changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
child 3 d8a3531bc6b8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:15bf7259bb7c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Handles serializing of data and sending it to alf streamer server.
    15 *
    16 */
    20 // Maybe...
    21 // - EAlfCancelClippingRect is many times followed by EAlfSetClippingRect. Could the EAlfCancelClippingRect be ignored?
    22 // - EAlfSetBrushStyle (etc. other non drawing commands) are followed by AlfReset and no drawing is done. Could the Set
    23 //   commands be ignored.
    24 // Can ignoring be done faster than executing useless commands?
    26 #include <barsread.h>
    27 #include <barsc.h>
    28 #include <e32std.h>
    29 #include <alfstreamerconsts.h>
    30 #include <huiwscanvascommands.h>
    31 #include <uiacceltk/HuiUtil.h>
    33 #include <alfdecoderserverclient.h>
    34 #include <alflogger.h>
    35 #include "alf/alfcompositionclient.h"
    36 #include "alfrssendbuffer.h"
    37 #include "alfrenderstage.h"
    38 #include "alfcommanddebug.h"
    39 #include <alfnonsupportedwscommands.rsg>
    41 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
    43 _LIT( KRendererSupportedCommands,"alfnonsupportedwscommands.rsc" );
    45 const TInt KFrameHeaderSizeWhenCacheChunks = 500;
    46 const TInt KFrameHeaderSize = 5000;
    47 const TInt KFrameOffsetTemplate = 12345678;
    48 const TInt KCacheChunkMinSize = 50000;
    49 const TUint8 KDivisibleByX = 8;
    50 const TInt KWindowFrameHeader1 = 6; // bytes
    51 const TInt KWindowFrameHeader2 = 18 + 10; // bytes // TP +10 
    53 const TInt KAllRenderersMask = 63;
    54 const TInt KPossiblePerformanceProblemInWindow = 64;
    55 const TInt KPossiblePerformanceProblemInWindowThreshold = 1000;
    58 enum TPatternSearchStates
    59     {
    60     ESeekSetClippingRegion = 0,
    61     ESeekBitBlit = 1,
    62     ESeekResetClipping = 2,
    63     ESeekBrushStyle1 = 3,
    64     ESeekBrushStyle2 = 4
    65     };
    69 const TInt TSearchPatternBitBlit[2][3] = { 
    70                 // Search command           // state                // alternative command in this state
    71                 { EAlfSetClippingRegion,    ESeekSetClippingRegion, KErrNotFound },
    72                 { EAlfBitBltMasked,         ESeekBitBlit,           EAlfBitBltRect }};
    73 #else
    74 const TInt TSearchPatternBitBlit[5][3] = { 
    75 				// Search command			// state				// alternative command in this state
    76         		{ EAlfSetClippingRegion, 	ESeekSetClippingRegion, KErrNotFound },
    77         		{ EAlfBitBltMasked, 		ESeekBitBlit, 			EAlfBitBltRect },
    78         		{ EAlfResetClippingRegion, 	ESeekResetClipping, 	KErrNotFound },
    79         		{ EAlfSetBrushStyle, 		ESeekBrushStyle1, 		KErrNotFound },
    80         		{ EAlfSetBrushStyle, 		ESeekBrushStyle2, 		EAlfSetPenStyle} };
    81 #endif
    84 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 // class CAlfObserver
    86 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 //
    89 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAlfObserver):public CActive
    90     {
    91     public:
    93         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    94         // SetL
    95         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96         //
    97         static void SetL(CAlfRsSendBuffer* aHost, TBool aStartServer )
    98              {
    99              CAlfObserver* me = new (ELeave)  CAlfObserver(aHost, aStartServer);
   100              me->SetActive();
   101              // breahe one cycle to allow wserv kick its server object alive
   102              TRequestStatus* status = &me->iStatus; 
   103              User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);   
   104              }
   106         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   107         // NewL
   108         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109         //
   110         CAlfObserver(CAlfRsSendBuffer* aHost, TBool aStartServer):CActive(2*EPriorityHigh),
   111             iHost(aHost), iStartServer(aStartServer),  iBreathe(ETrue)
   112             {
   113             CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   114             iTimer.CreateLocal();
   115             }
   117         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   118         // RunL
   119         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120         //
   121         void RunL()
   122             {
   123             if (iBreathe && iStartServer)
   124                 {
   125                 iBreathe = EFalse;
   126                 SetActive();
   127                 TRAPD(err, AlfServerStarter::StartL(iStatus, EFalse));
   128                 if (err)
   129                     {
   130                     // Important, and thus enabled even in release builds. Other option would be letting leave to fall through 
   131                     // render stage stack and let window server panic the boot
   132                     RDebug::Print(_L("********* Error occurred when starting alf: %d"),err);
   133                     }
   134                 else
   135                     {
   136                     return;
   137                     }
   138                 }
   139             else
   140                 {
   141                 if( !iHost->ConnectL() ) // if connecting fails, try again a bit later
   142                     {
   143                     SetActive();
   144                     if( iStartServer )
   145                         {
   146                         iTimer.After( iStatus, 250000); // primary display is more important
   147                         }
   148                     else
   149                         {
   150                         iTimer.After( iStatus, 1000000);
   151                         }
   152                     }
   153                 else
   154                     {
   155                     __ALFLOGSTRING("********************FLUSHING WSERV");    
   156 					TRAP_IGNORE(iHost->PrepareBufferL());
   157 					TRAP_IGNORE(iHost->SendL( NULL ));
   158                     iTimer.Close();
   159                     delete this;
   160                     }
   161                 }
   162             }
   164         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   165         // DoCancel
   166         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   167         //
   168         void DoCancel()
   169             {
   170             // not applicable atm
   171             }
   173     private: // Data
   175         CAlfRsSendBuffer* iHost;
   176         TBool iStartServer;
   177         TBool iBreathe;
   178         RTimer iTimer;
   179     };
   181 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 // doFlushBuffer
   183 // Local function
   184 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   185 //
   186 TInt doFlushBuffer( TAny* aPtr )
   187     {
   188     ((CAlfRsSendBuffer*)aPtr)->FlushBuffer();
   189     return 0; // must return something
   190     }
   193 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   194 // NewL
   195 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 //
   197 CAlfRsSendBuffer* CAlfRsSendBuffer::NewL(CAlfRenderStage& aParent, TInt aScreenNumber )
   198 	{
   199 	CAlfRsSendBuffer* self = new(ELeave) CAlfRsSendBuffer( aParent, aScreenNumber );
   200 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   201 	self->ConstructL();
   202 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   203 	return self;
   204 	}
   206 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   207 // Destructor
   208 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   209 //
   210 CAlfRsSendBuffer::~CAlfRsSendBuffer()
   211     {
   212     if ( iAlfBridgerClient )
   213         {
   214         iAlfBridgerClient->Close();
   215         delete iAlfBridgerClient;
   216         iAlfBridgerClient = NULL;
   217         delete iAlfCompositionCntrlClient;
   218         }
   219 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM    
   220     if ( iBufStream )
   221         {
   222         iBufStream->Close();
   223         delete iBufStream;
   224         iBufStream = NULL;
   225         }
   226 #endif    
   227     iChunk.Close();
   228     }
   230 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   231 // ConstructL
   232 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   233 //
   234 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::ConstructL()
   235     {
   236     // If this is not the primary screen (0) do not send any commands to Alf server
   237     iDisabled = (iScreenNumber != 0);
   239     ReadNonSupportedCommandsL();
   240     iChunkInUse = 0;
   241     iBooting = ETrue;
   242 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_
   243     iLog = 0;
   244     iCommandDebugger = CAlfCommandDebug::NewL();
   245 #endif
   247     TBool runInsideWserv = ETrue; // EFalse;
   248     if( runInsideWserv )
   249         {
   250         TBool startServer = ETrue;
   251         if (iScreenNumber != 0) // we need one instance only
   252             {
   253             startServer = EFalse;
   254             }
   255         CAlfObserver::SetL(this, startServer);
   256         }
   257     else
   258         {
   259         CAlfObserver::SetL(this, EFalse);
   260         }
   262     MAlfCompositionController* compcntrl = (MAlfCompositionController*)iParent.ResolveObjectInterface(KAlfCompositionControllerIfUid);
   263     if (compcntrl)
   264       {
   265       compcntrl->AlfBridgeCallback(MAlfBridge::EAlfBridgeCreated, (MAlfBridge*)this);  
   266       }
   267     }
   269 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   270 // ReadNonSupportedCommandsL
   271 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   272 //
   273 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::ReadNonSupportedCommandsL()
   274     {
   275     RFs fs;
   276     User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
   277     CleanupClosePushL(fs);
   278     RResourceFile resFile;    
   279     TInt result;
   280     // resolve the absolute path
   281     // Read unsupported command resource
   282     TFileName resourceFileName;
   283     TPtrC driveLetter = TParsePtrC( RProcess().FileName() ).Drive();
   284     resourceFileName.Copy( driveLetter );  
   285     resourceFileName.Append( KDC_ECOM_RESOURCE_DIR );
   286     resourceFileName.Append( KRendererSupportedCommands );
   288     TRAP( result, resFile.OpenL(fs,resourceFileName); );
   289     if ( result == KErrNone )
   290         {
   291         CleanupClosePushL(resFile);
   292         resFile.ConfirmSignatureL(0); // offset value.
