changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
child 3 d8a3531bc6b8
child 13 8f67d927ea57
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:15bf7259bb7c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   ?Description
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <uiacceltk/HuiCanvasVisual.h>
    19 #include <alfwindowstructs.h>
    21 #include "huiwscanvascommands.h"
    22 #include "alfnodes.h"
    23 #include "alfhierarchymodel.h"
    24 #include "alfstreamerserver.h"
    25 #include "alfwindowmanager.h"
    26 #include "alfwindow.h"
    27 #include "alfwindowdata.h"
    30     #define _ALF_LOGGING
    31     #include "alflogger.h"
    32     #undef _ALF_LOGGING
    33 #else
    34     #include "alflogger.h"
    35 #endif
    36 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    37 // Constructor
    38 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    39 //
    40 CAlfNode::CAlfNode( ) :  
    41     iVisible( ETrue )
    42     {
    43     }
    45 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46 // ConstructL
    47 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48 //
    49 void CAlfNode::ConstructL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream  )
    50     {
    51     iModel = aModel;
    52     iId = aStream->ReadInt32L();
    53     }
    55 void CAlfNode::SetTracking( TBool aValue )
    56     {
    57     iTrackNode = aValue;
    58     if ( iWindow )
    59         {
    60         iWindow->SetNodeTracking( aValue );
    61         }
    62     }
    63 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 // OrphonMe
    65 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 //
    67 CAlfNode* CAlfNode::OrphonMe()
    68     {
    69     __ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfNode::OrphonMe %d", iId);
    70 	// this window will not be used anymore by wserv and cannot be drawn into. Thus destroying the
    71 	// visual representing this node is safe.
    72     if ( iWindow && iModel )
    73         {
    74         iModel->Server().WindowMgr()->DestroyWindow( *iWindow );
    75         iWindow = NULL;
    76         }
    78     CAlfNode* sibling = iSibling;
    79     iSibling = NULL;
    80     iParent = NULL;
    81     return sibling;
    82     }
    84 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    85 // ResolveParentL
    86 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 //
    88 void CAlfNode::ResolveParent( TUint32 aParentId, TInt aMyId )
    89     {
    90     CAlfNode* tmp = iModel->FindNode( aParentId );
    91     if ( tmp )
    92         {
    93         // 1. set parent, if there is one (root node is the only exception )
    94         iParent = tmp;
    95         // Possible sprite, textcursor, anim and child windows have different lists on the node
    96         switch( iType )
    97             {
    98             default:
    99                 {
   100                 SetFirstChild();
   101                 break;
   102                 }
   103             case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeAnim:
   104                 {
   105                 SetFirstAnim();
   106                 break;
   107                 }
   108             case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeSprite:
   109                 {
   110                 SetFirstSprite();
   111                 break;
   112                 }
   113             case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeStandardTextCursor:
   114                 {
   115                 ASSERT( !iParent->iTextCursor );
   116                 __ALFLOGSTRING1("parent->iTextCursor %d", iParent->iTextCursor );
   117                 iParent->iTextCursor = (CAlfNodeTextCursor*)this;
   118                 __ALFLOGSTRING1("parent->iTextCursor %d", iParent->iTextCursor );
   119                 break;
   120                 }
   121             }
   122         } 
   123     iId = aMyId;
   124     iModel->InsertNode( iId, this );
   125     ASSERT( iParent != NULL || iType == MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeRoot);
   127     if ( iType == MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeGroup )
   128         {
   129         iGroupId = iId;
   130         }
   131     else
   132         {
   133         iGroupId = FindParentGroup();
   134         }
   135     }
   137 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   138 // SetFirstChild
   139 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   140 //
   141 void CAlfNode::SetFirstChild()
   142     {
   143     if ( iParent->iChild )
   144         {
   145         // pass over the previous first child and make it my sibling
   146         iSibling = iParent->iChild;
   147         }
   148     // jealously make me the first child
   149     iParent->iChild = this;
   150     }
   151 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   152 // SetFirstChild
   153 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   154 //
   155 void CAlfNode::SetFirstAnim()
   156     {
   157     if ( iParent->iAnimChild )
   158         {
   159         // pass over the previous first child and make it my sibling
   160         iSibling = iParent->iAnimChild;
   161         }
   162     // jealously make me the first child
   163     iParent->iAnimChild = (CAlfNodeAnim*)this;
   164     }
   166 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   167 // SetFirstChild
   168 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   169 //
   170 void CAlfNode::SetFirstSprite()
   171     {
   172     if ( iParent->iSpriteChild )
   173         {
   174         // pass over the previous first child and make it my sibling
   175         iSibling = iParent->iSpriteChild;
   176         }
   177     // jealously make me the first child
   178     iParent->iSpriteChild = (CAlfNodeSprite*)this;
   179     }
   181 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 // FindParentGroup
   183 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   184 //
   185 TUint32 CAlfNode::FindParentGroup()
   186     {
   187     // go back in parents, until a group node is found. return its id.
   188     if ( iType == MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeSprite )
   189         {
   190         if ( iParent->iType == MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeRoot )
   191             {
   192             return 0;
   193             }
   194         else
   195             {
   196             return iParent->iId; // TODO: THIS IS ROOT, MIGHT NOT BE ALWAYS
   197             }
   198         }
   201     if ( iType == MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeRoot )
   202         {
   203         return 0;
   204         }
   205     ASSERT( iParent );
   206     CAlfNode* parent = iParent;
   207     while( parent->iType != MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeGroup )
   208         {
   209         parent = parent->iParent;
   210         }
   211     return parent->iId;
   212     }
   214 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   215 // GetAllChildrenInGroup
   216 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   217 //
   218 void CAlfNode::GetAllChildrenInGroup( RPointerArray<CAlfNode>& aNodes, TUint32 aParentId )
   219 	{
   220 	if ( iParent->iType != MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeRoot)
   221 		{
   222 		CAlfNode* parentGroupNode = iModel->FindNode( aParentId );
   223 		for (CAlfNode::TIter iter( parentGroupNode ); iter.Current() != NULL;  iter.Next()) 
   224 			{ 
   225 			aNodes.Append(iter.Current()); 
   226 			}
   227 		}
   228 	else
   229 		{
   230 		CAlfNode* child = iParent->iChild;
   231 		do
   232 			{
   233 			aNodes.Append( child );
   234 			child = child->iSibling; 
   235 			}
   236 		while( child );
   237 		}
   238 	}
   240 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   241 // OrdinalPosition
   242 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   243 //
   244 TInt CAlfNode::OrdinalPosition()
   245     {
   246     //_LIT( KText, "OrdinalPosition");
   247     __ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfNode::OrdinalPosition");
   248     // __ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfNode::OrdinalPosition - Looking for me %d", iId );
   249     RPointerArray<CAlfNode> nodes;
   250     TBool hasOrdinalPosition = ETrue;
   252     switch(iParent->iType)
   253         {
   254         case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeClient:
   255             {
   256             CAlfNode* parentNode = iModel->FindNode( iParent->iId );
   257             __ASSERT_DEBUG(parentNode, USER_INVARIANT());
   258             if (parentNode->HasChildren())
   259                 {
   260                 // parent node is not added to the list
   261                 // the anims, cursor and sprites directly in this parent are added to the list
   262                 // siblings are added to the list, but their anims, cursors and sprites are not added
   263                 TraverseNodeTree( parentNode, nodes, EFalse /* list all for this node */, EFalse /* dont add me */);
   264                 }      
   265             break;
   266             }
   267         case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeGroup:
   268             {
   269             TUint32 parentId = FindParentGroup();
   270             CAlfNode* parentGroupNode = iModel->FindNode( parentId );
   271             //__ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfNode::OrdinalPosition - My parent %d", parentId );        
   272             CAlfNode* current;
   273             if ( parentGroupNode )
   274                 {
   275                 current = parentGroupNode->iChild;
   276                 TraverseNodeTree( current, nodes, ETrue /* list siblings only */, ETrue /* add me */ );
   277                 }      
   279             break;
   280             }
   283         case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeRoot:
   284             {
   285             // Window group ordinal position calculation (their parent is EWinTreeNodeRoot)
   287             // Root node can have window groups, sprites and perhaps anims as children.
   288             // However, sprites & anims do not have ordinal position concept, but window groups do.
   289             // These sprites & anims are placed to floating sprite control group in alfbridge side 
   290             // and so they are excluded from ordinal position calculation.
