changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
child 9 63ff45340ef4
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:15bf7259bb7c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Base class for visuals
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #ifndef C_ALFVISUAL_H
    21 #define C_ALFVISUAL_H
    23 class CAlfEnv;
    24 class CAlfVisual;
    25 class CAlfControlGroup;
    26 class CAlfControl;
    27 class MAlfEventHandler;
    28 struct TAlfBoxMetric;
    29 class CAlfDropShadow;
    31 #include <e32base.h>
    32 #include <alf/alftimedvalue.h>
    33 #include <alf/alfpropertyowner.h>
    35 /** Visual types. */
    36 enum TAlfVisualType
    37     {
    38     EAlfVisualTypeVisual,
    39     EAlfVisualTypeLine,
    40     EAlfVisualTypeText,
    41     EAlfVisualTypeLCTText,
    42     EAlfVisualTypeImage,
    43     EAlfVisualTypeMesh,
    44     EAlfVisualTypeCanvas
    45     };
    47 /** Visual flags. */
    48 enum TAlfVisualFlags
    49     {
    50     /** Manual layout means that layouts can't change the position and
    51         size of the visual; the owner of the visual is expected to
    52         manually maintain the visual's placement. */
    53     EAlfVisualFlagManualSize = 0x1,
    54     EAlfVisualFlagManualPosition = 0x2,
    55     EAlfVisualFlagManualLayout = EAlfVisualFlagManualSize |
    56                                  EAlfVisualFlagManualPosition,
    58     /** 
    59      * This enum is retained for source compatibility.
    60      * @deprecated 
    61      * @note See EAlfVisualFlagClipping
    62      */
    63     AlfVisualFlagClipping = 0x4,
    65     /** Notify owner control when the visual's layout has been updated.
    66         Notication is sent after all children have been updated. */
    67     EAlfVisualFlagLayoutUpdateNotification = 0x8,
    69     /** When the visual is drawn it will use a 3D projection. */
    70     EAlfVisualFlag3DProjection = 0x10,
    72     /** No depth test when drawing with a 3D projection. */
    73     EAlfVisualFlagNoDepthOcclusion = 0x20,
    75     /** Use a local horizon with a 3D projection. Otherwise, the global
    76         display horizon is used instead. */
    77     EAlfVisualFlagLocalHorizon = 0x40,
    79     /** Contents of the visual are clipped to its display rectangle. */
    80     EAlfVisualFlagClipping = 0x80,
    82     EAlfVisualFlagHOriginCenter = 0x100,
    84     EAlfVisualFlagHOriginRight = 0x200,
    86     EAlfVisualFlagVOriginCenter = 0x400,
    88     EAlfVisualFlagVOriginBottom = 0x800,
    90     /** Visual has changed and needs refresh. */
    91     EAlfVisualChanged = 0x1000,
    93     /** When the visual is drawn, the depth buffer shouldn't be updated. */
    94     EAlfVisualFlagNoDepthUpdate = 0x2000,
    96     /** Use the visual's local layout transition time, do not inherit from parent. */
    97     EAlfVisualFlagManualTransitionTime = 0x4000,
    99     /** Draw above the normal drawing order. */
   100     EAlfVisualFlagDrawAfterOthers = 0x10000,
   102     /** Do not automatically update the layout of children when doing 
   103         changes in a layout (e.g., when reordering children). */
   104     EAlfVisualFlagFreezeLayout = 0x20000,
   106     /** The visual will be ignored when checking for possible pointer event
   107         interaction. */
   108     EAlfVisualFlagIgnorePointer = 0x40000,
   110     /** 
   111      * automatically reverse the base unit sign in the X axis if the current locale setting is 
   112      * for mirrored layout
   113      *
   114      * @note this will only affect the positions of visuals contained
   115      * within layout visuals, the contents within a visual such as a text visual will not be 
   116      * affected. 
   117      */
   118     EAlfVisualFlagAutomaticLocaleMirroringEnabled = 0x80000,
   120     /** 
   121      * RnD: if set, some of the debug features are enabled. See programmers'
   122      * guide for more info.