   296         HBufC8* readData = resFile.AllocReadL(resId);
   297         // now first get rid of RResourceFile and RFs as they are not needed any more
   298         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // resFile
   299         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // fs
   300         CleanupStack::PushL(readData);
   302         // now parse it and store the values in cmdTextArray
   303         TResourceReader reader;
   304         reader.SetBuffer(readData);
   305         const TInt count = reader.ReadInt16();
   306         TInt8 command;
   308         TInt8 value;
   309         TInt nonSupportedParameterCount = 0;
   310         // resource file contains only non supported commands by renderers. Patch them to the iSupportedCommands
   311         TInt supportedParameterIndex = 0;
   312         for ( TInt i = 0; i < count ; i++ )
   313             {
   314             command = reader.ReadInt8();
   315             value = ConvertToBitsL( 7, &reader );
   317             nonSupportedParameterCount = reader.ReadInt16();
   318             if ( nonSupportedParameterCount > 0 )
   319                 {
   320                 iSupportedCommandParameters[command][0] = supportedParameterIndex;
   321                 for ( TInt l = 0 ; l < nonSupportedParameterCount ; l ++ )
   322                     {
   323                     TInt8 parameterValue = reader.ReadInt8();
   324                     iSupportedParameters[supportedParameterIndex][0] = parameterValue;
   325                     TInt8 value2 = ConvertToBitsL( 6, &reader  );
   326                     iSupportedParameters[supportedParameterIndex][1] = value2;
   327                     supportedParameterIndex++;
   328                     }
   329                 iSupportedCommandParameters[command][1] = supportedParameterIndex;
   330                 }
   331             iNonSupportedCommands[command] = value;
   332             }
   333         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(readData);
   334         }
   335     else
   336         {
   337         __ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfRsSendBuffer::ConstructL - WARNING! Failed to read unsupported commands from resource file: %S! Error code:st %d.", &resourceFileName );
   338         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // fs
   339         }
   340     }
   342 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   343 // ConvertToBitsL
   344 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   345 //
   346 TUint8 CAlfRsSendBuffer::ConvertToBitsL( TInt aCount, TResourceReader* aReader )
   347     {
   348 #ifdef _DEBUG    
   349     if ( aCount > 7 )
   350         {
   351         __ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfRsSendBuffer::ConvertToBitsL - Can convert only 7 sequantial bytes to one byte");
   352         USER_INVARIANT(); //
   353         }
   354 #endif    
   355     TInt8 value = 0;
   356     TInt8 notSupported[7];
   357     aReader->Read( notSupported, aCount );
   358     TUint8 mask = 1;
   359     for (TInt j = 0; j < aCount ; j ++)
   360         {
   361         if ( notSupported[j] ){ value |= mask ; }
   362         mask = mask << 1;
   363         }
   364     return value;
   365     }
   367 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 // RunL
   369 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   370 //
   371 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::RunL()
   372     {
   373     switch( iState )
   374         {
   375         case EWaitingAck:
   376             {
   377             if ( iStatus == EAlfBridgerAsyncronousData || iStatus < 0 )
   378                 {
   379                 TInt chunkIndex = 0;
   380                 // The following is written to the last created chunk.
   381                 TInt cacheChunkCount = iCacheChunks.Count();
   383                 if ( cacheChunkCount > 0 )
   384                     {
   385                     // request destruction of all temporary chunks
   386                     while ( chunkIndex < cacheChunkCount )
   387                         {
   388                         WriteInt8L( EAlfDestroyChunk );
   389                         WriteInt8L( 0 ); // screen number, not used.
   390                         WriteInt32L( iCacheChunks[chunkIndex].Handle() );
   391                         WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
   393                         chunkIndex++;
   394                         }
   395                     if ( !iBooting )
   396                         {
   397                         // This is not necessary in the first boot, because jump 
   398                         // request has been already created in PrepareBufferL
   400                         JumpToAnotherChunkL( 0, iPrimaryChunkMaxSize );
   401                         OpenPrimaryChunkForWritingL();
   402                         SeekL(0); // rewind stream to the beginning
   403                         WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
   404                         CommitL();
   405                         FlushBuffer();
   406                         }
   407                     // destroy renderstage side handles to the chunk. alfhierarchy
   408                     // has still open handles for a while.
   409                     while( iCacheChunks.Count() )    
   410                         {
   411                         iCacheChunks[ 0 ].Close();
   412                         iCacheChunks.Remove( 0 );
   413                         }
   414                     }
   415                 iUsedChunkMaxSize = iPrimaryChunkMaxSize - sizeof( TChunkHeader);
   416                 iChunkInUse = 0;
   417                 iBooting = EFalse; // alf has acknowledged the first frame
   418                 iParent.EndCallBack( iQuedStatus );
   419                 iState = EIdle;
   420                 }
   421             break;
   422             }
   423         case EWaitingHandle:
   424             {
   425             break;
   426             }
   427         case EIdle:
   428             {
   429             break;
   430             }
   431         default:;
   432         }
   433     }
   435 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   436 // DoCancel
   437 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   438 //
   439 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::DoCancel()
   440     {
   441     // TODO
   442     }
   444 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   445 // WriteFlagsL
   446 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   447 //
   448 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteFlagsL( )
   449     {
   450     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   451         {
   452         return;
   453         }
   455     // space has been reserved for us
   456     WriteInt8L( EAlfFrameFlags ); 
   457     WriteInt32L( iFlags);
   458     WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
   459     }
   461 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   462 // WriteCommandL
   463 // writes 1 TInt value to the stream
   464 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   465 //
   466 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteCommandL( const TUint8& aCommand, TInt aSize )
   467     {
   468     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   469         {
   470         return;
   471         }
   473     if ( 
   474 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM
   475             iBufStream->Sink() && 
   476 #endif
   477             aCommand == EAlfPacketReady )
   478         {
   479         iReceivingDrawingCommands = EFalse;
   480         // if offscreen content has not been flushed, we'll keep the frame in not completed state.
   481         // it will be delivered to CHuiCanvasVisual, but not processed until finished packet arrives.
   482         // make sure, that frame flags (iFlags) follow this command.
   483         }
   485     if (! InitCommandL( aCommand, aSize)){ return;}
   486 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_  
   487     if ( !iReceivingDrawingCommands )
   488         {
   489         aSize += sizeof(TUint8);
   490         }
   491     iCommandDebugger->SetDescriptionAndSize( aCommand, aSize, R_ALF_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ARRAY  );
   492     iCommandDebugger->Print();
   493 #endif   
   494     if ( !iReceivingDrawingCommands )
   495         {
   496         WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker ); 
   497         }
   498     if ( aCommand == EAlfPacketReady )
   499         {
   500         iReceivingDrawingCommands = EFalse;
   501         iWrappingFrame = EFalse;
   503 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_    
   504         iCommandDebugger->PrintStatistic();
   505         iCommandDebugger->EndFrame();
   506 #endif
   508         }
   509     }
   511 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   512 // WriteIntsL
   513 // writes aCount amount of variables to the stream and updates stream index.
   514 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   515 //
   516 // @todo Reference to Tint parameter was removed, because it did not pass armv5 compiler
   518 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteIntsL( const TUint8& aCommand, TInt aCount, TRefByValue<const TInt> aFirst,... )
   519     {
   520     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   521         {
   522         return;
   523         }
   525     const TInt size = sizeof(TInt32) * aCount;
   526     if (! InitCommandL( aCommand, size )){ return;}
   527 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_    
   528     iCommandDebugger->SetDescriptionAndSize( aCommand, size, R_ALF_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ARRAY  );
   529     iCommandDebugger->Print();
   530 #endif
   532 	if ( aCount > 0 )
   533 	    {
   534 	    aCount--; // first item is serialized separately. It seems to exist at different location as rest of the parameters.
   535 	    WriteInt32L( aFirst );
   536 	    WriteL( (TUint8*)&aFirst + sizeof(TInt32), aCount * sizeof(TInt32) );
   537 	    //TInt size = sizeof(TInt32) * aCount;
   538 	    //iBufStream->WriteL( (TUint8*)&aFirst + sizeof(TInt32), size ); iOffset += size ; 
   539 	    }
   540 	if ( !iReceivingDrawingCommands )
   541 	    {
   542 	    WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
   543 	    }
   544     }
   546 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteIntsL(TUint8 aCommand, TInt aCount, TInt* aArray)
   547     {
   548     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   549         {
   550         return;
   551         }
   553     const TInt size = sizeof(TInt32) * aCount;
   554     if (!InitCommandL( aCommand, size ))
   555       { 
   556       return;
   557       }
   559 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_    
   560     iCommandDebugger->SetDescriptionAndSize( aCommand, size, R_ALF_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ARRAY  );
   561     iCommandDebugger->Print();
   562 #endif
   564     for(TInt i = 0; i < aCount; i++)
   565         {	    
   566         WriteInt32L( aArray[i] );
   567         }
   569 	if ( !iReceivingDrawingCommands )
   570 	    {
   571 	    WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
   572 	    }
   573     }
   575 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   576 // WriteIntL
   577 // All possibly non-supported commands that have a parameter are using this version
   578 // of WriteIntL
   579 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   580 //
   581 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteIntL( const TUint8& aCommand, TInt aValue )
   582     {
   583     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   584         {
   585         return;
   586         }
   588     TBool supported = EFalse;
   589     if (iNonSupportedCommands[aCommand])
   590         {        
   591         for( TInt i = iSupportedCommandParameters[aCommand][0]; i < iSupportedCommandParameters[aCommand][1]; i++ )
   592             {
   593             if ( !supported && aValue == iSupportedParameters[i][0])
   594                 {
   595                 supported = ETrue;
   596                 iNonSupportedCommands[aCommand] = iSupportedParameters[i][1];
   597                 }
   598             }
   599         }
   600     else
   601         {
   602         supported = ETrue;
   603         }
   605      if ( !supported )
   606          {
   607          iNonSupportedCommands[aCommand] = KAllRenderersMask;
   608          }
   609     if (! InitCommandL( aCommand, sizeof(TInt32) )){ return;}
   610 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_    
   611     iCommandDebugger->SetDescriptionAndSize( aCommand, sizeof(TInt32), R_ALF_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ARRAY );
   612     iCommandDebugger->Print();
   613 #endif    
   614     // only commands, that may not be supported use this function
   615     if ( aCommand == EAlfSetPenStyle )
   616         {
   617         iPenStyle = aValue; // for patter search
   618         }
   619     WriteInt32L( aValue);
   620     if ( !iReceivingDrawingCommands )
   621         {
   622         WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
   623         }
   624     }
   626 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   627 // WriteRegionL
   628 // writes aCount amount of variables to the stream and updates stream index.