   291             CAlfNode* child = iParent->iChild;
   292             if ( this == iParent->iTextCursor )
   293                 {
   294                 hasOrdinalPosition = EFalse;
   295                 }
   297             if ( hasOrdinalPosition && iParent->iSpriteChild )
   298                 {
   299                 CAlfNode* animnode = iParent->iSpriteChild ;
   300                 while ( animnode )
   301                     {
   302                     if ( this == animnode )
   303                         {
   304                         hasOrdinalPosition = EFalse;
   305                         break;
   306                         }
   307                     animnode = animnode->iSibling;
   308                     }
   309                 }
   311             if( hasOrdinalPosition && iParent->iAnimChild )
   312                 {
   313                 CAlfNode* animnode = iParent->iAnimChild ;
   314                 while ( animnode )
   315                     {
   316                     if ( this == animnode )
   317                         {
   318                         hasOrdinalPosition = EFalse;
   319                         break;
   320                         }                    
   321                     animnode = animnode->iSibling;
   322                     }
   323                 }
   325             if ( child )
   326                 {
   327                 do
   328                     {
   329                     nodes.Append( child );
   330                     child = child->iSibling;
   331                     }
   332                 while( child );
   333                 }
   334             break;
   335             }
   336         }
   338     TInt ordinalPosition = -1;
   339     if ( hasOrdinalPosition )
   340         {        
   341         TInt i = nodes.Count();
   342         //   __ALFLOGSTRING1("Node count: %d", i );
   343         // return my position in the node array
   344         while( --i >=0 && nodes[i] != this ) 
   345             {
   346             }
   347         if ( i < 0)
   348             {
   349             __ALFLOGSTRING1("Node %d not found!", iId);
   350             __ASSERT_DEBUG( 0, USER_INVARIANT() );
   351             //USER_INVARIANT();
   352             }
   353         else
   354             {
   355             __ALFLOGSTRING2("Found %d at ordinal position %d!", nodes[i]->iId, i );
   356             }
   357         ordinalPosition = i;
   358         }
   360     nodes.Close();    
   361     return ordinalPosition;
   362     }
   364 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   365 // CAlfNode::TraverseNodeTree
   366 // Traverse through node tree and fill node array 
   367 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 //
   370 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   371 // CAlfNode::TraverseNodeTree
   372 // Traverse through node tree and fill node array 
   373 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   374 //
   376 void CAlfNode::TraverseNodeTree( CAlfNode* node,  RPointerArray<CAlfNode>& nodes, TBool aTraverseOnlySiblings, TBool aAddMe)
   377     {
   378     // Exit if we've already finished walking the tree.
   379     if ( node == NULL) 
   380         { 
   381         __ALFLOGSTRING(" returning NULL");                                  
   382         return;
   383         }
   384     if (!aTraverseOnlySiblings)
   385         {
   386         if ( node->iSpriteChild ) 
   387             {
   388         CAlfNode* spritenode = node->iSpriteChild ;
   389             while ( spritenode )
   390                 {
   391                 nodes.Append( spritenode );                
   392                 spritenode = spritenode->iSibling;
   393                 }
   394             }
   396         if( node->iTextCursor )
   397             {
   398             nodes.Append(node->iTextCursor );            
   399             }
   401         if( node->iAnimChild )
   402             {
   403             CAlfNode* animnode = node->iAnimChild ;
   404             while ( animnode )
   405                 {
   406                 nodes.Append( animnode );                
   407                 animnode = animnode->iSibling;
   408                 }
   409             }
   411         if ( node->iChild)
   412             {                
   413             TraverseNodeTree(node->iChild , nodes, EFalse, ETrue);            
   414             }
   415         } 
   417     if (aAddMe)
   418         {
   419         nodes.Append( node );
   420         }
   422     if ( node->iSibling )
   423         {                
   424         TraverseNodeTree(node->iSibling, nodes, ETrue, ETrue);               
   425         }
   426     }
   428 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   429 // OrdinalPosition
   430 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   431 //
   433 TInt CAlfNode::PrintOrdinalPositions()
   434     {
   435     TInt i = 0;
   436     __ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfNode::PrintOrdinalPositions - ");
   438     RPointerArray<CAlfNode> nodes;
   439     if ( iParent->iType != MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeRoot)
   440         {
   441         TUint32 parentId = FindParentGroup();
   442         CAlfNode* parentGroupNode = iModel->FindNode( parentId );
   443         for (CAlfNode::TIter iter( parentGroupNode ); iter.Current() != NULL;  iter.Next()) 
   444             { 
   445             nodes.Append(iter.Current()); 
   446             }
   447         }
   448     else
   449         {
   450         CAlfNode* child = iParent->iChild;
   451         do
   452             {
   453             nodes.Append( child );
   454             }
   455         while( ( child = child->iSibling) != NULL );
   456         }
   458     i = nodes.Count();
   459     // return my position in the node arr
   460     TInt groupLevel = 0;
   461     while( --i >=0  ) 
   462     	{
   463     	CAlfNodeVisual* node = (CAlfNodeVisual*)nodes[i];
   464     	_LIT(KText, "PrintOrdinalPositions");
   465     	// PrintInfo( i, node, TPtrC(KText), 0);
   466     	}
   467     nodes.Close();    
   468     return i;
   469     }
   471 void CAlfNode::PrintInfo( CAlfNode* aNode, TInt aHighLightNode, TInt aDepth)
   472     {
   473     HBufC16* buffer = HBufC16::NewL(256);
   474     TPtr iDebugText = buffer->Des();
   475     iDebugText.Format( _L(""));
   476     MWsWindowTreeNode::TType type = aNode->Type();
   478     for(TInt i = 0; i < aDepth; i++)
   479         {
   480         iDebugText.AppendFormat(_L(" "));
   481         }
   483     // Print the parent id in front of every children. For debugging the debugging code...
   484     //CAlfNode* parent = aNode->iParent;
   485     //if (parent)
   486     //	{
   487 	//	iDebugText.AppendFormat(_L("[0x%x] "), parent->iId);
   488     //	}
   489     if ( aHighLightNode == aNode->iId )
   490         {
   491         iDebugText.AppendFormat( _L("\n-- MODIFIED NODE -- \n"));
   492         }
   494     switch ( type )
   495         {
   496         case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeRoot:
   497             {
   498             iDebugText.AppendFormat( _L("Root 0x%x"), aNode->iId);
   499             break;
   500             }
   501         case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeClient:
   502             {
   503             CAlfNodeVisual* nodeVisual = (CAlfNodeVisual*)aNode;
   504             iDebugText.AppendFormat(_L("Client 0x%x: iTl: (%3d,%3d), size (%3dx%3d)"), nodeVisual->iId, nodeVisual->iOrigin.iX, nodeVisual->iOrigin.iY, nodeVisual->iSize.iWidth, nodeVisual->iSize.iHeight );
   506             break;
   507             }
   508         case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeGroup:
   509             {
   510             CAlfNodeGroup* nodeGroup = (CAlfNodeGroup*)aNode;
   511             iDebugText.AppendFormat(_L("Group (%d) 0x%x: SecureId: 0x%x"), nodeGroup->iGroupId, nodeGroup->iId, nodeGroup->SecureId());
   512             break;
   513             }               
   514         case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeAnim:
   515             {
   516             CAlfNodeVisual* nodeVisual = (CAlfNodeVisual*)aNode;
   517             iDebugText.AppendFormat(_L("Anim 0x%x: iTl: (%3d,%3d), size (%3dx%3d)"), nodeVisual->iId, nodeVisual->iOrigin.iX, nodeVisual->iOrigin.iY,nodeVisual->iSize.iWidth, nodeVisual->iSize.iHeight );
   518             break;
   519             }               
   520         case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeSprite:
   521             {
   522             CAlfNodeVisual* nodeVisual = (CAlfNodeVisual*)aNode;
   523             iDebugText.AppendFormat(_L("Sprite 0x%x: iTl: (%3d,%3d), size (%3dx%3d)"), nodeVisual->iId, nodeVisual->iOrigin.iX, nodeVisual->iOrigin.iY,nodeVisual->iSize.iWidth, nodeVisual->iSize.iHeight );
   524             break;
   525             }               
   526         case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeStandardTextCursor:
   527             {
   528             // TODO, add more cursor info
   529             CAlfNodeVisual* nodeVisual = (CAlfNodeVisual*)aNode;
   530             iDebugText.AppendFormat(_L("Cursor 0x%x: iTl: (%3d,%3d), size (%3dx%3d)"), nodeVisual->iId, nodeVisual->iOrigin.iX, nodeVisual->iOrigin.iY,nodeVisual->iSize.iWidth, nodeVisual->iSize.iHeight );
   531             break;
   532             }
   533         }
   534     switch( type )
   535     	{
   536     	case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeStandardTextCursor:
   537     	case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeSprite:
   538     	case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeAnim:
   539     	case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeClient:
   540     		{
   541     		CAlfNodeVisual* nodeVisual = (CAlfNodeVisual*)aNode;
   542     		iDebugText.AppendFormat(_L("\t\t\t"));
   543 			if (nodeVisual->NonFading())
   544 				{
   545 				iDebugText.AppendFormat(_L("(NON FADING)"));
   546 				}
   548 			if (nodeVisual->Visible())
   549 				{
   550 				iDebugText.AppendFormat(_L("(VISIBLE)"));
   551 				}
   553 			if (nodeVisual->Faded())
   554 				{
   555 				iDebugText.AppendFormat(_L("(FADED)"));
   556 				}
   558 			if (nodeVisual->Activated())
   559 				 {
   560 				 iDebugText.AppendFormat(_L("(ACTIVATED)"));
   561 				 }
   562     		}
   563     	}
