Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: SVG Implementation source file
#include "SVGAnimationElementImpl.h"
#include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
#include "SVGSchemaData.h"
#include "SVGAnimationBase.h"
#include "SVGEvent.h"
#include "SVGEventHandler.h"
#if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
#include <e32base.h>
// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
// Setter functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetRecursionVariable: Set aIsRecursion to indicate that the element has been
// cloned or not.
// Returns: TFloatFixPt
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSvgAnimationElementImpl::SetRecursionVariable(TBool aIsRecursion)
iUseInRecursion = aIsRecursion;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// Getter functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// X: returns iX
// Returns: TFloatFixPt
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFloatFixPt CSvgAnimationElementImpl::X()
return iX;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Y: returns iY
// Returns: TFloatFixPt
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFloatFixPt CSvgAnimationElementImpl::Y()
return iY;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Width: returns iWidth
// Returns: TFloatFixPt
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFloatFixPt CSvgAnimationElementImpl::Width()
return iWidth;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Height: return iHeight
// Returns: TFloatFixPt
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFloatFixPt CSvgAnimationElementImpl::Height()
return iHeight;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PreservRatio: Returns the PreserveAspecRatio's setting. Mainly used by encoder.
// Returns: Descriptor of PreserveAspecRatio value
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC& CSvgAnimationElementImpl::PreservRatio()
return (TDesC&) *iPreservRatio;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetAttributeL: Called by Contenthandler or decoder to set attributes
// Returns: TInt error code
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSvgAnimationElementImpl::SetAttributeL( const TDesC& aName,
const TDesC& aValue )
_LIT( KXlink, "xlink:href" );
_LIT( KPreserveAspectRatio, "preserveAspectRatio" );
if ( aName == KXlink )
// STEP 1 - Get the reference element
// If the first char is '#' then remove it
// This is possible if coming from cXML parser and not CVG Decoder
TInt pos = aValue.Locate( '#' );
if ( pos != KErrNotFound && pos == 0 )
HBufC* tBufC = HBufC::NewLC( aValue.Length() );
TPtr tPtr = tBufC->Des();
tPtr.Copy( aValue );
tPtr.Delete( pos, 1 );
if ( this->SetXlinkAttributeL( aName, tPtr ) )
iReferencedElement = ( CSvgElementImpl * )
((CSvgDocumentImpl*)iOwnerDocument)->GetElementById( tPtr );
if(iReferencedElement == NULL)
// failure in finding the referenced element
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // tBufC
return KErrReferencedElementNotFound;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // tBufC
else if ( aName == KPreserveAspectRatio )
iPreservRatio = aValue.AllocL();
CSvgAnimationBase::SetAttributeL(aName, aValue);
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetAttributeFloatL: Called by Contenthandler or decoder to set attributes
// Returns: TInt error code
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSvgAnimationElementImpl::SetAttributeFloatL( const TInt aNameId,
const TFloatFixPt aValue )
switch ( aNameId )
case KAtrX:
iX = aValue;
case KAtrY:
iY = aValue;
case KAtrWidth:
iWidth = aValue;
case KAtrHeight:
iHeight = aValue;
return CSvgElementImpl::SetAttributeFloatL( aNameId, aValue );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetAttributeFloat: returns value of the floating attribute
// Returns: TInt error code
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSvgAnimationElementImpl::GetAttributeFloat( const TInt aNameId, TFloatFixPt& aValue )
switch ( aNameId )
case KAtrX:
aValue = iX ;
case KAtrY:
aValue = iY ;
case KAtrWidth:
aValue = iWidth ;
case KAtrHeight:
aValue = iHeight ;
return CSvgElementImpl::GetAttributeFloat( aNameId, aValue );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetUriRefId: Get the id of reference target id
// Returns: TDesC& id
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//const TDesC& CSvgAnimationElementImpl::GetUriRefId()
// {
// return (TDesC&) (iReferencedElement->Id());
// }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsUriRefSet: Return true or not if uri is set
// Returns: TBool
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSvgAnimationElementImpl::IsUriRefSet()
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ReceiveEventL: The implemented function will be called whenever subscribed
// events are received.