   629 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   630 //
   631 // @todo Reference to Tint parameter was removed, because it did not pass armv5 compiler
   633 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteRegionL( const TUint8& aCommand, const TRegion& aRegion )
   634     {
   635     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   636         {
   637         return;
   638         }
   640     TInt count = aRegion.Count();
   641     const TInt size = sizeof(TInt32) * ( 4 * count + 1);
   643     if (! InitCommandL( aCommand, size )){ return;}
   644 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_    
   645     iCommandDebugger->SetDescriptionAndSize( aCommand, size, R_ALF_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ARRAY );
   646     iCommandDebugger->SetRegion( aRegion );
   647     iCommandDebugger->Print();
   648 #endif
   649     WriteInt32L( count );
   650     TInt i = 0;
   651     while( i < count )
   652         {
   653         WriteL( (TUint8*)&aRegion[i].iTl.iX, 4 * sizeof(TInt32 ));
   654         if ( aCommand == EAlfSetClippingRegion )
   655             {
   656             iSearchPatternClipRegion.AddRect(aRegion[i]);
   657             }
   658         i++;
   659         }
   661     if ( !iReceivingDrawingCommands )
   662         {
   663         WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
   664         }
   666     }
   668 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   669 // WriteDescriptorAndIntsL
   670 // writes aCount amount of variables to the stream and updates stream index.
   671 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   672 //
   673 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteDescriptorAndIntsL(
   674         const TUint8& aCommand,
   675         const TDesC& aText,
   676         const CGraphicsContext::TTextParameters* aTextParameter,
   677                 TInt aCount,
   678         TRefByValue<const TInt> aFirst,... )
   679     {
   680     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   681         {
   682         return;
   683         }
   685     if ( aText.Length() == 0 )
   686         {
   687         return;
   688         }
   690    TBool useCachedText( EFalse );
   691    if ( iCachedText 
   692            && iCachedText->Length() == aText.Length() 
   693            && iCachedText->Compare( aText ) == 0 )
   694        {
   695        useCachedText = ETrue;
   696        }
   697    else
   698        {
   699        delete iCachedText;
   700        iCachedText = aText.AllocL();
   701        }
   702    // calculate size for the command
   703    TInt  size = sizeof(TInt32) * ( 2 + aCount ) + //  ints
   704                 + 2 * sizeof(TInt8);  // existances of: text and TextParameters
   706    if ( !useCachedText )
   707        {
   708        size += aText.Size() + sizeof(TInt32); // text + its length  
   709        }
   711     if ( aTextParameter )
   712         {
   713         size += ( 2 * sizeof(TInt32) )+ sizeof(TUint16);
   714         }
   716     if (! InitCommandL( aCommand, size )){ return;}
   717 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_    
   718     iCommandDebugger->SetDescriptionAndSize( aCommand, size, R_ALF_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ARRAY );
   719     iCommandDebugger->Print();
   720 #endif                
   721     WriteInt8L( useCachedText );
   722     if ( !useCachedText )
   723         {
   724         WriteInt32L( aText.Size() );
   726         TInt offset = iOffset + 2 * sizeof(TUint8);
   727         TInt startPadding = offset % KDivisibleByX;
   728         startPadding = startPadding == 0 ? 0 : KDivisibleByX - startPadding;
   729         WriteInt8L( startPadding ); 
   731         TInt endPadding = (offset + startPadding + aText.Size() ) % KDivisibleByX;
   732         endPadding = endPadding == 0 ? 0 : KDivisibleByX - endPadding;
   733         WriteInt8L( endPadding );
   734         TUint8 padding[KDivisibleByX];
   735         WriteL( (TUint8*)padding, startPadding );
   736         WriteL( (TUint8*)aText.Ptr(), aText.Size() );
   737         WriteL( (TUint8*)padding, endPadding ); 
   738         // aTextParameter can be null.
   739         }
   740     if ( aTextParameter )
   741         { 
   742         // TODO: Remove commented code, when this is tested.
   743         if ( aTextParameter->iStart == 0 
   744                 && aTextParameter->iEnd == aText.Length()
   745                 && aTextParameter->iFlags == 0 )
   746             {
   747 			// actually, this never comes so far...
   748             WriteInt8L( 2 ); // Use the default values
   749             }
   750         else
   751             {
   752             WriteInt8L( 1 ); 
   753             TInt size =  2 * sizeof (TInt) + sizeof (TUint16) ;
   754             WriteL( (TUint8*)&aTextParameter->iStart, size);
   755             }
   756         }
   757     else
   758         {
   759         WriteInt8L( 0 );
   760         }
   761 	if ( aCount > 0 )
   762 	{
   763 	    aCount--;
   764 	    WriteInt32L( aFirst );
   765 	    TInt size = aCount * sizeof(TInt32);
   766 	    WriteL( (TUint8*)&aFirst + sizeof(TInt32), size );
   767     }
   768     if ( !iReceivingDrawingCommands )
   769         {
   770         WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
   771         }
   772     }
   774 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   775 // WritePointArrayL
   776 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   777 //
   778 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WritePointArrayL( const TUint8& aCommand, const CArrayFix<TPoint>* aPoWriteIntList )
   779     {
   780     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   781         {
   782         return;
   783         }
   785     TInt count = aPoWriteIntList->Count();
   786     const TInt size = sizeof(TInt32) * (2 * count + 1);
   788     if (! InitCommandL( aCommand, size )){ return;}
   790     TInt index(0);
   791     WriteInt32L( count );
   792 	while( index < count )
   793         {
   794         WriteInt32L( aPoWriteIntList->At(index).iX );
   795 		WriteInt32L( aPoWriteIntList->At(index).iY );
   796 		index++;
   797         }
   798     if ( !iReceivingDrawingCommands )
   799         {
   800         WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
   801 		}
   802     }
   804 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   805 // WritePointArrayL
   806 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   807 //
   808 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WritePointArrayL( const TUint8& aCommand, const TPoint* aPoWriteIntList, TInt aNumPoints )
   809     {
   810     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   811         {
   812         return;
   813         }
   815     const TInt size = sizeof(TInt32) * (2 * aNumPoints + 1);
   816     if (! InitCommandL( aCommand, size )){ return;}
   818     TInt index(0);
   819     WriteInt32L( aNumPoints );
   820 	while( index < aNumPoints )
   821         {
   822         WriteInt32L( aPoWriteIntList[index].iX );
   823 		WriteInt32L( aPoWriteIntList[index].iY );
   824 		index++;
   825         }
   826     if ( !iReceivingDrawingCommands )
   827         {
   828         WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
   829         }
   830     }
   832 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   833 // WritePointArrayL
   834 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   835 //
   836 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WritePointArrayL( const TUint8& aCommand, const TArray<TPoint>* aPoWriteIntList  )
   837     {
   838     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   839         {
   840         return;
   841         }
   843     const TInt size = sizeof(TInt32) * (2 * aPoWriteIntList->Count() + 1);
   844     if (! InitCommandL( aCommand, size )){ return;}
   846     TInt index(0);
   847     TInt count = aPoWriteIntList->Count(); 
   848     WriteInt32L( count );
   849     TArray<TPoint> list = *aPoWriteIntList;
   851     while( index < count )
   852         {
   853         const TPoint& point = list[index]; 
   854         WriteInt32L( point.iX );
   855 		WriteInt32L( point.iY );
   856 		 index++;
   857         }   
   858     if ( !iReceivingDrawingCommands )
   859         {
   860         WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
   861 		}
   862     }
   864 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   865 // ConnectL
   866 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   867 //
   868 TBool CAlfRsSendBuffer::ConnectL()
   869     {
   870 /*    if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   871         {
   872         return ETrue;
   873         }
   874   */  
   875     if ( iAlfBridgerClient )
   876         {
   877         return ETrue; // already connected
   878         }
   879     iAlfBridgerClient = new(ELeave)RAlfBridgerClient();
   880     TInt result = iAlfBridgerClient->Connect();
   881     if ( result != KErrNone )
   882         {
   883         // server is not available
   884         delete iAlfBridgerClient;
   885         iAlfBridgerClient = NULL;
   886         return EFalse;
   887         }
   888     TIpcArgs args(iScreenNumber);
   889     User::LeaveIfError(iAlfBridgerClient->SendSynch(KAlfCompositionWServScreenNumber, args));
   891     MAlfCompositionController* compcntrl = (MAlfCompositionController*)iParent.ResolveObjectInterface(KAlfCompositionControllerIfUid);
   892     if (compcntrl)
   893       {
   894 #ifndef USE_UI_LAYER_FOR_ALF
   895         TAlfNativeWindowData data;
   896         TPckg<TAlfNativeWindowData> pkg(data);
   898         if( iScreenNumber == 0) // only for primary screen
   899             {
   900             User::LeaveIfError(iAlfBridgerClient->SendSynch(EAlfGetNativeWindowHandles, TIpcArgs(&pkg)));
   901             compcntrl->AlfBridgeCallback(MAlfBridge::EAlfNativeWindowCreated, &data); 
   902             }
   903         }
   904  #endif //#ifdef USE_UI_LAYER_FOR_ALF   
   905     iAlfCompositionCntrlClient = CAlfCompositionCntrlClient::NewL(iAlfBridgerClient, compcntrl);
   906     return ETrue;
   907     }
   909 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   910 //  WriteWindowIdentifierL
   911 //  Convenience function
