* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Graphics Extension Library source file
#include "GfxImageTransformer.h"
#include "GfxColor.h"
#define RGB565toRGB888(rgb565) (0xff000000|((rgb565 << 8) & 0xf80000) | ((rgb565 << 5) & 0x00fc00) | ((rgb565 << 3) & 0x000f8))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TGfxImageTransformer::TGfxImageTransformer( TGfxAffineTransform* aTransform )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TGfxImageTransformer::TGfxImageTransformer( TGfxAffineTransform* aTransform, CVGRenderer * aRenderer )
iTransform = aTransform;
iVgRenderer = aRenderer;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void TGfxImageTransformer::ImageBlend( CFbsBitmap* aSrc,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TGfxImageTransformer::ImageBlend( CFbsBitmap* aSrc,
const TGfxPoint2D& aP,
TInt aDstWidth,
TInt aDstHeight,
const TRect& aClipRect,
TBool aReverse)
TRect srcrect( TPoint( aP.iX, aP.iY ), aSrc->SizeInPixels() );
TRect dstrect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize(aDstWidth, aDstHeight) );
TInt srcWidth = aSrc->SizeInPixels().iWidth;
TInt srcHeight = aSrc->SizeInPixels().iHeight;
TGfxRectangle2D rect2d = GetTransformedBound( aSrc, aP );
TRect rect (TPoint( rect2d.iX, rect2d.iY ), TSize( rect2d.iWidth, rect2d.iHeight ) );
rect.Intersection(aClipRect); // Clipping
if ( !rect.Intersects( dstrect ) ) // clip rect with dst image
rect.Intersection( dstrect );
TUint32* bufsrc32 = (TUint32*) aSrc->DataAddress();
TUint bufLimit = aDstWidth * aDstHeight;
TGfxAffineTransform inv = iTransform->CreateInverse();
TInt xstart, xend, yend;
TGfxPoint2D horizDeriv;
TGfxPoint2D origin, top, right, corner, east, west, south, north;
// sort four corners into appropriate order
SortCoordinates(origin, top, north, south, right, east, west,
corner, aP, srcWidth, srcHeight);
// compute derivitives for scanline in source.
TPoint pinv;
TGfxPoint2D p;
p.iX = 8;
p.iY = 0;
inv.Transform( &p, & p, 1 );
horizDeriv.iX = p.iX;
horizDeriv.iY = p.iY;
p.iX = 0;
p.iY = 0;
inv.Transform( &p, & p, 1 );
horizDeriv.iX -= p.iX;
horizDeriv.iY -= p.iY;
horizDeriv.iX = horizDeriv.iX >> 3;
horizDeriv.iY = horizDeriv.iY >> 3;
yend = rect.iBr.iY;
TInt bufLength = rect.iTl.iX + ( rect.iTl.iY * aDstWidth );
TInt tempBufLength = bufLength;
TInt x, y;
TInt sx, sy;
TUint32 pixel;
TInt offset;
VGint stride = CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength( aDstWidth, aSrc->DisplayMode() );
for ( y = rect.iTl.iY; y <= yend; y++ )
p.iY = y;
// compute scanline starting position
ComputeXPositions((TFloatFixPt)y, rect, north, west, east, south, xstart, xend);
p.iX = xstart;
// transform that starting position to the source image
inv.Transform( &p, & p, 1 );
bufLength += xstart - rect.iTl.iX;
p.iY -= TFloatFixPt( .5f );
p.iY -= TFloatFixPt(0x8000, ETrue);
for ( x = xstart; x <= xend; x++ )
//increment the location of the position by one horizontal location
pinv.iX = p.iX;
pinv.iY = p.iY;
if ( srcrect.Contains( pinv ) )
pinv.iX -= ( TInt32 ) aP.iX;
pinv.iY -= ( TInt32 ) aP.iY;
// find out cooresponding x & y in OpenVG
offset = bufLength;
sy = aDstHeight - (offset / aDstWidth);
sx = offset % aDstWidth;
if (aReverse)