   123      *
   124      * If the central repository has the setting to draw selected visual outline, 
   125      * setting this flag will draw outline for the visual and its child visuals
   126      */    
   127     EAlfVisualFlagEnableDebugMode  = 0x100000,
   129     //Code added by Devayani
   130     /** 
   131      * Setting this flag makes visual and its children Inactive i.e. it is ignored from roster operations 
   132      * - Draw, Handle event, change notifications etc.
   133      * Unsetting flag can again make visual tree active.
   134      * Note that flag change does not take effect unless that display area is refreshed.
   135      **/
   136     EAlfVisualFlagInactive = 0x200000,
   138     /** 
   139      * Setting this flag informs renderer that visual is to be considered as opaque and thus
   140      * renderer may choose not to draw visuals behind opaque visual. Note that visual
   141      * attribute "opacity" is not affected by this flag.
   142      **/
   143     EAlfVisualFlagOpaqueHint = 0x400000,
   145     EAlfVisualFlagLast = 0xFFFFFFFF
   146     };
   148 /** Horizontal origin of a visual. */
   149 enum TAlfVisualHOrigin
   150     {
   151     EAlfVisualHOriginLeft = 0,
   152     EAlfVisualHOriginCenter = 1,
   153     EAlfVisualHOriginRight = 2
   154     };
   157 /** Vertical origin of a visual. */
   158 enum TAlfVisualVOrigin
   159     {
   160     EAlfVisualVOriginTop = 0,
   161     EAlfVisualVOriginCenter = 1,
   162     EAlfVisualVOriginBottom = 2
   163     };
   165 const TText KAlfTagSeparator = ':';
   167 const TInt KAlfTactileFeedbackEventTypeNone = -1;
   169 class CAlfControl;
   170 class CAlfLayout;
   171 class CAlfDisplay;
   172 class CAlfEnv;
   173 class CAlfBrushArray;
   174 class CAlfGenComponent;
   175 class MAlfMappingFunction;
   176 class CAlfTransformation;
   178 /** Fixed properties for visuals, Use these for efficient copying of visual properties. */ 
   179 class AlfVisualProperties
   180     {
   181     public:
   182     enum 
   183         {
   184         ENone = 0x0,
   185         ESize = 0x1,
   186         EPosition = 0x2,
   187         EOpacity = 0x4,
   188         EDepthOffset = 0x8,
   189         ESecondaryImageAlpha = 0x10, 
   190         EScale = 0x20,
   191         EPosOffset = 0x40,
   192         ETextVisShadowOpacity = 0x80,
   193         EImageVisTurnAngle = 0x100,
   194         ELineVisThickness = 0x200,
   195         ELineVisShadowThickness = 0x400,
   196         ELineVisStartPos = 0x800,
   197         ELineVisEndPos = 0x1000,
   198         EMeshVisYawAngle = 0x2000, 
   199         EMeshVisPitchAngle = 0x4000,
   200         EMeshVisMaterial = 0x8000,
   201         ELayoutScrollOffset = 0x10000,
   202         // Add new properties here (next value: 0x20000)
   204         EAll = 0xFFFFFFFF
   205         };
   206     };
   209 /**
   210  *  Visual base class
   211  *
   212  *  All visuals and layout are derived from this.
   213  *  Usage:
   214  *  @code
   215  *    // #1 Visual object usage
   216  *    CAlfVisual* newVisual = CAlfVisual::AddNewL( *myMainControl, mMainGridLayout );
   217  *    newVisual->EnableBrushesL();
   218  *    newVisual->Brushes->AppendL( borderBrush, EAlfHasOwnership );
   219  *    
   220  *   // #2 as a base class
   221  *   class CMyVisual : public CAlfVisual
   222  *       {    
   223  *   public:
   224  *       // allocation function
   225  *       CMyVisual(CAlfControl& aOwnerControl, CAlfLayout* aParentLayout = 0);  
   226  *    
   227  *       // Function documentation
   228  *       void MyVisualSpecificFunction();
   229  *   protected:
   230  *
   231  *       ~CAlfVisual();
   232  *   private:
   233  *       TInt mMyPrivateData;    
   234  *       };
   235  *  @endcode
   236  *  @lib alfclient.lib
   237  *  @since S60 v3.2
   238  */
   239 class CAlfVisual : public CAlfPropertyOwner
   240     {
   242 public:
   244     /**
   245      * Constructor
   246      */
   247     IMPORT_C CAlfVisual();
   249     /**
   250      * ConstructL
   251      */
   252     IMPORT_C virtual void ConstructL(CAlfControl& aOwner);
   254     /**
   255      * Destructor
   256      */
   257     IMPORT_C virtual ~CAlfVisual();
   259     /**
   260      * Destroys a hierarchy of visuals, along with this visual. The visuals
   261      * are first removed from their owner.