   912 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   913 //
   914 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteWindowIdentifierL( )
   915     {
   916     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   917         {
   918         return;
   919         }
   920 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM
   921    if ( !iBufStream->Sink() )
   922         {
   923         return;
   924         }
   925 #endif    
   926     // <HEADER1>
   927     // if you change <HEADER1>, you must update its size in the beginning of this file
   928     WriteInt8L( EAlfSetWindowId );
   929 	ResetPatternSearch();
   931     WriteInt8L( iScreenNumber );
   932     WriteInt32L( iWindowId );
   933 	// </HEADER1>
   934     WriteFollowingFrameOffsetTemplateL();
   935      }
   937 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   938 //  WriteWindowDataL
   939 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   940 //
   941 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteWindowDataL(
   942 		TUint32 aWindowUid,
   943 		TInt aRegionSize, 
   944 		TInt aShapeRegionSize )
   945     {
   946     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   947         {
   948         return;
   949         }
   951 	// TODO: TERO: END	
   952     iNonSupportedCommandsInWindow = 0;
   953     iPerformanceIssueCommandCount = 0;
   954     iFlags = 0;
   955     delete iCachedText;
   956     iCachedText = NULL;
   958     iPreviousCommand = EAlfCommandNotInitialized;
   959 	// Note, the size tells the maximum space needed for the command
   960     TInt size = sizeof(TUint32) + // windowId
   961         sizeof(TUint32) + // next frame offset
   962         3 * sizeof(TUint8) + // command + contains unsupported commands + end marker
   963         sizeof(TUint8) + // screen number ( in WriteFollowingFrameOffsetTemplate)
   964         sizeof(TUint32) * ( 4 * aRegionSize + 1 ) +  // updateregion 
   965         sizeof(TUint8) * KDivisibleByX + // possible padding
   966         sizeof(TUint32) * ( 4 * aShapeRegionSize + 1) + // possible shape region
   967         sizeof(EAlfCommandEndMarker); // endmarker for update region and this command
   968     if (! InitCommandL( EAlfSetWindowId, size )){ return;}
   969 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_    
   970     iCommandDebugger->StartFrame();
   971 #endif
   972     ResetPatternSearch();
   973     iWindowId = aWindowUid;
   974     WriteInt32L( aWindowUid );
   975 	WriteFollowingFrameOffsetTemplateL();
   976     iReceivingDrawingCommands = ETrue; // WriteCommand will set to false, when ERedrawComplete is received
   977     }
   979 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   980 //  WriteFollowingFrameOffsetTemplateL
   981 //  Convenience function
   982 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   983 //
   984 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteFollowingFrameOffsetTemplateL()
   985     {
   986     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
   987         {
   988         return;
   989         }
   991 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM
   992     if ( iBufStream->Sink() )
   993 #endif        
   994         {
   995         iTemplateOpen++;
   996         if ( iTemplateOpen != 1 )
   997             {
   998             USER_INVARIANT();
   999             }
  1000         iNextFrameOffsetPos = iOffset;
  1002         // If you add anything to <HEADER2>, you must update its size in the beginning of the file.
  1003         // <HEADER2>
  1004         TInt chunkId = 0;
  1005         if ( iChunkInUse)
  1006             {
  1007             chunkId = iCacheChunks[iChunkInUse-1].Handle(); 
  1008             }
  1009         WriteInt32L( chunkId );
  1010 		WriteInt32L( KFrameOffsetTemplate ); // we'll come back later on, and write the correct frame size to this location
  1011         // determine need for padding
  1012         TInt pos = iOffset; 
  1013         TInt offset = pos + 2 * sizeof(TUint8) + sizeof(TUint8) + sizeof(TInt32); // padding and endmarker.
  1014         TInt startPadding = offset % KDivisibleByX;
  1015         startPadding = startPadding == 0 ? 0 : KDivisibleByX - startPadding;
  1016         WriteInt8L( EAlfFrameFlags );
  1017 		WriteInt32L( 0 ); 
  1019         WriteInt8L( startPadding );
  1020 		iFramePadding = startPadding;
  1021         WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
  1022 		// actual padding
  1023         while ( startPadding-- )
  1024             {
  1025             WriteInt8L( 0 );
  1026 			}
  1027         iArrayImplOffset = iOffset;
  1028         InitMarker(iMarker);
  1029 		WriteInt8L( EAlfFrameContainsUnsupportedCommands );
  1030         WriteInt8L( 0 );
  1031         WriteArrayHeaderTemplateL();
  1032         InitTOffsetElemArray(iOffsetArray);
  1033         // </HEADER2>
  1034         }
  1035     }
  1037 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1038 //  WriteFollowingFrameOffsetL
  1039 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1040 //
  1041 TBool CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteFollowingFrameOffsetL(TBool aSendArray)
  1042     {
  1043     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
  1044         {
  1045         return ETrue;
  1046         }
  1047     TOffsetElem e;
  1048     if (aSendArray)
  1049         {
  1050         e = WriteIndexArrayL(iOffsetArray);
  1051         }
  1053 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM    
  1054     if ( iBufStream->Sink() )
  1055 #endif        
  1056         {
  1057         if ( iPerformanceIssueCommandCount > KPossiblePerformanceProblemInWindowThreshold )
  1058             {
  1059             if ( iPerformanceIssueCommandCount > iMaxPerformanceIssueCommandCount )
  1060                 {
  1061                 iMaxPerformanceIssueCommandCount = iPerformanceIssueCommandCount;
  1062                 }
  1063             iNonSupportedCommandsInWindow |= KPossiblePerformanceProblemInWindow; 
  1064             }
  1066         iTemplateOpen--;
  1067         // Empty frames should not be serialized as they cause unnecessary work on Alfserver side. 
  1068         // WServ sends empty frames from time to time
  1069         TInt previousPos = iOffset;
  1070         // Remember to update KWindowFrameHeaderX, if you add stuff to frame header
  1071         TInt frameSize = previousPos - iNextFrameOffsetPos - KWindowFrameHeader2 - iFramePadding; 
  1072         if ( !frameSize ) 
  1073             {
  1074             SeekL( iNextFrameOffsetPos - KWindowFrameHeader1 );
  1075             iReceivingDrawingCommands = EFalse;
  1076             return EFalse;  
  1077             }
  1078         SeekL( iNextFrameOffsetPos );
  1079         // <HEADER2>
  1080         TInt chunkId = 0;
  1081         if ( iChunkInUse)
  1082             {
  1083             chunkId = iCacheChunks[iChunkInUse-1].Handle(); 
  1084             }
  1085         WriteInt32L( chunkId );
  1086 		WriteInt32L( previousPos );
  1087 		WriteInt8L( EAlfFrameFlags );
  1088 		WriteInt32L( iFlags );
  1090         WriteInt8L( iFramePadding ); 
  1091 		WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker ); 
  1092 		// Padding
  1093         while ( iFramePadding-- )
  1094             {
  1095             WriteInt8L( 0xff );
  1096 			}
  1097         WriteInt8L( EAlfFrameContainsUnsupportedCommands );
  1098 		WriteInt8L( iNonSupportedCommandsInWindow );
  1099 		if (aSendArray) 
  1100 		    {
  1101 		    WriteArrayHeaderL(e);
  1102 		    }
  1103 		/*iWindowHeaderStruct.iWindowEndOffset = previousPos.Offset();
  1104         iWindowHeaderStruct.iUnsupportedCommandsInWindow = iNonSupportedCommandsInWindow;
  1105         iBufStream->WriteL( (TUint8*)&iWindowHeaderStruct, sizeof(TWindowHeaderStruct) );*/
  1106         // <HEADER2>
  1107         // return to end of frame
  1108         SeekL( previousPos );
  1110         if ( iTemplateOpen )
  1111             {
  1112             USER_INVARIANT();
  1113             }
  1114         }
  1115     return ETrue; 
  1116     }
  1117 //
  1119 //
  1121 const TInt KArrayOffsetTemplate = 23456789;
  1122 const TInt KArraySizeTemplate = 23456789;
  1124 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteArrayHeaderTemplateL()
  1125 {
  1126     WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandIndexArrayHeader );
  1127     WriteInt8L( 0 ); // align
  1128     WriteInt32L( KArrayOffsetTemplate ); // these will be rewritten in WriteArrayHeader2
  1129     WriteInt32L( KArraySizeTemplate );   // these will be rewritten in WriteArrayHeader2
  1130 }
  1133 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::InitTOffsetElemArray(RArray<TOffsetElem> &aOffsets)
  1134 {
  1135     TInt count = aOffsets.Count();
  1136     for(TInt i=0;i<count;i++)
  1137         aOffsets.Remove(0);
  1138 }
  1140 CAlfRsSendBuffer::TOffsetElem CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteIndexArrayL(const RArray<TOffsetElem> &aOffsets)
  1141 {
  1142     TInt marker = iBufStream->Sink()->TellL( MStreamBuf::EWrite ).Offset();
  1143     if (iPreviousBlockOffset != marker && iLayersEnabled)
  1144         {
  1145         TInt size = marker - iPreviousBlockOffset;
  1146         TOffsetElem e;
  1147         e.iOffset = iPreviousBlockOffset - iArrayImplOffset; //iFrameBeginOffset + KWindowFrameHeader1 + KWindowFrameHeader2;
  1148         e.iSize = size;
  1149         e.iBoundingRectangle = TRect(0,0,0,0);
  1150         e.iLayerId = iExtraLayerId++;
  1151         iOffsetArray.AppendL( e ); 
  1152         }
  1153     InsertPaddingL();
  1155    // first command to allow wspainter to skip the index array section
  1156    WriteInt8L(EAlfCommandIndexArray);
  1157    WriteInt8L(aOffsets.Count());
  1158    WriteInt8L(0);
  1159    WriteInt8L(0);
  1160    TInt offset = iOffset;
  1161    TInt count = aOffsets.Count();
  1163    // then the actual index array
  1164    for(TInt i = 0; i<count; i++)
  1165 	{
  1166 	WriteInt32L( aOffsets[i].iOffset );
  1167 	WriteInt32L( aOffsets[i].iSize );	
  1168 	WriteInt32L( aOffsets[i].iLayerId);
  1169 	WriteL( (TUint8*)&aOffsets[i].iBoundingRectangle, sizeof(TRect) );
  1170 	}
  1171    TOffsetElem e;
  1172    e.iOffset = offset  - iArrayImplOffset; //iFrameBeginOffset + KWindowFrameHeader1 + KWindowFrameHeader2;
  1173    e.iSize = aOffsets.Count()*sizeof(TOffsetElem);