   564     RDebug::Print(_L("%S"), &iDebugText);
   565     delete buffer;
   566     }
   568 void CAlfNode::PrintNodeTree(
   569         CAlfNodeRoot* aNode,
   570         TInt aHighlightNode)
   571     {
   572     if (!aNode->iLogging) // Change this value during run-time. This produces A LOT of output
   573         {
   574         return;
   575         }
   576     TInt depth(0);
   577     CAlfNode::PrintSubTree((CAlfNode*)aNode,aHighlightNode, depth);
   578     }
   580 void CAlfNode::PrintSubTree( CAlfNode* aNode, TInt aHighlightNode, TInt& aDepth )
   581     {
   582     aDepth++;
   583     CAlfNode::PrintInfo(aNode, aHighlightNode, aDepth);
   585     CAlfNode* node = (CAlfNode*)aNode->iSpriteChild;
   586        while( node )
   587            {
   588            CAlfNode::PrintInfo( node, aHighlightNode, aDepth + 1);
   589            node = node->iSibling;
   590            }
   591        node = (CAlfNode*)aNode->iAnimChild;
   592        while( node )
   593            {
   594            CAlfNode::PrintInfo(node, aHighlightNode, aDepth + 1);
   595            node = node->iSibling;
   596            }
   597        if ( aNode->iTextCursor )
   598            {
   599            CAlfNode::PrintInfo( aNode->iTextCursor, aHighlightNode, aDepth + 1);
   600            }
   601        node = (CAlfNode*)aNode->iChild;
   602        while ( node )        
   603            {
   604            node->PrintSubTree( node, aHighlightNode, aDepth );
   605            node = node->iSibling;
   606            }
   607        aDepth--;
   608     }
   610  #endif
   611 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   612 // TIter::TIter
   613 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   614 //
   615 CAlfNode::TIter::TIter(CAlfNode* aTopNode) 
   616         : iTopNode(aTopNode) 
   617         , iCurrentNode(aTopNode),
   618         iState( ESearchingSprites )
   619         { 
   620         // Find the first node 
   621         while(iCurrentNode->iChild!=NULL) 
   622                 { 
   623                 iCurrentNode=iCurrentNode->iChild; 
   624                 } 
   626         iCurrentSibling=iCurrentNode->iSibling;        // De-reference iCurrent so it can be destroyed by caller 
   627         iCurrentParent=iCurrentNode->iParent; 
   628         } 
   630 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   631 // TIter::Current
   632 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   633 //
   634 CAlfNode* CAlfNode::TIter::Current() 
   635         { 
   636         return iCurrentNode; 
   637         } 
   639 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   640 // TIter::Next
   641 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   642 //
   643 CAlfNode* CAlfNode::TIter::Next() 
   644         { 
   645         // Exit if we've already finished walking the tree. Do not return the group node
   646         if (iCurrentNode == iTopNode || iCurrentNode == NULL) 
   647                 { 
   648                 __ALFLOGSTRING("Iter returning NULL");
   649                 iCurrentNode = NULL;
   650                 iState = ESearchingSprites;
   651                 return NULL; 
   652                 }
   654 //Diagram shows visit order with parent (/) and sibling relationships (>) 
   655 //  
   656 //              -  14 - 
   657 //            /           \ 
   658 //          6       >       13 
   659 //         / \           /  |   \ 
   660 //        3 > 5        10 > 11 > 12 
   661 //       / \   \     / | \ 
   662 //      1 > 2   4  7 > 8 > 9 
   663 //  
   664 // 
   665         // Todo.
   666         // Return sprites in order
   669         if ( iState == ESearchingSprites )
   670             {
   671             iMasterNode = iCurrentNode;
   673             if ( iCurrentNode->iSpriteChild )
   674                 {
   675                 // TODO: As long as we are putting sprites into their own group, we cannot count their ordinals
   676                 //iCurrentNode = (CAlfNode*)iCurrentNode->iSpriteChild;
   677                 //iState = ESearchMoreSprites;
   678                 //return iCurrentNode;
   679                 iState = ESearchingTextCursor;
   680                 }
   681             else
   682                 {
   683                 iState = ESearchingTextCursor;
   684                 }
   685             }
   687         if ( iState == ESearchMoreSprites )
   688             {
   689             if ( iCurrentNode->iSibling )
   690                 {
   691                 iCurrentNode = iCurrentNode->iSibling;
   692                 return iCurrentNode;
   694                 }
   695             else
   696                 {
   697                 iCurrentNode = iMasterNode;
   698                 iState = ESearchingTextCursor;
   699                 }
   700             }
   702         if ( iState == ESearchingTextCursor )
   703             {
   704             if ( iMasterNode->iTextCursor )
   705                 {
   706                 iCurrentNode = iMasterNode->iTextCursor;
   707                 iState = ESearchingMoreTextCursor;
   708                 return iCurrentNode;
   709                 }
   710             else
   711                 {
   712                 iState = ESearchingAnims;
   713                 }
   714             }
   716         if ( iState == ESearchingMoreTextCursor )
   717             {
   718             iCurrentNode = iMasterNode;
   719             iState = ESearchingAnims;        
   720             return iCurrentNode;
   722             }
   724         if ( iState == ESearchingAnims )
   725             {
   726             if ( iCurrentNode->iAnimChild )
   727                 {
   728                 iCurrentNode = (CAlfNode*)iCurrentNode->iAnimChild;
   729                 iState = ESearchMoreAnims;
   730                 return iCurrentNode;
   731                 }
   732             else
   733                 {
   734                 iState = ESearchingChildWindows;
   735                 iChildrenProcessed = ETrue;
   736                 iCurrentSibling = iMasterNode->iSibling;
   737                 }
   738             }
   740         if ( iState == ESearchMoreAnims )
   741             {
   742             if ( iCurrentNode->iSibling ) // anim sibling
   743                 {
   744                 iCurrentNode = iCurrentNode->iSibling;
   745                 return iCurrentNode;
   747                 }
   748             else
   749                 {
   750                 iCurrentNode = iMasterNode;
   752                 iState = ESearchingChildWindows;
   753                 // if this node is having children windows, then we need to go to them
   754                 if ( iCurrentNode->iChild )
   755                     {
   756                     iCurrentSibling = iCurrentNode->iChild;
   757                     // Look the deepest child
   758                     iCurrentNode=iCurrentSibling; 
   759                     while(iCurrentNode->iChild!=NULL) 
   760                         { 
   761                         iCurrentNode=iCurrentNode->iChild; 
   762                         } 
   764                     iState = ESearchingSprites;
   765                     return iCurrentNode;
   766                     }
   767                 else
   768                     {
   769                     // if no children windows, then this node is done and it should be returned
   770                     return iCurrentNode;
   771                     }
   772                 }
   773             }
   775             if ( iState == ESearchingChildWindows )
   776                 {
   777                 if (iCurrentSibling!=NULL) 
   778                     { 
   779                     iCurrentNode=iCurrentSibling; 
   780                     while(iCurrentNode->iChild!=NULL) 
   781                         { 
   782                         iCurrentNode=iCurrentNode->iChild; 
   783                         } 
   784                     } 
   785                 else 
   786                     { 
   787                     iCurrentNode = iCurrentParent;
   788                     iChildrenProcessed = EFalse;
   789                     } 
   791                 iCurrentSibling=iCurrentNode->iSibling;        // De-reference iCurrent so it can be destroyed by caller 
   792                 iChildrenProcessed = EFalse;
   793                 iState = ESearchingSprites;
   794                 iCurrentParent=iCurrentNode->iParent; 
   795                 if ( iCurrentNode == iTopNode )
   796                     {
   797                     iCurrentNode = NULL;
   798                     }
   799                 return iCurrentNode; 
   800                 }
   801         return NULL;
   802         } 
   804 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   805 // FindPreviousChild
   806 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   807 //
   808 CAlfNode* CAlfNode::FindPreviousChild()
   809     {
   810     CAlfNode* previousSibling = NULL;
   811     switch ( iType )
   812         {
   813         default:
   814             {
   815             previousSibling = iParent->iChild;
   816             break;
   817             }
   818         case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeAnim:
   819             {
   820             previousSibling = iParent->iAnimChild;
   821             break;
   822             }
   823         case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeSprite:
   824             {
   825             previousSibling = iParent->iSpriteChild;
   826             break;
   827             }
   828         case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeStandardTextCursor:
   829             {
   830             previousSibling = iParent->iTextCursor;
   831             break;
   832             }
   833         }
   835     if ( previousSibling == this ) 
   836         {
   837         return NULL; // return NULL, if I was the first child
   838         }
   839     // starting from the first child, loop until this one is found.
   841     while( previousSibling->iSibling != this)
   842         {
   843         previousSibling = previousSibling->iSibling;
   844         }
   846     return previousSibling; // return the previous child. return NULL, if this was the first child
   847     }
   849 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   850 // FadeCountChanged
   851 // Fade count changes are sent also to Anim, Sprite and text cursor nodes.