iVgRenderer->vgReadPixels((void *)&pixel, stride, VG_sRGBA_8888_PRE, sx, sy, 1, 1);
*(bufsrc32 + ( TInt32 ) pinv.iX + (srcWidth)*( TInt32 ) (pinv.iY)) =
(pixel >> 8) | (pixel << 24) ;
pixel = *(bufsrc32 + ( TInt32 ) pinv.iX + (srcWidth)*( TInt32 ) (pinv.iY));
pixel = (pixel << 8) | (pixel >> 24);
iVgRenderer->vgWritePixels((void *)&pixel, stride, VG_sRGBA_8888_PRE, sx, sy, 1, 1);
p.iX += horizDeriv.iX;
p.iY += horizDeriv.iY;
tempBufLength += aDstWidth;
bufLength = tempBufLength;
if (tempBufLength + aDstWidth >= bufLimit)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void TGfxImageTransformer::SortCoordinates
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TGfxImageTransformer::SortCoordinates(
TGfxPoint2D& origin, TGfxPoint2D& top,
TGfxPoint2D& north, TGfxPoint2D& south, TGfxPoint2D& right,
TGfxPoint2D& east, TGfxPoint2D& west, TGfxPoint2D& corner,
const TGfxPoint2D aP, const TInt srcWidth, const TInt srcHeight)
origin.iX = aP.iX;
origin.iY = aP.iY;
corner.iX = aP.iX + (TFloatFixPt)srcWidth;
corner.iY = aP.iY + (TFloatFixPt)srcHeight;
top.iX = aP.iX;
top.iY = aP.iY + (TFloatFixPt)srcHeight;
right.iX = aP.iX + (TFloatFixPt)srcWidth;
right.iY = aP.iY;
// transform corners of the source rectangle.
iTransform->Transform(&origin, &origin, 1);
iTransform->Transform(&top, &top, 1);
iTransform->Transform(&right, &right, 1);
iTransform->Transform(&corner, &corner, 1);
west = origin; east = corner; north = top; south = right;
if (top.iX < origin.iX)
west = top;
east = right;
north = corner;
south = origin;
west = origin;
east = corner;
north = top;
south = right;
if (corner.iX < west.iX)
west = corner;
east = origin;
north = right;
south = top;
if (right.iX < west.iX)
west = right;
east = top;
north = origin;
south = corner;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void TGfxImageTransformer::ComputeXPositions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TGfxImageTransformer::ComputeXPositions(TFloatFixPt y, TRect rect,
TGfxPoint2D north, TGfxPoint2D west, TGfxPoint2D east,
TGfxPoint2D south, TInt& xstart, TInt& xend)
if ( y > west.iY )
if (north.iY - west.iY == (TFloatFixPt)0)
xstart = (TInt32) west.iX;
xstart = (TInt32) (west.iX + (north.iX - west.iX) *
( (y - west.iY) / (north.iY - west.iY) ));
if (west.iY - south.iY == (TFloatFixPt)0)
xstart = (TInt32) south.iX;
xstart = (TInt32) (south.iX + (west.iX - south.iX) *
( (y - south.iY) / (west.iY - south.iY) ));
// compute scanline edges end position
if ( y > east.iY )
if ( north.iY - east.iY == (TFloatFixPt)0 )
xend = (TInt32) north.iX;
xend = (TInt32) (east.iX + (north.iX - east.iX) *
( (((TFloatFixPt)y) - east.iY) / (north.iY - east.iY) ));
if ( (east.iY - south.iY) == (TFloatFixPt)0 )
xend = (TInt32) east.iX;
xend = (TInt32) (south.iX + (east.iX - south.iX) *
( (((TFloatFixPt)y) - south.iY) / (east.iY - south.iY) ));
// does span clip against edges
if(xstart < rect.iTl.iX)
xstart = rect.iTl.iX;
if(xend >= rect.iBr.iX) // iX-1 seems to be the limit, using iX rolls over to next line
xend = rect.iBr.iX-1;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void TGfxImageTransformer::Draw( CFbsBitmap* aSrc,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TGfxImageTransformer::Draw( CFbsBitmap* aSrc,