  1174    return e;
  1175 }
  1177 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::WriteArrayHeaderL(const TOffsetElem &aIndexArrayOffset)
  1178 {
  1179    WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandIndexArrayHeader );
  1180    WriteInt8L( 0 ); // align
  1181    WriteInt32L( aIndexArrayOffset.iOffset );
  1182    WriteInt32L( aIndexArrayOffset.iSize );
  1183 }
  1185 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::InitMarker(TInt &aMarker)
  1186 {
  1187    aMarker = -1;
  1188    iPreviousBlockOffset = iBufStream->Sink()->TellL( MStreamBuf::EWrite ).Offset();
  1189    iExtraLayerId = 667;
  1190    iLayersEnabled = EFalse;
  1191 }
  1192 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::StartMarkerL(TInt &aMarker, TRect &aRectangle, TInt &aLayer, TRect aBoundingRectangle, TInt aLayerId)
  1193 {
  1194    ASSERT(aMarker == -1);
  1195    aMarker = iBufStream->Sink()->TellL( MStreamBuf::EWrite ).Offset();
  1196    if (iPreviousBlockOffset != aMarker)
  1197        {
  1198        TInt size = aMarker - iPreviousBlockOffset;
  1199        TOffsetElem e;
  1200        e.iOffset = iPreviousBlockOffset - iArrayImplOffset; //iFrameBeginOffset + KWindowFrameHeader1 + KWindowFrameHeader2;
  1201        e.iSize = size;
  1202        e.iBoundingRectangle = TRect(0,0,0,0);
  1203        e.iLayerId = iExtraLayerId++;
  1204        iOffsetArray.AppendL( e ); 
  1205        }
  1207    //aMarker = iOffset;
  1208    aRectangle = aBoundingRectangle;
  1209    aLayer = aLayerId;
  1210    iLayersEnabled = ETrue;
  1211 }
  1212 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::EndMarkerL(RArray<TOffsetElem> &aOffset, TInt &aMarker, const TRect &aRectangle, TInt aLayerId)
  1213 {
  1214    //TODO ASSERT(aMarker != -1);
  1215    if (aMarker==-1) return; 
  1216    TInt offset = iBufStream->Sink()->TellL( MStreamBuf::EWrite ).Offset();
  1218    TInt size = offset - aMarker;
  1219    TOffsetElem e;
  1220    e.iOffset = aMarker - iArrayImplOffset; //iFrameBeginOffset + KWindowFrameHeader1 + KWindowFrameHeader2;
  1221    e.iSize = size;
  1222    e.iBoundingRectangle = aRectangle;
  1223    e.iLayerId = aLayerId;
  1224    aOffset.AppendL( e ); 
  1225    aMarker = -1;
  1226    iPreviousBlockOffset = offset;
  1227 }
  1228 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::StartMarkerL(TRect aBoundingRectangle, TInt aLayerId)
  1229     {
  1230     StartMarkerL(iMarker, iBoundingRectangle, iLayerId, aBoundingRectangle, aLayerId);
  1231     }
  1232 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::EndMarkerL()
  1233     {
  1234     EndMarkerL(iOffsetArray, iMarker, iBoundingRectangle, iLayerId);
  1235     }
  1236 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1237 // SendL
  1238 // sends data syncronously in one or more packets to the streamer server
  1239 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1240 //
  1241 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::SendL( TRequestStatus* aStatus )
  1242 	{
  1243 	// dont send to alf, if chunk is not available or nothing was written
  1244 	if (iDisabled || !iChunk.Handle() )
  1245         {
  1246         if ( aStatus )
  1247             {
  1248             // AlfRenderStage may complete the request, because we wont do anything with the data
  1249             iParent.EndCallBack( aStatus );
  1250             }
  1251         return;
  1252         }
  1254     WriteInt8L( EAlfCommitBatch );
  1255 	WriteInt8L( iScreenNumber );
  1256 	WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
  1258     iState = EWaitingAck;
  1259     TInt lastWrittenOffset( iOffset );
  1260     Commit();
  1262     TIpcArgs args( lastWrittenOffset );
  1263     // __ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfRsSendBuffer::SendL, offset %d ( TRequestStatus)"), lastWrittenOffset );
  1264     if ( iFlushBufferTimer ) 
  1265         {
  1266         iFlushBufferTimer->Cancel();
  1267         }
  1268     iAlfBridgerClient->SendAsynchronous( EAlfBridgerAsyncronousData, args, iStatus );
  1270     if ( aStatus )  // aStatus is null, if this was event notification and not drawing
  1271         {
  1272         iQuedStatus = aStatus;
  1273         *aStatus = KRequestPending;
  1274         }
  1276     if ( !IsActive() )
  1277         {
  1278         SetActive();
  1279         }
  1280     }
  1282 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1283 // FlushBuffer
  1284 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1285 //
  1286 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::FlushBuffer()
  1287     {
  1288     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
  1289         {
  1290         return;
  1291         }
  1293     TBool connected = (iAlfBridgerClient != NULL);
  1294     if (!connected)
  1295         {
  1296         TRAP_IGNORE(connected = ConnectL());
  1297         }
  1298     if (!connected)
  1299         {
  1300         // Cannot connect
  1301         return;
  1302         }
  1303     TIpcArgs args( 0 );
  1304     TInt result = iAlfBridgerClient->SendBlind( EAlfBridgerBlindSend, args  );
  1305     if ( result != KErrNone && result != KErrServerBusy)
  1306     	{
  1307     	__ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfRsSendBuffer::FlushBuffer, err %d", result );
  1308     	// This means that AlfDecoderServer has died and is not coming back. 
  1309     	// There is no point of continuing with non updating UI.
  1310    		USER_INVARIANT();
  1311     	}
  1312     if ( iFlushBufferTimer ) 
  1313     	{
  1314     	iFlushBufferTimer->Cancel();
  1315     	}
  1317 	// during boot time, server is known to answer with this. Just try again little later.
  1318 	if ( result == KErrServerBusy)
  1319 		{
  1320 		CommitL();
  1321 		}
  1322     }
  1324 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1325 // CommitL
  1326 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1327 //
  1328 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::CommitL( )
  1329     {
  1330     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
  1331         {
  1332         return;
  1333         }
  1335     if ( iBooting )
  1336         {
  1337         return;
  1338         }
  1339     Commit();
  1340     // RDebug::Print(_L("CAlfRsSendBuffer::CommitL - %d %d %d "), iChunkHeader, iChunkHeader->iCommittedWriteOffset, iOffset );
  1341       if ( !iFlushBufferTimer )
  1342         {
  1343         iFlushBufferTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( EPriorityNormal );
  1344         iFlushBufferTimer->Start( 5000, 10 * 1000000 , TCallBack( doFlushBuffer, this ));
  1345         }
  1346     if ( !iFlushBufferTimer->IsActive() )
  1347         {
  1348         //__ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfRsSendBuffer::CommitL, activating timer");
  1349         iFlushBufferTimer->After( 5000 );
  1350         }
  1351     else
  1352     	{
  1353     	//__ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfRsSendBuffer::CommitL, timer already active ");
  1354     	}
  1355     }
  1357 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1358 // SendAsyncCmd
  1359 // Send asynchronous command
  1360 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1361 //
  1362 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::SendAsyncCmd(TInt aCmd, TDes8& aBuf, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
  1363     {
  1364     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
  1365         {
  1366         return;
  1367         }
  1369    iAlfBridgerClient->SendAsynchronous(aCmd, TIpcArgs(&aBuf), aStatus);
  1370     }
  1372 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1373 // OpenPrimaryChunkForWritingL
  1374 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1375 //
  1376 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::OpenPrimaryChunkForWritingL()
  1377     {
  1378     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
  1379         {
  1380         return;
  1381         }
  1383     iChunkHeader = reinterpret_cast<TChunkHeader*>(iChunk.Base());
  1384     if ( iChunkHeader->iMemWriteStream )
  1385         {
  1386 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM        
  1387         iBufStream->Close();
  1388         delete iBufStream;
  1389         iBufStream=NULL;
  1390         iBufStream = new(ELeave)RMemWriteStream;
  1391         // iBufStream = iChunkHeader->iMemWriteStream;
  1392         iBufStream->Open( iChunk.Base() + sizeof( TChunkHeader), iPrimaryChunkMaxSize );
  1393 #else
  1394         delete iStreamPtr;
  1395         iStreamPtr = new(ELeave)TPtr8( (TUint8*)(iChunk.Base() + sizeof( TChunkHeader)), iPrimaryChunkMaxSize - sizeof( TChunkHeader));
  1396         iChunkHeader->iMemWriteStream = (RMemWriteStream*)1;
  1397 #endif
  1398         SeekL( iOffset );
  1399         iChunkInUse = 0;
  1400         }
  1401     else
  1402         {
  1403 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM
  1404         iBufStream->Open( iChunk.Base() + sizeof( TChunkHeader), iPrimaryChunkMaxSize );
  1405         iChunkHeader->iMemWriteStream = iBufStream;
  1406 #else
  1407         iStreamPtr = new(ELeave)TPtr8( (TUint8*)(iChunk.Base() + sizeof( TChunkHeader)), iPrimaryChunkMaxSize - sizeof( TChunkHeader) );
  1408         iChunkHeader->iMemWriteStream = (RMemWriteStream*)1;
  1409 #endif        
  1410         SeekL(0);
  1411         iChunkHeader->iMemWriteStreamUsers++;
  1412         }
  1413     WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
  1414     Commit();
  1416     }
  1418 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1419 // Commit
  1420 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1421 //
  1422 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::Commit()
  1423     {
  1424     iChunkHeader->iCommittedWriteOffset = iOffset;
  1425     // RDebug::Print(_L("CAlfRsSendBuffer::Commit - %d"), iChunkHeader->iCommittedWriteOffset );
  1426     }
  1428 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1429 // PrepareBufferL
  1430 // Sets up the stream
  1431 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1432 //
  1433 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::PrepareBufferL()
  1434 	{
  1435     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
  1436         {
  1437         return;
  1438         }
  1440 	// is alfstreamerserver running?