   852 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   853 //
   854 void CAlfNode::FadeCountChanged( TInt aFadeCount )
   855     {
   856 	RArray<CAlfNode*> children;
   857 	ListOffspring(children, EFalse); // EFalse = dont list chilren, only sprites, anims and textcursor
   858 	TBool fade = aFadeCount ? ETrue : EFalse;
   860     for(TInt i=0;i<children.Count(); i++)
   861     	{
   862 		children[i]->SetFaded(fade);        
   863     	}
   864     children.Close();
   865     iFadeCount = aFadeCount;
   866     }
   868 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   869 // SetFaded
   870 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   871 //
   872 void CAlfNode::SetFaded( TBool aFaded )
   873     {
   874     iFadeState = aFaded && ( !iNonFading );
   875     if (Type()== MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeRoot)
   876         {
   877         // NO need to deliver fades for root
   878         return;
   879         }
   880     if (iFadeState != iPostedFadeState)
   881         {
   882         iModel->Server().Bridge()->AddData( EAlfDSSetFadeEffect, iId , iFadeState);
   883         iPostedFadeState = iFadeState;
   884         }
   885     }
   887 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   888 // FadeAllChildren
   889 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   890 //
   891 void CAlfNode::FadeAllChildren( TBool aFaded )
   892     {
   893     SetFaded(aFaded);
   895     CAlfNode* node = (CAlfNode*)iSpriteChild;
   896     while( node )
   897         {
   898         node->SetFaded( iFadeState );        
   899         node = node->iSibling;
   900         }
   901     node = (CAlfNode*)iAnimChild;
   902     while( node )
   903         {
   904         node->SetFaded( iFadeState );       
   905         node = node->iSibling;
   906         }
   907     if ( iTextCursor )
   908         {
   909         iTextCursor->SetFaded( iFadeState );
   910         }
   911     node = (CAlfNode*)iChild;
   912     while ( node )        
   913         {
   914         node->FadeAllChildren( iFadeState );
   915         node = node->iSibling;
   916         }
   917     }
   919 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   920 // ListOffspring
   921 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   922 //
   923 void CAlfNode::ListOffspring( RArray<CAlfNode*>& aList, TBool aListChildren)
   924     {
   925     aList.Append(this);
   927     CAlfNode* node = (CAlfNode*)iSpriteChild;
   928     while( node )
   929         {
   930 		aList.Append(node);        
   931         node = node->iSibling;
   932         }
   933     node = (CAlfNode*)iAnimChild;
   934     while( node )
   935         {
   936 		aList.Append(node);       
   937         node = node->iSibling;
   938         }
   939     if ( iTextCursor )
   940         {
   941 		aList.Append(iTextCursor);
   942         }
   943     if (aListChildren)
   944     	{
   945 		node = (CAlfNode*)iChild;
   946 		while ( node )        
   947 			{
   948 			node->ListOffspring( aList );
   949 			node = node->iSibling;
   950 			}
   951     	}
   952     }
   953 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   954 // FlagChanged
   955 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   956 //
   957 void CAlfNode::FlagChanged( MWsWindowTreeObserver::TFlags aFlag, TBool aNewValue )
   958     {
   959     switch( aFlag )
   960         {
   961         case MWsWindowTreeObserver::EVisible:
   962             {
   963             // TODO: Do something!!!!
   964             iVisible = aNewValue;
   965             break;
   966             }
   967         case MWsWindowTreeObserver::ENonFading:
   968             {
   969             iNonFading = aNewValue;
   970             FadeAllChildren(iFadeState);
   971             break;
   972             }
   973         case MWsWindowTreeObserver::EAlphaChannelTransparencyEnabled:
   974             {
   975             iAlphaChannelTransparencyEnabled = aNewValue;
   976             break;
   977             }
   978         case MWsWindowTreeObserver::ECursorClipRectSet:
   979             {
   980             // TODO: take into account with cursor 
   981             // ECursorClipRectSet
   982             break;
   983             }
   984         }
   985     }
   987 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   988 // CreateWindowAttributes
   989 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   990 //
   991 TAny* CAlfNode::CreateWindowAttributes(TInt& aIndex, TInt aSize )
   992     {
   993     TAny* attributes = NULL;
   994     TRAP_IGNORE(attributes = (TAny*)iModel->Server().Bridge()->AppendVarDataL( aSize, aIndex ))
   995     Mem::FillZ( (TUint8*)attributes, aSize ); // Initialize the returned memory area to 0
   996     return attributes;
   997     }
   999 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1000 // SiblingOrderChanged
  1001 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1002 //
  1003  void CAlfNode::SiblingOrderChanged( TInt aNewPos )
  1004     {
  1005     // __ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfNode::SiblingOrderChanged - Id %d, Old ordinal position: %d"), iId, OrdinalPosition());
  1006     ASSERT( iType != MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeRoot); 
  1007     ASSERT( iType != MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeSprite);
  1008     ASSERT( iType != MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeAnim);
  1009     ASSERT( iType != MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeStandardTextCursor);
  1010     ASSERT( iType == MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeGroup || iType == MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeClient );
  1011     ASSERT(iParent != NULL); 
  1012     ASSERT(iParent->iChild != NULL); 
  1013     CAlfNode* previous = FindPreviousChild();
  1014     ASSERT( previous || this == iParent->iChild );
  1017     // Need to find the previous node to this node (oldPrevNode) 
  1018     // and the node previous to aNewPos (newPrevNode) 
  1019     // Then link oldPrevNode->iSibling to this->iSibling (unlink this node from the chain) 
  1020     // And  link this->iSibling to newPrevNode->iSibling (link the right hand side of this node back in) 
  1021     // And  link newPrevNode->iSibling to this                          (link the left hand side of this node back in) 
  1023     // Will point to the prev node for the current/old position 
  1024     CAlfNode* oldPrevNode = NULL; 
  1025     // Will point to the prev node for the new position 
  1026     CAlfNode* newPrevNode = NULL; 
  1028     // parent 
  1029     //   | 
  1030     //   |   0   1   2   3   4 
  1031     //   +-->A ->B ->C ->D ->E ->null 
  1032     //      ^^^ 
  1033     // position 0 is a special case... 
  1034     // if the new position is 0 then newPrevNode is the parent 
  1035     // if this is the leftmost sibling then oldPrevNode is the parent 
  1037     TInt iterNodePosition=0; 
  1038     CAlfNode* iterPrevNode = iParent; 
  1039     CAlfNode* iterNode = iParent->iChild;         
  1041     while (oldPrevNode == NULL || newPrevNode == NULL) 
  1042         { 
  1043         // Have we found the current/old position? 
  1044             if (iterNode == this) 
  1045                 { 
  1046                 oldPrevNode = iterPrevNode; 
  1048                 if (newPrevNode == NULL && iterNodePosition != aNewPos) 
  1049                     { 
  1050                     // Found the old position first 
  1051                     // and not at the new position yet 
  1052                     // so "this" will be moving to the right 
  1053                     // which will cause the following nodes to move left by one 
  1054                     // so we need to compensate by adding one to the target position 
  1055                     // 
  1056                     //     0   1   2   3   4 
  1057                     // p ->A ->B ->C ->D ->E ->n  if we are moving B to position 3 then need to find D->E link (iterPrevNode->iterNode) 
  1058                     // p ->A ->C ->D ->B ->E ->n  but because C and D will be moving left, 
  1059                     //                            D->E is actually position at 4. 
  1060                     ++aNewPos; 
  1061                     }                         
  1062                 } 
  1064             // Have we found the new position? 