   262      */
   263     IMPORT_C virtual void RemoveAndDestroyAllD();
   265     /**
   266      * Return the server side handle
   267      *
   268      * @return Handle to the server side CAlfVisual object. 0 if not set.
   269      */
   270     IMPORT_C TInt Identifier() const;
   272     /**
   273      * Sets the layout this visual belongs to.
   274      *
   275      * @param aLayout Parent layout
   276      */
   277     void SetLayout(CAlfLayout* aLayout);
   279     /**
   280      * Set a flag that affects the visual's behaviour.
   281      *
   282      * @param aFlag  Flag to set.
   283      */
   284     IMPORT_C void SetFlag(TAlfVisualFlags aFlag);
   286     /**
   287      * Sets one or more flags that affect the visual's behaviour.
   288      *
   289      * @param aAnyFlags  One or more flags to set.
   290      */
   291     IMPORT_C void SetFlags(TUint aAnyFlags);
   293     /**
   294      * Unset flags that affect the visual's behaviour.
   295      *
   296      * @param aFlag  Flag to clear.
   297      */
   298     IMPORT_C void ClearFlag(TAlfVisualFlags aFlag);
   300     /**
   301      * Clear one or more flags that affect the visual's behaviour.
   302      *
   303      * @param aAnyFlags  One or more flags to clear.
   304      */
   305     IMPORT_C void ClearFlags(TUint aAnyFlags);
   307     /**
   308      * Returns the flags of the visual.
   309      * @return Flags.
   310      */
   311     IMPORT_C TUint Flags() const;
   313     /**
   314      * Returns the layout this visual belongs to.
   315      *
   316      * @return Parent layout. NULL if not set.
   317      */
   318     IMPORT_C CAlfLayout* Layout() const;
   320     /**
   321      * Returns the position of the visual. This is set by UpdateLayout().
   322      *
   323      * @return Position.
   324      */
   325     IMPORT_C TAlfTimedPoint Pos() const;
   327     /**
   328      * Sets the position of the visual.
   329      */
   330     IMPORT_C void SetPos(const TAlfRealPoint& aPos, TInt aTransitionTime = 0);
   332     /**
   333      * Returns the size of the visual. This is set by UpdateLayout().
   334      */
   335     IMPORT_C const TAlfTimedPoint Size() const;
   337     /**
   338      * Sets the size of the visual.
   339      */
   340     IMPORT_C void SetSize(const TAlfRealSize& aSize, TInt aTransitionTime = 0);
   342     /**
   343      * Returns the overall opacity affecting the owner's visuals. All visuals 
   344      * owned by this object are affected by this opacity.
   345      *
   346      * @return  Timed value.
   347      */
   348     IMPORT_C const TAlfTimedValue& Opacity() const;
   350     /**
   351      * Set opacity
   352      *
   353      * @param aOpacity Opacity value.
   354      */
   355     IMPORT_C void SetOpacity( const TAlfTimedValue& aOpacity );
   357     /**
   358      * Returns the environment where this visual belongs into.
   359      *
   360      * @return  Environment.
   361      */
   362     IMPORT_C CAlfEnv& Env() const;
   364     /**
   365      * Returns the display of the visual (if shown).
   366      *
   367      * @return  Pointer to <code>CAlfDisplay</code> instance, or
   368      * <code>NULL</code> if no display is associated with the visual.
   369      */
   370     IMPORT_C CAlfDisplay* Display() const;
   372     /**
   373      * Sets the display on which the visual is being shown.
   374      *
   375      * @param aDisplay  Pointer to display onto which to attach the visual
   376      */
   377     void SetDisplay(CAlfDisplay* aDisplay);
   379     /**
   380      * Determines the tag of the visual.
   381      *
   382      * @return  Tag descriptor of the visual.