  1441 	if ( !ConnectL() )
  1442         {
  1443         return;
  1444         }
  1445 	iBeginTime.HomeTime();
  1447 	// alfstreamerserver is now running, but do we already have chunk for serialization
  1448 	if ( iChunk.Handle() == 0 )
  1449 	    {// Note, ConnectL() == ETrue and iChunk.Handle() == 0  is true ONLY ONCE in runtime.  
  1451 	    // write jump to the primary chunk. This chunk jump gets special treatment in RunL. Look for iBooting variable.
  1452 	    JumpToAnotherChunkL( 0, iPrimaryChunkMaxSize ); // 2nd parameter is ignored on alfside, because it knows the primary chunksize
  1453 	    Commit();
  1454 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM	    
  1455 	    iBufStream->Close();
  1456 #endif
  1457 	    // Request chunk from server: handle and lenght of chunk come as response
  1458 	    TPckg<TInt> pkgLength(  iUsedChunkMaxSize );
  1459 	    TIpcArgs args( &pkgLength, iScreenNumber );
  1460 	    TInt handle;
  1461 	    handle = iAlfBridgerClient->SendSynch( EAlfBridgerRequestDataBlock, args);
  1462 	    iPrimaryChunkMaxSize = iUsedChunkMaxSize;
  1463 	    iChunk.SetReturnedHandle( handle );
  1465 	    if ( iChunk.Handle() > 0 )
  1466 	        {
  1467 	        OpenPrimaryChunkForWritingL();
  1468 	        }
  1469 	    else
  1470 	        {
  1471 	        // Chunk was not received from server. We cannot continue
  1472 	        USER_INVARIANT();
  1473 	        }
  1474 	    }
  1475 	// The first boot cache chunk is sent here. 
  1476 	if ( iBooting && iCacheChunks.Count() && iChunkInUse )
  1477 	    {
  1478 	    if ( iChunkHeader->iMemWriteStreamUsers > 1 ) 
  1479             {
  1480             // make "sure", that there will be space for all the cached data
  1481             CommitL();
  1482             }
  1484 	    while ( iChunkInUse )
  1485              {
  1486              iChunkInUse--;
  1487              TInt size( KCacheChunkMinSize );
  1488              TIpcArgs args( size, iCacheChunks[iChunkInUse], iChunkInUse == 0 /* open chunk for reading */);
  1489              iAlfBridgerClient->SendSynch( EAlfBridgerSendChunk, args);
  1490              }	    
  1491         }
  1492 	iFrameBeginOffset = iOffset; // iBufStream->Sink()->TellL( MStreamBuf::EWrite);
  1493 	}
  1495 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1496 // FrameContainsDataL
  1497 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1498 //
  1499 TBool CAlfRsSendBuffer::FrameContainsDataL()
  1500     {
  1501     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
  1502         {
  1503         return EFalse; // Must return false as no draw commands are allowed 
  1504         }
  1506 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM    
  1507     if ( iBufStream->Sink() )
  1508 #endif        
  1509         {
  1510 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM        
  1511         iBufStream->CommitL();
  1512 #endif        
  1513         return ( iFrameBeginOffset != iOffset );
  1514         }
  1515 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM
  1516     else
  1517         {
  1518         return EFalse;
  1519         }
  1520 #endif    
  1521     }
  1523 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1524 // JumpToAnotherChunkL
  1525 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1526 //
  1527 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::JumpToAnotherChunkL( TInt32 aChunkId, TInt aChunkSize )
  1528     {
  1529     WriteInt8L( EAlfJumpToAnotherChunk );
  1530 	WriteInt8L( 0 ); // screen number, not used.
  1531     WriteInt32L( aChunkId );
  1532 	WriteInt32L( aChunkSize );
  1533 	WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
  1534 	Commit();
  1535     }
  1537 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1538 // DoCreateTemporaryChunkL
  1539 //
  1540 // If wserv pushes more data in frame that we can handle,  separate one time use 
  1541 // "temporary" chunks are taken into use. 
  1542 //  1. Big enough chunk to contain atleast the command + minimum chunk size is created
  1543 //  2. Jump of from the current chunk to the temporary chunk is created
  1544 //  3. new chunk is taken as the active chunk
  1545 //  4. chunk is rewinded
  1546 //  5. commands can be serialized as before
  1547 //
  1548 //  Same starts from the step 1, if temporary chunk turns out to be not big enough.
  1549 //
  1550 //  Chunks are destroyed in RunL, when asyncronous (frame processed) complete is
  1551 //  received. In RunL, (see RunL for the code)
  1552 //  
  1553 //  The following things are serialized to the active (the last temporary chunk created)
  1554 //  1. destroy command for each existing temporary chunk is created
  1555 //  2. if not in first boot, jump to the primary chunk is created.
  1556 //  3. handles to the temporary chunks on this side are closed 
  1557 //     and chunks removed.
  1558 //
  1559 //  After AlfHierarchy has read the jump command, serialization will be in the normal mode.
  1560 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1561 //
  1562 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::DoCreateTemporaryChunkL( TInt aMinimumRequiredSize )
  1563     {
  1564     __ALFLOGSTRING2("CAlfRsSendBuffer::DoWaitWrapperL iReceivingDrawing commands %d chunk in use: %d", iReceivingDrawingCommands, iChunkInUse );
  1565     // Optimize bitblits backtracks in a _single chunk_, so changing or wrapping a chunk is 
  1566     // a very bad idea. Lets skip the optimization, if this rare occation happens.
  1567     ResetPatternSearch(); 
  1569     if ( iReceivingDrawingCommands )
  1570          {
  1571          // if window drawing is active, the window commands are split. 
  1572          InsertPaddingL(); // padding is required, that the combined parts on the other side have correct alignment for descriptors
  1573          WriteFollowingFrameOffsetL(EFalse);
  1574          WriteInt8L( EAlfPacketNotReady );
  1575 		 WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
  1576 		 }
  1577     else
  1578         {
  1579         __ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfRsSendBuffer::DoCreateTemporaryChunkL, creating during hierarchy commands");
  1580         }
  1582     // rest of this frame will be serilized to cache chunk
  1583     CommitL();
  1584     if ( ConnectL() )
  1585         {
  1586         FlushBuffer();
  1587 	    }
  1588     TInt chunkSize = aMinimumRequiredSize;
  1589     if ( CreateTemporaryChunkL( chunkSize ) == KErrNone )
  1590         {
  1591         if ( ConnectL() )
  1592            {
  1593            TInt size( chunkSize );
  1594            TIpcArgs args( size, iCacheChunks[iChunkInUse], EFalse /* open chunk for reading */ );
  1595            iAlfBridgerClient->SendSynch( EAlfBridgerSendChunk, args); // alf server must open the chunk before it can be read. reading is asyncronous
  1596            }
  1597         JumpToAnotherChunkL( iCacheChunks[iChunkInUse].Handle(), chunkSize );
  1598         OpenRewindChunkL( chunkSize );
  1599         WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker ); // This is must command after jumping to another chunk.
  1600 		CommitL();
  1602         if ( iReceivingDrawingCommands )
  1603             {
  1604             WriteWindowIdentifierL();
  1605             }
  1606         }
  1607     else
  1608         {
  1609         // TODO: We could not reserve memory. The only option will be to ignore this frame.
  1610         // 1. rollback to the beginning of the frame
  1611         // 2. skip all sequential drawing commands to this frame.
  1612         // problem: what if OOM during hierarchy tree commmands
  1613         }
  1614  }
  1616 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1617 // ReserveSpaceL
  1618 //
  1619 // Check, if buffer has enough space for this command.
  1620 // If we encounter the end of buffer, then do a wrap around if possible.
