetDRMRights( TBool aEnable)
+	iDrmRightsConsumptionEnabled = aEnable;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::IsThumbNailOnly()
+    return iIsThumbNailMode && iIsDRMProtected;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetWasPrepared( TBool aBool )
+    iWasPrepared = aBool;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::WasPrepared()
+    return iWasPrepared;
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetLoadingListeners( const RPointerArray<MSvgLoadingListener>* aList )
+    {
+    iLoadingListeners = aList;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+const RPointerArray<MSvgLoadingListener>* CSvgDocumentImpl::GetLoadingListeners()
+    {
+    return iLoadingListeners;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::AddInternalMouseListener( const MSvgMouseListener* aListener )
+    {
+    TInt index = iSvgMouseListeners.Find( aListener );
+    if ( aListener != NULL && index == KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        iSvgMouseListeners.Append( aListener );
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::RemoveInternalMouseListener( const MSvgMouseListener* aListener )
+    {
+    TInt index = iSvgMouseListeners.Find( aListener );
+    if ( index != KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        iSvgMouseListeners.Remove( index );
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+TInt CSvgDocumentImpl::MouseInternalListenerCount()
+    {
+    return iSvgMouseListeners.Count();
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::NotifyInternalMousePressed( RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl>& aElements,
+                                          TInt aX, TInt aY )
+    {
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSvgMouseListeners.Count(); i++ )
+        {
+        iSvgMouseListeners[i]->MousePressed( aElements, aX, aY );
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::NotifyInternalMouseReleased( RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl>& aElements,
+                                          TInt aX, TInt aY )
+    {
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSvgMouseListeners.Count(); i++ )
+        {
+        iSvgMouseListeners[i]->MouseReleased( aElements, aX, aY );
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::NotifyInternalMouseEntered( RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl>& aElements,
+                                          TInt aX, TInt aY )
+    {
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSvgMouseListeners.Count(); i++ )
+        {
+        iSvgMouseListeners[i]->MouseEntered( aElements, aX, aY );
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::NotifyInternalMouseExited( RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl>& aElements,
+                                          TInt aX, TInt aY )
+    {
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSvgMouseListeners.Count(); i++ )
+        {
+        iSvgMouseListeners[i]->MouseExited( aElements, aX, aY );
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::NotifyInternalMouseMoved( RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl>& aElements,
+                                          TInt aX, TInt aY )
+    {
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSvgMouseListeners.Count(); i++ )
+        {
+        iSvgMouseListeners[i]->MouseMoved( aElements, aX, aY );
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::NotifyDocumentStart()
+    {
+    if ( iLoadingListeners != NULL )
+        {
+        TInt loadingListenersCnt = iLoadingListeners->Count();
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < loadingListenersCnt; i++ )
+            {
+            (*iLoadingListeners)[i]->DocumentStart();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::NotifyDocumentEnd()
+    {
+    if ( iLoadingListeners != NULL )
+        {
+        TInt loadingListenersCnt = iLoadingListeners->Count();
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < loadingListenersCnt; i++ )
+            {
+            (*iLoadingListeners)[i]->DocumentEnd();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::NotifyElementStart( const TDesC& aTagName,
+                                           MSvgAttributeList& aAttributeList,
+                                           TBool aIsSvgChild )
+    {
+    // Do not send back attribute list if content was decrypted
+    // from DRM protected content.