const TGfxPoint2D& aP,
TUint32* aDst,
TInt aDstWidth,
TInt aDstHeight,
TUint8 /*aAlpha*/,
TGfxColor aTransparentColor,
const TRect& aClipRect,
TBool aReverse
TRect rect;
TInt32 x, y;
TFloatFixPt currentScale = iTransform->ScalingFactor();
TSize bitmapSize = aSrc->SizeInPixels();
TRect srcrect( TPoint( aP.iX, aP.iY ),
TSize( bitmapSize.iWidth-1, bitmapSize.iHeight-1 ) );
TRect dstrect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize(aDstWidth-1, aDstHeight-1) );
TInt32 srcWidth = bitmapSize.iWidth;
TInt32 srcHeight = bitmapSize.iHeight;
TInt32 pad = (srcWidth & 1);
TGfxRectangle2D rect2d = GetTransformedBound( aSrc, aP );
rect.SetRect( TPoint( rect2d.iX, rect2d.iY ), TSize( rect2d.iWidth, rect2d.iHeight ) );
rect.Intersection(aClipRect); // Clipping
if ( !rect.Intersects( dstrect ) ) // clip rect with dst image
rect.Intersection( dstrect );
TDisplayMode dispmode = aSrc->DisplayMode();
TUint16* bufsrc16 = NULL;
TUint32* bufsrc32 = NULL;
if ( dispmode == EColor16MU)
bufsrc32 = (TUint32*) aSrc->DataAddress();
bufsrc16 = (TUint16*) aSrc->DataAddress();
TUint32* buf = aDst + rect.iTl.iX + ( rect.iTl.iY * aDstWidth );
TUint32* bufLimit = aDst + aDstWidth * aDstHeight;
TUint32 pix = 0;
TInt dstStride = aDstWidth;
TGfxAffineTransform inv = iTransform->CreateInverse();
if ( aTransparentColor.GetARGB() == KGfxColorNull /* && aAlpha == 0xff */ &&
(int)inv.TransformType() == KTransformIdentity && aReverse == EFalse)
// Fast case; no alpha or transform (cdm).
TPoint p;
TInt lScrPp = (srcWidth+pad);
for ( y = rect.iTl.iY; y <= rect.iBr.iY; y++ )
for ( x = rect.iTl.iX; x <= rect.iBr.iX; x++ )
p.iX = x;
p.iY = y;
if ( srcrect.Contains( p ) )
p.iX -= ( TInt32 ) aP.iX;
p.iY -= ( TInt32 ) aP.iY;
if ( dispmode == EColor16MU)
buf[x] = (TUint32) *(bufsrc32 + ( TInt32 ) p.iX + (lScrPp)*( TInt32 ) p.iY);
*buf = pix;
// src:RGB565 -> dst:ARGB8888
pix = (TUint32) *(bufsrc16 + ( TInt32 ) p.iX + (lScrPp)*( TInt32 ) p.iY);
buf[x] = RGB565toRGB888(pix);
buf += dstStride;
if (buf + dstStride >= bufLimit)
else // Alpha blending and/or transform is required.
TPoint pinv;
TGfxPoint2D p;
TUint32* obuf = buf;
TInt32 xstart, xend, yend;
TGfxPoint2D horizDeriv;
TGfxPoint2D origin, top, right, corner;
TGfxPoint2D east, west, south, north;
origin.iX = aP.iX;
origin.iY = aP.iY;
corner.iX = aP.iX + (TFloatFixPt)srcWidth;
corner.iY = aP.iY + (TFloatFixPt)srcHeight;
top.iX = aP.iX;
top.iY = aP.iY + (TFloatFixPt)srcHeight;
right.iX = aP.iX + (TFloatFixPt)srcWidth;
right.iY = aP.iY;
// transform corners of the source rectangle.
iTransform->Transform(&origin, &origin, 1);
iTransform->Transform(&top, &top, 1);
iTransform->Transform(&right, &right, 1);
iTransform->Transform(&corner, &corner, 1);
// sort four corners into appropriate order
west = origin; east = corner; north = top; south = right;
if (top.iX < origin.iX)
west = top;
east = right;
north = corner;
south = origin;
west = origin;
east = corner;
north = top;
south = right;
if (corner.iX < west.iX)
west = corner;
east = origin;
north = right;
south = top;
if (right.iX < west.iX)
west = right;
east = top;
north = origin;
south = corner;
// compute derivitives for scanline in source.