  1621 // If wrap is not possible, create a temporary space for command
  1622 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1623 //
  1624 TBool CAlfRsSendBuffer::ReserveSpaceL( TInt aCommandSize )
  1625     {
  1626     // TInt minumumHeaderSize = iCacheChunks.Count() > 0 ? KFrameHeaderSizeWhenCacheChunks : KFrameHeaderSize;
  1627     TInt minumumHeaderSize = KFrameHeaderSize;
  1628     if ( iCacheChunks.Count() > 0 )
  1629         {
  1630         // if cache chunks still exists, then wserv is trying to push commands out of redrawstart/end loop and we hope that 
  1631         minumumHeaderSize = KFrameHeaderSizeWhenCacheChunks; 
  1632         }
  1633     TInt writeOffset = iOffset;
  1634     TInt commandTailOffset = writeOffset + aCommandSize + KFrameHeaderSize;
  1635     TInt readOffset = iChunkHeader->iReadOffset;
  1636     TInt bytesFree(0);
  1637     if ( readOffset > writeOffset)
  1638         {//                       V
  1639         // |RRRRRRRRR|W---------RRRRRRRRRRRR | 
  1640        // ASSERT( iWrappingFrame );
  1641        bytesFree = readOffset - writeOffset;
  1642        }
  1643     if ( readOffset < writeOffset )
  1644        {
  1645        //       V              W
  1646        // | ----RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRW------ |
  1647        iWrappingFrame = EFalse;
  1648        bytesFree = iUsedChunkMaxSize - writeOffset; // there might be more free and the beginning of the chunk, but this is not relevant. The entire command needs to fit as one piece
  1649        }
  1650     if ( readOffset == writeOffset )
  1651        {
  1652        if ( iWrappingFrame )
  1653            {
  1654            //                V
  1656            bytesFree = 0;
  1657            }
  1658        else
  1659            {
  1660            //  V
  1661            // | --------------------------- |
  1662            // the entire chunk is free
  1663            bytesFree = iUsedChunkMaxSize;
  1664            }
  1665        }
  1666     // are we trying to overwrite unprocessed data
  1667     if ( bytesFree < aCommandSize + minumumHeaderSize && commandTailOffset <= iUsedChunkMaxSize 
  1668             || ( bytesFree < aCommandSize + minumumHeaderSize && iWrappingFrame ))
  1669         {
  1670         // __ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfRsSendBuffer::CanWriteToBufferL -> DoCreateTemporaryChunkL");
  1671         DoCreateTemporaryChunkL( aCommandSize );
  1672         }
  1673     else if ( commandTailOffset > iUsedChunkMaxSize )
  1674         {
  1675         if ( !iChunkInUse )
  1676             {
  1677             DoWrapL( aCommandSize,  aCommandSize > readOffset );
  1678             }
  1679         else
  1680             {
  1681             // we are already using temporary chunks and those cannot be wrapped. The only option is to create 
  1682             // yet another temporary chunk.
  1683             DoCreateTemporaryChunkL( aCommandSize );
  1684             }
  1685         }
  1686     return ETrue;
  1687     }
  1689 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1690 // DoWrapL
  1691 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1692 //
  1693 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::DoWrapL( TInt aCommandSize, TBool aCreateTempororaryChunk )
  1694     {
  1695     if ( iCacheChunks.Count() )
  1696         {
  1697         DoCreateTemporaryChunkL( aCommandSize );
  1698         }
  1699     __ALFLOGSTRING2("CanWriteToBufferL Read/Write %d/%d", iChunkHeader->iReadOffset, iChunkHeader->iWriteOffset);
  1701     if ( aCreateTempororaryChunk )
  1702         {
  1703         __ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfRsSendBuffer::DoWrapL -> DoCreateTemporaryChunkL");
  1704         DoCreateTemporaryChunkL( aCommandSize );
  1705         return;
  1706         }
  1707     else
  1708         {
  1709         if ( iReceivingDrawingCommands )
  1710             {
  1711             InsertPaddingL();
  1712             WriteFollowingFrameOffsetL(EFalse);
  1713             WriteInt8L( EAlfPacketNotReady );
  1714 			WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
  1715 			}
  1716         else
  1717             {
  1718             __ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfRsSendBuffer::CanWriteToBufferL, non drawing command");
  1719             }
  1720         }
  1721     WriteInt8L( EAlfWrap );
  1722 	WriteInt8L( iScreenNumber );
  1723 	WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
  1724 	// Optimize bitblits backtracks in a _single chunk_, so changing or wrapping a chunk is 
  1725     // a very bad idea. Lets skip the optimization, if this rare occation happens.
  1726     ResetPatternSearch(); 
  1728     iWrappingFrame = ETrue;
  1729     __ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfRsSendBuffer::CanWriteToBufferL, Wrap at offset %d", iChunkHeader->iWriteOffset);
  1730     SeekL(0);
  1731     WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
  1733     if ( iReceivingDrawingCommands )
  1734         {
  1735         WriteWindowIdentifierL();
  1736         }
  1737     else
  1738         {
  1739         __ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfRsSendBuffer::CanWriteToBufferL Wrapping while not receiving drawing commands");
  1740         }
  1741     }
  1743 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1744 // SetSupportedCommand
  1745 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1746 //
  1747 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::SetSupportedCommand( TInt aIndex, TInt8 aSupport )
  1748     {
  1749     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
  1750         {
  1751         return;
  1752         }
  1754     iNonSupportedCommands[aIndex] = aSupport;
  1755     }
  1757 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1758 // InitCommandL
  1759 // Takes care that data fits to the stream
  1760 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1761 //
  1762 TBool CAlfRsSendBuffer::InitCommandL( const TUint8& aCommand, TInt aCommandSize  )
  1763     {
  1766     if ( ( aCommand >= EAlfDrawCommandsStart && aCommand <= EAlfDrawCommandsEnd && !iReceivingDrawingCommands ) && 
  1767             ( aCommand != EAlfPacketReady && aCommand != EAlfPacketNotReady ))
  1768         {
  1769 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1770         RDebug::Print(_L("CAlfRsSendBuffer::InitCommandL - Drawing outside window, Cmd: %d"), aCommand );
  1771 #endif
  1772         return EFalse;
  1773 		}
  1774 	// END OF DIRTY HACK    
  1775     if ( iReceivingDrawingCommands )
  1776         {
  1777         aCommandSize += sizeof(EAlfCommandEndMarker);
  1778         }
  1779     iNonSupportedCommandsInWindow |= iNonSupportedCommands[aCommand] & KAllRenderersMask;
  1780     if ( iNonSupportedCommands[aCommand] & KPossiblePerformanceProblemInWindow ) // indicates possible performance problem if frame has many of this of commands
  1781         {
  1782         iPerformanceIssueCommandCount++;
  1783         }
  1785     // Check if chunk has been opened. Must for streaming.
  1786     if ( 
  1787 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM
  1788             !iBufStream && 
  1789 #else
  1790             !iChunkHeader  &&
  1791 #endif            
  1792             iCacheChunks.Count() == 0 )
  1793         {
  1794         TInt chunkSize = aCommandSize;
  1795         CreateTemporaryChunkL( chunkSize );
  1796         OpenRewindChunkL( chunkSize );
  1797         }
  1800     // EAlfPacketReady is the last command in the window, and it is guaranteened to fit without checking. Checking would possible slice the command stream unnecessary.
  1801     if ( aCommand != EAlfPacketReady )
  1802         {
  1803         // check for running out of space in the chunk
  1804         if ( !ReserveSpaceL( aCommandSize + 2*sizeof(TUint8)) )
  1805             {
  1806             return EFalse;
  1807             }
  1808         }
  1809     // write command to a chunk. There will be space.
  1810     // __ALFLOGSTRING3("Command %d, Offset: %d Screen: %d Command: %d",  aCommand, iScreenNumber, aCommand );
  1811     WriteInt8L( aCommand );
  1812 	iPreviousCommand = aCommand;
  1813     if ( aCommand < EAlfDrawCommandsStart || aCommand > EAlfDrawCommandsEnd )
  1814     	{
  1815     	WriteInt8L( iScreenNumber );
  1816 		}
  1817     else
  1818         {
  1819         // Uncomment following line to do chaff bitblit optimization
  1820 #ifndef __NVG // TODO: Implement the 9-piece drawing for NVG
  1821         // DoPatternSearch( aCommand, aCommandSize );
  1822 #endif
  1823         }
  1824     return ETrue;
  1825     }
  1827 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1828 // CreateTemporaryChunkL
  1829 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1830 //
  1831 TBool CAlfRsSendBuffer::CreateTemporaryChunkL( TInt& aSize )
  1832     {
  1833     aSize+= KCacheChunkMinSize;
  1834     iCacheChunks.Append( RChunk() );
  1835     TInt result = iCacheChunks[iChunkInUse].CreateDisconnectedGlobal( KNullDesC, 0, aSize, aSize );
  1836     return result;
  1837     }
  1839 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1840 // OpenRewindChunkL
  1841 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1842 //
  1843 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::OpenRewindChunkL( TInt aSize )
  1844     {
  1845 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM    
  1846     if ( iBufStream && iChunkInUse) 
  1847         {
  1848         iBufStream->Close();
  1849         }
  1850     iBufStream = new(ELeave)RMemWriteStream;
  1851     iBufStream->Open( iCacheChunks[iChunkInUse].Base() + sizeof( TChunkHeader), aSize );
  1852 #else
  1853     iStreamPtr = new(ELeave)TPtr8( (TUint8*)(iCacheChunks[iChunkInUse].Base() + sizeof( TChunkHeader)), aSize - sizeof( TChunkHeader));
  1855 #endif
  1856     iChunkHeader = reinterpret_cast<TChunkHeader*>(iCacheChunks[iChunkInUse].Base());
  1857     SeekL(0);
  1858     memset( iChunkHeader, 0, sizeof( TChunkHeader ) );
  1859     iUsedChunkMaxSize = aSize -  sizeof( TChunkHeader);
  1860     iChunkInUse++; 
  1861     }
  1863 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1864 // DoPatternSearch
  1865 //
  1866 // Pattern search seeks for predefined sequence of commands. In TSearchPatternBitBlit case the seqence is 
  1867 // EAlfSetBrushStyle -> EAlfSetBrushStyle -> EAlfSetClippingRegion -> EAlfBitBltMasked -> EAlfResetClippingRegion .
