changeset 0 d46562c3d99d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/svgtopt/gfx2d/src/GfxFloatFixPt.cpp	Thu Jan 07 16:19:02 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Graphics Extension Library source file
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include "GfxFloatFixPt.h"
+#include <e32math.h>
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void TFloatFixPt::GetString( float aFloat, TDes& aBuf )
+    {
+    TRealFormat rf( 10, 3 );
+    rf.iType = KRealFormatFixed | KDoNotUseTriads;
+    aBuf.Num( ( aFloat ), rf );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::ConvertString( const TDesC& aVal )
+    {
+    TLex aString( aVal );
+    TReal32 val;
+    aString.SkipSpace();
+    aString.Val( val, '.' );
+    return float( val );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Error code is returned
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TInt TFloatFixPt::ConvertString( const TDesC& aString, float& aValue )
+    {
+    TLex lex( aString );
+    lex.SkipSpace();
+    return lex.Val( aValue, '.' );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Error code is returned
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TInt TFloatFixPt::ConvertString( const TDesC& aString, TFloatFixPt& aValue )
+    {
+    TLex lex( aString );
+    lex.SkipSpace();
+    return lex.Val( aValue.iValue, '.' );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::Sqrt( float number )
+    long i;
+    float x, y;
+    const float f = 1.5F;
+    x = number * 0.5F;
+    y  = number;
+    i  = * ( long * ) &y;
+    i  = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 );
+    y  = * ( float * ) &i;
+    y  = y * ( f - ( x * y * y ) );
+    y  = y * ( f - ( x * y * y ) );
+    return number * y;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::SinFloatDouble(float angle)
+	double sn = 0;
+	Math::Sin(sn, double(angle));
+	return float(sn);	
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::CosFloatDouble(float angle)
+	//double cs = 0;
+	float cs = 0;
+	//Math::Cos(cs, double(angle));
+	//cs = CosineDouble(double(angle));
+	cs = CosineDouble(angle);
+	return float(cs);
+float TFloatFixPt::CosineDouble(float x)
+float p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,y,t,absx,frac,quad,pi2;
+p0= 0.999999999781;
+p2= 0.041666636258;
+p4= 0.00002476016134;
+pi2=1.570796326794896; 		/* pi/2 */
+if (x<0) absx=-absx; 	     /* absolute value of input */
+quad=(int) (absx/pi2);       	/* quadrant (0 to 3) */
+frac= (absx/pi2) - quad;     	/* fractional part of input */
+if(quad==0) t=frac * pi2;
+if(quad==1) t=(1-frac) * pi2;
+if(quad==2) t=frac * pi2;
+if(quad==3) t=(frac-1) * pi2;
+t=t * t;
+y=p0 + (p1*t) + (p2*t*t) + (p3*t*t*t) + (p4*t*t*t*t) + (p5*t*t*t*t*t);
+if(quad==2 | quad==1) y=-y;  /* correct sign */
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::TanFloatDouble(float angle)
+	double tn = 0;
+	Math::Tan(tn, double(angle));
+	return float(tn);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::SinApprox(float angle)
+	float c = 0.70710678118654752440f;
+	return ((2 - 4 * c) * angle * angle + c + angle);	
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::CosApprox(float angle)
+	float c = 0.70710678118654752440f;
+	return ((2 - 4 * c) * angle * angle + c - angle);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::FastSin(const float val)
+    float fASqr = val*val;
+    float fResult = -2.39e-08f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult += 2.7526e-06f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult -= 1.98409e-04f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult += 8.3333315e-03f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult -= 1.666666664e-01f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult += 1.0f;
+    fResult *= val;
+    return fResult;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::FastCos(const float val)
+    float fASqr = val*val;
+    float fResult = -2.605e-07f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult += 2.47609e-05f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult -= 1.3888397e-03f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult += 4.16666418e-02f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult -= 4.999999963e-01f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult += 1.0f;
+    return fResult;  
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::FastTan(const float val)
+    float fASqr = val*val;
+    float fResult = 9.5168091e-03f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult += 2.900525e-03f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult += 2.45650893e-02f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult += 5.33740603e-02f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult += 1.333923995e-01f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult += 3.333314036e-01f;
+    fResult *= fASqr;
+    fResult += 1.0f;
+    fResult *= val;
+    return fResult;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::FastASin(float val)
+    float fRoot = Sqrt(1.0f-val);
+    float fResult = -0.0187293f;
+    fResult *= val;
+    fResult += 0.0742610f;
+    fResult *= val;