  1065             if (iterNodePosition == aNewPos) 
  1066                 { 
  1067                 newPrevNode = iterPrevNode; 
  1068                 } 
  1070             // Move onto the next node - if there is one 
  1071             if (iterNode != NULL) 
  1072                 { 
  1073                 // move to next node 
  1074                 iterPrevNode = iterNode; 
  1075                 iterNode = iterNode->iSibling;                 
  1076                 ++iterNodePosition; 
  1077                 } 
  1078             else 
  1079                 { 
  1080                 // parent 
  1081                 //   | 
  1082                 //   |   0   1   2   3   4 
  1083                 //   +-->A ->B ->C ->D ->E ->null 
  1084                 //                           ^^^ 
  1085                 // if iterNode gets to NULL, then we must have found both matches 
  1086                 // - i.e. either the new or current/old position is the rightmost node   
  1087                 ASSERT(oldPrevNode!=NULL && newPrevNode!=NULL); 
  1088                 } 
  1090             ASSERT(iterPrevNode!=NULL);                 
  1091         } // end while loop 
  1093     if (newPrevNode == oldPrevNode) 
  1094         { 
  1095         // we are being asked to move to our current position 
  1096         // nothing to do 
  1098         return; 
  1099         } 
  1101     // In the following example, oldPrevNode is A, this is B and newPrevNode is D - as discussed above 
  1102     // 
  1103     // Unlink this node from the chain (A->B becomes A->C, nothing points to B) 
  1104     //      0    1    2    3    4 
  1105     // p--->A-¬  B-+->C--->D--->E--->n 
  1106     //         \--/ 
  1107     if (oldPrevNode == iParent) 
  1108         { 
  1109         iParent->iChild = iSibling; 
  1110         } 
  1111     else 
  1112         { 
  1113         oldPrevNode->iSibling = iSibling; 
  1114         } 
  1116     // Link the right hand side of this node back in (B->C becomes B->E, B half at position 3) 
  1117     //      0         1    2 3  4 
  1118     // p--->A-------->C--->D-+->E--->n 
  1119     //                B-----/ 
  1120     if (newPrevNode == iParent) 
  1121         { 
  1122         iSibling = iParent->iChild; 
  1123         } 
  1124     else 
  1125         { 
  1126         iSibling = newPrevNode->iSibling; 
  1127         } 
  1129     // Link the left hand side of this node back in (D->E becomes D->B, B fully linked into position 3) 
  1130     //      0    1    2    3    4 
  1131     // p--->A--->C--->D¬     +->E--->n 
  1132     //                  \-B-/ 
  1133     if (newPrevNode == iParent) 
  1134         { 
  1135         iParent->iChild = this; 
  1136         } 
  1137     else 
  1138         { 
  1139         newPrevNode->iSibling = this; 
  1140         } 
  1142     UpdateOrdinalPosition();
  1144     if (HasChildren())
  1145         {
  1146         UpdateChildrenOrdinalPositions(this);
  1147         }
  1149     /*
  1150     TInt ordinal = OrdinalPosition();
  1151     __ALFLOGSTRING1("New ordinal position: %d"), OrdinalPosition());
  1152 #ifdef _DEBUG    
  1153     PrintOrdinalPositions();
  1154 #endif    
  1155     TInt offset;
  1156     TAlfWindowAttributes* windowAttributes = (TAlfWindowAttributes*)CreateWindowAttributes(offset, sizeof(TAlfWindowAttributes));
  1157     windowAttributes->iOrdinalPosition = ordinal; 
  1158     windowAttributes->iWindowNodeType = iType;
  1159     windowAttributes->iScreenNumber = iScreenNumber;
  1161     iModel->Server().Bridge()->AddData( EAlfDSReorder, 
  1162             iGroupId, 
  1163             iId, 
  1164             (TAny*)offset );
  1165             */
  1168     }
  1170 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1171 // destructor
  1172 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1173 // 
  1174 CAlfNode::~CAlfNode()
  1175     {
  1176     __ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfNode::~CAlfNode %d", iId);
  1177     }
  1179 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1180 // HasChildren
  1181 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1182 // 
  1183 TBool CAlfNode::HasChildren()
  1184     {
  1185     return iSpriteChild || iAnimChild || iTextCursor || iChild;
  1186     }
  1188 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1189 // RemoveDependencies
  1190 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1191 // 
  1192 void CAlfNode::RemoveDependencies( CAlfNode* aFirstChildOfMyType )
  1193     {
  1194     // if I have siblings, then make my previous sibling's next sibling, that used to be my next sibling
  1195     /*if ( iParent )
  1196         {
  1197         __ALFLOGSTRING1( "%d %d %d %d"), iParent->iChild , iParent->iSpriteChild , iParent->iAnimChild, iParent->iTextCursor );
  1198         }*/
  1200     if ( iModel && iParent && aFirstChildOfMyType )
  1201         {
  1202         CAlfNode* previousSibling = FindPreviousChild();
  1203         if ( previousSibling )
  1204             {
  1205             previousSibling->iSibling = iSibling;
  1206             }
  1207         else
  1208             {
  1209             // If we do not have previous sibling
  1210             switch ( iType )
  1211                 {
  1212                 default:
  1213                     {
  1214                     iParent->iChild = iSibling; // Parent's child needs to change ONLY IF I was the first one.
  1215                     break;
  1216                     }
  1217                 case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeAnim:
  1218                     {
  1219                     iParent->iAnimChild = (CAlfNodeAnim*)iSibling;
  1220                     break;
  1221                     }
  1222                 case MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeSprite:
  1223                     {
  1224                     iParent->iSpriteChild = (CAlfNodeSprite*)iSibling;
  1225                     break;
  1226                     }
  1227                 }
  1229             }
  1230         }
  1231     else
  1232         {
  1233         __ALFLOGSTRING1("My parent says, that I'm not his child :..( or no parent %d ", iParent );
  1234         }
  1236     // Orphon all the children
  1237     CAlfNode* child = iChild; 
  1238     while( child )
  1239         {
  1240         child = child->OrphonMe();
  1241         }
  1242     iChild = NULL;
  1243     if ( iModel )
  1244         {    
  1245         iModel->RemoveNode( iId );
  1246         }
  1247     }
  1249 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1250 // Constructor
  1251 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1252 //
  1253 CAlfNodeVisual::CAlfNodeVisual() 
  1254     {
  1255     iWindow =  NULL;
  1256     };
  1258 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1259 // Constructor
  1260 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1261 //
  1262 void CAlfNodeVisual::ConstructL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream )
  1263 	{
  1264 	CAlfNode::ConstructL( aModel, aStream );
  1265     aStream->ReadL( (TUint8*)&iOrigin, sizeof(TPoint));
  1266     aStream->ReadL( (TUint8*)&iSize, sizeof(TSize));
  1267 	}
  1269 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1270 // ReadEndMarkerL
  1271 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1272 //
  1273 void CAlfNodeVisual::ReadEndMarkerL( RMemReadStream& aStream )
  1274     {
  1275     TUint8 marker = aStream.ReadInt8L();
  1276     ASSERT( marker == EAlfCommandEndMarker ) ; // endmarker
  1277     }
  1279 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1280 // UpdateOrdinalPosition
  1281 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1282 //
  1283 void CAlfNode::UpdateOrdinalPosition()
  1284     {
  1285     TInt ordinal = OrdinalPosition();
  1286     if ( ordinal >= 0 )
  1287         {
  1288         if ( iWindow )
  1289             {
  1290             iWindow->Move( ordinal );
  1291             }
  1292         else
  1293             {
  1294             //!!!! There is no window???
  1295             // position must be updated, because it not necessary the first drawn.
  1296             TInt offset;
  1297             TAlfWindowAttributes* windowAttributes = (TAlfWindowAttributes*)CreateWindowAttributes(offset, sizeof(TAlfWindowAttributes));
  1298             windowAttributes->iOrdinalPosition = ordinal; 
  1299             windowAttributes->iWindowNodeType = iType;
  1300             windowAttributes->iScreenNumber = iScreenNumber;
  1301             // for updating window group ordinals
  1302             iModel->Server().Bridge()->AddData( EAlfDSReorder, 
  1303                     iGroupId, 
  1304                     iId, 
  1305                     (TAny*)offset );
  1306             }
  1307         }
  1308     }
  1310 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1311 // UpdateChildrenOrdinalPositions
  1312 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1313 //
  1314 void CAlfNode::UpdateChildrenOrdinalPositions(CAlfNode* aNode)
  1315     {
  1316     CAlfNode* node = (CAlfNode*)aNode->iSpriteChild;
  1317     while( node )
  1318         {
  1319         node->UpdateOrdinalPosition();
  1320         node = node->iSibling;
  1321         }
  1322     node = (CAlfNode*)aNode->iAnimChild;
  1323     while( node )
  1324         {
  1325         node->UpdateOrdinalPosition();
  1326         node = node->iSibling;
  1327         }
  1328     if ( aNode->iTextCursor )
  1329         {
  1330         (aNode->iTextCursor)->UpdateOrdinalPosition();
  1331         }
  1332     node = (CAlfNode*)aNode->iChild;
  1333     while ( node )        
  1334         {
  1335         node->UpdateChildrenOrdinalPositions(node);
  1336         node->UpdateOrdinalPosition();
  1337         node = node->iSibling;
  1338         }
  1340     }
  1342 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1343 // CommitCommandsL
  1344 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1345 //
  1346 void CAlfNodeVisual::CommitCommands( TInt aCurrentPos, TInt aFrameSize, TBool aPartial, TBool aLastPart, TInt aChunkInUse  )
  1347     {
  1348     // __ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfNodeVisual::CommitCommandsL, Id/Group: %d/%d Type: %d, Pos: %d, Size: %d, last part %d"), iId, iGroupId, iType, aCurrentPos, aFrameSize, aLastPart );
  1349     if ( !iWindow )
  1350         {
  1351         __ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfHierarchyModel::CommitCommandsL Discarding window commands");
  1352         return;
  1353         }
  1355     if ( !aFrameSize )
  1356         {
  1357         __ALFLOGSTRING3("CAlfHierarchyModel::CommitCommandsL empty frame Pos: %d, Size: %d, last part %d ", aCurrentPos, aFrameSize, aLastPart );
  1358         return;
  1359         }
  1361     TBool emptyBuffer = EFalse;
  1363     TInt nodeFlags = 0;
  1365     // By default nodes are always opaque, unless they are sprites (or anims?) or
  1366     // transparency has been enabled in the window.    
