Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: SVG Implementation source file
#include "SVGGradientElementImpl.h"
#include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSvgGradientElementImpl::CSvgGradientElementImpl( CSvgDocumentImpl* aDoc )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSvgGradientElementImpl::ConstructL(const TUint8 aElemID)
CSvgElementImpl::InitializeL( aElemID );
iSvgStyleProperties = new(ELeave) RPointerArray<CCssValue>(KCSS_MAX_ATTR);
User::LeaveIfError( iSvgStyleProperties->Append( NULL ) );
iSvgStyleProperties->Remove( 0 );
iSvgUriReferenceImpl = CSvgUriReferenceImpl::NewL();
iSvgTransformable = CSvgTransformableImpl::NewL();
iSvgStopElementArray = new( ELeave ) RPointerArray<CSvgStopElementImpl> ( 1 );
iStopElementData = new(ELeave) RArray<TSvgStopData> (1);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iSvgStopElementArray;
iSvgStopElementArray = NULL;
if ( iSvgStyleProperties )
delete iSvgStyleProperties;
iSvgStyleProperties = NULL;
if ( iSvgUriReferenceImpl )
delete iSvgUriReferenceImpl;
iSvgUriReferenceImpl = NULL;
delete iStopElementData;
iStopElementData = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSvgGradientElementImpl::SetAttributeL( const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aValue )
iGradientPaint->iGradientUnits = KuserSpaceOnUse;
else if(aValue==_L("objectBoundingBox"))
iGradientPaint->iGradientUnits = KobjectBoundingBox;
else if(aName==_L("spreadMethod"))
iGradientPaint->iSpreadMethod = KspreadMethodPad;
else if(aValue==_L("reflect"))
iGradientPaint->iSpreadMethod = KspreadMethodReflect;
else if(aValue==_L("repeat"))
iGradientPaint->iSpreadMethod = KspreadMethodRepeat;
return KErrNone;
TInt CSvgGradientElementImpl::SetAttributeIntL( const TInt aNameId,
const TInt32 aValue )
if(aNameId == KAtrSpreadMethods)
iGradientPaint->iSpreadMethod = (TUint16) aValue;
else if(aNameId == KAtrGradientUnits)
iGradientPaint->iGradientUnits = (TUint16) aValue;
CSvgElementImpl::SetAttributeIntL (aNameId,aValue);
return 0;
TInt CSvgGradientElementImpl::GetAttributeIntL( const TInt aNameId, TInt32& aValue )
if(aNameId == KAtrSpreadMethods)
aValue = iGradientPaint->iSpreadMethod ;
else if(aNameId == KAtrGradientUnits)
aValue = iGradientPaint->iGradientUnits ;
CSvgElementImpl::GetAttributeIntL (aNameId,aValue);
return 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adjusts the offset values of all the previously added elements such that
// each gradient offset value is greater than the previous gradient stop's
// offset value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSvgGradientElementImpl::UpdateOffsetValues(CSvgStopElementImpl *aStopEl)
TInt count = iSvgStopElementArray->Count();
if (count == 1)
TFloatFixPt aNewOffset = aStopEl->iOffset;
//Since the Stop Element is already added, The loop runs for "count - 1" times.
for (TInt i=0; i < count - 1; i++)
TFloatFixPt OldOffset = iSvgStopElementArray->operator[](i)->iOffset;
if ( OldOffset >= aNewOffset )
//set this latter value up so it has at least as high a value as the
//previous stop offsets
aStopEl->iOffset = OldOffset;
if (aStopEl->iOffset == TFloatFixPt(0))
aStopEl->iOffset += TFloatFixPt(.001f);
//two stop offsets have the same value now so make the one before ever so slightly less
//the latter one will control the "overlap point"
OldOffset -= TFloatFixPt(.001f);
iSvgStopElementArray->operator[](i)->iOffset = OldOffset;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The function not only adds the element in Stop element array but also
// adjusts the offset values of all the previously added elements such that
// each gradient offset value is greater than the previous gradient stop's
// offset value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSvgGradientElementImpl::AddStopElementInArray(CSvgStopElementImpl *aStopEl)
TBool lFound = EFalse;
TInt err = iSvgStopElementArray->Find(aStopEl);
if( err != KErrNotFound )
lFound = ETrue;
void CSvgGradientElementImpl::SetGradientTransMatrix(SVGReal aMatrix[2][3])
TGfxAffineTransform tempTransform;
MSvgTransformList* trList;
GetTransform( trList );
TGfxAffineTransform originalTransform = trList->GetItem( 0 );
tempTransform.iM00.iValue = aMatrix[0][0];
tempTransform.iM01.iValue = aMatrix[0][1];
tempTransform.iM02.iValue = aMatrix[0][2];
tempTransform.iM10.iValue = aMatrix[1][0];
tempTransform.iM11.iValue = aMatrix[1][1];
tempTransform.iM12.iValue = aMatrix[1][2];
TUint32 lTransType = KTransformIdentity;
TFloatFixPt KZero;
TFloatFixPt KOne( KFloatFixOne );
if ( tempTransform.iM02 != KZero || tempTransform.iM12 != KZero )
lTransType |= KTransformTranslate;
if ( tempTransform.iM00 != KZero || tempTransform.iM11 != KZero )
lTransType |= KTransformScale;
if ( tempTransform.iM01 != KZero || tempTransform.iM10 != KZero )
lTransType |= KTransformShear;
if ( (int)lTransType == KTransformScale &&
tempTransform.iM00 == KOne && tempTransform.iM11 == KOne )
lTransType = KTransformIdentity;
tempTransform.iTransType = lTransType;
originalTransform.Concatenate( tempTransform );
trList->ReplaceItem( originalTransform, 0 );