+    if ( iLoadingListeners != NULL && !iIsDRMProtected )
+        {
+        TInt loadingListenersCnt = iLoadingListeners->Count();
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < loadingListenersCnt; i++ )
+            {
+            if ( aIsSvgChild || (*iLoadingListeners)[i]->ReportAllElements() )
+                {
+                (*iLoadingListeners)[i]->ElementStart( aTagName, aAttributeList );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::NotifyElementEnd( const TDesC& aTagName, TBool aIsSvgChild )
+    {
+    if ( iLoadingListeners != NULL )
+        {
+        TInt loadingListenersCnt = iLoadingListeners->Count();
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < loadingListenersCnt; i++ )
+            {
+            if ( aIsSvgChild || (*iLoadingListeners)[i]->ReportAllElements() )
+                {
+                (*iLoadingListeners)[i]->ElementEnd( aTagName );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::NotifyUnsupportedElement( const TDesC& aTagName,
+                                                 MSvgAttributeList& aAttributeList )
+    {
+    if ( iLoadingListeners != NULL )
+        {
+        TInt loadingListenersCnt = iLoadingListeners->Count();
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < loadingListenersCnt; i++ )
+            {
+            (*iLoadingListeners)[i]->UnsupportedElement( aTagName, aAttributeList );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::NotifyExternalDataRequested( const TDesC& aUri )
+    {
+    if ( iLoadingListeners != NULL )
+        {
+        TInt loadingListenersCnt = iLoadingListeners->Count();
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < loadingListenersCnt; i++ )
+            {
+            (*iLoadingListeners)[i]->ExternalDataRequested( aUri );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::NotifyExternalDataReceived( const TDesC& aUri )
+    {
+    if ( iLoadingListeners != NULL )
+        {
+        TInt loadingListenersCnt = iLoadingListeners->Count();
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < loadingListenersCnt; i++ )
+            {
+            (*iLoadingListeners)[i]->ExternalDataReceived( aUri );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::NotifyExternalDataRequestFailed( const TDesC& aUri )
+    {
+    if ( iLoadingListeners != NULL )
+        {
+        TInt loadingListenersCnt = iLoadingListeners->Count();
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < loadingListenersCnt; i++ )
+            {
+            (*iLoadingListeners)[i]->ExternalDataRequestFailed( aUri );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+TUint32 CSvgDocumentImpl::IsIndefiniteAnimation()
+    {
+    if ( !iCheckedAnimationDuration )
+        {
+        AnimationDuration();
+        }
+    // special value for indefinite animation
+    return ( iAnimationDuration == KIndefiniteAnimationDuration );
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Need method description
+// ==========================================================================
+TUint32 CSvgDocumentImpl::AnimationDuration()
+    {
+    if ( iCheckedAnimationDuration )
+        {
+        return IsIndefiniteAnimation() ? 0xFFFFFFFF : iAnimationDuration;
+        }
+    else if ( iRootElement == NULL )
+        {
+        return 0;
+        }
+    if ( iIsInteractive )
+        {
+        // If there is interactivity in the content, set the animation
+        // duration to indefinite so that the timer continues to run.
+        iAnimationDuration = KIndefiniteAnimationDuration;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iAnimationDuration = SubtreeDuration( iRootElement );
+        }
+    iCheckedAnimationDuration = ETrue;
+    return IsIndefiniteAnimation() ? 0xFFFFFFFF : iAnimationDuration;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Return the longest animation in subtree
+// ==========================================================================
+TUint32 CSvgDocumentImpl::SubtreeDuration( CSvgElementImpl* aRootElement )
+    {
+    TUint dur = 0;
+    if ( aRootElement->IsAnimatedElement() )
+        {
+        dur = ( ( CSvgAnimationBase * ) aRootElement )->CompleteDuration();
+        }
+	else if ( aRootElement->ElemID() == KSvgDiscardElement )
+		{
+			dur = ((CSvgDiscardElementImpl*)aRootElement)->AbsoluteBeginTime();
+		}
+    // check child duration
+    TUint childDur;
+    CSvgElementImpl* child = (CSvgElementImpl*)aRootElement->FirstChild();
+    while ( child != NULL )
+        {
+        childDur = SubtreeDuration( child );
+        if ( childDur > dur )
+            {