   383      *
   384      * @see CAlfVisual::SetTagL()
   385      * @see CAlfVisual::IsTagged()
   386      * @see CAlfVisual::FindTag()
   387      */
   388     IMPORT_C const TDesC8& Tag() const;
   390     /**
   391      * Update the layout of all children. Subclasses can call this to
   392      * recalculate the layout of all children.
   393      *
   394      * @param aTransitionTime  Time for layout transition in milliseconds.
   395      *                         Any negative value uses value given in 
   396      *                         CAlfEnv::StaticSetLayoutTransitionTime()
   397      */
   398     IMPORT_C virtual void UpdateChildrenLayout(TInt aTransitionTime = 0);
   400     /**
   401      * Calculates the visual's bounding rectangle in display coordinates.
   402      * Display coordinates are defined relative to the display's visible area.
   403      * Uses the target values of the position and size, which means transitions
   404      * are always immediate in the returned rectangle.
   405      *
   406      * @return Rectange.
   407      */
   408     IMPORT_C TAlfRealRect DisplayRectTarget() const;
   410     /**
   411      * Convert local coordiantes to display coordinates.
   412      * Display coordinates are defined relative to the display's visible area.
   413      *
   414      * @return Converted point.
   415      */
   416     IMPORT_C TPoint LocalToDisplay(const TPoint& aPoint) const;
   418     /**
   419      * Convert local coordinates to display coordinates.
   420      * Display coordinates are defined relative to the display's visible area.
   421      *
   422      * @param aPoint  Point in local coordinates.
   423      * @return  Point in display coordinates.
   424      */
   425     IMPORT_C TAlfRealPoint LocalToDisplay(const TAlfRealPoint& aPoint) const;
   427     /*
   428      * Convert display coordinates to local coordinates.
   429      * Display coordinates are defined relative to the display's visible area.
   430      *
   431      * @param aPoint  Point in display coordinates.
   432      * @return  Point in local coordinates.
   433      */
   434     IMPORT_C TPoint DisplayToLocal(const TPoint& aPoint) const;
   436     /**
   437      * Convert display coordinates to local coordinate.
   438      * Display coordinates are defined relative to the display's visible area.
   439      *
   440      * @param aPoint  Point in display coordinates.
   441      * @return  Point in local coordinates.
   442      */
   443     IMPORT_C TAlfRealPoint DisplayToLocal(const TAlfRealPoint& aPoint) const;
   445     /**
   446      * Enables or disables brushes for the visual.
   447      */
   448     IMPORT_C void EnableBrushesL(TBool aEnabled = ETrue);
   450     /**
   451      * Returns the brushes of the visual.
   452      *
   453      * @return  Brush array. <code>NULL</code>, if not enabled.
   454      */
   455     IMPORT_C CAlfBrushArray* Brushes();
   457     /**
   458      * Moves the visual to the front inside its parent layout. 
   459      * In other words, the visual becames the last child of the parent.
   460      * Causes layout recalculation.
   461      */
   462     IMPORT_C void MoveToFront(TInt aTransitionTime = 0);
   464     /**
   465      * Enables or disables transformation of the control group.
   466      *
   467      * @param aIsTransformed ETrue for enabling.
   468      */
   469     IMPORT_C void EnableTransformationL( TBool aIsTransformed = ETrue );
   471     /**
   472      * Returns the transformation of the control group.
   473      *
   474      * @return  Transformation steps.
   475      */
   476     IMPORT_C CAlfTransformation& Transformation();
   478     /**
   479      * Sets the number of pixels that the visual uses for padding its contents.
   480      * Sets both the horizontal and vertical padding.
   481      *
   482      * @note that the left and right paddings will be the same, and the top and bottom
   483      *      paddings will be the same.
   484      * @deprecated migrate to using metrics instead
   485      *
   486      * @param aPadding  Number of padding pixels.
   487      */
   488     IMPORT_C void SetPadding(TInt aPadding);
   490     /**
   491      * Sets the number of pixels that the visual uses for padding its contents.
   492      * Sets the horizontal and vertical padding separately.
   493      *
   494      * @note that the left and right paddings will be the same, and the top and bottom
   495      *      paddings will be the same.
