changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Text style manager class.
    15 *
    16 */
    23 #include <e32base.h>
    25 /** 
    26  * Preconfigured text styles.
    27  * Matching text styles always exist in the text style manager.
    28  * It is possible to retrieve the associated text style object through
    29  * CAlfTextStyleManager::TextStyle() - interface.
    30  */
    31 enum TAlfPreconfiguredTextStyle
    32     {
    33     EAlfTextStyleNormal = 0,
    34     EAlfTextStyleNormalItalic,
    35     EAlfTextStyleMenuItem,
    36     EAlfTextStyleSmall,
    37     EAlfTextStyleMenuSmall,
    38     EAlfTextStyleMenuTitle,
    39     EAlfTextStyleLarge,
    40     EAlfTextStyleSoftkey,
    41     EAlfTextStyleSupplement,
    42     EAlfTextStyleTitle,
    44     /** Not a default alf style, will be treated as normal. */
    45     EAlfTextStyleNotAHuiStyle = EAlfTextStyleNormal
    46     };
    48 // Forward declarations.
    49 class CAlfTextStyle;
    50 class CAlfTextVisual;
    51 class CAlfEnv;
    53 /**
    54  * Text style manager class. This class provides means to create and
    55  * query text styles that will be used to render text.
    56  * Usage:
    57  * 
    58  * @code
    59  *  //Get Textstyle Manager
    60  * CAlfTextStyleManager* styleMgr = &iEnv->TextStyleManager();
    61  * 
    62  *  // Create a textstyle, by passing fontid and preconfigured textstyle as parent id
    63  * TInt newStyleId= styleMgr->CreatePlatformTextStyleL( fontStyleId,
    64  * 							 EAlfTextStyleNormal );
    65  * CAlfTextStyle* newStyle =  styleMgr->TextStyle( newStyleId );
    66  * 
    67  * //Copy textstyle
    68  * TInt copiedId =  styleMgr->CopyTextStyle( newStyleId );
    69  * CAlfTextstyle* copiedStyle =  styleMgr->TextStyle( copiedId );
    70  * 
    71  * //Delete textstyle
    72  * TBool issuccess = styleMgr->DeleteTextStyle( newStyleId );
    73  * issuccess = styleMgr->DeleteTextStyle( copiedId );
    74  * @endcode
    75  * 
    76  * @see CAlfTextstyle
    77  * @see CAlfEnv::TextstyleManager()
    78  * @lib alfclient.lib
    79  * @since S60 v3.2
    80  */
    81 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CAlfTextStyleManager ): public CBase
    82     {
    83 public:
    85     /* Constructors and destructor. */
    87     /**
    88      * Constructor.
    89      */
    90     static CAlfTextStyleManager* NewL(CAlfEnv& aEnv);
    92     /**
    93      * Constructor.
    94      */
    95     static CAlfTextStyleManager* NewLC(CAlfEnv& aEnv);
    97     /**
    98      * Destructor.
    99      */    
   100     ~CAlfTextStyleManager();
   102 public:
   104     /**
   105      * Creates a new text style object based on the S60 font style id passed into this method. 
   106      * Text style font and size are set according to the given S60 id. Ids are defined in
   107      * avkon.hrh in TAknLogicalFontId enumeration.
   108      * A unique toolkit specific ID is constructed and returned. This text style can be
   109      * accessed anytime through the TextStyle - method based on the unique ID. The default 
   110      * text style has always ID 0.
   111      * Text styles cascade properties from their parent styles. By default all text styles
   112      * are descended from EAlfTextStyleNormal text style.
   113      * If an invalid parent id is given the created text style will use EAlfTextStyleNormal
   114      * as its parent.
   115      * @see TextStyle()
   116      *
   117      * Created text styles must be deleted with DeleteTextStyle.
   118      * @see DeleteTextStyle()
   119      * 
   120      * @param aFontStyleId The S60 font style id based on which the text style object will be created.
   121      * @param aParentId Toolkit specific ID of the parent text style. The text styles are cascaded.
   122      *      
   123      * @return Unique toolkit specific ID for the created text style.
   124      */
   125     IMPORT_C TInt CreatePlatformTextStyleL(TInt aFontStyleId, TInt aParentId);
   127     /**
   128      * Creates a new text style object based on the parent text style id passed into this method. 