p.iX = 1;
p.iY = 0;
inv.Transform( &p, & p, 1 );
horizDeriv.iX = p.iX;
horizDeriv.iY = p.iY;
p.iX = 0;
p.iY = 0;
inv.Transform( &p, & p, 1 );
horizDeriv.iX -= p.iX;
horizDeriv.iY -= p.iY;
yend = rect.iBr.iY;
TInt lScrPp = 0;
if ( dispmode == EColor16MU)
lScrPp = srcWidth;
lScrPp = srcWidth+pad;
TUint32 transparentColorRgb565 = aTransparentColor.ColorRgb565();
for ( y = rect.iTl.iY; y <= yend; y++ )
p.iY = y;
// compute scanline starting position
if ( ((TFloatFixPt)y) > west.iY )
if(north.iY - west.iY == (TFloatFixPt)0)
xstart = (TInt32) west.iX;
xstart = (TInt32) (west.iX + (north.iX - west.iX) * ( (((TFloatFixPt)y) - west.iY) / (north.iY - west.iY) ));
if(west.iY - south.iY == (TFloatFixPt)0)
xstart = (TInt32) south.iX;
xstart = (TInt32) (south.iX + (west.iX - south.iX) * ( (((TFloatFixPt)y) - south.iY) / (west.iY - south.iY) ));
// compute scanline edges end position
if ( (TFloatFixPt)y > east.iY )
if(north.iY - east.iY == (TFloatFixPt)0)
xend = (TInt32) north.iX;
xend = (TInt32) (east.iX + (north.iX - east.iX) * ( (((TFloatFixPt)y) - east.iY) / (north.iY - east.iY) ));
if ( (east.iY - south.iY) == (TFloatFixPt)0 )
xend = (TInt32) east.iX;
xend = (TInt32) (south.iX + (east.iX - south.iX) * ( (((TFloatFixPt)y) - south.iY) / (east.iY - south.iY) ));
// does span clip against edges
if(xstart < rect.iTl.iX)
xstart = rect.iTl.iX;
if(xend >= rect.iBr.iX) // iX-1 seems to be the limit, using iX rolls over to next line
xend = rect.iBr.iX-1;
p.iX = xstart;
// transform that starting position to the source image
inv.Transform( &p, & p, 1 );
buf += xstart-rect.iTl.iX;
p.iY -= TFloatFixPt(.5f) * currentScale;
if (aTransparentColor.GetARGB() == KGfxColorNull)
for ( x = xstart; x <= xend; x++ )
//increment the location of the position by one horizontal location
pinv.iX = p.iX;
pinv.iY = p.iY;
if ( srcrect.Contains( pinv ) )
pinv.iX -= ( TInt32 ) aP.iX;
pinv.iY -= ( TInt32 ) aP.iY;
if ( dispmode == EColor16MU )
*buf = (TUint32)*(bufsrc32 + ( TInt32 ) pinv.iX + (lScrPp)*( TInt32 ) (pinv.iY));
// src:RGB565 -> dst:ARGB8888
pix = (TUint32)*(bufsrc16 + ( TInt32 ) pinv.iX + (lScrPp)*( TInt32 ) (pinv.iY));
*buf = RGB565toRGB888(pix);
p.iX += horizDeriv.iX;
p.iY += horizDeriv.iY;
for ( x = xstart; x <= xend; x++ )
//increment the location of the position by one horizontal location
pinv.iX = p.iX;
pinv.iY = p.iY;
if ( srcrect.Contains( pinv ) )
pinv.iX -= ( TInt32 ) aP.iX;
pinv.iY -= ( TInt32 ) aP.iY;
if ( aReverse ) // copy source to destination. Used for Text blending with final framebufer.
{ // this used for text only
if ( dispmode == EColor16MU )
*(bufsrc32 + ( TInt32 ) pinv.iX + (lScrPp)*( TInt32 ) (pinv.iY)) = *buf ;
*(bufsrc16 + ( TInt32 ) pinv.iX + (lScrPp)*( TInt32 ) (pinv.iY)) = *buf ;
if ( dispmode == EColor16MU )
pix = (TUint32)*(bufsrc32 + ( TInt32 ) pinv.iX + (lScrPp)*( TInt32 ) (pinv.iY));
if (pix != transparentColorRgb565)
*buf = pix;
pix = (TUint32) *(bufsrc16 + ( TInt32 ) pinv.iX + (lScrPp)*( TInt32 ) (pinv.iY));
if (pix != transparentColorRgb565)
*buf = RGB565toRGB888(pix);
p.iX += horizDeriv.iX;
p.iY += horizDeriv.iY;
buf = obuf+aDstWidth;
obuf += aDstWidth;