// From MSvgEventReceiver
// Return: TBool ETrue if redraw is needed
// EFalse if redraw is not needed
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSvgAnimationElementImpl::ReceiveEventL( MSvgEvent* aEvent )
// Processing events after begin time
if( CSvgElementImpl::IsSVGEnginePaused())
return EFalse;
CSvgEngineImpl* engine = ((CSvgDocumentImpl*)iOwnerDocument)->Engine();
if (engine == NULL)
return EFalse;
TInt32 lEngineCurrentTime = engine->CurrentTIme();
if ( lEngineCurrentTime < iAbsoluteBeginTime)
// not begin yet.
return ETrue;
// rewrite engine time to simulate different timer
if ( aEvent->EventType() == ESvgEngineEventTimer )
((MSvgTimerEvent*)aEvent)->SetTime( (TInt32)(lEngineCurrentTime
- iAbsoluteBeginTime ));
// Basically forward received events to all its children as if they receive
// event from DocumentImpl.
if ( iAnimationEventHandler->ProcessEventL( aEvent ))
if (iInitSortList)
iInitSortList = EFalse;
// this is to keep the dom in its final state.
if(aEvent->EventType() == ESvgEngineEventTimer)
// Process key event separately.
if (aEvent->EventType() == ESvgEngineEventKeyPress)
// return true to be redrawn
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RecursionVariable: Getter function that could be called by Contenthandler or
// decoder to determine if the element has been cloned.
// elements
// Return: TBool ETrue if the element is cloned already
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSvgAnimationElementImpl::RecursionVariable()
return iUseInRecursion;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetRefElemById: Called by Contenthandler or decoder to set referenced
// elements
// Return: none
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSvgAnimationElementImpl::SetRefElemById(const TDesC& aName)
iReferencedElement = ( CSvgElementImpl * )
((CSvgDocumentImpl*)iOwnerDocument)->GetElementById( aName );
if( iReferencedElement == NULL )
return KErrNotFound;
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetReferenceElementL: Called by Contenthandler or decoder to clone referenced
// element which has been determined in SetRefElemById(...).
// Return: none
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSvgAnimationElementImpl::SetReferenceElementL()
_LIT( KPreserveAspectRatio, "preserveAspectRatio" );
if( iReferencedElement != NULL )
// Setting iUseInRecursion to True so that the Call to CloneL
// is not called to this instance of use in this recursion
CSvgElementImpl* theElement = (CSvgElementImpl *)iReferencedElement->CloneL((MXmlElement*)this);
// The Recursion variable is set to false only when the Cloning
// goes into loop.
// Using this information and then Setting the Recursion variable
// back to True to use the information to set error code in
// StartElementL in Content Handler
else // Normal CloneL loop exit
// Setting iUseInRecursion back to False
CSvgDocumentImpl* doc = ( CSvgDocumentImpl* ) OwnerDocument();
CSvgSvgElementImpl* lSvgRoot = (CSvgSvgElementImpl*) doc->RootElement();
if (iPreservRatio != NULL)
lSvgRoot->SetAttributeL( KPreserveAspectRatio, iPreservRatio->Des() );
lSvgRoot->SetWidth( iX );
lSvgRoot->SetHeight( iY );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ResetEventListener: Reset event listeners for it's children
// Returns: none
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSvgAnimationElementImpl::ResetEventListener()
FindAllAnimationElements( (CSvgElementImpl* )this, iMyAnimationElementList );
// Remove event listening for every animation elements that are child of
// this Animation element. This is to implement a separated time container
// Instead, register event linstening to the event handler of this element.
TInt myAnimationEleListCnt = iMyAnimationElementList->Count();
for (int i=0; i<myAnimationEleListCnt; i++)
CSvgElementImpl* lCurElem =
// Removing...
// Adding...
TUint8 eventMask = iAnimationEventHandler->EventMask(lCurElem);
TRAPD(err, iAnimationEventHandler->AddToEventReceiverListL( lCurElem, eventMask ));
if (err != KErrNone)
#ifdef _DEBUG
_LIT(msg, "CSvgAnimationElementImpl::ResetEventListener():Can't add myself to event receiverList");
#endif //_DEBUG
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RemoveEventListener: Remove event listeners for it's children
// Returns: none
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSvgAnimationElementImpl::RemoveEventListener()
FindAllAnimationElements( (CSvgElementImpl* )this, iMyAnimationElementList );
// Remove event listening for every animation elements that are child of
// this Animation element. This is to implement a separated time container
// Instead, register event linstening to the event handler of this element.
for (int i=0; i<iMyAnimationElementList->Count(); i++)
CSvgElementImpl* lCurElem =
// Removing...
iAnimationEventHandler->RemoveFromEventReceiverList( lCurElem );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSvgAnimationElementImpl: Find all animation elements and save it to aList
// Returns: none
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSvgAnimationElementImpl::FindAllAnimationElements(
CSvgElementImpl* aElement,
RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl>* aList )
CSvgElementImpl* child = (CSvgElementImpl*)aElement->FirstChild();
while ( child != NULL )
if ( IsAnimationElement(child) )
aList->Append( child );
FindAllAnimationElements( child, aList );
child = (CSvgElementImpl*)child->NextSibling();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsAnimationElement: A utility function that check if the element
// is an animation element.