+            dur = childDur;
+            }
+        child = (CSvgElementImpl*)child->NextSibling();
+        }
+    return dur;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// notified from outside (AppendChild/RemoveChild)
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::ElementAppendedOrRemoved()
+    {
+    // Clear flag to retrieve animation duration on AnimationDuration() call
+    iCheckedAnimationDuration = EFalse;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Return all elements of the given type
+// or all of the elements if the type = -1
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::FindAllElements( CSvgElementImpl* aStartElement, TInt aElementId,
+                                      RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl>& aList,
+                                      TSvgSearchFlags aFlags )
+    {
+    if ( aStartElement == NULL )
+        return;
+    CSvgElementImpl* child = (CSvgElementImpl*)aStartElement->FirstChild();
+    while ( child != NULL )
+        {
+        // add to list if child is found
+        if ( child->ElemID() == aElementId || aElementId == -1 )
+            aList.Append( child );
+        // find in grandchildren
+        if ( aFlags & ESvgSearchExcludeUseSubtree )
+            {
+            // If Exclude Use Subtree, ignore the subtree under use element
+            if ( child->ElemID() != KSvgUseElement )
+                {
+                FindAllElements( child, aElementId, aList, aFlags );
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            FindAllElements( child, aElementId, aList, aFlags );
+            }
+        child = (CSvgElementImpl*)child->NextSibling();
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// ImageLoadingObserver interface method
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::ImageLoadingCompleted( TInt aError )
+    {
+    iImageElementCnt--;
+    if ( iLoadingListeners != NULL && iImageElementCnt == 0)
+        {
+        TInt loadingListenersCnt = iLoadingListeners->Count();
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < loadingListenersCnt; i++ )
+            {
+            (*iLoadingListeners)[i]->ImagesLoaded(aError);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Loops through the tree and prints out all of the elements
+// (almost regenerating the DOM tree)
+// ==========================================================================
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::PrintAllElements( CSvgElementImpl* aStartElement )
+	if ( aStartElement == NULL )
+        return;
+	aStartElement->Print( EFalse );
+	//===> comment the styles out to generate true SVG content
+	//	aStartElement->PrintStyleProperties();
+	CSvgElementImpl* child = (CSvgElementImpl*)aStartElement->FirstChild();
+	PrintAllElements( child );
+	child = (CSvgElementImpl*)aStartElement->NextSibling();
+	PrintAllElements( child );
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::HasError()
+    {
+    return iError && iError->HasError();
+    }
+MSvgError* CSvgDocumentImpl::GetError()
+    {
+    return iError;
+    }
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetIsWarning( TBool aIsWarning )
+	if (iError)
+	{
+		iError->SetIsWarning( aIsWarning );
+	}
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetError( TInt aErrorType, const TDesC& aMsg1, const TDesC& aMsg2 )
+    {
+    if ( !iError )
+        {
+        TRAPD( error, iError = CSvgErrorImpl::NewL() );
+        if ( error != KErrNone )
+            {
+            return;
+            }
+        PrepareError( *iError, ESvgUnknown, aErrorType, aMsg1, aMsg2 );
+        iError->SetIsWarning( ETrue );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Accessor funciton for SyncBehaviorDefault value
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSvgSyncBehaviour CSvgDocumentImpl::SyncBehaviorDefault()
+    {
+    return iSyncBehaviorDefault;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Accessor funciton for SyncBehaviorDefault value
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TUint32 CSvgDocumentImpl::SyncToleranceDefault()
+    {
+    return iSyncToleranceDefault;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::SetCurrentTime
+// Set Function for the document's current time
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetCurrentTime( TInt32 aCurTime )
+    {
+    if ( iTimeContainer )
+        {
+        iTimeContainer->SetCurrentTime( aCurTime );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::CurrentTime
+// Accessor for the Document's current time