   129      * Text style font and size will be the same as the given parent style has.
   130      * A unique toolkit specific ID is constructed and returned. This text style can be
   131      * accessed anytime through the TextStyle - method based on the unique ID.
   132      * Text styles cascade properties from their parent styles. By default all text styles
   133      * are descended from EAlfTextStyleNormal text style.
   134      * If an invalid parent id is given the created text style will use EAlfTextStyleNormal
   135      * as its parent.
   136      * @see TextStyle()
   137      *
   138      * Created text styles must be deleted with DeleteTextStyle.
   139      * @see DeleteTextStyle()
   140      * 
   141      * @param aParentId Toolkit specific ID of the parent text style. The text styles are cascaded.
   142      *                  The parent of the created text style is EAlfTextStyleNormal by default.
   143      * @return Unique toolkit specific ID for the created text style.
   144      */
   145     IMPORT_C TInt CreatePlatformTextStyleL(TInt aParentId = EAlfTextStyleNormal);
   147     /**
   148      * Returns a text style object based on the text style id passed into this method.
   149      * If no matching text style is found from the system the method returns the EAlfTextStyleNormal
   150      * text style. There is a collection of preconfigured text styles available. They can
   151      * be queried using the id enumerations from TAlfPreconfiguredTextStyle.
   152      * @see CreatePlatformTextStyleL()
   153      * 
   154      * @param aId A text style id identifying the requested text style in the text style manager.
   155      * @return A pointer to a requested text style. Various attributes of the text style 
   156      * can be changed using the returned pointer.
   157      */
   158     IMPORT_C CAlfTextStyle* TextStyle(TInt aId);    
   160     /**
   161      * Creates a new text style object that is identical with the given source text style.
   162      *
   163      * Created/copied text styles must be deleted with DeleteTextStyle.
   164      * @see DeleteTextStyle()
   165      *
   166      * @param aSourceId A toolkit specific ID of the text style to be cloned.
   167      * @return Unique toolkit specific ID for the created text style.
   168      */
   169     IMPORT_C TInt CopyTextStyleL(TInt aSourceId);
   171     /**
   172      * Deletes the given text style.
   173      *
   174      * @param aId Text style ID to delete.
   175      *
   176      * @return Error code. KErrNone if text style was deleted
   177      *                     KErrArgument if there is no style defined with given ID
   178      *                     KErrAccessDenied if the ID refers to pre-defined styles.
   179      */ 
   180     IMPORT_C TInt DeleteTextStyle(TInt aId);
   182 public: // internal utils
   183     CAlfTextStyle* SwitchTextStyle(TInt aStyle, CAlfTextVisual* aUser);
   184     void Unregister(CAlfTextVisual* aVisual);
   185     void RefreshVisuals(TInt aStyle);
   186     void ReleaseAllVisuals();
   187     void RefreshAllVisuals();
   189 protected:
   191     /* Constructors. */
   193     /**
   194      * Default constructor.
   195      */
   196     CAlfTextStyleManager();
   198     /**
   199      * Second-phase constructor.
   200      */
   201     void ConstructL(CAlfEnv& aEnv);
   203 private:
   205     /**
   206      * Constructs a collection of CAlfTextStyle objects to match the ones
   207      * in TAlfPreconfiguredTextStyle.
   208      * @see TAlfPreconfiguredTextStyle
   209      */
   210     void ConstructPreconfiguredStylesL();	
   212     /**
   213      * Find free slot index
   214      *
   215      * @return free slot index
   216      */    
   217     TInt FindFreeSlotIndex() const;
   219     /**
   220      * Create a platform style.
   221      *
   222      * @see CreatePlatformTextStyleL
   223      * @see CopyTextStyleL
   224      *
   225      * @param aFontStyleId The S60 font style id based on which the text style object will be created.
   226      * @param aParentId Toolkit specific ID of the parent text style. The text styles are cascaded.
   227      * @param aImplementationId 	Describes the type of text style that is created (platform text style, etc.)
   228      * @return Unique toolkit specific ID for the created text style.
   229      */
   230     TInt DoCreatePlatformTextStyleL(TInt aFontStyleId, TInt aParentId, TInt aImplementationId);
   232 private:
   234 	/* Private data. Owned */
   235     struct TPrivateData;    
   236     TPrivateData* iData;
   238     };