// Returns: TBool ETrue if the element is a animation element.
// EFalse if the element is not an animation element.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSvgAnimationElementImpl::IsAnimationElement(CSvgElementImpl* aElement)
TInt id = aElement->ElemID();
return (( id == KSvgAnimateElement ) ||
( id == KSvgAnimateMotionElement ) ||
( id == KSvgAnimateTransformElement ) ||
( id == KSvgSetElement ) ||
( id == KSvgAnimateColorElement ));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ResetAnimationL: Actions to reset the animation
// Returns: none
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSvgAnimationElementImpl::ResetAnimationL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AnimProcL: Actions to reset the animation
// Returns: none
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSvgAnimationElementImpl::AnimProcL( MSvgTimerEvent* aEvent )
if (aEvent->EventType() == ESvgEngineEventKeyPress)
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CloneL: Perform a deep clone of this object
// Returns: MXmlElement pointer to the newly created element.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MXmlElement* CSvgAnimationElementImpl::CloneL(MXmlElement* aParentElement)
return NULL;
CSvgAnimationElementImpl* newElement = CSvgAnimationElementImpl::NewL( this->ElemID(),
((CSvgDocumentImpl*)iOwnerDocument) );
newElement->iParentNode = aParentElement;
// copy everything over
return newElement;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CopyL: Perform a deep copy of this object
// Returns: none
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSvgAnimationElementImpl::CopyL( CSvgAnimationElementImpl* aDestElement )
aDestElement->iX = this->iX;
aDestElement->iY = this->iY;
aDestElement->iHeight = this->iHeight;
aDestElement->iWidth = this->iWidth;
aDestElement->iReferencedElement = this->iReferencedElement;
aDestElement->iOwnerDocument = this->iOwnerDocument;
// copy stuff from superclass
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSvgAnimationElementImpl* CSvgAnimationElementImpl::NewL( const TUint8 aElemID,
CSvgDocumentImpl* aDoc)
CSvgAnimationElementImpl* self = new (ELeave)CSvgAnimationElementImpl(aDoc);
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aElemID );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSvgAnimationElementImpl* CSvgAnimationElementImpl::NewLC( const TUint8 aElemID,
CSvgDocumentImpl* aDoc)
CSvgAnimationElementImpl* self = new (ELeave) CSvgAnimationElementImpl(aDoc);
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aElemID );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C++ default constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSvgAnimationElementImpl::CSvgAnimationElementImpl( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDoc )
: CSvgAnimationBase( aDoc )
iInitSortList = ETrue; //True indicates that the soring has not been done.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Symbian default constructor that can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSvgAnimationElementImpl::ConstructL( const TUint8 aElemID )
CSvgAnimationBase::ConstructL( aElemID );
iSvgStyleProperties = new(ELeave) RPointerArray<CCssValue>(KCSS_MAX_ATTR);
User::LeaveIfError( iSvgStyleProperties->Append( NULL ) );
iSvgStyleProperties->Remove( 0 );
iMyAnimationElementList = new (ELeave)RPointerArray<CSvgElementImpl> (1);
iSvgTransformable = CSvgTransformableImpl::NewL();
iX = ( 0 );
iY = ( 0 );
iX.operator = ( 0 );
iY.operator = ( 0 );
iUseInRecursion = EFalse;
iAnimationEventHandler = CSvgEventHandler::NewL();
// ((CSvgDocumentImpl*)
// iOwnerDocument)->AddToEventReceiverListL(this, KSvgEventMaskTimer |
// KSvgEventMaskInternal | KSvgEventMaskExternalUI);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// unregister event listening for all childs.
if( iAnimationEventHandler )
delete iAnimationEventHandler;
iAnimationEventHandler = NULL ;
if ( iSvgStyleProperties )
delete iSvgStyleProperties;
iSvgStyleProperties = NULL;
if ( iMyAnimationElementList )
delete iMyAnimationElementList;
if ( iPreservRatio )
delete iPreservRatio;
void CSvgAnimationElementImpl::Print( TBool aIsEncodeOn )
if (!aIsEncodeOn)
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Printf("<animation x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" xlink:href=\"hmm\" preserveAspectRatio=\"hmm\" />",
(int)iX, (int)iY, (int)iWidth, (int)iHeight/*, Href(), PreservRatio()*/);
// End of File