+    fResult -= 0.2121144f;
+    fResult *= val;
+    fResult += 1.5707288f;
+    fResult = 1.57079632679489661923 - fRoot*fResult;
+    return fResult;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::FastACos(float val)
+    float fRoot = Sqrt(1.0f-val);
+    float fResult = -0.0187293f;
+    fResult *= val;
+    fResult += 0.0742610f;
+    fResult *= val;
+    fResult -= 0.2121144f;
+    fResult *= val;
+    fResult += 1.5707288f;
+    fResult *= fRoot;
+    return fResult;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::FastATan(float val)
+	float fVSqr = val*val;
+    float fResult = 0.0028662257f;
+    fResult *= fVSqr;
+    fResult -= 0.0161657367f;
+    fResult *= fVSqr;
+    fResult += 0.0429096138f;
+    fResult *= fVSqr;
+    fResult -= 0.0752896400f;
+    fResult *= fVSqr;
+    fResult += 0.1065626393f;
+    fResult *= fVSqr;
+    fResult -= 0.1420889944f;
+    fResult *= fVSqr;
+    fResult += 0.1999355085f;
+    fResult *= fVSqr;
+    fResult -= 0.3333314528f;
+    fResult *= fVSqr;
+    fResult += 1.0f;
+    fResult *= val;
+    return fResult;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ float TFloatFixPt::Cos(float angle) 
+/* computes cos of x (x in radians) by an expansion */
+   float result = 1.0;
+   int factor = 1;  
+   float power = angle;
+   for ( int i = 2; i <= 10; i++ ) 
+   {
+      factor = factor * i;  
+      power = power * angle;
+      if ( (i & 1) == 0 )
+      {
+        if ( (i & 3) == 0 )
+        {
+        	result += power/factor;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        	result -= power/factor;
+        } 
+      }
+   }
+   return (result);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  TFloatFixPt TFloatFixPt::Sqrt( TFloatFixPt aA )
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TFloatFixPt TFloatFixPt::Sqrt( TFloatFixPt aA )
+    {
+    TFloatFixPt tmp;
+    tmp.iValue = Sqrt( aA.iValue );
+    return tmp;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  TFloatFixPt TFloatFixPt::Abs( TFixPt& aA )
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TFloatFixPt TFloatFixPt::Abs( TFloatFixPt& aA )
+    {
+    return ( aA.iValue > 0.0f ) ? TFloatFixPt( aA.iValue ) : ( TFloatFixPt( -aA.iValue ) );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------        
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  void TFixPt::GetString( TDes& aBuf ) const
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void TFloatFixPt::GetString( TDes& aBuf ) const
+    {
+    TRealFormat rf( 10, 3 );
+    rf.iType = KRealFormatFixed | KDoNotUseTriads;
+    aBuf.Num( ( ( TReal32 ) iValue ) / KFixPtFracVal, rf );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  TFloatFixPt TFloatFixPt::ConvertString( const TDesC& aVal )
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TFloatFixPt TFloatFixPt::ConvertString( const TDesC& aVal )
+    {
+    TLex aString( aVal );
+    TReal32 val;
+    aString.SkipSpace();
+    aString.Val( val, '.' );
+    return TFloatFixPt( val );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  TInt TFloatFixPt::ConvertString( const TDesC& aValueString, TFloatFixPt& aValue )
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TInt TFloatFixPt::ConvertString( const TDesC& aValueString, TFloatFixPt& aValue )
+    {
+    TLex aString( aValueString );
+    TReal32 value;
+    aString.SkipSpace();
+    TInt errorCode = aString.Val( value, '.' );
+    aValue = (float)value;
+    return errorCode;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  TFloatFixPt TFloatFixPt::Abs( TFixPt& aA )
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TFloatFixPt TFloatFixPt::Abs( TFloatFixPt& aA )
+    {
+    TFloatFixPt KZero;
+    return ( aA > KZero ) ? aA : ( KZero - aA );
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// fixed point SQRT from Graphics Gems
+// ==========================================================================
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  TFloatFixPt TFloatFixPt::Sqrt( TFloatFixPt aA )
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TFloatFixPt TFloatFixPt::Sqrt( TFloatFixPt aA )
+    {
+    TFloatFixPt tmp;
+    tmp.iValue = FixedSqrtGeneral( aA.iValue, KFixPtFrac );
+    return tmp;
+    }
+// ==========================================================================
+// Fixed point sqrt from Graphics Gems
+// ==========================================================================
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  TInt32 TFloatFixPt::FixedSqrtGeneral( TInt32 aX, TUint32 aFracbits )
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TInt32 TFloatFixPt::FixedSqrtGeneral( TInt32 aX, TUint32 aFracbits )
+    {
+    TUint32 root, remHi, remLo, testDiv, count;
+    root = 0;
+    remHi = 0;
+    remLo = aX;
+    count = 15 + ( aFracbits >> 1 );
+    do
+        {
+        remHi = ( remHi << 2 ) | ( remLo >> 30 );
+        remLo <<= 2;
+        root <<= 1;
+        testDiv = ( root << 1 ) + 1;
+        if ( remHi >= testDiv )
+            {
+            remHi -= testDiv;
+            root += 1;
+            }
+        }
+    while ( count-- != 0 );
+    return root;
+    }