  1367     if (iType != MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeSprite && 
  1368         iType != MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeAnim &&
  1369        iType != MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeStandardTextCursor &&
  1370         !iAlphaChannelTransparencyEnabled)
  1371         {
  1372         nodeFlags |= EAlfWinNodeFlagOpaque;         
  1373         }
  1375     if ( iType == MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeStandardTextCursor )
  1376         {
  1377         emptyBuffer = ETrue;
  1378         }
  1380     iWindow->PostPartialBuffer( iModel->ChunkBase(aChunkInUse) + aCurrentPos, aFrameSize, aPartial, aLastPart , emptyBuffer, nodeFlags );
  1381     }
  1383 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1384 // DrawWindowFrameL
  1385 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1386 void CAlfNodeVisual::DrawWindowFrameL( RMemReadStream& aStream )
  1387     {
  1388     TInt32 chunkInUse = aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1389     TInt nextFramePos = aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1391     // jump to the next frame
  1392     if ( nextFramePos == 12345678 )
  1393         {
  1394         __ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfHierarchyModel::PostBufferL, Address of the frame has not been initialized!");
  1395         }
  1396     // read frame flags. For offscreen content, we'll add the complete packets 
  1397      // as partial, if they have not been implicitly flushed 
  1399      TUint8 command = aStream.ReadInt8L();
  1400      __ASSERT_DEBUG( command == EAlfFrameFlags, USER_INVARIANT() );
  1401      TInt32 frameFlags = aStream.ReadInt32L();
  1403     TUint8 padding = aStream.ReadInt8L();
  1404     ReadEndMarkerL( aStream );
  1405     while( padding--)
  1406         {
  1407         aStream.ReadInt8L();
  1408         }
  1410     TInt currentPos = aStream.Source()->TellL( MStreamBuf::ERead ).Offset();
  1411     aStream.Source()->SeekL( MStreamBuf::ERead, TStreamPos(nextFramePos));
  1412     TSgcCanvasCommands packetState = (TSgcCanvasCommands)aStream.ReadInt8L();
  1413     TInt frameSize = nextFramePos - currentPos;
  1414 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1415     ASSERT( currentPos % 8 == 0 );
  1416 #endif
  1418     //__ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfHierarchyModel::PostBufferL endMarker: %d partial: %d"), endMarker, iReadingPartialBuffer );
  1419     switch( packetState )
  1420         {
  1421         case EAlfPacketReady:
  1422             {
  1423             if ( frameFlags & EAlfTransparentContent )
  1424                 {
  1425                 if ( frameFlags & EAlfTransparentContentFlush  )
  1426                     {
  1427                     CommitCommands( currentPos, frameSize, !iReadingPartialBuffer /*partial*/, ETrue /*lastpart*/, chunkInUse );
  1428                     }
  1429                 else
  1430                     {
  1431                     CommitCommands( currentPos, frameSize, ETrue /*partial*/, EFalse/*not lastpart*/, chunkInUse );
  1432                     }
  1433                 }
  1434             else
  1435                 {
  1436                 CommitCommands( currentPos, frameSize, iReadingPartialBuffer, ETrue, chunkInUse );
  1437                 }
  1438             iReadingPartialBuffer = EFalse;
  1440             break;
  1441             }
  1442         case EAlfPacketNotReady:
  1443             {
  1444             __ASSERT_DEBUG( nextFramePos % 8 == 0, USER_INVARIANT() );
  1445             __ASSERT_DEBUG( frameSize % 8 == 0, USER_INVARIANT() );
  1446             iReadingPartialBuffer = ETrue;
  1447             CommitCommands( currentPos, frameSize, iReadingPartialBuffer, EFalse, chunkInUse );
  1448             break;
  1449             }
  1450         default:
  1451             {
  1452             __ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfHierarchyModel::PostBufferL endMarker: %d ", packetState);
  1453             break;
  1454             }
  1455         }
  1456     }
  1459 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1460 // FlagChanged
  1461 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1462 //
  1463 void CAlfNodeVisual::FlagChanged( MWsWindowTreeObserver::TFlags aFlag, TBool aNewValue )
  1464     {
  1465     switch( aFlag )
  1466         {
  1467         case MWsWindowTreeObserver::EVisible:
  1468             {
  1469             iVisible = aNewValue;
  1470             if ( iWindow )
  1471             	{
  1472             	if ( iVisible && iNodeActivated )
  1473             		{
  1474             		iWindow->SetActive( ETrue );
  1475             		}
  1476             	else
  1477             		{
  1478                     iWindow->SetActive( EFalse );
  1479             		}
  1480             	}
  1481             break;
  1482             }
  1483         case MWsWindowTreeObserver::ENonFading:
  1484             {
  1485             iNonFading = aNewValue;
  1486             SetFaded(iFadeState);
  1487             break;
  1488             }
  1489         case MWsWindowTreeObserver::EAlphaChannelTransparencyEnabled:
  1490             {
  1491             iAlphaChannelTransparencyEnabled = aNewValue;
  1492             break;
  1493             }
  1494         }
  1495     if ( aFlag == MWsWindowTreeObserver::ENonFading && HasChildren() )
  1496         {
  1497         UpdateChildrenFlags( aFlag, iFadeState );
  1498         }
  1499     }
  1501 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1502 // UpdateChildrenFlags
  1503 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1504 //
  1505 void CAlfNodeVisual::UpdateChildrenFlags( MWsWindowTreeObserver::TFlags aFlag, TBool aNewValue )
  1506     {
  1507     CAlfNode* node = (CAlfNode*)iSpriteChild;
  1508     while( node )
  1509         {
  1510         node->FlagChanged( aFlag, aNewValue );
  1511         node = node->iSibling;
  1512         }
  1513     node = (CAlfNode*)iAnimChild;
  1514     while( node )
  1515         {
  1516         node->FlagChanged( aFlag, aNewValue );
  1517         node = node->iSibling;
  1518         }
  1519     if ( iTextCursor )
  1520         {
  1521         iTextCursor->FlagChanged( aFlag, aNewValue );
  1522         }
  1523     node = (CAlfNode*)iChild;
  1524     while ( node )
  1526         {
  1527         node->FlagChanged( aFlag, aNewValue ); // causes recursion on children
  1528         node = node->iSibling;
  1529         }
  1530     }
  1532 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1533 // SetExtent
  1534 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1535 //
  1536 void CAlfNodeVisual::SetExtent( TRect& aRect )
  1537     {
  1538 	// aRect is in screen coordinates whereas iOrigin and iSize are relative.
  1539     if ( iSize != aRect.Size() )
  1540     	{
  1541     	iSize = aRect.Size();
  1542     	if ( iWindow) 
  1543     		{
  1544     		iWindow->SetSize(iSize,0);
  1545     		}
  1546     	}
  1547   	// Recursively, TODO, check this with flash example
  1548    	TPoint parentPosition; 
  1549    	CAlfNodeVisual* parent = (CAlfNodeVisual*)iParent;
  1550    	while(parent)
  1551    	    {
  1552         if(parent->Type() != MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeGroup)
  1553             { // parent 
  1554             parentPosition += parent->iOrigin;
  1555             parent = (CAlfNodeVisual*)parent->iParent;
  1556             }
  1557         else
  1558             {
  1559             break;
  1560             }
  1562     	}
  1564     TPoint newOrigin = aRect.iTl - parentPosition;
  1565     if ( iOrigin != newOrigin )
  1566     	{            
  1567     	iOrigin = newOrigin;
  1568     	if (iWindow)
  1569     		{
  1570     		iWindow->SetPos(iOrigin, 0 );
  1571     		/*if (HasChildren())
  1572     		    {
  1573     		    UpdateChildrenExtents(posDelta);
  1574     		    }*/
  1575     		// __ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfNodeVisual, SetPos %d,%d, iType %d"), iOrigin.iX, iOrigin.iY, iType );
  1576     		}
  1577     	}
  1578     // __ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfNodeVisual, SetExtent iSize: %d,%d ; iPosition %d,%d "), iSize.iWidth, iSize.iHeight, iOrigin.iX, iOrigin.iY ); 
  1579     }
  1581 void CAlfNodeVisual::UpdateParentPosition(TPoint aPosDelta)
  1582     {
  1583     // iParentPosition = aRect.iTl;
  1584     // iParentSize = aRect.Size();
  1586     // Todo, size change?
  1587     if (iWindow)
  1588         {
  1589         iOrigin += aPosDelta;
  1590         iWindow->SetPos( iOrigin, 0 );
  1591         UpdateChildrenExtents(aPosDelta);
  1592         // __ALFLOGSTRING1("CAlfNodeVisual, SetPos %d,%d, iType %d"), iOrigin.iX, iOrigin.iY, iType );
  1593         }
  1595     }
  1597 void CAlfNodeVisual::UpdateChildrenExtents(TPoint aPosDelta)
  1598     {
  1599         CAlfNode* node = (CAlfNode*)iSpriteChild;
  1600         while( node )
  1601             {
  1602             ((CAlfNodeVisual*)node)->UpdateParentPosition(aPosDelta);
  1603             node = node->iSibling;
  1604             }
  1605         node = (CAlfNodeVisual*)iAnimChild;
  1606         while( node )
  1607             {
  1608             ((CAlfNodeVisual*)node)->UpdateParentPosition(aPosDelta);
  1609             node = node->iSibling;
  1610             }
  1611         if ( iTextCursor )
  1612             {
  1613             ((CAlfNodeVisual*)iTextCursor)->UpdateParentPosition(aPosDelta);
  1614             }
  1615         node = (CAlfNodeVisual*)iChild;
  1616         while ( node )        
  1617             {
  1618             ((CAlfNodeVisual*)node)->UpdateChildrenExtents(aPosDelta);
  1619             ((CAlfNodeVisual*)node)->UpdateParentPosition(aPosDelta);
  1621             node = node->iSibling;
  1622             }
  1623         }
  1625 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1626 // ActivateNodeL
  1627 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1628 //
  1629 void CAlfNodeVisual::ActivateNode()
  1630      { 
  1631      if ( !iNodeActivated)
  1632          {
  1633          iNodeActivated = ETrue;
  1635          if ( iWindow )
  1636             {
  1637         	if ( iVisible )
  1638         		{
  1639         		iWindow->SetActive( ETrue );
  1640         		}
  1641         	}
  1642          }
  1643      else
  1644          {
  1645          __ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfNodeVisual::ActivateNodeL - Node ALREADY active! ");
  1646          }
  1647      }
  1650 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1651 // CreateWindowL
  1652 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1653 void CAlfNodeVisual::CreateWindowL(TInt aWindowGroupHandle, TInt aWindowHandle, TInt aParentWindowHandle)