   496      * @deprecated migrate to using metrics instead
   497      *
   498      * @param aPadding  Number of padding pixels.
   499      */
   500     IMPORT_C void SetPadding(const TPoint& aPadding);
   502     /**
   503      * Sets the amount of padding that the visual uses for padding its contents.
   504      * The box metric can have a different amount on all sides.
   505      *
   506      * @note as paddings are relative to the layout visual, if relative units are required, 
   507      * it is advisable to use EAlfUnitRelativeToMySize so that the paddings are relative
   508      * to the size of this layout visual
   509      *
   510      * @param aPadding  Amount of padding.
   511      */
   512     IMPORT_C void SetPadding(const TAlfBoxMetric& aPadding);
   514     /**
   515      * Returns the padding of the visual, in pixels.
   516      *
   517      * @return  Padding, in pixels. iTl.iX is the left padding, iTl.iY is 
   518      *          the top padding, iBr.iX is the right padding, and iBr.iY
   519      *          is the bottom padding. The width and height of the returned 
   520      *          rectangle are meaningless.
   521      */
   522     IMPORT_C TAlfRealRect PaddingInPixels() const;
   524     /**
   525      * Sets the tag of the visual.
   526      *
   527      * The tag is a descriptor, in the form of one or more colon-separated
   528      * character sequences. By default, visuals have no tag (""). Normally,
   529      * a visual could have a single tag, for example ("caption").
   530      * The tag descriptor of the visual may contain multiple tags,
   531      * for example: "tag1:tag2:tag3".
   532      *
   533      * Tags can be used for identifying visuals. In a typical use case, a control
   534      * could identify which of its visuals represent certain elements of the
   535      * control based on the tag descriptors. In this case, the tags would be
   536      * set by an outside party that also sets the tags of the visuals.
   537      *
   538      * @param aTag  Tag descriptor for the visual.
   539      *
   540      * @see CAlfVisual::Tag()
   541      * @see CAlfVisual::IsTagged()
   542      * @see CAlfVisual::FindTag()
   543      */
   544     IMPORT_C void SetTagL(const TDesC8& aTag);
   546     /**
   547      * Determines if the visual has a tag.
   548      *
   549      * @return  <code>ETrue</code>, if the visual has been tagged with SetTagL().
   550      *          <code>EFalse</code> otherwise.
   551      *
   552      * @see CAlfVisual::Tag()
   553      * @see CAlfVisual::SetTagL()
   554      * @see CAlfVisual::FindTag()
   555      */
   556     IMPORT_C TBool IsTagged() const;
   558     /**
   559      * Finds a visual whose tag descriptor contains a specific tag.
   560      *
   561      * CAlfVisual::FindTag() is the basic implementation that checks if
   562      * this visual's tag matches the specified tag. CAlfLayout::FindTag()
   563      * extends the search into child visuals, covering recursively entire
   564      * visual hierarchies.
   565      *
   566      * @param aTag  Tag to look for. If this tag is found as a part of a
   567      *              visual's colon-separated tag descriptor, it is treated
   568      *              as a match and the visual is returned. The tag to look
   569      *              for cannot contain separator characters (:).
   570      *
   571      * @return  Visual whose tag descriptor matches the tag. <code>NULL</code>,
   572      *          if no such visual could be found. 
   573      *
   574      * Todo: how should several visuals with matching tag to be handled ??
   575      *
   576      * @see CAlfVisual::Tag()
   577      * @see CAlfVisual::SetTagL()
   578      * @see CAlfVisual::IsTagged()
   579      * @see CAlfLayout::FindTag()
   580      */
   581     IMPORT_C virtual CAlfVisual* FindTag(const TDesC8& aTag);
   583     /**
   584      * Construct a visual.
   585      *
   586      * @todo This method is probably to allow extended visual types to be created.
   587      *
   588      * @param aOwner Who owns this new control.
   589      */
   590     IMPORT_C void ConstructL(CAlfControl& aOwner, TInt aImplementationId, TInt aImplementationUid, const TDesC8& aConstructionParams );
   592     IMPORT_C CAlfGenComponent* Comms() const;
   595     /**
   596      * Gets the depth offset.
   597      *
   598      * @return Depth offset.