  1868 //
  1869 // When possible pattern is found, the start offset of the pattern is saved. If pattern is
  1870 // noticed 8 or more times in sequence, the pattern is complete. Functions seeks back to the
  1871 // start offset and serializes cached data of the pattern. Some data can be dropped as it has 
  1872 // no significance.
  1873 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1874 //
  1875 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_
  1876 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::DoPatternSearch( const TUint8& aCommand, TInt aSize )
  1877 #else
  1878 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::DoPatternSearch( const TUint8& aCommand, TInt )
  1879 #endif
  1880     {
  1881     TInt sizeOfPattern = sizeof(TSearchPatternBitBlit) / (3 * sizeof(TInt32)); // rows = size / width
  1882     if ( ( TSearchPatternBitBlit[iPatternSearchState][0] == aCommand  
  1883     		|| ( TSearchPatternBitBlit[iPatternSearchState][2] != KErrNotFound && TSearchPatternBitBlit[iPatternSearchState][2] == aCommand ))
  1884     		&& TSearchPatternBitBlit[iPatternSearchState][1] == iPatternSearchState )
  1885     	{
  1886     	TInt tmp = iPatternSearchState;
  1887     	iPatternSearchState = TSearchPatternBitBlit[iPatternSearchState+1][1];
  1888 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_
  1889     	TPatternCommand command( aCommand, aSize );
  1890     	iPatternCommands.Append( command );
  1891 #endif    	
  1892     	if ( tmp == 0 && iPatterSearchSequentialBlits == 0 )
  1893     		{
  1894     		// This is the beginning of the sequence. Save position (offset minus size of the current command) 
  1895     		// the for later use.
  1896     		iPatternCacheBeginPosition = iOffset;
  1897 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM    		
  1898     		iPatternCacheBeginPosition = TStreamPos( iPatternCacheBeginPosition - sizeof(TUint8) ); // the command
  1899 #else
  1900     		iPatternCacheBeginPosition = iPatternCacheBeginPosition - sizeof(TUint8) ; // the command
  1901 #endif
  1902     		iSearchPatternClipRegion.Clear();
  1903 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_
  1904     		iPatternCommands.Reset();
  1905 #endif    		
  1906     		}
  1907     	else if ( tmp == sizeOfPattern - 1)
  1908     		{
  1909     		// Start from the beginning the next sequential pattern
  1910     		iPatternSearchState = TSearchPatternBitBlit[0][1]; 
  1911     		iPatterSearchSequentialBlits++;
  1912     		}
  1913     	}
  1914     else
  1915     	{
  1916     	TRAP_IGNORE(FinalizePatternL( aCommand ));
  1917     	}
  1918     }
  1920 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1921 // FinalizePatternL
  1922 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1923 //
  1924 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::FinalizePatternL( const TUint8& aCommand )
  1925     {
  1926     // We are looking 8 or more connected chaff pieces 
  1927     if ( iPatterSearchSequentialBlits >= 9 )
  1928         {
  1929         iSearchPatternClipRegion.Tidy(); // will return only one region, if pieces are connected 
  1930         iSearchPatternBlitRect.Tidy();
  1933         if ( iSearchPatternClipRegion.Count() == 1 && iSearchPatternBlitRect.Count() == 1)
  1934             {
  1935 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM
  1936             SeekL( iPatternCacheBeginPosition.Offset() );
  1937 #else
  1938             SeekL( iPatternCacheBeginPosition );
  1939 #endif
  1940             WriteInt8L( EAlfCombinedBitBlitMasked );
  1941 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_
  1942             TInt size = iPatterSearchSequentialBlits * sizeof(TBlitStruct) + 2 * sizeof(TRect);
  1943             iCommandDebugger->SetDescriptionAndSize( EAlfCombinedBitBlitMasked, size, R_ALF_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ARRAY );
  1944             iCommandDebugger->Print();
  1945             while ( iPatternCommands.Count())
  1946                 {
  1947                 iCommandDebugger->AdjustCommand( iPatternCommands[0].iCommand,  (-1) * iPatternCommands[0].iSize );
  1948                 iPatternCommands.Remove(0);
  1949                 }
  1950 #endif
  1951             // item count
  1952             WriteInt8L( iPatterSearchSequentialBlits );
  1953             // Clipping region for all the pieces. 
  1954             // This contains the clippingregion (set by EAlfSetClippingRegion) and rect for all the pieces 
  1955             // (from EAlfBitBlit, EAlfBitBltRect, EAlfBitBlitMasked )
  1956             TRect clipRect = iSearchPatternClipRegion.BoundingRect();
  1957             TRect clipBlitRect = iSearchPatternBlitRect.BoundingRect();
  1959             WriteL( (TUint8*)&clipRect,     sizeof(TRect));
  1960             WriteL( (TUint8*)&clipBlitRect, sizeof(TRect));
  1962             // Items
  1963             while( iPatterSearchSequentialBlits-- )
  1964                 {
  1965                 TPoint point = iPatternHandleCache[iPatterSearchSequentialBlits].iTl;
  1966                 WriteL( (TUint8*)&iPatternHandleCache[iPatterSearchSequentialBlits], sizeof(TBlitStruct)  );
  1967                 }
  1969             WriteInt8L( EAlfSetPenStyle );
  1970             WriteInt32L( iPenStyle );
  1971 #endif                        
  1972             // Write again the current command (after the pattern sequence), because we just overwrote it
  1973             WriteInt8L( aCommand );
  1974             }
  1975         }
  1976     ResetPatternSearch();
  1977     }
  1979 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1980 // ResetPatternSearch
  1981 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1982 //
  1983 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::ResetPatternSearch()
  1984     {
  1985     iPatternSearchState = ESeekSetClippingRegion;
  1986     iPatterSearchSequentialBlits = 0;
  1987     iSearchPatternClipRegion.Clear();
  1988     iSearchPatternBlitRect.Clear();
  1989     iPatternHandleCache.Reset();
  1990 #ifdef _ALF_PRINT_WS_COMMANDS_
  1991     iPatternCommands.Reset();
  1992 #endif
  1993     }
  1995 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1996 // AppendPatternSearchCache
  1997 // saves masked bitblits to the cache
  1998 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1999 //
  2000 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::AppendPatternSearchCache( const CFbsBitmap& aSourceBitmap, const CFbsBitmap* aMaskBitmap, const TRect& aSourceRect, const TPoint& aDestPos, TBool aInvertMask )
  2001     {
  2002     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
  2003         {
  2004         return;
  2005         }
  2007     TSize size1 = aSourceRect.Size();
  2008     TSize size2 = aSourceBitmap.SizeInPixels();
  2009     if ( aInvertMask == 1 )
  2010         {
  2011         TInt handle = aMaskBitmap ?  aMaskBitmap->Handle() : 0;
  2012         iPatternHandleCache.Append( TBlitStruct( aSourceBitmap.Handle(),handle, aDestPos ) ); 
  2013         TRect rect( TPoint(0,0), aSourceRect.Size() );
  2014         rect.Move( aDestPos );
  2015         iSearchPatternBlitRect.AddRect( rect );
  2016         }
  2017     else
  2018         {
  2019         ResetPatternSearch();
  2020         }
  2021     }    
  2024 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2025 // InsertPaddingL
  2026 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2027 //
  2028 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::InsertPaddingL()
  2029     {
  2030     // padding is required for the 1st part of the package, because the 2nd package 
  2031     // is attached straight to it and it MUST start at offset divisible by 4. Otherwise 
  2032     // possible strings in the second package will not be correctly alligned.
  2033     TInt offset = iOffset; 
  2034     TInt padding = offset % KDivisibleByX;
  2035     if ( padding > 0)
  2036         {
  2037         padding = KDivisibleByX - ( offset + sizeof(TUint8) * 2 ) % KDivisibleByX; // 2 = sizeof( EAlfPacketPadding + padding )
  2038         WriteInt8L( EAlfPacketPadding );
  2039 		WriteInt8L( padding );
  2040 		while( padding--)
  2041             {
  2042             WriteInt8L( 0 );
  2043 			}
  2044         if ( !iReceivingDrawingCommands )
  2045             {
  2046             WriteInt8L( EAlfCommandEndMarker );
  2047 			}
  2048         }
  2049 #ifdef _DEBUG
  2050     ASSERT( ( offset = iOffset ) % KDivisibleByX == 0);
  2051 #endif    
  2052     }
  2054 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2055 // SetFlag
  2056 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2057 //
  2058 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::SetFlag( TAlfSendBufferFrameFlags aFlag )
  2059     {
  2060     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
  2061         {
  2062         return;
  2063         }
  2065     iFlags |= aFlag;
  2066     }
  2068 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2069 // EndFrameL
  2070 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2071 //
  2072 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::EndFrameL()
  2073     {
  2074     if (iDisabled) // return if this send buffer is not in use
  2075         {
  2076         return;
  2077         }
  2079     TUint8 command(EAlfPacketReady);
  2080     if ( iFlags & EAlfTransparentContent && !(iFlags & EAlfTransparentContentFlush ) )
  2081         {
  2082         InsertPaddingL();
  2083         }
  2085     if ( WriteFollowingFrameOffsetL() )
  2086         {
  2087         WriteCommandL( command );  
  2088         }
  2090     TInt trackThisNode = 0;
  2091     if ( trackThisNode )
  2092         {
  2093         WriteIntsL( EAlfDebugTrackNode, 2, (TInt32)&iWindowId, 1 );
  2094         }
  2095 #endif
  2096     }
  2098 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2099 // SeekL
  2100 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2101 //
  2102 void CAlfRsSendBuffer::SeekL( const TInt aOffset )
  2103     {
  2104 #ifdef _OLD_STREAM    
  2105     iBufStream->Sink()->SeekL( MStreamBuf::EWrite, TStreamPos(aOffset));
  2106 #endif    
  2107     iOffset = aOffset;
  2108     }