  1654     {
  1655     TWindowIdentifier windowIdentifier( iGroupId, iId );
  1656     TWindowIdentifier clientSideIdentifier( aWindowGroupHandle, aWindowHandle );
  1657     TWindowIdentifier parentIdentifier( 0, aParentWindowHandle ); // Group id not used, set to zero.
  1659     TAlfWServInfo info;     
  1660     info.iSize = iSize;
  1661     info.iPosition = iOrigin;    
  1662     info.iRefId = windowIdentifier; // Node ids   
  1663     info.iClientSideId = clientSideIdentifier; // Client handles
  1664     info.iNodeType = iType;
  1665     info.iScreenNumber = iScreenNumber;    
  1666     info.iParentRefId = parentIdentifier;
  1667 #ifdef ALF_DEBUG_TRACK_DRAWING    
  1668     info.iTrackWindow = iTrackNode;
  1669 #endif
  1670     iWindow = iModel->Server().WindowMgr()->CreateNewWindowL( iId, info );
  1671     iWindow->CommitGc();
  1672     }
  1674 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1675 // destructor
  1676 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1677 //
  1678 CAlfNodeVisual::~CAlfNodeVisual()
  1679     {
  1680     if ( iWindow && iModel )
  1681         {
  1682         iModel->Server().WindowMgr()->DestroyWindow( *iWindow );
  1683         }
  1684     }
  1686 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1687 // Constructor
  1688 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1689 //
  1690 CAlfNodeWindow::CAlfNodeWindow()
  1691     {
  1692     iType = MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeClient;
  1693     };
  1695 CAlfNodeWindow::~CAlfNodeWindow()
  1696     {
  1697     RemoveDependencies( iParent ? iParent->iChild : NULL );
  1698     }
  1699 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1700 // ConstructL
  1701 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1702 //
  1703 void CAlfNodeWindow::ConstructL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream  )
  1704 	{
  1705 	CAlfNodeVisual::ConstructL( aModel, aStream );
  1706 	aStream->ReadL( (TUint8*)&iNodeWindowConstructionStruct, sizeof( TNodeWindowConstructionStruct ) );
  1707     iOrdinalPriority = iNodeWindowConstructionStruct.iOrdinalPriority;
  1708     ResolveParent( iNodeWindowConstructionStruct.iParentId, iId );
  1709     CreateWindowL( iNodeWindowConstructionStruct.iWindowGroupHandle, iNodeWindowConstructionStruct.iWindowHandle, iNodeWindowConstructionStruct.iParentId );
  1710     UpdateOrdinalPosition();
  1711 	}
  1713 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1714 // MoveToWindowGroup
  1716 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1717 //
  1718 void CAlfNodeWindow::MoveToWindowGroup( TUint32 aNewGroupId )
  1719 	{
  1721 	CAlfNodeGroup* newGroup = (CAlfNodeGroup*)iModel->FindNode( aNewGroupId );
  1722 	if ( newGroup )
  1723 		{
  1724 		// collect my children in my old group
  1725 		RPointerArray<CAlfNode> myChildNodes;
  1726 		GetAllChildrenInGroup( myChildNodes, iId );
  1728 		// release old relationships
  1729 		CAlfNode* previous = FindPreviousChild();
  1730 		if ( !previous )
  1731 			{
  1732 			iParent->iChild = iSibling; // I was the first and possibly only child
  1733 			}
  1734 		else
  1735 			{
  1736 			previous->iSibling = iSibling; // there was the a previous child. update the link to my next sibling (which might be NULL)
  1737 			}
  1738 		TUint32 oldGroupId = iParent->iId;
  1739 		iParent = newGroup;
  1740 		SetFirstChild();
  1742 		// yippii, new parent, 		
  1743 		// add me as the first child of the new group
  1744 		// TODO: Move the nodes to the new group?
  1745 		TInt i = myChildNodes.Count();
  1746 		while( --i >=0 ) // update groupid and send new location to appui 
  1747 			{
  1748 			iModel->Server().Bridge()->AddData( EAlfDSMoveWindowToNewGroup, 
  1749 					myChildNodes[i]->iId, 
  1750 					oldGroupId, 
  1751 					(TAny*)aNewGroupId );
  1752 			myChildNodes[i]->iGroupId = aNewGroupId;
  1753 			}
  1755 		myChildNodes.Close();
  1756 		}
  1757 	else
  1758 		{
  1759 		__ALFLOGSTRING("CAlfNodeWindow::MoveToWindowGroupL, new group does not exists");
  1760 		USER_INVARIANT();
  1761 		}
  1762 	}
  1764 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1765 // NewL
  1766 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1767 //
  1768 CAlfNodeWindow* CAlfNodeWindow::NewL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream, TInt aScreenNumber  )
  1769     {
  1770     CAlfNodeWindow* self = new(ELeave)CAlfNodeWindow();
  1771     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
  1772     self->iScreenNumber = aScreenNumber;
  1773     self->ConstructL( aModel, aStream ); 
  1774     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
  1775     return self;
  1776     }
  1778 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1779 // Construct
  1780 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1781 //
  1782 CAlfNodeRoot::CAlfNodeRoot( )
  1783     {
  1784     iType = MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeRoot;
  1785     }
  1787 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1788 // ConstructL
  1789 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1790 //
  1791 void CAlfNodeRoot::ConstructL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream  )
  1792 	{
  1793 	CAlfNodeVisual::ConstructL( aModel, aStream );
  1795 	// TODO: 
  1796 	ResolveParent( 0, iId );
  1797 	CreateWindowL(0,0,0); // Currently renderstage does not deliver ws/wg handles
  1798 	}
  1800 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1801 // NewL
  1802 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1803 //
  1804 CAlfNodeRoot* CAlfNodeRoot::NewL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream, TInt aScreenNumber  )
  1805     {
  1806     CAlfNodeRoot* self = new(ELeave)CAlfNodeRoot();
  1807     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
  1808     self->iScreenNumber = aScreenNumber;
  1809     self->ConstructL( aModel, aStream ); 
  1810     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
  1811     return self;
  1812     }
  1814 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1815 // destructor
  1816 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1817 //
  1818 CAlfNodeRoot::~CAlfNodeRoot( )
  1819     {
  1820     // TODO: destroy all children nodes?