   599      */
   600     IMPORT_C TAlfTimedValue DepthOffset() const;
   602     /**
   603      * Sets the depth offset.
   604      *
   605      * @param aDepthOffset Depth offset.
   606      */
   607     IMPORT_C void SetDepthOffset(const TAlfTimedValue& aDepthOffset);
   609     /**
   610      * Returns the owner of the visual.
   611      */
   612     IMPORT_C CAlfControl& Owner() const;
   614     /**
   615      * Sets the owner of the visual.
   616      *
   617      * @param aOwner  New owner of the visual.
   618      */
   619     IMPORT_C void SetOwner(CAlfControl& aOwner);
   621     /**
   622      * Sets the origin of the visual. The origin defines the location of the
   623      * visual's position in relation to its DisplayRect. By default the visual's
   624      * position defines its top left corner.
   625      *
   626      * Calling this method is equivalent to setting/clearing the corresponding
   627      * flags.
   628      */
   629     IMPORT_C void SetOrigin(TAlfVisualHOrigin aHoriz, TAlfVisualVOrigin aVert);
   631     /**
   632      * Determines the horizontal origin.
   633      */
   634     IMPORT_C TAlfVisualHOrigin HorizontalOrigin() const;
   636     /**
   637      * Determines the vertical origin.
   638      */
   639     IMPORT_C TAlfVisualVOrigin VerticalOrigin() const;
   641     /**
   642      * Aligns the rectangle using the visual's origin position.
   643      *
   644      * @param aRect  A rectangle (origin at top left). Modified to suit the
   645      *               visual's origin.
   646      */
   647     IMPORT_C void AlignByOrigin(TAlfRealRect& aRect) const;
   649     /**
   650      * @deprecated  Use base unit version instead
   651      *
   652      * Sets the minimum size of the visual.
   653      *
   654      * @param aMinSize  Minimum size of the visual.
   655      */
   656     IMPORT_C void SetMinSize(const TSize& aMinSize);
   658     /**
   659      * Sets the minimum size of the visual.
   660      *
   661      * @param aMinSize  Minimum size of the visual in base units.
   662      */
   663     IMPORT_C void SetMinSize(const TAlfRealSize& aMinSize);
   665     /**
   666      * @deprecated  Use base unit version instead
   667      *
   668      * Returns the minimum size of the visual.
   669      */
   670     IMPORT_C TSize MinSize() const;
   672     /**
   673      * Returns the minimum size of the visual in base units.
   674      */
   675     IMPORT_C TAlfRealSize MinSizeInBaseUnits() const;
   677     /**
   678      * @deprecated  Use base unit version instead
   679      *
   680      * Sets the maximum size of the visual.
   681      *
   682      * @param aMaxSize  Maximum size of the visual.
   683      */
   684     IMPORT_C void SetMaxSize(const TSize& aMaxSize);
   686     /**
   687      * Sets the maximum size of the visual.
   688      *
   689      * @param aMaxSize  Maximum size of the visual.
   690      */
   691     IMPORT_C void SetMaxSize(const TAlfRealSize& aMaxSize);
   693     /**
   694      * @deprecated  Use base unit version instead
   695      *
   696      * Returns the maximum size of the visual.
   697      */
   698     IMPORT_C TSize MaxSize() const;
   700     /**
   701      * Returns the maximum size of the visual in base units.
   702      */
   703     IMPORT_C TAlfRealSize MaxSizeInBaseUnits() const;
   705     /**
   706      * Sets the position and size of the visual.
   707      *
   708      * @param aRect            Target rectangle.
   709      * @param aTransitionTime  Transition timein milliseconds.
   710      */
   711     IMPORT_C void SetRect(const TAlfRealRect& aRect, TInt aTransitionTime = 0);
   713     /**
   714      * @deprecated  Use base unit version instead
   715      *
   716      * Moves the visual's position.
   717      *
   718      * @param aOffset          Offset from the current target.
   719      * @param aTransitionTime  Transition time in milliseconds.
   720      */
   721     IMPORT_C void Move(const TPoint& aOffset, TInt aTransitionTime = 0);
   723     /**
   724      * Moves the visual's position.
   725      *
   726      * @param aOffset          Offset from the current target in base units.
   727      * @param aTransitionTime  Transition time in milliseconds.