if (obuf + aDstWidth >= bufLimit)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void TGfxImageTransformer::Draw( CFbsBitmap* aSrc,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TGfxImageTransformer::Draw( CFbsBitmap* aSrc,
const TGfxPoint2D& aP,
TUint32* aDst,
TInt aDstWidth,
TInt aDstHeight,
const TRect& aClipRect
TDisplayMode dispmode = aSrc->DisplayMode();
if ( dispmode != EColor16MU )
TRect rect;
TInt32 x, y;
TFloatFixPt currentScale = iTransform->ScalingFactor();
TRect srcrect( TPoint( aP.iX, aP.iY ), aSrc->SizeInPixels() );
TRect dstrect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), TSize(aDstWidth, aDstHeight) );
TInt32 srcWidth = aSrc->SizeInPixels().iWidth;
TInt32 srcHeight = aSrc->SizeInPixels().iHeight;
TGfxRectangle2D rect2d = GetTransformedBound( aSrc, aP );
rect.SetRect( TPoint( rect2d.iX, rect2d.iY ), TSize( rect2d.iWidth, rect2d.iHeight ) );
rect.Intersection(aClipRect); // Clipping
if ( !rect.Intersects( dstrect ) ) // clip rect with dst image
rect.Intersection( dstrect );
TUint32* bufsrc32 = (TUint32*) aSrc->DataAddress();
TUint32* buf = aDst + rect.iTl.iX + ( rect.iTl.iY * aDstWidth );
TUint32* bufLimit = aDst + aDstWidth * aDstHeight;
TUint32 pix = 0;
TGfxAffineTransform inv = iTransform->CreateInverse();
TPoint pinv;
TGfxPoint2D p;
TUint32* obuf = buf;
TInt32 xstart, xend, yend;
TGfxPoint2D horizDeriv;
TGfxPoint2D origin, top, right, corner;
TGfxPoint2D east, west, south, north;
origin.iX = aP.iX;
origin.iY = aP.iY;
corner.iX = aP.iX + (TFloatFixPt)srcWidth;
corner.iY = aP.iY + (TFloatFixPt)srcHeight;
top.iX = aP.iX;
top.iY = aP.iY + (TFloatFixPt)srcHeight;
right.iX = aP.iX + (TFloatFixPt)srcWidth;
right.iY = aP.iY;
// transform corners of the source rectangle.
iTransform->Transform(&origin, &origin, 1);
iTransform->Transform(&top, &top, 1);
iTransform->Transform(&right, &right, 1);
iTransform->Transform(&corner, &corner, 1);
// sort four corners into appropriate order
west = origin; east = corner; north = top; south = right;
if (top.iX < origin.iX)
west = top;
east = right;
north = corner;
south = origin;
west = origin;
east = corner;
north = top;
south = right;
if (corner.iX < west.iX)
west = corner;
east = origin;
north = right;
south = top;
if (right.iX < west.iX)
west = right;
east = top;
north = origin;
south = corner;
// compute derivitives for scanline in source.
p.iX = 8;
p.iY = 0;
inv.Transform( &p, & p, 1 );
horizDeriv.iX = p.iX;
horizDeriv.iY = p.iY;
p.iX = 0;
p.iY = 0;
inv.Transform( &p, & p, 1 );
horizDeriv.iX -= p.iX;
horizDeriv.iY -= p.iY;
horizDeriv.iX = horizDeriv.iX >> 3;
horizDeriv.iY = horizDeriv.iY >> 3;
yend = rect.iBr.iY;
TInt lScrPp = 0;
lScrPp = srcWidth;
for ( y = rect.iTl.iY; y <= yend; y++ )
p.iY = y;
// compute scanline starting position
if ( ((TFloatFixPt)y) > west.iY )
if(north.iY - west.iY == (TFloatFixPt)0)
xstart = (TInt32) west.iX;
xstart = (TInt32) (west.iX + (north.iX - west.iX) * ( (((TFloatFixPt)y) - west.iY) / (north.iY - west.iY) ));
if(west.iY - south.iY == (TFloatFixPt)0)
xstart = (TInt32) south.iX;
xstart = (TInt32) (south.iX + (west.iX - south.iX) * ( (((TFloatFixPt)y) - south.iY) / (west.iY - south.iY) ));
// compute scanline edges end position
if ( (TFloatFixPt)y > east.iY )
if(north.iY - east.iY == (TFloatFixPt)0)
xend = (TInt32) north.iX;