  1821     RemoveDependencies( NULL );
  1822     }
  1824 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1825 // Constructor
  1826 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1827 //
  1828 CAlfNodeGroup::CAlfNodeGroup()
  1829     {
  1830     iType = MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeGroup;
  1831     }
  1833 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1834 // ConstructL
  1835 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1836 //
  1837 void CAlfNodeGroup::ConstructL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream  )
  1838 	{
  1839 	CAlfNode::ConstructL( aModel, aStream );
  1840     TInt32 clientHandle = aStream->ReadUint32L();
  1841     iSecureId = aStream->ReadUint32L();
  1842     TInt32 parentId = aStream->ReadUint32L();
  1844     ResolveParent( parentId, iId );
  1846     TInt offset;
  1847     TAlfWindowAttributes* windowAttributes = (TAlfWindowAttributes*)CreateWindowAttributes(offset, sizeof(TAlfWindowAttributes));
  1848     windowAttributes->iWindowNodeType = iType; 
  1849     windowAttributes->iClientHandle = clientHandle;
  1850     windowAttributes->iScreenNumber = iScreenNumber;
  1851     windowAttributes->iSecureId = iSecureId;
  1852     windowAttributes->iParentNodeId = parentId;
  1854     iModel->Server().Bridge()->AddData( EAlfDSNewWindow, 
  1855             iGroupId, 
  1856             iId, 
  1857             (TAny*)offset );
  1858 	}
  1860 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1861 // NewL
  1862 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1863 //
  1864 CAlfNodeGroup* CAlfNodeGroup::NewL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream , TInt aScreenNumber )
  1865     {
  1866     CAlfNodeGroup* self = new(ELeave)CAlfNodeGroup();
  1867     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
  1868     self->iScreenNumber = aScreenNumber;
  1869     self->ConstructL( aModel, aStream ); 
  1870     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
  1871     return self;
  1872     }
  1874 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1875 // WindowGroupChainedL
  1876 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1877 //
  1878 void CAlfNodeGroup::WindowGroupChained( TUint32 aChainedGroup )
  1879 	{
  1880 	iChainedTo = (CAlfNodeGroup*)iModel->FindNode( aChainedGroup );
  1881 	if ( iChainedTo )
  1882 		{
  1883 		iChainedTo->iChainedFrom = this;
  1884 		}
  1885 	else
  1886 		{
  1887 		USER_INVARIANT();
  1888 		}
  1890     if (iModel)
  1891         {
  1892         iModel->Server().Bridge()->AddData( EAlfDSGroupChained, 
  1893                 iId, 
  1894                 aChainedGroup, 
  1895                 (TAny*)iScreenNumber
  1896                 );                
  1897         }
  1898 	}
  1900 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1901 // GroupChainBrokenAfter
  1902 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1903 //
  1904 void CAlfNodeGroup::GroupChainBrokenAfter(  )
  1905 	{
  1906 	if ( iChainedTo )
  1907 		{
  1908 		iChainedTo->iChainedFrom = NULL;
  1909 		iChainedTo = NULL;
  1910 		}
  1911 	if (iModel)
  1912 		{
  1913 		iModel->Server().Bridge()->AddData( EAlfDSGroupChainBroken, 
  1914 				iId, 
  1915 				0, 
  1916 				(TAny*)iScreenNumber );                
  1917 		}
  1919 	}
  1922 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1923 // destructor
  1924 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1925 //
  1926 CAlfNodeGroup::~CAlfNodeGroup()
  1927     {
  1928     if ( iChainedTo )
  1929     	{
  1930     	GroupChainBrokenAfter();
  1931     	}
  1932     if ( iChainedFrom )
  1933     	{
  1934     	iChainedFrom->iChainedTo = NULL;
  1935     	}
  1937     if (iModel)
  1938         {
  1939         TInt offset;
  1940         TAlfWindowAttributes* windowAttributes = (TAlfWindowAttributes*)CreateWindowAttributes(offset, sizeof(TAlfWindowAttributes));
  1941         windowAttributes->iWindowNodeType = iType; 
  1942         windowAttributes->iScreenNumber = iScreenNumber; 
  1944         iModel->Server().Bridge()->AddData( EAlfDSDestroyWindow, 
  1945                 iGroupId, 
  1946                 iId, 
  1947                 (TAny*)offset );                
  1948         }
  1949     RemoveDependencies( iParent->iChild );
  1950     };
  1952 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1953 // constructor
  1954 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1955 //
  1956 CAlfNodeAnim::CAlfNodeAnim( )
  1957     {
  1958     iType = MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeAnim;
  1959      }
  1961 CAlfNodeAnim::~CAlfNodeAnim( )
  1962     {
  1963     if ( iParent )
  1964         {
  1965         RemoveDependencies( iParent->iAnimChild );
  1966         }
  1967     }
  1969 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1970 // ConstructL
  1971 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1972 //
  1973 void CAlfNodeAnim::ConstructL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream  )
  1974 	{
  1975 	CAlfNodeVisual::ConstructL( aModel, aStream );
  1976 	TInt32 parentId = aStream->ReadUint32L();
  1978 	// TODO: 
  1979 	ResolveParent( parentId, iId );
  1980 	CreateWindowL(0,0,iParent->iId); // Currently renderstage does not deliver ws/wg handles
  1981 	UpdateOrdinalPosition();
  1982 	}
  1984 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1985 // NewL
  1986 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1987 //
  1988 CAlfNodeAnim* CAlfNodeAnim::NewL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream, TInt aScreenNumber  )
  1989     {
  1990     CAlfNodeAnim* self = new(ELeave)CAlfNodeAnim();
  1991     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
  1992     self->iScreenNumber = aScreenNumber;
  1993     self->ConstructL( aModel, aStream ); 
  1994     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
  1995     return self;
  1996     }
  1999 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2000 // constructor
  2001 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2002 //
  2003 CAlfNodeSprite::CAlfNodeSprite( )
  2004     {
  2005     iType = MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeSprite;
  2006     }
  2008 CAlfNodeSprite::~CAlfNodeSprite( )
  2009     {
  2010     if ( iParent )
  2011         {
  2012         RemoveDependencies( iParent->iSpriteChild );
  2013         }
  2014     }
  2015 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2016 // ConstructL
  2017 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2018 //
  2019 void CAlfNodeSprite::ConstructL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream  )
  2020 	{
  2021 	CAlfNodeVisual::ConstructL( aModel, aStream );
  2022 	TInt32 parentId = aStream->ReadUint32L();
  2024 	// TODO: 
  2025 	ResolveParent( parentId, iId );
  2026 	CreateWindowL(0,0,iParent->iId); // Currently renderstage does not deliver ws/wg handles
  2027 	// Sprite may not be first in its group
  2028 	UpdateOrdinalPosition();
  2029 	}
  2031 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2032 // NewL
  2033 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2034 //
  2035 CAlfNodeSprite* CAlfNodeSprite::NewL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream, TInt aScreenNumber  )
  2036     {
  2037     CAlfNodeSprite* self = new(ELeave)CAlfNodeSprite();
  2038     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
  2039     self->iScreenNumber = aScreenNumber;
  2040     self->ConstructL( aModel, aStream ); 
  2041     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
  2042     return self;
  2043     }
  2045 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2046 // constructor
  2047 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2048 //
  2049 CAlfNodeTextCursor::CAlfNodeTextCursor( )
  2050     {
  2051     iType = MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeStandardTextCursor;
  2052     }
  2054 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2055 // ConstructL
  2056 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2057 //
  2058 void CAlfNodeTextCursor::ConstructL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream  )
  2059     {
  2060     CAlfNode::ConstructL( aModel, aStream );
  2061     iCursorType = aStream->ReadInt32L();
  2062     aStream->ReadL( (TUint8*)&iRect, sizeof(TRect));
  2063     aStream->ReadL( (TUint8*)&iClipRect, sizeof(TRect));
  2064     iSize = iRect.Size();
  2065     iOrigin = iRect.iTl;
  2067     iFlags = aStream->ReadInt32L();
  2068     iColor = aStream->ReadInt32L();
  2069     iFlashInterval = aStream->ReadInt32L(); 
  2070     TInt32 parentId = aStream->ReadUint32L();
  2072     // TODO: 
  2073     ResolveParent( parentId, iId );
  2075     CreateWindowL(0,0,iParent->iId); // Currently renderstage does not deliver ws/wg handles
  2076     TInt offset;
  2077     // pass rest of the cursor data
  2078     TAlfCursorDataBufferAttributes* attributes = (TAlfCursorDataBufferAttributes*)CreateWindowAttributes(offset, sizeof(TAlfCursorDataBufferAttributes));
  2079     attributes->iColor = iColor;
  2080     attributes->iFlags = iFlags;
  2081     attributes->iFlashInterval = iFlashInterval;
  2082     attributes->iScreenNumber = iScreenNumber;
  2084     aModel->Server().Bridge()->AddData( EAlfDSSetCursorData, 
  2085             iGroupId, 
  2086             iId, 
  2087             (TAny*)offset );
  2089     UpdateOrdinalPosition();
  2090     }
  2092 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2093 // NewL
  2094 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2095 //
  2096 CAlfNodeTextCursor* CAlfNodeTextCursor::NewL( CAlfHierarchyModel* aModel, RMemReadStream* aStream, TInt aScreenNumber  )
  2097     {
  2098     CAlfNodeTextCursor* self = new(ELeave)CAlfNodeTextCursor();
  2099     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
  2100     self->iScreenNumber = aScreenNumber;
  2101     self->ConstructL( aModel, aStream ); 
  2102     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
  2103     return self;
  2104     }
  2106 void CAlfNodeTextCursor::AttributeChangedL( RMemReadStream* aStream )
  2107     {
  2108     // TODO: PASS FORWARD!!!
  2109     TInt attribute = aStream->ReadInt32L();
  2110     switch ( attribute )
  2111         {
  2112         case MWsWindowTreeObserver::ECursorType:
  2113             {
  2114             iCursorType = aStream->ReadInt32L();
  2115             break;
  2116             }
  2117         case MWsWindowTreeObserver::ECursorClipRect:
  2118             {
  2119             aStream->ReadL( (TUint8*)&iClipRect, sizeof(TRect));
  2120             break;
  2121             }
  2123         case MWsWindowTreeObserver::ECursorFlags:
  2124             {
  2125             iFlags = aStream->ReadInt32L();
  2126             break;
  2127             }
  2129         case MWsWindowTreeObserver::ECursorColor:
  2130             {
  2131             iColor = aStream->ReadInt32L();
  2132             break;
  2133             }
  2134         }
  2135     TInt offset;
  2136     TAlfCursorDataBufferAttributes* attributes = (TAlfCursorDataBufferAttributes*)CreateWindowAttributes(offset, sizeof(TAlfCursorDataBufferAttributes));
  2137        attributes->iColor = iColor;
  2138        attributes->iFlags = iFlags;
  2139        attributes->iFlashInterval = iFlashInterval;
  2140        attributes->iScreenNumber = iScreenNumber;
  2141        __ALFLOGSTRING("Forwarding cursor data");
  2142        iModel->Server().Bridge()->AddData( EAlfDSSetCursorData, 
  2143                iGroupId, 
  2144                iId, 
  2145                (TAny*)offset );
  2146     }
  2147 CAlfNodeTextCursor::~CAlfNodeTextCursor( )
  2148     {
  2149     // text cursor is the only text cursor in its parent. No need to check siblings.
  2150     if(iParent)
  2151         {
  2152         iParent->iTextCursor = NULL;
  2153         }
  2154     // RemoveNode is called instead of RemoveDependeciesL, because this node has no depencies.
  2155     if(iModel)
  2156         {
  2157         iModel->RemoveNode( iId );
  2158         }
  2159     }
  2161 // end of file