   728      */
   729     IMPORT_C void Move(const TAlfRealPoint& aOffset, TInt aTransitionTime = 0);
   731     /**
   732      * Positions and sizes this visual to match another.
   733      *
   734      * @param aVisual  Visual whose position and size to copy.
   735      */
   736     IMPORT_C void Mimic(CAlfVisual& aVisual, TInt aTransitionTime = 0);
   738     /**
   739      * @deprecated  Use base unit version instead
   740      *
   741      * Sets the position and size of the visual.
   742      *
   743      * @param aCenterPoint     New center point of the visual.
   744      * @param aSize            New size of the visual.
   745      * @param aTransitionTime  Number of milliseconds for transitioning to new values.
   746      */
   747     IMPORT_C void SetCenteredPosAndSize(const TPoint& aCenterPoint,
   748                                         const TSize& aSize,
   749                                         TInt aTransitionTime = 0);
   751     /**
   752      * Sets the position and size of the visual.
   753      *
   754      * @param aCenterPoint     New center point of the visual in base units.
   755      * @param aSize            New size of the visual in base units.
   756      * @param aTransitionTime  Number of milliseconds for transitioning to new values.
   757      */
   758     IMPORT_C void SetCenteredPosAndSize(const TAlfRealPoint& aCenterPoint,
   759                                         const TAlfRealSize& aSize,
   760                                         TInt aTransitionTime = 0);
   762     /**
   763      * Calculates the visual's bounding rectangle in display coordinates.
   764      * Display coordinates are defined relative to the display's visible area.
   765      * Uses the current values of the position and size. Only calculated once 
   766      * per frame.
   767      */
   768     IMPORT_C TAlfRealRect DisplayRect() const;
   770     /**
   771      * Returns the opacity of the visual, taking into account the opacity
   772      * of parent visuals.
   773      *
   774      * @return  Effective opacity level of the visual.
   775      */
   776     IMPORT_C TReal32 EffectiveOpacity() const __SOFTFP;
   778     /**
   779      * Sets the clipping mode of the layout.
   780      *
   781      * @param aClipping  <code>ETrue</code> to hide children that are outside
   782      *                   the layout's real size.
   783      */
   784     IMPORT_C void SetClipping(TBool aClipping = ETrue);
   786     /**
   787      * Determines whether the visual is clipping its contents.
   788      */
   789     IMPORT_C TBool Clipping() const;
   791     /**
   792      * Returns the padding pixels. Visuals can use this to determine the
   793      * amount of padding that should be applied to the content.
   794      *
   795      * @deprecated this will return correct pixel values only if paddings were set 
   796      *      using deprecated pixel based APIs, so migrate to using metrics instead
   797      *
   798      * @return  Horizontal and vertical padding, in pixels.
   799      */
   800     IMPORT_C TPoint Padding() const;
   802     /**
   803      * Returns the padding of the visual.
   804      *
   805      * @return  Padding as a box metric.
   806      */
   807     IMPORT_C const TAlfBoxMetric& PaddingAsMetric() const;
   809     /**
   810      * Returns the horizontal padding pixels. Visuals can use this to
   811      * determine the amount of padding that should be applied to the content.
   812      *
   813      * @deprecated this will return correct pixel values only if paddings were set 
   814      *      using deprecated pixel based APIs, so migrate to using metrics instead
   815      *
   816      * @return  Horizontal padding, in pixels.
   817      */
   818     IMPORT_C TInt HorizontalPadding() const;
   820     /**
   821      * Returns the vertical padding pixels. Visuals can use this to
   822      * determine the amount of padding that should be applied to the content.
   823      *
   824      * @deprecated this will return correct pixel values only if paddings were set 
   825      *      using deprecated pixel based APIs, so migrate to using metrics instead
   826      *
   827      * @return  Vertical padding, in pixels.
   828      */
   829     IMPORT_C TInt VerticalPadding() const;
   831     /**
   832      * Sets the position of the visual.
   833      */
   834     IMPORT_C void SetPos(const TAlfTimedPoint& aPos);
   836     /**
   837      * Sets the size of the visual.
   838      */
   839     IMPORT_C void SetSize(const TAlfTimedPoint& aSize);
   841     /**
   842     * Copies selected, basic types of properties from another visual
   843     * If another visual is in the middle of interpolating selected value(s), target value is used
   844     * with given transition time.