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt32 CSvgDocumentImpl::CurrentTime()
+    {
+    if ( iTimeContainer )
+        {
+        return iTimeContainer->CurrentTime();
+        }
+    return KErrGeneral;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::SetSyncBehavior
+// Set the Synchronised behaviour for the time container
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetTCSyncBehavior( const TSvgSyncBehaviour aValue )
+    {
+    if ( iTimeContainer )
+        {
+        iTimeContainer->SetSyncBehavior( aValue );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::SetSyncTolerance
+// Set the Synchronised Tolerance for the time container
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetTCSyncTolerance( const TUint32 aValue )
+    {
+    if ( iTimeContainer )
+        {    
+        iTimeContainer->SetSyncTolerance( aValue );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::SetSyncMaster
+// Set the time container as Synchronised Master
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetTCSyncMaster( const TBool aValue )
+    {
+    if ( iTimeContainer )
+        {    
+        iTimeContainer->SetSyncMaster( aValue );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::TimeContainer
+// Accessor for time container
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSvgTimeContainer* CSvgDocumentImpl::TimeContainer()    
+    {
+    return iTimeContainer;
+    }
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::DocumentTransform(TGfxAffineTransform& aTr)
+    {
+        iTransformMatrix = aTr;
+    }
+TGfxAffineTransform CSvgDocumentImpl::GetDocumentTransform()
+    {
+        return iTransformMatrix;
+    }
+CSvgBitmapFontProvider * CSvgDocumentImpl::GetBitmapFontProvider()
+	return iSvgBitmapFontProvider ;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::SvgHasAnimationElement
+// Checks if Document has Animation Element
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::SvgHasAnimationElement()
+    {
+        RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl> lAnimationEleList;
+        FindAllElements((CSvgElementImpl* )RootElement(),
+                   KSvgMediaAnimationElement, lAnimationEleList );
+        TInt lAnimationEleCnt = lAnimationEleList.Count();    
+        lAnimationEleList.Close();
+        if ( lAnimationEleCnt > 0 )
+            {
+            return ETrue;
+            }
+        return EFalse;     
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSvgDocumentImpl::IsDocumentContentInteractive
+// Checks if Document content is InterActive 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSvgDocumentImpl::IsDocumentContentInteractive()
+    {
+        RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl> elements;
+        FindAllElements( (CSvgElementImpl* )RootElement(),
+                                     KSvgAElement, elements );
+        if ( elements.Count() != 0 )
+        {
+            elements.Close();
+            return ETrue;
+        }
+        elements.Close();
+        if ( iIsInteractive )
+            return ETrue;
+        // Check if animation element is there 
+        RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl> lAnimationEleList;
+        FindAllElements((CSvgElementImpl* )RootElement(),
+                   KSvgMediaAnimationElement, lAnimationEleList );
+        // If no animation element is present then return EFalse           
+        TInt lAnimationEleCnt = lAnimationEleList.Count();  
+        if ( lAnimationEleCnt == 0 ) 
+        {
+           lAnimationEleList.Close();  
+           return EFalse; 
+        }
+        // Check all animation element and if any child svg has ..
+        // interactive content then return ETrue   
+        for ( TInt lCurAnimationEle = 0; 
+                lCurAnimationEle < lAnimationEleCnt; lCurAnimationEle++ )
+        {
+           CSvgMediaAnimationElementImpl* lAnimationElement = 
+            (CSvgMediaAnimationElementImpl* )lAnimationEleList[ lCurAnimationEle ];
+           CSvgDocumentImpl* lChildDoc = lAnimationElement->GetChildDocument();
+           // if child svg has interavitve content then return
+           if(lChildDoc && lChildDoc->iIsInteractive)
+           {
+           		lAnimationEleList.Close();                
+           		return ETrue;
+           }
+        }  
+        lAnimationEleList.Close();                
+        return EFalse;   
+    }
+void CSvgDocumentImpl::SetImageElementsCount(TInt aCnt)
+    {
+    iImageElementCnt = aCnt;
+    }
+TInt CSvgDocumentImpl::GetImageElementsCount()
+    {
+    return iImageElementCnt;
+    }
+// End of file