xend = (TInt32) (east.iX + (north.iX - east.iX) * ( (((TFloatFixPt)y) - east.iY) / (north.iY - east.iY) ));
if ( (east.iY - south.iY) == (TFloatFixPt)0 )
xend = (TInt32) east.iX;
xend = (TInt32) (south.iX + (east.iX - south.iX) * ( (((TFloatFixPt)y) - south.iY) / (east.iY - south.iY) ));
// does span clip against edges
if(xstart < rect.iTl.iX)
xstart = rect.iTl.iX;
if(xend >= rect.iBr.iX) // iX-1 seems to be the limit, using iX rolls over to next line
xend = rect.iBr.iX-1;
p.iX = xstart;
// transform that starting position to the source image
inv.Transform( &p, & p, 1 );
buf += xstart-rect.iTl.iX;
// Change here
p.iY -= TFloatFixPt(0.5f) * currentScale;
for ( x = xstart; x <= xend; x++ )
//increment the location of the position by one horizontal location
pinv.iX = p.iX;
pinv.iY = p.iY;
if ( srcrect.Contains( pinv ) )
pinv.iX -= ( TInt32 ) aP.iX;
pinv.iY -= ( TInt32 ) aP.iY;
pix = (TUint32)*(bufsrc32 + ( TInt32 ) pinv.iX + (lScrPp)*( TInt32 ) (pinv.iY));
TUint srcAlpha = ( pix & 0xFF000000 ) >> 24;
if ( srcAlpha == 0xFF )
*buf = pix;
else if ( srcAlpha > 0 )
TUint destPix = *buf;
TUint destAlpha = ( destPix & 0xFF000000 ) >> 24;
// Blending needed: blend with background as opaque
if ( destAlpha == 0xFF )
TReal32 alpha = 0.0039215686 * srcAlpha; // 0.0039.. = 1/255
TReal32 inverseAlpha = 1.0f - alpha;
*buf = ((((TUint)((pix >> 16 & 0xff) * alpha) +
(TUint)((destPix >> 16 & 0xff) * inverseAlpha))) << 16) | // red
((((TUint)((pix >> 8 & 0xff) * alpha) +
(TUint)((destPix >> 8 & 0xff) * inverseAlpha))) << 8 ) | // green
((((TUint)((pix & 0xff) * alpha) +
(TUint)((destPix & 0xff) * inverseAlpha))) ) | // blue
(0xFF000000); // full alpha (already blended)
// Apply alpha to each color channel of source only
// Important: use original alpha
TReal32 alpha = 0.0039215686 * srcAlpha;
*buf = (srcAlpha << 24)|
((TUint)((pix >> 16 & 0xff) * alpha) << 16) |
((TUint)((pix >> 8 & 0xff) * alpha) << 8) |
((TUint)((pix & 0xff) * alpha));
p.iX += horizDeriv.iX;
p.iY += horizDeriv.iY;
buf = obuf+aDstWidth;
obuf += aDstWidth;
if (obuf + aDstWidth >= bufLimit)
// TGfxRectangle2D TGfxImageTransformer::GetTransformedBound( CFbsBitmap* aSrc,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TGfxRectangle2D TGfxImageTransformer::GetTransformedBound( CFbsBitmap* aSrc,
const TGfxPoint2D& aOffset )
TGfxRectangle2D rect;
TGfxPoint2D rectp[4];
rectp[0].iX = aOffset.iX;
rectp[0].iY = aOffset.iY;
rectp[1].iX = aOffset.iX + ( TFloatFixPt ) aSrc->SizeInPixels().iWidth;
rectp[1].iY = aOffset.iY;
rectp[2].iX = aOffset.iX + ( TFloatFixPt ) aSrc->SizeInPixels().iWidth;
rectp[2].iY = aOffset.iY + ( TFloatFixPt ) aSrc->SizeInPixels().iHeight;
rectp[3].iX = aOffset.iX;
rectp[3].iY = aOffset.iY + ( TFloatFixPt ) aSrc->SizeInPixels().iHeight;
iTransform->Transform( rectp, rectp, 4 );
TInt32 i;
rect.iX = rectp[0].iX;
rect.iY = rectp[0].iY;
rect.iWidth = rectp[0].iX;
rect.iHeight = rectp[0].iY;
for ( i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
if ( rectp[i].iX < rect.iX )
rect.iX = rectp[i].iX;
if ( rectp[i].iY < rect.iY )
rect.iY = rectp[i].iY;
//MaxX -> width
if ( rectp[i].iX > rect.iWidth )
rect.iWidth = rectp[i].iX;
//MaxY -> height
if ( rectp[i].iY > rect.iHeight )
rect.iHeight = rectp[i].iY;
rect.iWidth -= rect.iX;
rect.iHeight -= rect.iY;
return rect;