   845     *
   846     * For dynamic properties, use CAlfPropertyOwner::CopyProperty()
   847     * 
   848     * @param aSourceVisual   Visual, from which the values are copied
   849     * @param aBitmask        Defines what properties to copy
   850     * @param aTransitionTime Number of milliseconds for transitioning to new values.     
   851     * 
   852     * @return System wide error codes
   853     */
   854     IMPORT_C TInt CopyValues(const CAlfVisual& aSourceVisual, TInt aBitmask = AlfVisualProperties::EAll, TInt aTransitionTime = 0);
   856     /**
   857     * Pauses selected, basic types of timed properties of this visual
   858     *
   859     * @param aPropertiesBitmask   defines what properties are paused,  combination of AlfVisualProperties
   860     */
   861     IMPORT_C void Pause(TInt aPropertiesBitmask = AlfVisualProperties::EAll);
   863     /**
   864     * Resumes selected basic types of timed properties of this visual
   865     * that were paused using CAlfVisual::Pause().
   866     * If a property was not paused before calling Resume, call does not have effect
   867     *
   868     * @param aPropertiesBitmask   defines what properties are paused, combination of AlfVisualProperties
   869     */
   870     IMPORT_C void Resume(TInt aPropertiesBitmask = AlfVisualProperties::EAll);
   872     // internal
   873     TBool TagMatches(const TDesC8& aTag) const;
   875     /** ! Deletes the visual */
   876     IMPORT_C virtual void DoRemoveAndDestroyAllD();
   879     /**
   880      * Sets an automatic tactile feedback. If this visual is a layout,
   881      * the feedback affects to the child visuals as well. This can 
   882      * be overridden in child visuals.
   883      * 
   884      * @param aEventType Event which triggers the automatic feedback.
   885      * @param aFeedbackType Feedback type.
   886      *
   887      * @see TTouchEventType from touchlogicalfeedback.h
   888      * @see TTouchLogicalFeedback from touchlogicalfeedback.h
   889      */
   890     IMPORT_C void SetTactileFeedbackL( TInt aEventType, TInt aFeedbackType );
   892     /**
   893      * Checks whether a tactile feedback has been assigned.
   894      * Eventhough, this returns EFalse the layout may have feedback defined.
   895      * @param aEventType Event type which needs to match
   896      *        If KAlfTactileFeedbackEventTypeNone, the event type is irrelevant.
   897      * 
   898      * @return ETrue if the visual has a tactile feedback defined.
   899      */
   900     IMPORT_C TBool HasTactileFeedback( 
   901         TInt aEventType = KAlfTactileFeedbackEventTypeNone ) const;
   903     /**
   904      * Removes tactile feedback for the visual.
   905      * 
   906      * @param aEventType Event type which feedback to remove.
   907      *        If KAlfTactileFeedbackEventTypeNone, all the feedbacks are removed.
   908      */
   909     IMPORT_C void RemoveTactileFeedback( TInt aEventType = KAlfTactileFeedbackEventTypeNone );
   911     /**
   912      * Enables the drop shadow. Currently implemented for the image and text visuals.
   913      * 
   914      * @param aEnable ETrue to enable, EFalse to disable.
   915      */
   916     IMPORT_C void EnableDropShadowL( TBool aEnable = ETrue );
   918     /**
   919      * Returns the drop shadow parameter handler.
   920      *
   921      * @return Drop shadow handler. NULL if drop shadow is disabled.
   922      */
   923     IMPORT_C CAlfDropShadow* DropShadowHandler() const;
   924     IMPORT_C void CAlfVisual::SetEffectL( const TDesC& aEffectFile );
   925     IMPORT_C void CAlfVisual::SetGroupEffectL( const TDesC& aEffectFile, TInt aGroupHandle );
   927 protected:
   929     /** ! future proofing */
   930     IMPORT_C void PropertyOwnerExtension(const TUid& aExtensionUid, TAny** aExtensionParams);
   933 private:
   935     // Private data. Own. 
   936     struct TPrivateData;
   937     TPrivateData* iData;
   939     };
   942 #endif // C_ALFVISUAL_H