changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
child 3 d8a3531bc6b8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:15bf7259bb7c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Project definition file for project alfclient
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include "../../CommonInc/alfuids.h"
    21 #include <data_caging_paths.hrh>
    22 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    24 TARGET                  alfclient.dll
    25 TARGETTYPE              dll
    26 UID                     0x1000008d KAlfClientUid3
    27 VERSION                 10.0
    29 CAPABILITY              CAP_CLIENT_DLL
    30 VENDORID                VID_DEFAULT
    34 SOURCEPATH              ../src
    35 SOURCE                  alfclientBase.cpp
    36 SOURCE                  alfclient.cpp
    37 SOURCE                  alfenv.cpp
    38 SOURCE                  alfscreenbuffer.cpp
    39 SOURCE                  alfdisplay.cpp
    40 SOURCE                  alfroster.cpp
    41 SOURCE                  alfcontrolgroup.cpp
    42 SOURCE                  alfcontrol.cpp
    43 SOURCE                  alfvisual.cpp
    44 SOURCE                  alflayout.cpp
    45 SOURCE                  alfvisualfactory.cpp
    46 SOURCE                  alftextvisual.cpp
    47 SOURCE                  alfanchorlayout.cpp
    48 SOURCE                  alfbrush.cpp
    49 SOURCE                  alfbrusharray.cpp
    50 SOURCE                  alfborderbrush.cpp
    51 SOURCE                  alfevent.cpp
    52 SOURCE                  alftransformation.cpp
    53 SOURCE                  alftexture.cpp
    54 SOURCE                  alftextureprocessor.cpp
    55 SOURCE                  alftexturemanager.cpp
    56 SOURCE                  alfimage.cpp
    57 SOURCE                  alfimagevisual.cpp
    58 SOURCE                  alfgridlayout.cpp
    59 SOURCE                  alfdisplaysubsession.cpp
    60 SOURCE                  alfcontrolgroupsubsession.cpp
    61 SOURCE                  alftransformationsubsession.cpp
    62 SOURCE                  alfgencomponent.cpp
    63 SOURCE                  alfcommand.cpp
    64 SOURCE                  alftimedvalue.cpp
    65 SOURCE                  alfmappingfunctions.cpp
    66 SOURCE                  alfimagebrush.cpp
    67 SOURCE                  alfdecklayout.cpp
    68 SOURCE                  alfflowlayout.cpp
    69 SOURCE                  alfcurvepath.cpp
    70 SOURCE                  alfcurvepathlayout.cpp
    71 SOURCE                  alflinevisual.cpp
    72 SOURCE                  alfdropshadowbrush.cpp
    73 SOURCE                  alfshadowborderbrush.cpp
    74 SOURCE                  alfcommandscheduler.cpp
    75 SOURCE                  alfgradientbrush.cpp
    76 SOURCE                  alfutil.cpp
    77 SOURCE                  alfimageloaderutil.cpp
    78 SOURCE                  alfframebrush.cpp
    79 SOURCE                  alfviewportlayout.cpp
    80 SOURCE                  alflctanchorlayout.cpp
    81 SOURCE                  alfmeshvisual.cpp
    82 SOURCE                  alfmesh.cpp
    83 SOURCE                  alfproceduralmesh.cpp
    84 SOURCE                  alfm3gmesh.cpp
    85 SOURCE                  alflctgridlayout.cpp
    86 SOURCE                  alflcttextvisual.cpp
    87 SOURCE                  alflayoutmetrics.cpp
    88 SOURCE	                 alftextstylemanager.cpp
    89 SOURCE	                 alftextstyle.cpp
    90 SOURCE                  alfskinnableimage.cpp
    91 SOURCE                  alfstatic.cpp
    92 SOURCE                  alfpanic.cpp
    93 SOURCE                  alfmetric.cpp
    94 SOURCE                  alfproperty.cpp
    95 SOURCE                  alfpropertyowner.cpp
    96 SOURCE                  alfscrollerevent.cpp
    97 SOURCE                  alfsymbiansbdrawer.cpp
    98 SOURCE                  alfdisplaybackgrounditem.cpp
    99 SOURCE                  alfbatchbuffer.cpp
   100 SOURCE                  alftextureautosizeparams.cpp
   101 SOURCE                  alfdropshadow.cpp
   102 SOURCE                  alftexturegroup.cpp
   104 SOURCE                  alfgc.cpp
   105 SOURCE                  alfcanvasvisual.cpp 
   106 SOURCE                  alfclientwindow.cpp
   107 SOURCE                  alfdirectclient.cpp
   108 USERINCLUDE             ../inc
   109 USERINCLUDE             ../../CommonInc
   112 #include <platform_paths.hrh>
   117 SYSTEMINCLUDE           ../../../../inc
   119 LIBRARY                 apgrfx.lib
   120 LIBRARY                 apparc.lib
   121 LIBRARY                 avkon.lib
   122 LIBRARY                 cone.lib
   123 LIBRARY                 eikcore.lib 
   124 LIBRARY                 euser.lib
   125 LIBRARY                 flogger.lib
   126 LIBRARY                 ws32.lib 
   127 LIBRARY                 fbscli.lib 
   128 LIBRARY                 imageconversion.lib
   129 LIBRARY                 efsrv.lib
   130 LIBRARY                 hal.lib
   131 LIBRARY                 bitgdi.lib
   132 LIBRARY     	        aknicon.lib
   133 LIBRARY                 aknskins.lib
   134 LIBRARY                 ftokenclient.lib
   135 LIBRARY                 fontutils.lib 
   136 LIBRARY                 gdi.lib
   137 LIBRARY                 tagma.lib
   138 LIBRARY                 linebreak.lib
   139 LIBRARY                 fntstr.lib
   140 LIBRARY                 eikcoctl.lib
   141 LIBRARY                 fepbase.lib
   142 LIBRARY                 hwrmlightclient.lib
   143 LIBRARY                 etext.lib
   144 LIBRARY                 bafl.lib
   145 LIBRARY                 estor.lib
   146 LIBRARY                 svgengine.lib
   147 LIBRARY                 charconv.lib
   148 LIBRARY                 centralrepository.lib
   150 #if defined (__S60_32__) || defined (RD_ALF_IN_PLATFORM)
   151 LIBRARY                 inlinetext.lib
   152 #endif
   154 LIBRARY                 aknlayout2hierarchy.lib
   155 LIBRARY                 aknfepuiinterface.lib
   156 LIBRARY 		hitchcock.lib
   157 LIBRARY         	fontprovider.lib
   158 LIBRARY			goommonitor.lib